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7-Eleven Joins Thai Police In Fighting Crimes Against Foreign Tourists

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I hate 711's when you go in 1 poor bast*rd is doing all the work while 5 of them are picking their noses and sending text messages - idiots

Never seen that. Have often seen one serving and others working.

Everybody has an opinion that is free to be voiced.

I don't think people should have one going by some of the rubbish on here.

And you, my friend; how about you <deleted>. Nobody's impressed.


Echoing someone else, the negativity is really boring and is dragging this site down. How about just not saying anything rather than spouting laboured tripe for the sake of it? Anything to help tourists is a step in the right direction. In this case, there would clearly be people clued up enough to recognise a tourist in distress and to be able to call the tourist police. Few tourists would even know the TP exist!



Oh honey , lets go to thailand for our next holiday , 7-Eleven are working with the police so they say and it's much safer now.

Excuse me ! i've been robbed !! there were two boys on motorbikes ... they took my gold and my rolex watch !! ......... Ok sir , you like 1-2-call ... how mut ? ...... no !! i've been robbed !! ....... sorry sir , i speak engwish little !!

I wonder if I can pay my parking fine at 7-Eleven now ?

Does this mean if you see a 7-Eleven with police car sirens screaming outside , it's not necessarily being robbed ?

I can just see the highly trained 7-Eleven staff handling a complaint from a japanese tourist who's just been mugged by 2 germans and an italian named Luigi Ventiscaninio .

:clap2: .........:giggle:


I hate 711's when you go in 1 poor bast*rd is doing all the work while 5 of them are picking their noses and sending text messages - idiots

Never seen that. Have often seen one serving and others working.

Everybody has an opinion that is free to be voiced.

I don't think people should have one going by some of the rubbish on here.

And you, my friend; how about you <deleted>. Nobody's impressed.


Echoing someone else, the negativity is really boring and is dragging this site down. How about just not saying anything rather than spouting laboured tripe for the sake of it? Anything to help tourists is a step in the right direction. In this case, there would clearly be people clued up enough to recognise a tourist in distress and to be able to call the tourist police. Few tourists would even know the TP exist!

HAHA, wow what an intelligent well spoken person! Ever considered running for mayor?


Wow! Aren't you the 'nattering nabob of negativity' today.

I believe its called being realistic not living in a fantasy dream world

PS. Do you actually know the meaning of word nabob?

Negativity is his native language. Did you notice in one post all he could do was ask who told you this and then his negative comment. Never once volunteering the information of who told him it was not going to work.

I for the life of me can not understand why such a obviously gifted and intelligent individual would choose to live in a country he can not say one good thing about.

Seemingly intelligent, definitely self-loving and arrogant, hope I never meet him, the type that 5 minutes in the company of would be 5 minutes too long. A self-absorbant twit.


Wow! Aren't you the 'nattering nabob of negativity' today.

I believe its called being realistic not living in a fantasy dream world

PS. Do you actually know the meaning of word nabob?

Negativity is his native language. Did you notice in one post all he could do was ask who told you this and then his negative comment. Never once volunteering the information of who told him it was not going to work.

I for the life of me can not understand why such a obviously gifted and intelligent individual would choose to live in a country he can not say one good thing about.

Every single one of your post on any given topic Thailand is the best and does everything the best, you should consider coming off prozac for a change.

If its not that, i do not know where you come from, but your home country must of been one big s-hole for you to consider everything in Thailand to be the best.

If you unable to tell the difference between good and bad, smart and stupid, useful and useless, productive and worthless-i really do not know what help is out there.


Wow! Aren't you the 'nattering nabob of negativity' today.

I believe its called being realistic not living in a fantasy dream world

PS. Do you actually know the meaning of word nabob?

Negativity is his native language. Did you notice in one post all he could do was ask who told you this and then his negative comment. Never once volunteering the information of who told him it was not going to work.

I for the life of me can not understand why such a obviously gifted and intelligent individual would choose to live in a country he can not say one good thing about.

Seemingly intelligent, definitely self-loving and arrogant, hope I never meet him, the type that 5 minutes in the company of would be 5 minutes too long. A self-absorbant twit.

Ohhh the personal attacks with no relevance to the thread-got to love those :)

PS. I do not recall wanting or inviting to meet anyone, but if i was, you may need to pay by the minute not by the hour


animatic is right on. Doing this at 7/11 is worth a try. Good for them for trying this out. The rest of you, give it a rest! I visit 7/11 all the time and they are usually working and serving customers. I've never seen them standing around picking their nose. Never. But I've only been around Thailand for 8 years...so maybe I'm missing something.

Jeez...you have to be kidding. Crimes happen on Khao San Road all the time. Read Lonely Plant's Thorntree sometime. There is a new thread about a credit card scam going on right now. Unfortunately, many of the crimes there are committed by tourists against tourists.

How about the Russian guy who died recently in Pattaya right on walking street? Got into a fight with some locals and ended up dead. How about the weekly snatching of gold on Beach Road? Or the pickpockets that happen on a daily basis in this area. Probably won't happen in the major malls (though a Russian got arrested last week for stealing and a Japanese guy got arrested for filming up girls dresses at Central). How about the rapes on Samui, Phuket? The shooting in Mae Hong Son? Or the shooting in Kanchanaburi?

Crimes against tourists happen where they congregate. Which is major tourist areas. Like Pattaya. Follow the news a little more closely and you will see all the crimes against tourists that occur here.

Again, congrats for the mayor trying to do something right. How about supporting him rather than slagging him off? He may not be perfect, but he is trying to do some good things here in Pattaya. They may not all work out, but at least he is trying. Like the pedestrian walkways on Beach Road. The roping off for an area to swim at night (not that I'd want to swim in there). The curfew for jet skis at night (to reduce the fatalities). The lights on the beach for safety. The volunteer police force. And of course, all the festivals he has been promoting lately. Good stuff!!!!!

Yes you right, but those crimes, like the credit card scam will not be solved by the police, the pickpockets will not be dealt by the police many other ones do not require urgent assistance and police will not even take report for it.

The bashing you mentioned, happens almost every single day, and police never comes out-even though they have a a van right there on walking street, not to mention all the "little helpers" who are right there but chose to walk past and do nothing.

The drug dealers harras people right across the road from police station, the taxi guys offering drugs right in front of police station and nothing is done

So if police is right there and does nothing, "little helpers" are right there and do nothing, how would 7-11 make any difference???

PS. its NOT Mayors initiative and not for 1 region but Thailand wide. Its police initiative and TAT. Mayor ,Of say Pattaya is well aware that this kind of time wasting will not solve anything and if anything will create more problems for the victim


Wow! Aren't you the 'nattering nabob of negativity' today.

I believe its called being realistic not living in a fantasy dream world

PS. Do you actually know the meaning of word nabob?

Negativity is his native language. Did you notice in one post all he could do was ask who told you this and then his negative comment. Never once volunteering the information of who told him it was not going to work.

I for the life of me can not understand why such a obviously gifted and intelligent individual would choose to live in a country he can not say one good thing about.

It is called common sense and rationality, what other information do you need????

Read my previous post, where i broke it down for you in detail why i do not believe this will be of any help at all, while you and your little supporters of few words have not been able to give even 1 decent comment on why this is a great idea.

You really need to get out more from the village and experience more things in Thailand to know what is good and bad.

When police and gov will introduce useful and helpful initiative, i will be the first one to praise it. But for every 1 good one, they come up with 200 useless ones.

One perfect example would be setting up a center for tourists and expats where they can report the extortion by the police, but would be too much of a useful exercise.

Just one fact alone and majority of the people on this forum do not support the idea should already give you enough information, but it must be that we all negative and do nto see what you see. Or we do not have the "special" glasses

Here is a great idea!!!! Please name 1 -2 initiative introduced by this government and police that worked and proven to be useful????

PS. creating tourist police was a great idea, the only problem with that is bars now need to pay more, to them also on monthly basis


Why are all you people here? It is so rare to see a positive comment on this site that I can only conclude that participants are so jaded that nothing will satisfy or please them. "Why don't they stop the crime in the first place" -- yeah, just like the do in other countries with a MUCH higher crime rates than here. "They don't speak English." -- Wow, a Thai who doesn't speak English!! You're in Thailand, for god's sake, learn some Thai! "A ladyboy behind the counter" -- yeah, in your country their beaten to a pulp in the back alley. That's better, isn't it? What a bunch of pussies.


Before criticising, how about waiting to see how it works out? Sounds like a not a unreasonable idea to me. Certainly worth a try IMHO.


I wonder if you will have to pay 7/11 to report/help with a crime, the same as the police ?

Or maybe anyone can just pay 7/11 off, the same as the police ?!!

Or maybe when a mugging/assault is in progress the staff will just join in because its a ting tong farang !!

Good luck to them but I can only see it being another extension of an already corrupt poor system run by ignorance.

I would of thought there are much better ways of improving the system.................like maybe the police actually policing.


Why are all you people here? It is so rare to see a positive comment on this site that I can only conclude that participants are so jaded that nothing will satisfy or please them. "Why don't they stop the crime in the first place" -- yeah, just like the do in other countries with a MUCH higher crime rates than here. "They don't speak English." -- Wow, a Thai who doesn't speak English!! You're in Thailand, for god's sake, learn some Thai! "A ladyboy behind the counter" -- yeah, in your country their beaten to a pulp in the back alley. That's better, isn't it? What a bunch of pussies.

I do not know that that is true. Thailand is beautiful, and there are a lot of benefits to living here, but with very little thanks to the natives. The environment is a bonus. But dealing with the every day necessities and luxuries means dealing with the ones who have control over them; the Thai people. It is difficult to assimilate into a society that feeds on chaos and corruption and no sense of fair play. The playing field is uneven. It is no secret, and a fact. Being able to voice it is a way to vent a little bit in order to keep a little sanity and make sure one is not the only one experiencing it.

The benefits usually come from the foreigner doing extensive research and footwork to make sure the thing they want (whether a necessity or luxury) is exactly what they want, and of quality for the value and cost. Whether construction, plumbing, electrical, electronics, law enforcement, schooling, etc. getting the same straight, honest answer and a quality service or product from two or more Thais is a rarity, and more of a game for them to see how little they can do for the most of your money. But again, with a little bit of intelligence, one can usually overcome these certainties, and use them to one's advantage to get that thing you want.

If you have ever had Thais construct your house, you will understand what I mean. This mentality extends into the service and law enforcement sector. So, the trade off for living here is acceptable to the collateral damage done to one's mind when dealing with chaos and lunacy. Venting is simply a signal flare, in the hopes that one is not alone and at least partially understood by those who have had similar experiences. Nothing about being jaded or bored; but only that one is not losing it.


and perfect example would be Kaorsan Rd, you hear of many crimes there?-i have not

You hear of any crimes in Nana?(besides of course ladyboys robbing)-i have not

MBK?, Central in Pattaya? or Central in BKK?

Actually you may never hear of any unless it is from the horses mouth or a hand me down from the friend or a friend of the friend or a witness such as a bar girl.

A year and a half ago my 66 year old friend was the target of being drugged somewhere on Soi 4. He barely made it to the 7-11 after realizing that he was a target and then got inside. The staff actually saw the predicament and let him stay there until they called a police man to come and help. They did get somethings of his, but not all as they were trying for.

I have personally heard of many of incidents on my visits down to BKK from CM. But, I hear them from speaking with the bar girls on the outside from having general conversation shooting the breeze. Only so many things one can talk about in a 2-3 hours course of drinking and chat it up.

By the way, my friend speaks atrocious Thai, almost non Thai.



Why are all you people here? It is so rare to see a positive comment on this site that I can only conclude that participants are so jaded that nothing will satisfy or please them. "Why don't they stop the crime in the first place" -- yeah, just like the do in other countries with a MUCH higher crime rates than here.

They do, in Australia if a shop or anyone caught cheating tourists they get either a nice $300 000 fine or 1-2 years in jail

"They don't speak English." -- Wow, a Thai who doesn't speak English!! You're in Thailand, for god's sake, learn some Thai!

READ OP AGAIN,"7-Eleven Joins in Fighting Crimes on Foreign Tourists"

Why would a tourist learn some Thai? Do you speak Thai?If you did speak some, you would know that "some" is way not enough to converse or explain yourself, even if someone was to learn a few phrases. Knowing 1 word in 5 word sentence really will not be much use, would it? Not mention getting the tones right to be understood is a totally different matter.

Do English tourists learn german when go for holiday once a year to Germany?

For the 3rd time, English is an international language and any country catering for tourists should have some basic knowledge of English language, especially in the country that gets huge numbers from mainly English speaking countries.


you may never hear of any unless it is from the horses mouth or a hand me down from the friend or a friend of the friend or a witness such as a bar girl.

A year and a half ago my 66 year old friend was the target of being drugged somewhere on Soi 4. He barely made it to the 7-11 after realizing that he was a target and then got inside. The staff actually saw the predicament and let him stay there until they called a police man to come and help. They did get somethings of his, but not all as they were trying for.

I have personally heard of many of incidents on my visits down to BKK from CM. But, I hear them from speaking with the bar girls on the outside from having general conversation shooting the breeze. Only so many things one can talk about in a 2-3 hours course of drinking and chat it up.

By the way, my friend speaks atrocious Thai, almost non Thai.


I do a lot of business in Kaorsan rd and am there every week for the past 7 years, never seen anything.thats not to say it does not happened.

If the crime is committed in the heavy tourist populated area then there are always many witnesses, then it raises another question, why nothing is done to stop the offender by the locals? police? and volunteers?As this crimes are done by the same people on regular basis.

I have had first hand experience with being drugged and robbed. I did go to police, had the video of the person and many other info.

They did absolutely nothing. and i mean nothing. As i was in the station, the thief was using my card to buy air plane tickets in the airport and they still did nothing, where all they had to do was contact airport police and have them arrested.

So they can make every 7-11, family mart, tailor, somtam lady and fruit seller as a place to seek help, it does not mean help will come and if it does, it does mean anything will be done and usually nothing is done. Out of millions of problems that tourists experience daily, how many get positive results?

Also keep in mind, that even if they act and apprehend the offender "red handed" then the victim will need to stay in Thailand to give evidence in court. How many tourists would be willing to do that?

The REAL initiative should be to introduce real and tough punishments for those involved-that would help to fight the crime, not the place to make a report and have ti thrown in the rubbish bin 5 mins later

The REAL initiative would be to have more police on the street to actually act when they see the crime, not to laugh or be part of it


animatic is right on. Doing this at 7/11 is worth a try. Good for them for trying this out. The rest of you, give it a rest! I visit 7/11 all the time and they are usually working and serving customers. I've never seen them standing around picking their nose. Never. But I've only been around Thailand for 8 years...so maybe I'm missing something.

Jeez...you have to be kidding. Crimes happen on Khao San Road all the time. Read Lonely Plant's Thorntree sometime. There is a new thread about a credit card scam going on right now. Unfortunately, many of the crimes there are committed by tourists against tourists.

How about the Russian guy who died recently in Pattaya right on walking street? Got into a fight with some locals and ended up dead. How about the weekly snatching of gold on Beach Road? Or the pickpockets that happen on a daily basis in this area. Probably won't happen in the major malls (though a Russian got arrested last week for stealing and a Japanese guy got arrested for filming up girls dresses at Central). How about the rapes on Samui, Phuket? The shooting in Mae Hong Son? Or the shooting in Kanchanaburi?

Crimes against tourists happen where they congregate. Which is major tourist areas. Like Pattaya. Follow the news a little more closely and you will see all the crimes against tourists that occur here.

Again, congrats for the mayor trying to do something right. How about supporting him rather than slagging him off? He may not be perfect, but he is trying to do some good things here in Pattaya. They may not all work out, but at least he is trying. Like the pedestrian walkways on Beach Road. The roping off for an area to swim at night (not that I'd want to swim in there). The curfew for jet skis at night (to reduce the fatalities). The lights on the beach for safety. The volunteer police force. And of course, all the festivals he has been promoting lately. Good stuff!!!!!

Yes you right, but those crimes, like the credit card scam will not be solved by the police, the pickpockets will not be dealt by the police many other ones do not require urgent assistance and police will not even take report for it.

The bashing you mentioned, happens almost every single day, and police never comes out-even though they have a a van right there on walking street, not to mention all the "little helpers" who are right there but chose to walk past and do nothing.

The drug dealers harras people right across the road from police station, the taxi guys offering drugs right in front of police station and nothing is done

So if police is right there and does nothing, "little helpers" are right there and do nothing, how would 7-11 make any difference???

PS. its NOT Mayors initiative and not for 1 region but Thailand wide. Its police initiative and TAT. Mayor ,Of say Pattaya is well aware that this kind of time wasting will not solve anything and if anything will create more problems for the victim

Actually, they are being worked on by the police. Not all are bad apples. And some do try. I know as I have several relatives who are cops here. One is top notch and would NEVER take a bribe. But others...well...not so good. So please don't try and paint all police in Thailand as bad. That is not true and is BS statement.

For sure they try. Just look in the local Pattaya paper. These pickpockets, gold snatchers, etc. are in the paper every week. At the police station with the tourist pointing a finger at them. So they do try...and reports are taken. And some of the criminals do end up in jail. It's a tough job. You don't like it, become a volunteer and try and help solve the problem rather than just slagging them off.

I had to do a police report several years ago for a ridiculous problem we had with the phone company in BKK. They were polite and typed up a report for us to give to the phone company. It had to do with an improper address they had for us...and needed a police report to fix it!!!!! <deleted>. But they helped us out and it was great. And at the end, even gave us a ride back to BTS!!!! For free....

I've seen them with guys handcuffed right on Walking Street. Several times actually...both Thai's as well as farangs. So they actually DO something, not like you say.

As far as drug dealers and taxi guys...yes, there's a problem. Many cops are on the take. But not all. And a blanket statement that nothing is done is wrong.

And yes, it is the mayor's initiative. It was started by TAT and the national police chief, but the mayor stepped up and offered to trial the program here. Good for him! How about a little support and not being so negative??? If you hate this place so much, why are you here?


Why are all you people here? It is so rare to see a positive comment on this site that I can only conclude that participants are so jaded that nothing will satisfy or please them. "Why don't they stop the crime in the first place" -- yeah, just like the do in other countries with a MUCH higher crime rates than here. "They don't speak English." -- Wow, a Thai who doesn't speak English!! You're in Thailand, for god's sake, learn some Thai! "A ladyboy behind the counter" -- yeah, in your country their beaten to a pulp in the back alley. That's better, isn't it? What a bunch of pussies.

I do not know that that is true. Thailand is beautiful, and there are a lot of benefits to living here, but with very little thanks to the natives. The environment is a bonus. But dealing with the every day necessities and luxuries means dealing with the ones who have control over them; the Thai people. It is difficult to assimilate into a society that feeds on chaos and corruption and no sense of fair play. The playing field is uneven. It is no secret, and a fact. Being able to voice it is a way to vent a little bit in order to keep a little sanity and make sure one is not the only one experiencing it.

The benefits usually come from the foreigner doing extensive research and footwork to make sure the thing they want (whether a necessity or luxury) is exactly what they want, and of quality for the value and cost. Whether construction, plumbing, electrical, electronics, law enforcement, schooling, etc. getting the same straight, honest answer and a quality service or product from two or more Thais is a rarity, and more of a game for them to see how little they can do for the most of your money. But again, with a little bit of intelligence, one can usually overcome these certainties, and use them to one's advantage to get that thing you want.

If you have ever had Thais construct your house, you will understand what I mean. This mentality extends into the service and law enforcement sector. So, the trade off for living here is acceptable to the collateral damage done to one's mind when dealing with chaos and lunacy. Venting is simply a signal flare, in the hopes that one is not alone and at least partially understood by those who have had similar experiences. Nothing about being jaded or bored; but only that one is not losing it.

I would have a cup with you anytime.biggrin.gif Perfect summary of Thailand living and its conditions

I am afraid though, it still may not register for some.


I'm not very clever to understand the reasons and the consequences of such a crazy solution.

But to me it just proves that, as usual, Thai authorities try to find the easy way out.

There are police booths at every corner, but they're too busy hunting for under-table money from busted motorists. (1 to 200 baht for a red light or a forgotten helmet... if you paid more you've been ripped-off, corruption has its standards).

Now they delegate tourist security to 7/11? it's not a joke right?

Instead of keeping the force doing their job at their station and training them properly (doing something constructive that is), they are going to delegate police work to low-level staff of a private corporation?

7/11 is handling your phone bill, your electric bill, your water bill and god knows what else... now tourist security... soon they'll become voting booth... 7/11 is going to end-up replacing the whole government soon.

It all smells fishy to me... I'd rather the old communist way of creating a militia... it'd make more sense and at least power stays with the people.

Do you know how close to prophetic you are? Surprise to all, my tea leaves and crystal ball have revealed to me that 7/11 is the new government we all have been waiting for. Its just in the transition period. One step at a time folks. Patience.


End of the day a tourist wont know where a police station is or any idea of the tel number.

Its simply going to be a checkout chick call the cops on your behalf. if thats the case it should work fine.


Actually, they are being worked on by the police. Not all are bad apples. And some do try. I know as I have several relatives who are cops here. One is top notch and would NEVER take a bribe. But others...well...not so good. So please don't try and paint all police in Thailand as bad. That is not true and is BS statement.

Where does it say that? OP clearly says police and TAT.I can see your desire to defend police force since you have many relatives in the police, but i am yet to meet one or hear of one in real life not internet world

For sure they try. Just look in the local Pattaya paper. These pickpockets, gold snatchers, etc. are in the paper every week. At the police station with the tourist pointing a finger at them. So they do try...and reports are taken. And some of the criminals do end up in jail. It's a tough job. You don't like it, become a volunteer and try and help solve the problem rather than just slagging them off.I've seen them with guys handcuffed right on Walking Street. Several times actually...both Thai's as well as farangs. So they actually DO something, not like you say.

Yeah every single day and then 4 weeks later, those same offenders are back to that same police station for the same thing. How is that? How is it that when you watch the TV you hear of some perp being arrested today and he has a history of same violations and yet he/she still walks the streets?

How many tourists are in Pattaya and how many fall victims? now take TV as reference and tell me again that they are trying. over 3 000 000 tourists and 7 arrests, you call that trying?

How many security guards on Walking street do you see or see on TV being arrested for assault? and there is a bashing every single night( i am out 5-6 nights)

And you call this trying?

Why join the "little helpers" to achieve what? what training has those helpers had? and before you start to slag me off, my background is security.

Again what % of the total crimes? 1%?

As far as drug dealers and taxi guys...yes, there's a problem. Many cops are on the take. But not all. And a blanket statement that nothing is done is wrong.

What is done? Can you please tell me what has been done in the past 3 years about those drug dealers?

What has been done about those annoying kids jumping on you ? yeah they round them up every 3 months or so then let them go and every single day, 7 days per week they are there. The "good " police not see them? need special glasses?

How about a little support and not being so negative??? If you hate this place so much, why are you here?

Support for what? for nothing but PR? How would this PR help the tourists? Throughout your whole post you keep claiming that police are good and do best they can, even assuming it is so,well may be best they can is nearly not good enough As i said earlier many many times. There is no point setting up help centers if nothing is done about offenders and that is when and if police chose to act on it. May be you know more (because of your relatives) but the OP does not provide any more information, no way to identify them, no response time, no promotion plan, no plan at all. Lets pressume one of those 7-11 will be on Walking street, then why would tourists need 7-11 when there is police van right there and little helpers all over the place?

If it is away from Walking street, say in South Pattaya, how would a regular tourist know that this is the place for help? and how long would he/she need to wait? most likely, he/she be told to go to police station.

Hating the place has absolutely nothing to do with discussing yet another useless initiative.

But since you so positive about the plan, how about few point on why this would be beneficial for the tourists and how it would be beneficial for the tourists and what results would this achieve?


1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

I dont know what you're all b*tching about, they offer to HELP police, not take over their duties. they hire pretty good people and screen thoroughly. if you cant find police, 7 11 is a good place to check.

why all the unecessary and untrue negative remarks? Why so many complaints? why not just go back to your homeland then?

I think you know why..........so they can stay here giving smug advice and pretending to be superior to the Thais!


Wow! Aren't you the 'nattering nabob of negativity' today.

I believe its called being realistic not living in a fantasy dream world

PS. Do you actually know the meaning of word nabob?

Negativity is his native language. Did you notice in one post all he could do was ask who told you this and then his negative comment. Never once volunteering the information of who told him it was not going to work.

I for the life of me can not understand why such a obviously gifted and intelligent individual would choose to live in a country he can not say one good thing about.

Seemingly intelligent, definitely self-loving and arrogant, hope I never meet him, the type that 5 minutes in the company of would be 5 minutes too long. A self-absorbant twit.

Those are his good points


1. As someone already mentioned staff at 7-11 hardly speak any English

2. So a victim is to walk around from 7-11 to 7-11 trying to find which one can help?

3. Whats the kickback to 7-11?

4. What would be a response time? 24 hours?

5. What about Family Marts? why not involve them and also may be the tailors, since there is one on every corner.

Now they say staff have undergone special training, what training was that? Police does not have any training, so what did they teach the 7-11 staff? How about having the "great little helpers" the farang volunteers stay at those 7-11, since there is no shortage of them trying to get in.

7-11 paid more money than family mart so they go the gig ;-)


Why are all you people here?  It is so rare to see a positive comment on this site that I can only conclude that participants are so jaded that nothing will satisfy or please them.  "Why don't they stop the crime in the first place" -- yeah, just like the do in other countries with a MUCH higher crime rates than here.  "They don't speak English."  -- Wow, a Thai who doesn't speak English!!  You're in Thailand, for god's sake, learn some Thai!  "A ladyboy behind the counter" -- yeah, in your country their beaten to a pulp in the back alley.  That's better, isn't it?  What a bunch of pussies.

Mate, I think if you ask all these people who post negative comments why they are in Thailand, they will all give a bunch of positive reasons. This country has lots to offer, there is lots of reasons to want to live here. 

No matter where we chose to live there will be positives and negatives, nowhere is paradise, there are things I like and things I dislike. 

The fact is the, so called, police are a national disgrace and many Thai's I have spoken to on the subject have told me exactly the same. At least I now have a reason to laugh at them, and that I welcome, the idea is ludicrous.


Why are all you people here? It is so rare to see a positive comment on this site that I can only conclude that participants are so jaded that nothing will satisfy or please them. "Why don't they stop the crime in the first place" -- yeah, just like the do in other countries with a MUCH higher crime rates than here. "They don't speak English." -- Wow, a Thai who doesn't speak English!! You're in Thailand, for god's sake, learn some Thai! "A ladyboy behind the counter" -- yeah, in your country their beaten to a pulp in the back alley. That's better, isn't it? What a bunch of pussies.

I do not know that that is true. Thailand is beautiful, and there are a lot of benefits to living here, but with very little thanks to the natives. The environment is a bonus. But dealing with the every day necessities and luxuries means dealing with the ones who have control over them; the Thai people. It is difficult to assimilate into a society that feeds on chaos and corruption and no sense of fair play. The playing field is uneven. It is no secret, and a fact. Being able to voice it is a way to vent a little bit in order to keep a little sanity and make sure one is not the only one experiencing it.

The benefits usually come from the foreigner doing extensive research and footwork to make sure the thing they want (whether a necessity or luxury) is exactly what they want, and of quality for the value and cost. Whether construction, plumbing, electrical, electronics, law enforcement, schooling, etc. getting the same straight, honest answer and a quality service or product from two or more Thais is a rarity, and more of a game for them to see how little they can do for the most of your money. But again, with a little bit of intelligence, one can usually overcome these certainties, and use them to one's advantage to get that thing you want.

If you have ever had Thais construct your house, you will understand what I mean. This mentality extends into the service and law enforcement sector. So, the trade off for living here is acceptable to the collateral damage done to one's mind when dealing with chaos and lunacy. Venting is simply a signal flare, in the hopes that one is not alone and at least partially understood by those who have had similar experiences. Nothing about being jaded or bored; but only that one is not losing it.

Well you certainly have some valid points. Unfortunately the venting for most of these posters is not really venting it is out and out Thai bashing. You are exactly correct it is a trade off and you have obviously excepted it and moved on with your life. It is a sad case when the sociably unacceptable move here and carry on with the same ways that made them social outcasts where they came from. To tell them to go back is a fruitless point. They are not wanted there either.

You talk about the playing field being uneven. You are rite however I can tell you with my North American back ground it is far more level for a North American in Thailand than it is for a Thai in North America. Also you will find it is possable to make the field a bit more even by recignizing the difference and planning ahead. For instance a friend of mine had a house built for him in Chiang Rai he knew going in what he faced and hired a knowledgeable person to over see it as well as checking it out every day himself.

In North America you assume that it is all done perfectly and if some thing goes wrong you sue. Difference being here you prepare there you are surprised so you sue.


Why join the "little helpers" to achieve what? what training has those helpers had? and before you start to slag me off, my background is security.

I thought your background was selling online (Fake ?)



Why join the "little helpers" to achieve what? what training has those helpers had? and before you start to slag me off, my background is security.

I thought your background was selling online (Fake ?)


you may need to think again and yet again the relevance of your post to the topic is how/what?

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