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Substance Abuse Lessons


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I need to submit a lesson plan f ro a month on 4 lessons on health. I am planning to do the month on substance abuse. I was going to do some powerpoint presentations or films on abuse of alcohol, drugs and smoking. Then give some handouts and worksheets. These would be interspersed with groups designing a poster to campaign agains't the use of the substances they would be given. Work sheets and the poster are no problem, my problem is finding a powerpoint/handout/film that is not too overly complicated but gives the facts about dangers to health, addiction problems and social effects. i have trawled the internet for a couple of days now and still no where near. lesson plan has to be in in 3 days. Anybody have any ideas? I have been through teacher resorce sites but to no avail.

Any help greatfully receieved


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I can't help you, but hopefully some posters will be able to. What age/grade are the students? Also, I am not sure about how many lessons your talking about, is it 1 lesson per week, per class?

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I can't help you, but hopefully some posters will be able to. What age/grade are the students? Also, I am not sure about how many lessons your talking about, is it 1 lesson per week, per class?

The lessons are 1 per week (i.e 4 in the month) the ages are P6 so around 12 years old. i too hope i can get some help especially with tsome short films as I want some impact.



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Try looking here:


The Power points come from a variety of sources and vary in quality and relevance, but with some editing, you should be able to put something useful together.

(This is a free website, so I don't think it violates the forum rules).

Edited by otherstuff1957
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