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When Flying Into Thailand...

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I have the tourist visa, which I guess is good for 60 days. Do I need to bring any passport size photos of me for when I arrive?

Business cards are the norm. Insure you put doctor, engineer, CEO,CFO or something of the likes. You will find that arrival and entry is for the most part

simple and hassle free ( fill out the entry card on the plane if they give you one).

Once through immigration with the 30 day visa on entry go down the stairs and look for your luggage on the

listed by plane pickup. Grab a free cart if needed to haul your luggage over to the

customs check point which most times is about a 30 second wait to get through

unless you have something to claim which most do not. Out to the lobby which requires you to turn left or right. Do not listen to the taunts of taxi and hotel go out the door to the taxi stand tell them where you want to go and get your taxi off into town. Most places in bkk will not be more than 300 or 400 baht ($8 to 10) 30 to 50 baht tip is good unless he helps you out drasticly then 100 baht tip is fair. If you are going a long distance from bkk such as Pattaya which is a must do for first timers and probably a better place for first timers. taxi should be around 1800 baht

($40 for the 160km 2 hour ride). This will put you in one of the best nightlife and beach areas until you learn a bit of Thailand and the most reasonable priced place

for a first timer. Plenty of hotels to be had a few hundred meters from the beach.

More info than this please ask and someone will answer. I have never made the high season and have heard this is a busy one so others will give you info on the perils of this ordeal. Good Luck!!!

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