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Ice In Beer, Yea Or Nay?



198 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the practice of putting ice in beer to keep it cold?

    • It's fine. It keeps it ice cold
    • It's wrong. Beer isn't meant to be drunk that way
    • I don't know. I don't like beer.

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a few ice cubes here and there, i can tolerate.

ice in my whiskey with a splash of soda, goes without saying.

but, red wine and not a cheap bottle too, in an ice bucket or even worse still, ice cubes actually in the glass itself with the wine. absolute philistines ! annoyed.gif

Sorry, but I put ice in wine - red or white (if the white's not chilled enough). Definitely in red.

Sticks and stones .... biggrin.gif

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Putting ice in a quality beer is like putting ketchup (the watery sugary liquid) on quality meat. It reveals the person's undeveloped palate. :lol:

C'mon, who would violate the sanctity of a good beer by watering it down? Sure, with some beers like a Leo it helps, taking the bite off of the vile aftertaste. And the crap from Fosters is already watery so it doesn't matter, but surely who would dare defile the sanctity of a Newcastle B.A. with an ice cube? It's an affront to all that is good and pure in this spinning world. Oh I do fear for the sanity of some. Ice in a quality beer, indeed. (Please make a harrumph sound when reading that part, thank you.)

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I think there is only one beer that tastes Ok when it's warm, and it isn't a Thai one, so I will put ice in if it is necessary but would prefer it without.


And yes, ice negates the godawful taste of Thai 'beers'. And I agree re the dehydration aspect.

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Putting ice in a quality beer is like putting ketchup (the watery sugary liquid) on quality meat. It reveals the person's undeveloped palate. :lol:

C'mon, who would violate the sanctity of a good beer by watering it down? Sure, with some beers like a Leo it helps, taking the bite off of the vile aftertaste. And the crap from Fosters is already watery so it doesn't matter, but surely who would dare defile the sanctity of a Newcastle B.A. with an ice cube? It's an affront to all that is good and pure in this spinning world. Oh I do fear for the sanity of some. Ice in a quality beer, indeed. (Please make a harrumph sound when reading that part, thank you.)

Um, don't think OP was talking about the 'quality' Thai beers :lol: Of course you wouldn't put it in Guinness, Speckled Hen, Ruddles ... Do keep up dear chap.

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At home (Pattaya) no, I hate ice in beer but up at the in-laws (Kamphaeng Phet) I have little choice...the beer comes warm and they don't own a fridge.

ya stingy bugger buy them a bloody fridge  :D:D:D:whistling::whistling:

Yep and when they get the next electric bill they will unplug it. ;)

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Up in Chiang Saen, we were having a bit of a drink up, there were buckets of ice and there was a fridge and there was beer chang, in bottles.

I spent a good long while explaining, as best I could, that there'a already plenty of water in beer chang and if you add ice, it melts and you have even more water in your beer! 'Mai dee loei!'

I got a fairly large bowl, filled it with ice cubes and put about three bottles in it to cool whilst I drank one that had been in the freezer compartment of the fridge.

Everyone agreed it was, indeed, much better.

Then they put ice in it! :lol:

I gave up, but I WILL NOT put ice in my own beer, there are some things that are just wrong, line in the sand etc. etc.

I'm quite happy to drink water, I don't mind that beer has some water in it already, in fact it wouldn't be runny enough to drink if it didn't.

I will also drink water in between drinking beer, but not in the same glass!

I know that us brits are supposed to have previously had a penchant for warm or room temperature beer, but I think that was bitter, like the afore-mentioned speckled hen, newcie brown etc. but lager, with ice in it? Not for me thankyouverymuchforasking, NO! :lol:

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well...sometimes the local custom is to drink room temperature beer with ice...I'm in a central Vietnam province on a big project and there was a ground breaking ceremony with all local bigwigs, ministry and Party officials in attendance...it was quite a 'do' and after there was a splendid banquet laid on at a hotel in the nearest local town, never seen prawns that big ever...tables resplendent with unending quantities of room temperature Bia Hanoi and large buckets of ice...

sometimes ye gots to go wid de flow...:)

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Keep it colder, drink it faster, no need for ice.

Voted no, but I'll occasionally use it if the beer is not very cold to start with.

^^ Agree with Graham's point, although in LoS it's almost always lager or pilsener for me.

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well...sometimes the local custom is to drink room temperature beer with ice...I'm in a central Vietnam province on a big project and there was a ground breaking ceremony with all local bigwigs, ministry and Party officials in attendance...it was quite a 'do' and after there was a splendid banquet laid on at a hotel in the nearest local town, never seen prawns that big ever...tables resplendent with unending quantities of room temperature Bia Hanoi and large buckets of ice...

sometimes ye gots to go wid de flow...:)

Yeah I agree, not worth making a fuss over it :)

I would have slipped a couple of bottles into the ice bucket though :D

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In the village it's standard practice to go to the village shop buy 3 bottles of Change and 2 kg of ice, you put the ice in the glass then pour in the beer, and you know, the ice seems to counteract the dehydrating effect of the beer as you never wake up with a hangover and boy have I had some drinking sessions in the village, especially on Sunday afternoon as we sat ate pork crackling, drank Chang Beer and watched Muay Thi

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A sacrilege punishable by death or worst be forced to listen to my wife’s description of her day out with her girlfriends shopping. Yes dear . Yes dear yes dear , zzzzzzzzzzzz :boring: .

Seriously, Ice in the beer, melts and dilute the taste, also makes the beer go Flat faster.

If your beer gets warm, stop being a slacker and drink faster!!!! :burp:

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I drink ice in my beer for 2 good reasons (in my mind) and not just because "when in Rome, do as Romans"

1. It keeps it cold. I also don't drink it fast enough, and I can't tolerate warm beer.

2. It waters it down. I drink enough of the stuff, I don't want to get too drunk too fast. There was a little trick back in the US that if you didn't want to get drunk, drink a glass of water for every bottle of beer you drink. The melted ice keeps me hydrated, which lessons my hangover.

I take alot of sh1t from my friends in the US, until they come here and experience the heat, then a beer with ice that stays cold isn't so bad. I guarantee they would never admit to it, and switch right back to no ice when they get home.


That about sums it up!

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A sacrilege punishable by death or worst be forced to listen to my wife’s description of her day out with her girlfriends shopping. Yes dear . Yes dear yes dear , zzzzzzzzzzzz :boring: .

Seriously, Ice in the beer, melts and dilute the taste, also makes the beer go Flat faster.

If your beer gets warm, stop being a slacker and drink faster!!!! :burp:


If you want to drink water, buy water! :D

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I prefer it cold in a bottle or glass however, with the heat and the large size bottles it would warm up too quickly for my taste. I found that in Issan it seams to be the norm to have a bucket of ice with your warm beer. Of course you will be charged extra for the ice! But hey, after the first couple it really doesn't matter! :rolleyes: Whenever, I'm asked what type of beer I like I usually respond....COLD!

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Where I was in central VN the concept of keeping beer cold had not really taken hold so it was room temperature, circa 35 degrees, beer :sick: or get used to ice in it.

There was one day I was sat there when they took delivery of the ice in the form of a large slab that they set down on the sidewalk and chopped it into smaller chunks. While they were taking one batch to store in the freezer one of the dogs wandered over and had a lick of one of the chunks :sick::sick: . And to think some people worry about them making ice from tap water.

We did buy one of the cafes a fridge but when we all pitched up the next day the woman had filled it with food! :w00t: She was given a little bit of re-education and it was fine thereafter. :thumbsup:

I voted against the idea as it is wrong but, as others have said, it's better than warm beer.

I have a story along the same lines I was in Hoi An for a week it was the early hours of the morning in a bar where the moto taxi guys used to drink. I have my beer with ice but need the toilet as I walk through the kitchen to the toilet I pass an old lady sat in the floor with machete chopping away at the ice (the floor was filthy) It put me off ice for a couple of days, only to fall ill when I ate a sheperds pie in a western ran bar. No ice worries now.

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Would you accept watered down beer from the bar??

Why water it down yourself?? :bah:

There are freezer glasses, which need to be cooled in the fridge first

or one of those wrap around jackets to stop the glass/can heating up to quickly.

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family & friends quickly learned beer goes in ice to get/stay cold, not ice goes in beer.

local shop keeps extra of my preference in the fridge when she knows I'm in the way. I could love that woman - but....

A pewter mug will keep the beer cold longer than glass.

Malaysian pewter is better than Thai.

Long live cold beer in pewter.

I will tolerate ice in beer if I wasn't quick enough to stop it, or if the lass putting it in is sufficiently distracting :-)

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As far as I can read on this silly thread, only two people have mentioned the dire consequences of drinking contaminated water (ice). I automatically every time refuse ice in beer for that reason alone...I don't want to take the risk of having ice that contains dog piss. Besides, of course, the act of watering down beer means one is drinking piss, plus one's visits to the pisser will be that much more pronounced.

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