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Made Contract About Car But Now (Thai) Want Back

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I had a, lets say interesting past with my Thai ex gf. I bought a car 4 years ago, but it was financed (on the name of her mother). Most of the money I paid. In the past she took away the car from me already one time, but then they could not go on paying the car as it seems. So they offered it back to me. Usually I not wanted anymore but they agreed on the following contract

That I will pay the rest of the finance but also will give 120.000 Baht to her father within the next 6 months. That's alo the time where the finance is finished. And I not wanted to give earlier, but later, when they have the documents of the car, the money to her father against the documents. They agreed and signed.

Now the daughter suddenly want to have back the car. And now she says, the contract was only fake (I made it in English, but let it translate from an official translator to Thai).

I not give the car until now. I said, if they really want, I want to have as a compromise at least half of the money I paid, then they can take the car. Or we just simply go on with the contract. But now suddenly the contract is not fair anymore in their daughters opinion (her parents live 250 km far from where I am) and they want to pay me immediatley (what i refuse w/o being able to get the documents). And i also wanted to take the car out of the finance long time ago, but they said, that I woyuld have to pay some extra money then to the financing bank.

However, now she says, she was at the police statiopn and she told them the contract is fake and that she faked (but I even not know if she really was at the police station). After what she said, the police said I have to give back the car to the owner. Yes, of course, but she is also not the owner, am I right? And additionally I want to have back the money I paid (I have the bank statements). But she said i have to give back the car first to her or the owner (her parents which are not here).

Additionally I have bills about the engine (as she destroyed the engine a while ago).

And I think, usually the tourist police is the police I have to go to (I stay here on a tourist visa) but not the normal police.

So here are a few questions:

1.) Do i really have to give the car to her even when i not get the money? Because of course I trusted a contract. And now she said, the contract is fake and nothing worth.

2.) as i have bills to fix the engine and few other things: am I allowed to take out this things?

3.) should I go to the police (normal one) or should I tell the police that I just try to find a lawyer as I not trust anybody as I not speak Thai too much?

My point is, we go on about the contract as there is no reason not to trust me as this family always got good money from me and as I always kept promises in the past 5 years. Or, alternative, they pay me half of the money I paid (that's my understanding of being fair to my ex gf as I always make 50/50 when finished relationships in the past). But I dont know if I have any chance and hope to get some good answers here.

Thanks in advance for any response, also ideas of how to do or other solutions/ways/possibilities I maybe forgot here



wow, thanks for so much feedback. I really appreciate...

Yes, well, I knew from the beginning that it was a mistake (that's why I agreed on making a finance, as until now nobody wanted to pay). At least I had now good luck in bad luck...

But however, just solved the problem. Her father did not know anything about that story and she also not told them the truth. And finally with the father and some people helping me to translate we found a way. I keep the car and we make another contract (in the form it has to be - lawyer etc.). Therefore I won't make any trouble with the other contract (police told her that she can be sentenced with up to 2 years jail for faking).

The point is, her parents are really good people but they also never knew what was really going on. And that's my big luck: that her parents always showed decency to me.

Anyway thanks


Much advice was given on doing things that are very illegal. These have been removed.

So, I gave him the advice not to wreck the car or do something illegal.

I reckon it was illegal to give that advice since you removed that post?


Well done , This Incident proves one thing that i have always said about Thais , Just because one is bad it does not make all bad , including relations from the same family. A nice ending


Well done , This Incident proves one thing that i have always said about Thais , Just because one is bad it does not make all bad , including relations from the same family. A nice ending

I agree ... and disagree with you.

There are wonderful people in my gf family. Her siblings, cousins, uncles, all made me feel like part of the family. Unfortunately there is someone who's playing the race card, that I'm a falang and therefore not equal to a Thai. When we talk about land for example, she will say that Thailand should be protected against foreigners and they should not be allowed to own land. When I, politely, raise the fact that I'm a foreigner, I just get embarrassed smiles.

When I negotiate for something I'd rather not be with my girlfriend. She's always under pressure not to side with the foreigner.

I don't want to sound overly negative, you can most of the time get what you want and generally speaking the legal system is quite fair with foreigners, but you can't let you guard down and sometime it's tiring ....

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