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The Gestapo Is Among Us.


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I wonder if dictators start out wanting to control people or if it comes after they become dictators.

The nice thing about a democracy is you can vote out people who are idiots. The bad thing about some democracies is that there are forces who throw out elected people until the people elect someone who is acceptable to the forces who control the coups.

Thai Visa is something like a country. There are laws and people who enforce the laws. OK everyone understands the need for that. The mods are the cops. We may not always agree with the cops but they are the cops.

But there is an independent group of future dictators or Gestapo people who think they speak for the rest of us.

I am speaking of people who use phrases like, “I'm sure I speak for the majority of posters.”

Those people are quick to label other people trolls.

Those people are quick to point when a thread is going off topic unless they push the thread off topic.

Usually those people contribute little to the thread and confine their writing to insults of the OP or name calling and asking for threads to be closed. Rarely do these people originate topics. They are mostly parasites who thrive on attempting to control others. Not content to live and let live they want all information outside of their experience or moral values censored.

After reading Thai Visa for many years I have found the targets of this Gestapo are, (not in any order) 1. Gay people,

2.Western women, 3. School teachers, 4. Americans, 5. Old people, 6. Men who pay for play. 7. Men who like legal but younger women. 8. I am probably forgetting a couple you can add them.

These future dictators instead of letting a thread run its course are insistent that the topic or OP or whatever is inappropriate for human eyes to read.

I certainly don't agree with everything I read on Thai Visa but I enjoy reading it. I enjoy conflicting opinions because it expands my viewpoint. I enjoy different perspectives from people from different cultures, age groups, genders and sexual preferences. I don't enjoy insults based on a persons age, sexual orientation, gender, nationality and so on.

I would love to see more Thais post here and people of differing sexual preferences and people who speak different languages without being ambushed by the grammar and spelling police. I admit sometimes the grammar and spelling mistakes are humorous and flagrant like a plumber not knowing how to spell, <deleted>. I would like to see some lady boys post. That would be fun.

I like diversity.

I guess my point is to the future dictators of the world, if you don't like what the person has to say, tell the OP you disagree. Debate the person. Give your opinion. Be funny. Be satirical. If you don't prevail. Leave the thread. Don't tell the rest of us not to read it. If we don't want to read it we won't read it.

Mean people suck. I hope I have not been too mean in any post. If I have I apologize and vow to try to do better in the future. I did correct a persons spelling a while back and I am still sorry about it.

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After reading Thai Visa for many years I have found the targets of this Gestapo are, (not in any order) 1. Gay people,

2.Western women, 3. School teachers, 4. Americans, 5. Old people, 6. Men who pay for play. 7. Men who like legal but younger women. 8. I am probably forgetting a couple you can add them.

I see number 6 and number 7 getting targeted. The rest, not so much.

Thaivisa is pretty PC, and as such, any attacks on numbers 1 to 5, will be stamped out quickly - and rightly so.

Whereas numbers 6 and 7 are afforded much less protection. Guess they figure you carry your own. wink.gif

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" I would like to see some lady boys post. That would be fun. "

How would you know - do you want pictures with the signatures??


PS: I am not! :rolleyes:

I think it would be interesting to read their opinions. So many people purport to know all about them here. It would be nice to get it from the horses mouth so to speak.

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I have found the targets of this Gestapo are, (not in any order) 1. Gay people,

2.Western women, 3. School teachers, 4. Americans, 5. Old people

Are there any old gay American women who happen to be teachers out there who would care to comment?

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I think you do not plan to become a dictator. It happens. When you are, then you have this power to control. When you have this power, then it is maybe like the animals that can be peaceful till they smell the blood. So i think it comes after.

To the would like to be dictators we will find here:

Is ThaiVisa like a country? Sometimes it seems more like a lunatic asylum or a therapy room/group. But i think it helps probably a lot of people. It helps me now and then for sure. As i can see I am not alone. Thanks :jap:

Gestapo are against anything that is not the same. (In Thailand 'same same') I am not in the group 1 to 7 but i have my share of beeing different and be hated (not understand) by others for it. Some examples:

Not having a car as a foreigner.

Working on rice fields even i do not get anything except work out of it. (sometimes i will be rewarded with food)

Eating all the nature is giving and what the people eat. Snake, Mouse, Lizard, raw Meat, Som Tum hot like hel_l, Dog, Cat,...

Driving 100 km with a 'Samlor' to do a 'Visa Run'.

Maybe i like to be different. But there is also the possibility that I just am as I am. My life is great. What I do has nothing to do with me having money or not. (Say this to prevent answers like: .. not have the money to spend then bla bla:bah:)

The List of targets you made can only speak for the history as we know it. Because till now we never had a country with a dictatorship that was based on being Gay, or being Western woman, or School teachers (god thanks it never happens till now), or Americans(not sure here). Of course most dictators are old people, mostly man that payed for play before and i guess they also like legal but younger woman. But this is not the base of the dictatorship.

Old is just a question of having lived a longer time. And the rest? Being the dictator means you do not need to pay for it anymore, and you can choose what is the legal or illegal in the like for younger woman. :whistling:

Maybe i would like to see a dictator that is Gay and confessing it. B)

Edited by enerzne
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you forgot the middle aged white men who have never had their opinion or view questioned before then come to thaivisa expecting to have free reign to post without having anyone disagree or question them, then get all huffy & indignant throwing words like "dictator & gestapo" around. I think that category is #9 ;)

God dam_n upstart white women & poofs for daring to have a voice. (sarcasm in case anyone missed it)

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you forgot the middle aged white men who have never had their opinion or view questioned before then come to thaivisa expecting to have free reign to post without having anyone disagree or question them, then get all huffy & indignant throwing words like "dictator & gestapo" around. I think that category is #9 ;)

God dam_n upstart white women & poofs for daring to have a voice. (sarcasm in case anyone missed it)

You go girl! :P

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Must admit it surprises me people can uproot and move halfway round the world living iwithin a different culture and surrounded by by people from all walks of life and experience can exhibit the same bigoted and short sighted vuews I experienced in a small insular village I escaped from many years ago.

Why did they bother to leave I wonder?

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For a more rounded view point of Thailand I'd like to hear more from the uneducated Thai's, but thats perhaps a little difficult given the fact that they won't have the capacity to articulate their views on this forum as 'we have not taught them English'.... :whistling:

....... they don't have internet access either!

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For a more rounded view point of Thailand I'd like to hear more from the uneducated Thai's, but thats perhaps a little difficult given the fact that they won't have the capacity to articulate their views on this forum as 'we have not taught them English'.... :whistling:

....... they don't have internet access either!

Not true. The mother of the rural Thai family I look after is always on a local internet cafe asking me for more money for the sick buffalo, or the lazy tather who had to go to the hospital, or the 14 year old daughter who got pregnant to a 15 year old boy, or the 3 kids who needs school books, or a new uniform, or is in the hospital for crashing the motorbike I bought them, or any one of a hundred other problems that happen continually. I'm not sure how they survived before I came into their life to help them out. :lol:

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For a more rounded view point of Thailand I'd like to hear more from the uneducated Thai's, but thats perhaps a little difficult given the fact that they won't have the capacity to articulate their views on this forum as 'we have not taught them English'.... :whistling:

....... they don't have internet access either!

Not true. The mother of the rural Thai family I look after is always on a local internet cafe asking me for more money for the sick buffalo, or the lazy tather who had to go to the hospital, or the 14 year old daughter who got pregnant to a 15 year old boy, or the 3 kids who needs school books, or a new uniform, or is in the hospital for crashing the motorbike I bought them, or any one of a hundred other problems that happen continually. I'm not sure how they survived before I came into their life to help them out. :lol:

Sorry Ian, I was talking about the 'uneducated Thai's' that Richard wants to hear from. My MIL fits into his niche, but unfortunately can't read or write, so couldn't use the internet even if it were in her village. Not much point in anyone opening up an internet cafe there either ...... hardly anyone in the village can read or write!

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I have found the targets of this Gestapo are, (not in any order) 1. Gay people,

2.Western women, 3. School teachers, 4. Americans, 5. Old people

Are there any old gay American women who happen to be teachers out there who would care to comment?

Met one of them once.... boy, did she have a persecution complex.

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you forgot the middle aged white men who have never had their opinion or view questioned before then come to thaivisa expecting to have free reign to post without having anyone disagree or question them, then get all huffy & indignant throwing words like "dictator & gestapo" around. I think that category is #9 ;)

God dam_n upstart white women & poofs for daring to have a voice. (sarcasm in case anyone missed it)

You go girl! :P

Sorry, but what does that mean?

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You forgot in your list people who start threads as an opportunity for self aggrandizement.

Which war are you going to nearly win in this thread?

Just what is your point? I do hope you got your wrists slapped. You certainly deserved it if you did.

I guess my point is to the future dictators of the world, if you don't like what the person has to say, tell the OP you disagree. Debate the person. Give your opinion. Be funny. Be satirical. If you don't prevail. Leave the thread. Don't tell the rest of us not to read it. If we don't want to read it we won't read it.

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you forgot the middle aged white men who have never had their opinion or view questioned before then come to thaivisa expecting to have free reign to post without having anyone disagree or question them, then get all huffy & indignant throwing words like "dictator & gestapo" around. I think that category is #9 ;)

God dam_n upstart white women & poofs for daring to have a voice. (sarcasm in case anyone missed it)

Actually, I think there are many who have had their opinions questioned before (and they lost the argument) or they have been ignored in real life or have been been unable to hold their own in the real world...so they turn up here bitter and twisted, spewing all the same nonsense that have been held to account to and dismissed...trying it here all over again to seek validation amongst like-minded people.

If I repeated some of the racist, misogynistic stereotypes expressed here, I'd be shunned by polite and civilised soiety. I suspect this is precisely what has happened to some of our esteemed posters here. Where else can you say "Indians are cheap", "Thais are stupid and lazy" or "Pattaya was sooo muych better before the cheap Russians/Chinese/Asians came" and get overwhelming support for such nonsense?

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"Next". Prime example.

I really should have included a category of dismissive pompous know it alls. “Next” is a prime example or “carry on with the BS” currently being used. It is funny though. There is another thread running where a man mocks 4 or 5 know it all posters and his post is a duplicate of the know it alls only in a different direction.

Of course my favorite know it all phrase is “nuff said.”

Which is copied relentlessly on Thai forums.

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you forgot the middle aged white men who have never had their opinion or view questioned before then come to thaivisa expecting to have free reign to post without having anyone disagree or question them, then get all huffy & indignant throwing words like "dictator & gestapo" around. I think that category is #9 ;)

God dam_n upstart white women & poofs for daring to have a voice. (sarcasm in case anyone missed it)

Before the middle aged white man was a middle aged white man he marched in the streets and voting booth to give the women and poofs a voice that had been denied them. Only to find when the women and poofs had a voice they denied the middle aged white man a voice and preferred his opinions be squelched rather than debated.

That is actually my point. Debate is good. Censorship is bad. Disagree but when the argument goes in a direction that makes you uncomfortable don't deny the rest of us an opportunity to read or voice contrary opinions. I may not agree with you but I will always defend your right to disagree.

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And then there's who post merely to stir things up and it has nothing to do with others opinions or even particularly having one of their own. And while the usual term for such posters is troll, I prefer stirrers myself, often with the expletive included because some people lead such sad lives thats the only thing they can find pleasure in.

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you forgot the middle aged white men who have never had their opinion or view questioned before then come to thaivisa expecting to have free reign to post without having anyone disagree or question them, then get all huffy & indignant throwing words like "dictator & gestapo" around. I think that category is #9 ;)

God dam_n upstart white women & poofs for daring to have a voice. (sarcasm in case anyone missed it)

You go girl! :P

Sorry, but what does that mean?

Taken from “Origins of Cliches”

you go girl/go girl - expression of support and encouragement, especially for (logically) a woman taking on a big challenge - 'you go girl', which has been made especially popular in modern use on certain daytime debate and confrontation shows, like many sayings probably developed quite naturally in everyday speech among a particular community or group, before being adopted by media personalities. The saying is not a metaphor or slang, it is literal use of language, given a particular stylised structure and emphasis, in this case which we tend to associate with a normally passive or repressed girl or woman committing and being encouraged by a supporter or interested observers to take on a challenge. 'You go girl' has been been popularised via TV by Oprah Winfrey and similar hosts/presenters, and also by US drama/comedy writers, but the roots are likely to be somewhere in the population, where it evolved as a shortening of 'you go for it' and similar variations. From its usage and style most people would associate the saying with urban black communities, given which, this is logically a main factor in its popularity.

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you forgot the middle aged white men who have never had their opinion or view questioned before then come to thaivisa expecting to have free reign to post without having anyone disagree or question them, then get all huffy & indignant throwing words like "dictator & gestapo" around. I think that category is #9 ;)

God dam_n upstart white women & poofs for daring to have a voice. (sarcasm in case anyone missed it)

Name calling? A prime example might be the use of "Gestapo" and "Dictator" :)

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