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What a lively and interesting topic (and even a couple of posts by Tom that I agree with 100%)!

Thanks for pointing that out.

If only some of those, gay and straight, who are posting there were to post here as well ........


What a lively and interesting topic (and even a couple of posts by Tom that I agree with 100%)!

Thanks for pointing that out.

If only some of those, gay and straight, who are posting there were to post here as well ........

OK... I'm shameless enough to copy and paste what I posted there this morning. Maybe it will start a discussion with a different slant on this branch of the tree.

Being a little late to this thread there's not a lot I can add that hasn't already been said, but what I'd like to point out is this: transsexuals are merely one slice (pardon the pun) of the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered) community. And...

1) Gays and lesbians aren't asking for "special rights" - just equal rights. The same as heterosexuals (who also don't "ask to be born that way" have.

2) The "statistic" posted early on ("Almost 95% of gay men hate transgenders or being evenly identified with them in any way ") is one person's opinion and at least 100 rai away from being factual. Many people have dislikes and prejudices - I don't like to be around people who refuse to use deodorants, for example - but I don't hate or wish to disassociate myself from them as members of society.

3) Someone said "Do they really need any further encouragement!?" I'd say no, no more than a straight person needs - but they deserve the same treatment and respect that the person who said this deserves.

4) It is NOT - except in very rare cases - a "lifestyle choice" to be gay. Why in the name of all that's holy would an estimated 1 in 4 choose to live a life of fear, discrimination and prejudice?

EVERYONE reading this has met a gay person, and most of you know (or are related to) at least one. Whether they've been comfortable enough to come out to you depends on them and on indications you've given as to if it's "safe".

You don't have to LIKE gay, transgendered OR straight people - but as humans we all need to tolerate our diversity. Let's not even go into prejudice over race, religion, nationality, etc.

And as for the the violence mentioned that was attributed to transsexuals: that's an anecdotal story that should be given no more weight than the 1Kb of bandwidth it took to broadcast it as a blanket truth. I'd suggest there are more cases of violence resulting from women with their Western male clients from Soi Cowboy than there are from roaming gangs of transsexuals.

Live and let live, people. If you don't care for mango, don't eat them - but don't go around cutting down the trees.

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