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Unorthodox Wedding Between Lady-Boy And Two Thai Men Sets New Trend

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The threesome in the OP can't have kids, not biologically, and they wouldn't be allowed to adopt in Thailand either. So, that's a moot point.

Not really. In the U.S. you can hire a carrier and find an egg, or use the carrier's egg, just donate the juice. Better than adopting as the kid is 50% biologically theirs. The cougar is rich from a successful restaurant business, no? Maybe he/she/it can find a carrier locally? Volley on the moot.


The threesome in the OP can't have kids, not biologically, and they wouldn't be allowed to adopt in Thailand either. So, that's a moot point.

Not really. In the U.S. you can hire a carrier, just donate the juice, I'm sure you can do it in Thailand. Better than adopting as the kid is 50% biologically theirs and less red tape than in the west having to prove your marriage status to authorities and all. The cougar is rich from a successful restaurant business, no? Maybe he/she/it can find a carrier locally? Volley on the moot.

My understanding is that gay couples are not allowed to legally adopt in Thailand, not sure about people who represent themselves as single. I don't think the threesome relationship would be recognized by adoption services here. If you are talking about some kind of underground arrangement, well sure, anything is possible. So what, this is kind of a freak show, isn't it? It is no kind of "trend" or anything like that.


Who was the expert who said Thai guys laugh at Falang for getting the ugly ones?

They do. But I don't think these guys are with her just because she's hot. The million dollars in property she owns, and who knows how much more, might have something to do with it


Who was the expert who said Thai guys laugh at Falang for getting the ugly ones?

They do. But I don't think these guys are with her just because she's hot. The million dollars in property she owns, and who knows how much more, might have something to do with it

She may not be hot in your eyes, but in the dark who can tell? Perhaps she brings her lovers to a state of sexual arousal that cannot be matched by others? Perhaps she is able to make these men reach an orgasm only fantasized about in magzines such as Mother Jugs, Marvelous Midgets and Hustler? Maybe she provides something others cannot, such as love? People have different concepts of beauty. Why else would some foreigners take up with a fat uneducated trollop with crooked ciggie stained brown teeth and hideous tats? Women love me because my growing gut excites them. My snoring is a soothing symphony and my night farts are give a soothing fresh garden flower aroma. That's my line and I'm sticking to it. :ph34r:


I think it's not untimely for me to step in again here now and warn the usual troublemakers (as well as others) that bashing minority groups- whether gays, transgenders, blacks, women, or otherwise- will NOT be tolerated on Thaivisa on this thread and in this subforum or in any other. I will go ahead and promise anyone who wants to test this a warning and a posting holiday.


Come on now ppeople....The Kratoey is a Professional Restaurateur who knows that it takes 3 things to make a sandwich.


You are correct! The 3 ingredients is a male, a female and a transgender! This will be more like like eating a sandwich with only ham, ham & ham!


Women love me because my growing gut excites them. My snoring is a soothing symphony and my night farts are give a soothing fresh garden flower aroma. That's my line and I'm sticking to it. :ph34r:


I bet you have to fight the little hotties off with a sh1tty stick.


A trend implies this is happening more and more.

So far we have a public announcement of intent,

and other wise not even one, '3 way union', that is

officially registered, nor even more than this one planned.

Seems a bit more like a publicity stunt of some sort.

I could care less what they do if they don't hurt others,

but this 'starting a trend' is about 1,000 instance short of reality.

I agree, who cares what they do as long as they are not hurting others.

Look at it this way-it could be a new "Amazing Thailand" promotion success. Want a same sex, multiple spouse wedding? Welcome to Thailand, its possible here :)


It will probably not be long before enlightened Western countries start promoting such diversification. :o

I hope so.


I have two Akha g'f's. They're best friends, though didn't meet until a couple years ago when I introduced them (I knew them individually for several years, before they met). They kiss, giggle, and feel each other in my presence. They've told me matter-of-factly that Akha men can legally have more than one wife (with a wink and a nod). It's fun (for me) to toy with the idea, because both gals are in their 20's and small and very cute, but for me personally, I honestly prefer to live alone. Fewer demands, hassles, expenditures. When I want to leave to go somewhere, I just up and go. So we keep meeting, having fun, then it's 'bye bye' until next time.

Now I wonder what possible attraction a rich 42 y.o lady-boy (boy?)has for these two young guns? :whistling:

The boyfriends flanking her/him look much younger. They're in it for the same main reason young attractive Thai girls hang with rich older farang: the security.


The boyfriends flanking her/him look much younger. They're in it for the same main reason young attractive Thai girls hang with rich older farang: the security.

Well they're certainly not in it for the fact that their "wife" might be mistaken for Nong Poy. :D


I have two Akha g'f's. They're best friends, though didn't meet until a couple years ago when I introduced them (I knew them individually for several years, before they met). They kiss, giggle, and feel each other in my presence. They've told me matter-of-factly that Akha men can legally have more than one wife (with a wink and a nod). It's fun (for me) to toy with the idea, because both gals are in their 20's and small and very cute, but for me personally, I honestly prefer to live alone. Fewer demands, hassles, expenditures. When I want to leave to go somewhere, I just up and go. So we keep meeting, having fun, then it's 'bye bye' until next time.

Never knew you were a naughty boy :rolleyes: but I suppose many envy you.



Well we should all be piling compliments on Thailand for being such a tolerant society as to accept such liaisons.

However there is always the grey cloud (black smoke) on the horizon. When obershturmbahnfuhrerer herr, God elect, Thaksin returns on the red wave his storm troopers will sweep away all such nonsense (remember the gay rights parade in Chiang Mai?).

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