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New Scam?

Maejo Man

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Now they are targeting young handsome guys like myself :o Anybody else had this one? Nigerian boyfriend, and Nigerian spelling and punctuation :D

Hello,,i will like to know u batter and show you my intrest in you. well my name is jenny benson i was born in new york,right now am not home..I am stucked in Africa and i need a carring guy to help out that's why i said i need help.Lately what has happen to me is frutsrating and am facing the hardest time of my life being in the middle of a very big nightmare after the daeth of my both parents its a long story,i will just brief for you.if u care u can help me out.i meet one guy in new york call Daniel he's from Nigeria in last two years and he told me that he love me to be his wife and i accept cuz This guy was so good and nice to me.He came for a degree in new york so when he got back to his country he invited me over. When i got down to his country to see him,he turned out to be a robber,we stayed in an hotel when i arrived here,on the second nite of my arrival i slept only to wake up and find out that my money and jewelries has been stolen by this guy,now i aint got nothing with me,i reported the case to police julians_colins: dept and gave them some infos that i know about him i.e his full discription but ever since the police have not been able to come up with the news about his whereabout,i want you to assist me to pay the bill $550 because the hotel have seized up my return ticket and passport due to hotel bill that i am owing them. without payment they will not release my travel document.if u can help me in this shit i will very grateful .here is my yahoo [email protected] i can know what;s going on....hope to hear from you Asap.

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thats new!!

Great long time, I did not see any new ideas, I thought already they don't have ideas anymore! If from an yahoo or hotmail account report them at [email protected] or [email protected] (you need to copy/paste the email-header also).

did you transfer the money alread?? :D:D:D:D

Now they are targeting young handsome guys like myself :o  Anybody else had this one? Nigerian boyfriend, and Nigerian spelling and punctuation  :D

Hello,,i will like to know u batter and show you my intrest in you. well my name is jenny benson i was born in new york,right now am not home..I am stucked in Africa and i need a carring guy to help out that's why i said i need help.Lately what has happen to me is frutsrating and am facing the hardest time of my life being in the middle of a very big nightmare after the daeth of my both parents its a long story,i will just brief for you.if u care u can help me out.i meet one guy in new york call Daniel he's from Nigeria in last two years and he told me that he love me to be his wife and i accept cuz This guy was so good and nice to me.He came for a degree in new york so when he got back to his country he invited me over. When i got down to his country to see him,he turned out to be a robber,we stayed in an hotel when i arrived here,on the second nite of my arrival i slept only to wake up and find out that my money and jewelries has been stolen by this guy,now i aint got nothing with me,i reported the case to police julians_colins: dept and gave them some infos that i know about him i.e his full discription but ever since the police have not been able to come up with the news about his whereabout,i want you to assist me to pay the bill $550 because the hotel have seized up my return ticket and passport due to hotel bill that i am owing them. without payment they will not release my travel document.if u can help me in this shit i will very grateful .here is my yahoo [email protected] i can know what;s going on....hope to hear from you Asap.

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Hello,,i will like to know u batter and show you my intrest in you. well my name is jenny benson i was born in new york,right now am not home..I am stucked in Africa and i need a carring guy to help out that's why i said i need help.Lately what has happen to me is frutsrating and am facing the hardest time of my life being in the middle of a very big nightmare after the daeth of my both parents its a long story,i will just brief for you.if u care u can help me out.i meet one guy in new york call Daniel he's from Nigeria in last two years and he told me that he love me to be his wife and i accept cuz This guy was so good and nice to me.He came for a degree in new york so when he got back to his country he invited me over. When i got down to his country to see him,he turned out to be a robber,we stayed in an hotel when i arrived here,on the second nite of my arrival i slept only to wake up and find out that my money and jewelries has been stolen by this guy,now i aint got nothing with me,i reported the case to police julians_colins: dept and gave them some infos that i know about him i.e his full discription but ever since the police have not been able to come up with the news about his whereabout,i want you to assist me to pay the bill $550 because the hotel have seized up my return ticket and passport due to hotel bill that i am owing them. without payment they will not release my travel document.if u can help me in this shit i will very grateful .here is my yahoo [email protected] i can know what;s going on....hope to hear from you Asap.

Sounds like a genuine Yank in trouble to me. Stop being so cynical and just send her the money. I'd send it myself but I'm currently busy assisting the second wife of the former president of Congo to transfer US$22m she has but can't get hold of without using my UK bank account. I can't remember meeting her, but I must have, otherwise she wouldn't be contacting me, right?

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"did you transfer the money alread?? :D:D:D "

Yup. Sent it straight off as she sounded so sincere :o You should have seen the photo she sent with the e-mail. One of those you would walk over broken glass to get to. 10 out of 10 for a new one :D

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Hello,,i will like to know u batter and show you my intrest in you. well my name is jenny benson i was born in new york,right now am not home..I am stucked in Africa and i need a carring guy to help out that's why i said i need help.Lately what has happen to me is frutsrating and am facing the hardest time of my life being in the middle of a very big nightmare after the daeth of my both parents its a long story,i will just brief for you.if u care u can help me out.i meet one guy in new york call Daniel he's from Nigeria in last two years and he told me that he love me to be his wife and i accept cuz This guy was so good and nice to me.He came for a degree in new york so when he got back to his country he invited me over. When i got down to his country to see him,he turned out to be a robber,we stayed in an hotel when i arrived here,on the second nite of my arrival i slept only to wake up and find out that my money and jewelries has been stolen by this guy,now i aint got nothing with me,i reported the case to police julians_colins: dept and gave them some infos that i know about him i.e his full discription but ever since the police have not been able to come up with the news about his whereabout,i want you to assist me to pay the bill $550 because the hotel have seized up my return ticket and passport due to hotel bill that i am owing them. without payment they will not release my travel document.if u can help me in this shit i will very grateful .here is my yahoo [email protected] i can know what;s going on....hope to hear from you Asap.

Sounds like a genuine Yank in trouble to me. Stop being so cynical and just send her the money. I'd send it myself but I'm currently busy assisting the second wife of the former president of Congo to transfer US$22m she has but can't get hold of without using my UK bank account. I can't remember meeting her, but I must have, otherwise she wouldn't be contacting me, right?


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Good news for you, Maejo Man...



Nigeria has asked for stronger economic and diplomatic ties with Thailand and beckoned on Thai's business community to explore investment opportunities in Nigeria, now that the country had initiated reforms and curbed corruption.


The plea came on the heels of the adoption of a five point strategy by the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) to woo investors, including wealthy Nigerians in diaspora to invest in the Nigerian economy as the country moved towards achieving macro-economic stability through fiscal prudence, minimal deficits and more efficient use of resources.

...and a huge influx of monies from oversea treasure hunters?? :D

Commerce Minister, Ambassador Idris Waziri made the request yesterday at the opening ceremony of the first ever Nigeria-Thailand Business Forum and Exhibition held in Abuja.

The minister also charged Nigeria’s business community to invest in areas where Nigeria had comparative advantages over Thailand.

...such as the arena of email scamming in which Nigeria is the unchallenged world leader. :D


Funny stuff, but I did learn one thing...and had to look up:


A dispersion of a people from their original homeland.

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Not quite SJ, but I had planned to open a bogus off shore account with $5000.00 and supply a bogus account number, and wait for them to squirm. Similar I suppose. I'm still awaiting copies of "miss Jenifer's" ID so that I can open the account. Will be interesting to see what, if anything, she comes up with :o Will keep you posted..Maejo

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i got one the other day telling me i am in denis thatchers will(maggies husband)

Dear xxxxxxxxx

On behalf of the trustees and executor of the estate


Late Sir. Dennis Thatcher, I wish to notify you that


Sir. Dennis Thatcher, made you a beneficiary to his


He left the sum of Nine hundred and fifty thousand


Sterling (£950,000.00 BPS) to you in the codicil and


testament to his Will. This may sound strange and

unbelievable to you, but it is real and true.

Being a widely traveled man, he must have been in


with you in the past or simply you were nominated to

him by

one of his numerous friends abroad that wished you


Sir. Dennis Thatcher passed away peacefully in the


Hospital London, after a short illness at the age of


years. He was businessman and husband to Margaret


the former British Prime Minister. He was Born May


1915; died June 26th 2003, and his Will is now ready



Sir. Dennis Thatcher, until his death was a very


Christian who loved to give out. His great


earned him numerous awards during his lifetime. In a

tribute to him at a News Conference with Russian


Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair


"Sir Dennis was a kind and generous-hearted man, a


gentleman who had many friends here and abroad.

According to him this money is to support your


and to help the poor

and the needy in your country.

Please If I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavor to get


to me as soon as possible, to enable the solicitor

executing the Will to conclude his job. You should


along your telephone and fax numbers, including your

present mailing address.

Looking forward to hearing from you in no distant


Please reply with this alternative mailing address;

[email protected]

if someone wants to have some fun with this send a reply and see what happens

and of course let us know

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Sounds like a genuine Yank in trouble to me. Stop being so cynical and just send her the money. I'd send it myself but I'm currently busy assisting the second wife of the former president of Congo to transfer US$22m she has but can't get hold of without using my UK bank account. I can't remember meeting her, but I must have, otherwise she wouldn't be contacting me, right?

:o:D :D

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Here's my latest one an the reply from Yahoo.

Today I reported a spammer to Yahoo see the original message and the reply fromYahoo below;


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.

In this particular case, we have taken appropriate action against the

Yahoo! account in question that was reported for fraudulent activities,

as per our Terms of Service (TOS). Please know that Yahoo! is unable to

disclose the action taken on another user's account with a third party.

We are not able to make exceptions to this rule.

If in the future you receive an unwanted email message that appears to

derive from a Yahoo! Mail account, please include the following in your

report of mail abuse to assist us in a prompt and full evaluation:

1) Original subject line -- please forward the email with a subject

identical to the original subject.

2) Complete headers -- email programs often display abbreviated headers.

To learn how to display the full headers in a Yahoo! Mail account,

please visit the Yahoo! Mail Help Desk at:


If you are using a different client to read your email, please consult

your email program's help system for more information on viewing full


3) Complete message body -- please include the complete, unedited

content of the email message in question. Please do not change or edit

the message in any way.

If reports of email abuse are missing any one of these three items, it

may take longer for the Yahoo! Mail Abuse Team to properly investigate

and take appropriate action. We appreciate your efforts in reporting

this abuse to Yahoo!. Due to security restrictions of our custom

messaging system, we request that you simply forward a copy of the

message on to us as opposed to sending it in an attachment.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.



Yahoo! Customer Care



Original Message Follows:


-------Original Message-------

From: mable kabila

Date: 08/19/05 15:49:24

To: [email protected]

Subject: From: Mrs.Mable Kabila

From: Mrs.Mable Kabila.

TELL ;00 225 0781 4806.

Please do reply me through my private email ([email protected])


security reasons


My Dear,

I am Mrs.Mable Kabila, from Democratic Republic of Congo. There is an

information I would

like you to keep very confidential There is sum ammount of money my


Late President Laurent Kabila, deposited in a security company Abidjan


d'ivoire for safe keeping. Before he was killed by his Eldest Military


The squabble happened as immediately we returned back from our London


My husband married us two.I am the second wife.I will not be able to


you the full details that led to that ugly incidents.

The Eldest Son is the current President of our country now. For now I am

staying in Abidjan, the capital of Republic of Cote d'voire, just to

save my

life, with my three children. The money in question is 22, Million U.S


I can not make the withdrawal of this fund, because my husband


the Beneficiary of the fund as his (Foreign Business Partner) and also

(Family valuables as the content of the deposit) The documents of the

deposit are with me.

What I would want you to do, is to assist me to get the consignment

withdrawn from the security company, and we shall open a small account

in a

Bank here in your name, and transfer the money to your country, through


account .We shall replace the name Foreign Partner to your own name,


the code was used for security reason.

I will give you the 10% of the money for your assistance. There is no


in this transaction. I will use the remaining balance of the money for


investment in your country for the future of my children.

If you are interested, and can maintain the very confidential of this

transaction, you send me an e-mail

immediately for more clarifications, and also note that I am a refugees


Abidjan, Cote d' lvoire

because of the assassination of late husband, and the civil war going on


our country, Democratic Republic of Congo.

I can speak little English, and my son also speaks English very well his

name is Mark and his tell is:00 225 0781 4806.you can call him for more


Thank you very much.

Mrs.Mable Kabila.

B/N: my private email ( [email protected])



Edited by Nickerelastic
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