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Horrific Scenes Shown On Thaitv3 Now


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Dunno what other people think but one thing i find really disturbing about Thailand is the way they show images of dead people on TV and in newspapers.

Just this minute Thaitv3 are showing footage of a road accident involving a drunk truck driver who crashes into some Police who are loading a stolen moped onto the back of another pick up truck. Graphic images of seriously injured victims are repeatedly shown. The actual accident has been played back in slow motion at least 10 times. Not a lot shocks me but this is about as gruesome as it gets for me.

Anybody else watching?????????

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Does'nt bother me watching that type of thing now.

I think its good because it shows the reality of what happens, shame some of the residents here don't think it could happen to them. :D

I dont know if i could ever get used to seeing mangled up bodies!

For sure it serves as a reminder for us westerners, but Thai's are not world champions at recognising the consequences of thier actions are they :o

For sure there is always a crowd around the guy who has had a motorcycle accident, they want to see the dead body.

How it happened and what could be done to prevent it from happening again.......these thoughts are stricly for the "stupid fat farang" :D:D

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We are WAY over protected in the West.

A few more shots of mangled US and Brit soldiers would show how futile George W's war in Iraq really is. Not going to happen though, is it?

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Dunno what other people think but one thing i find really disturbing about Thailand is the way they show images of dead people on TV and in newspapers.

Just this minute Thaitv3 are showing footage of a road accident involving a drunk truck driver who crashes into some Police who are loading a stolen moped onto the back of another pick up truck. Graphic images of seriously injured victims are repeatedly shown. The actual accident has been played back in slow motion at least 10 times . Not a lot shocks me but this is about as gruesome as it gets for me.

Anybody else watching?????????

And you watched all 10 times?

Once would be enough for a person of your sensitivity and refined upbringing, wouldn't it?

Twice would be, perhaps accidental.

But 10 times? Gotta conclude you love it and yearn for it!

Next time get a beer and revel in it!

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We are WAY over protected in the West.

A few more shots of mangled US and Brit soldiers would show how futile George W's war in Iraq really is. Not going to happen though, is it?

ABSOLUTELY!!! Agree with you with every word.

In Europe you can die at 75 without EVER having seen a dead person. This I consider NOT normal; death is a part of life. Censoring doesn't make any good to anyone. It makes very effective lesson to see what can happen when drunken has put himself on the wheels.

No; I don't mind if my mangled body is shown on the TV, or my relatives', if it wakes up someone to slow down his driving or makes someone to think twice before driving drunk.

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And you watched all 10 times?

Once would be enough for a person of your sensitivity and refined upbringing, wouldn't it?

Twice would be, perhaps accidental.

But 10 times? Gotta conclude you love it and yearn for it!

Next time get a beer and revel in it!

No I did not watch 10 times, i was busy typing the post, but i could hear the tv going on about it, dunno about refined or sensetive, have you ever been to Birmingham, England, it's about as refined as dog dirt.me included.

go back to watching the dollar implode!!!!! :o:D:D

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Yep, death is a reality of life. The only problem I have is the carcasses which are frequently shown in the Thai media are someone's son, daughter, father, mother ect ect . I know if it was someone I was close to I would not want a picture of their body just to get tv ratings or sell newspapers . How about a bit of respect for the dead and their family ? :o

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Yep, death is a reality of life. The only problem I have is the carcasses which are frequently shown in the Thai media  are someone's son, daughter, father, mother ect ect . I know if it was someone I was close to I would not want a picture of their body just to get tv ratings or sell newspapers . How about a bit of respect for the dead and their family ?  :o

Here Here, I guess this is what was getting at in the original post. It just seems so disrespectful. :D

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Yep, death is a reality of life. The only problem I have is the carcasses which are frequently shown in the Thai media  are someone's son, daughter, father, mother ect ect . I know if it was someone I was close to I would not want a picture of their body just to get tv ratings or sell newspapers . How about a bit of respect for the dead and their family ?  :o

Agree with this. No objection to showing at scene of accident shots, but yesterday on my local cable network showed car accident where guy was crushed, but not dead. Later switched to hospital where showed wife and kids crying at his bedside whilst he died. Going a bit far :D

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ah you pansies


I like it when the TV shows someone who has just been arrested for stealing a bag or something. They then show them in the Police Station with everybody pointing a finger at the culprit, looking all sad and gloomy :D

Great TV :D

Mr BoJ

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That was it ??? :o Strange how you find that really disturbing ... Seen much much worse things on tv and in my mailbox . This was more educational then disturbing imo . Nothing really wrong with this footage , allthough it shouldn't happen but that is why it's educational .

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Yep, death is a reality of life. The only problem I have is the carcasses which are frequently shown in the Thai media  are someone's son, daughter, father, mother ect ect . I know if it was someone I was close to I would not want a picture of their body just to get tv ratings or sell newspapers . How about a bit of respect for the dead and their family ?  :o

In Gross Anatomy class in the old college days, I would wait until one of the sections of 5 people allowed to view the cadaver would pass out.

I would run in, pull them out of the room, revive them in their seat and take their place for some extra viewing and poking and prodding time with the body.

I was fascinated by it and couldn't get enough. What an opportunity.

Of course I am a physician now.

However I admit I do like gore movies living dead, vampires etc.

And I do respect Jerry Garcia... :D

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I just watched the videos.

More frightening than the accidents were the way the "paramedics' just went in and unsuccessfully tried to yank the unfortunate victims out of the wreck without immobilizing the neck/spine or doing any other visual evaluation before trying to move the victim.

Now that does scare me... :o

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I just watched the videos.

More frightening than the accidents were the way the "paramedics' just went in and unsuccessfully tried to yank  the unfortunate victims out of the wreck without immobilizing the neck/spine or doing any other visual evaluation before trying to move the victim.

Now that does scare me... :D

I'm not certain of course, but I suspect the "paramedics" you refer to are actually the so called "rescue" organisation personnel - or more accurately : "body collectors". I notice that for some reason they always drive around in pick-ups with the name of the organisation in Chinese...even though it is in Thailand...not sure of the significance of it, but as soon as I see one, I know what it is...


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I just watched the videos.

I'm not certain of course, but I suspect the "paramedics" you refer to are actually the so called "rescue" organisation personnel - or more accurately : "body collectors". I notice that for some reason they always drive around in pick-ups with the name of the organisation in Chinese...even though it is in Thailand...not sure of the significance of it, but as soon as I see one, I know what it is...

In many ethnic immigrant groups around the world there are benevolent associations that one joins whose primary function is to help a grieving family with funeral arrangements. In Bangkok some Chinese associations have evolved (devolved?) into non-denominational "pay-as-you-go bye-bye" funeral groups.

In the past there have been violent confrontations between competing groups of body snatchers in Bangkok as the grieving families are expected to pay these groups to facilitate funeral arrangements. They are also rather notorious for relieving the recently deceased of valuables as compensation for their services.

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I just watched the videos.

More frightening than the accidents were the way the "paramedics' just went in and unsuccessfully tried to yank  the unfortunate victims out of the wreck without immobilizing the neck/spine or doing any other visual evaluation before trying to move the victim.

Now that does scare me... :D

Hi Pepe. Yeah, improvised medics...

I've told my wife numerous times that if ever anything happens to me, tell the pick up truck guys to get lost. I'd rather have FedEx pick me up .

I like the way the front page pictures show the rescue teams pointing with the index at the body, just in case you had missed :o .

Sort of like deer hunting pictures after a successful run.

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ah you pansies


I like it when the TV shows someone who has just been arrested for stealing a bag or something. They then show them in the Police Station with everybody pointing a finger at the culprit, looking all sad and gloomy :D

Great TV :D

Mr BoJ

Am I the only one who has a problem with this? Seems like the police also likes to act as judge (not to mention executioner). Presumed innocent until proven guilty seems like an alien concept here, apparently.....

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I just watched the videos.

More frightening than the accidents were the way the "paramedics' just went in and unsuccessfully tried to yank  the unfortunate victims out of the wreck without immobilizing the neck/spine or doing any other visual evaluation before trying to move the victim.

Now that does scare me... :D

Hi Pepe. Yeah, improvised medics...

I've told my wife numerous times that if ever anything happens to me, tell the pick up truck guys to get lost. I'd rather have FedEx pick me up .

I like the way the front page pictures show the rescue teams pointing with the index at the body, just in case you had missed :o .

Sort of like deer hunting pictures after a successful run.

Hi Penz,

I didn't catch the guys pointing. I did like the cops letting select people knock the crp out of otheres until they almost had to draw their guns to stop it.

Hey I was raised in Newark then graduated to a tour of Vietnam, so not much really fazes me.

I 've also been practicing medicine for twelve years now so you do get kind of jaded... :D

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