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Thirdly, They didnt push my bike far enough to get it re-started!!, now i wonder why that was? would it be it was a MOTO GP and the conditions were slippery to say the least? did the marshalls want to push him forever and have an underlying fear that any minute another bike would slice into them?

that's a good point, and what instructions do marshals get in terms of assisting with re-starts? The risks of being on the track, running/pushing a bike, with other bikes/riders at well over 200km/h . . . are the obligated to assist?

And for how long, as per Stoner did he want them to push him all the way back to the pits if it wouldn't start?

questions, questions.

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Firstly, i saw the whole race tonight, and yes, Rossi got the marhalls to help him, pushed him off ect, and did you see what happened, Mr Moaner sat on his bike waving at the marshalls to help him! oh please Moaner, if you want to rejoin the race, look as though you want too, not sit there like a lemon, get off your bike and start to push, then you will get some help, looked like he was waiting for a hotdog at a drive-thru,,,,

Secondly, after many years of marshalling, it was never wise to re-start bikes at the same time, specially if one thought the other was to blame for the crash,, whoever was the cause, the lead bike would be first,, 30 secs later the next bike would get a push, Starting both bikes at the same time with riders full of adrenalin and agression will only cause more probs round the track..

Thirdly, They didnt push my bike far enough to get it re-started!!, now i wonder why that was? would it be it was a MOTO GP and the conditions were slippery to say the least? did the marshalls want to push him forever and have an underlying fear that any minute another bike would slice into them?

I agree with you on all your points.

Moreover on this video (http://www.gazzetta.it/openxlink.shtml?http://www.as.com/motor/articulo/comisarios-jerez-ayudaron-stoner/20110405dasdaimot_1/Tes) we can see that it is not true that the marshall did help only Rossi.......Stoner should have not complain as much as he did and instead should learn to re-start the bike properly or keep it alive after a slide.



Firstly, i saw the whole race tonight, and yes, Rossi got the marhalls to help him, pushed him off ect, and did you see what happened, Mr Moaner sat on his bike waving at the marshalls to help him! oh please Moaner, if you want to rejoin the race, look as though you want too, not sit there like a lemon, get off your bike and start to push, then you will get some help, looked like he was waiting for a hotdog at a drive-thru,,,,

Secondly, after many years of marshalling, it was never wise to re-start bikes at the same time, specially if one thought the other was to blame for the crash,, whoever was the cause, the lead bike would be first,, 30 secs later the next bike would get a push, Starting both bikes at the same time with riders full of adrenalin and agression will only cause more probs round the track..

Thirdly, They didnt push my bike far enough to get it re-started!!, now i wonder why that was? would it be it was a MOTO GP and the conditions were slippery to say the least? did the marshalls want to push him forever and have an underlying fear that any minute another bike would slice into them?

I agree with you on all your points.

Moreover on this video (http://www.gazzetta....dasdaimot_1/Tes) we can see that it is not true that the marshall did help only Rossi.......Stoner should have not complain as much as he did and instead should learn to re-start the bike properly or keep it alive after a slide.


Yeah I agree too, if Casey kept his mouth shut maybe he would have more people to push him. :lol:

I must say that was a good video clip and no doubt will be used in evidence. :rolleyes:


What do you guys think about this trend that Rossi seemed to start a few seasons ago of taking the foot off the peg and hooking the leg out as they take the corner? To me it looks so daft and amateurish. Reminds me of what i used to do on my bicycle as a kid. Of course if the technique works you can't argue with it. But it does look silly. Wish they didn't do it.

I've got a feeling Troy Bayliss started it back in SBK. The riders didn't do it on the 500 2 strokes. I guess its like a golfer changing to the long handled putter, you get a few down and it becomes habitual. But is there a scientific explanation, not sure. Its not like an outrigger canoe or a sail is it. Its kind of moving weight further out isn't it. I may sound stupid just like to think out of the box. Nearly all the front guys are doing it Lorenzo a bit less perhaps?

Missed this,

I thought Rossi was doing it more after coming back from his accident, maybe I'm wrong just remember commentators referring to it.

I have read that he using his foot pegs a lot to assist steering and sifting his weight.

I think it is just another tactic in any given situation, outrigger, sail is not far out, have you ever put your leg out like this at speed it must help with braking the same as sitting up without upsetting the bike stability.

I only remember using it to signal to other riders I was going in the pits.:lol:

It reminds me too of taking people for a pillion ride who hadn't been on a fast bike before and I would duck down low doing 100+.B)


That video link was good and taken from an entirely different angle to the ESPN broadcast, looks like they both got attention at the same time? i would think there will be loads of views at the investigation thingy,

This leg out buisness, we have to remember all top bike racers do Moto X in the off-season to keep in the groove and keep fit, and that is a certain leg out sport, perhaps it will die off as the season wears on? but it is supposed to be good as it helps braking and pulling the bike into the corner. Some say that braking into-mid corner is asking for trouble, i dont really think so, a little back brake keeps the rear steady under small throttle openings, Pretty sure most GP riders have the rear brake on the right bar nowadays, M.Doohan started this after his bad crash at Assen leaving him with a buggered right foot.

Might be me, but i think there is more leg out on right turns than left?


Genghiss, Since living in Thai, ive always followed RW, his best result was at Assen {Holland} last year, i remember the race well, Mrs and me were on the edge of our seats watching,, Im pretty sure at one stage he got up to 2nd, and went wide letting 2 others through, He finished 4th under a second behind Luthi,

This link will help..


PS, i always look out for him, he can do it ,,,,


Just watched the youtube clip.

I think the track guys really put themselves in danger as it was, never mind running up the track behind Casey (three did, one fell over, one lost interest and one dissappeared out of the shot).

The track was wet, racers were going for it. Next time when he bins it he should remember that these guys will look after him when he really needs it.

Not too impressed by his moaning.


The commentary on this is a bit lop sided I feel, I think the marshalls have to be fair and reasonable about what they can do safely, they would not have known who caused the crash but it would be pretty hard for European marshalls not to help Valentino first and it would be pretty hard from Stoner's point of view to accept this having just been taken out of the race and possibly the championship by him. In the heat of the moment I've seen a lot worse. But having a gripe to the Spanish officialdom who control all aspects of MotoGP is not what I would have done because I think it will harden attitudes against him. You've just gotta get over it son, move on.


Doctor or Quack

Ankles always called him this after he crashed directly in front of where I was sitting and fractured both ankles at Phillip Island - way back

Chupa chup or hoorrrggay

Mushy or pie'npeas


any more

Hector the Barbarian

and other classes

Mad Max

Chubby Checa


Lorenzo still my favorite to be the winner :)

Well yes.

He is a motorbike racing god and is front runner.

Game on!!


You mean Yourgay Lorenzo? Yes its going to be a hard season and after the 2nd race, politics are starting to play a part in it, it sort of takes the spirit out of racing really..

I wonder if Moaner is Kosinski re-incarnate? he even beat Foggy at moaning, who was a WC moaner!!

I always remember Kosinski and Foggy WSB brands hatch, JK slid of into clearways [ahead of Foggy] the crowd cheered,, when he got up, they booed,, Perhaps Moaner will get the same treatment one day?


Lorenzo still my favorite to be the winner :)

Well yes.

He is a motorbike racing god and is front runner.

Game on!!

In my opinion the championship winners for this year will be, Rolling Stoner in MotoGP, Andrea Iannone in Moto2 and Nico Terol in 125.

2011 season has just started and Ducati is already testing the GP12 to be used next year (1000 cc). Both Ducati factory riders, Rossi and Hayden will test the bike for a whole day. Rossi is due to put his first laps today, while Hayden will do it on Saturday.

Isn't it a bit too early to think about next year? Have Ducati already given up this season? Hopefully they will keep developing the GP11 as at the moment its performance is way behind Honda and Yamaha.



I think it is clearly between Stoner and Lorenzo, Yamaha and Honda, these are clearly the bikes and the racers to ride em. The whole Quack/Moaner thing is a sideshow I reckon. I'm pretty sure Spanish crowds at motorbike races are more parochial than an Australian crowd (although not football, Rules or League). I've seen and heard them boo Rossi a number of times over the years, on this occasion they were happy to cheer him because he is not Lorenzo's threat. Equally they were happy that their compatriot marshalls did not get Stoner restarted, you can be sure that if it was Lorenzo they would have carried the bike around the course. Moral for Casey, dont let Rossi get near you and dont pull the kill switch to avoid engine damage, if you're already in the dirt thats enough damage. I fervently hope that he doesn't go the way of Rossi's most famous victims Sete "will never win another race" Gibernau and Mad Max who even fell off in front of Rossi when he (Rossi) came to Misano? to watch the Superbikes.

Foggy is certainly a crusty character, I think he'd be just about up for fisticuffs if it happened to him.



Does anyone remember the Frankie Chili ( in dressing gown ) vs. Foggy ( king of godshite but very fast in the process )and Mrs Foggy after a WSB race ( think it was Assen ).

I also remember the look on Sete's face as he followed Rossi up the stairs to the podium after that mad last corner move from Vale in Spain in 2005 (?).

Looked as if was about to rip his head off.

As for Casey, he'll get over it as he and his family are made of stern stuff and I have the upmost respect for every rider out there, putting their necks on the line for what is in actual fact ....death or glory.

What ,I'm sure we all agree on, is that non of the riders deserve any kind of " booing "......lets leave that to English football please.

The end of the month , Estoril, seems so far away.

dam_n I miss my bike racing.

Singapore MotoGP is now a fantasy and will not happen for a few years , at least, from now.

I am looking at shipping Myself , Mrs Soihok and one of the Soihokling's to Sepang at the end of the year.

It would be better to book early as the hotels close to the track there are few and far between.



^ been to Sepang last 2 races and booked flights for this year; hadn't considered options of staying close to the track - know there's a Tune hotel near LCC, what other options are there?

I'll continue to stay in KL and take a bus to/from on the day. Last year took the train/bus option -that was a mistake, bus was a lot quicker back to Sentral.

I hope the championship is still close at that time of the season, last 2 events at Sepang have seen Rossi then Lorenzo seal the title at that race; and this year one last chance to see the 125cc bikes racing.


Was flicking through the channels this afternoon and saw the end of the F1 race, last 15 laps or so, and somebody tried to overtake, surely thats against the rules? and it seems that the driver who was trying hit his opponents car, and at the end, this fella lost a place because he made to many manuvers to block the pass,, this strikes me as rather sad to how motor racing has become,,

Never mind, WSB from Assen is back on Sunday 17th April, and the brits do well there,,



Does anyone remember the Frankie Chili ( in dressing gown ) vs. Foggy ( king of godshite but very fast in the process )and Mrs Foggy after a WSB race ( think it was Assen ).

I also remember the look on Sete's face as he followed Rossi up the stairs to the podium after that mad last corner move from Vale in Spain in 2005 (?).

Looked as if was about to rip his head off.

As for Casey, he'll get over it as he and his family are made of stern stuff and I have the upmost respect for every rider out there, putting their necks on the line for what is in actual fact ....death or glory.

What ,I'm sure we all agree on, is that non of the riders deserve any kind of " booing "......lets leave that to English football please.

The end of the month , Estoril, seems so far away.

dam_n I miss my bike racing.

Singapore MotoGP is now a fantasy and will not happen for a few years , at least, from now.

I am looking at shipping Myself , Mrs Soihok and one of the Soihokling's to Sepang at the end of the year.

It would be better to book early as the hotels close to the track there are few and far between.


Chili vs foggy yes great stuff !!! I always reckoned Chille had the beating of Foggy.

Sete and Rossi yes !!! again but come on Sete was a flash in the pan.

As for Casey well if he can get on board that racing a MotoGp motorbike takes no prisoners then he will be OK.

What I mean to say is a racing incident is a racing incident, Casey get over it.

Singapore will have to build another track away from the present F1 one as you know that present track would be no good for bike racing.

Good luck with shipping :lol: hope it goes well for you.

Regards K


There is another track under construction ( or was ) not too far from the airport.

It was due to be finished next year but its all gone tits up unfortunately.

There was supposed to be another night race for MotoGP on the calender and it was supposed to be here in Singapore.

Will have to wait for a few more years to we see it, which knowing my luck, means I'll have moved to another country for work. :rolleyes:

The F1 track in the city could host a bike race similar to Macau at some point in the future though, if we're lucky.



Good to watch some great racing from Assen yesterday.

Castrol Honda win again and CC extend his lead on a Ducati 1098. Max B was in good form and seemed to be resonably steady. There were extremely close overtaking moves.

it was also good to have commentry from James Toseland......


This years British Super Bike series see's the first ever entry for a female rider as the series kicks off in 2011 this weekend.


Jenny Tinmouth will ride an RSV4 along side the likes of John Hopkins and Shane Bryne.


Go for it girl ( Jenny I mean not Shaky ).


Re Sepang, I stayed at a hotel called the Empress in 2008, it was easy to get to the track, but it had nothing much else going for it. There were a few of the lesser lights of the circus staying there including Mike DeMeglio, but my main memory is of the joint having no water due to some town water main burst and they switched off all water to the rooms without telling anyone. Eventually I had to buy several litres from the shop over the road to get a flush happening. No apology, but by Saturday night they diverted the roof pool water into the system. My mate who was with me and has been back now recommends the Concord, near the Airport somewhere.

Meanwhile I had thought I'd injured myself in almost all ways possible with motorbikes, but the other night moving parked motorbikes to get at mine, I didn't raise the side stand on one and manged to reverse it onto my right big toe causing a major contusion and subsequent "toenail extraction" as described by the Thai Doctor. Now I'm getting my wound undressed, bathed and rebandaged by 4 avid Thai girls at the village hospital for 20 baht a day. Just off for it now in fact before they close for lunch. But seriously I dont recommend it and the flesh is still raw, aaarrrggghh.

Good to see Johnnie Rae get going on Sunday, but I think Checa is the man. As the commentator siad Ducati saved themselves a pile of money in SBK this year just because they have this great rider/engineer combo in a privateer team at half the cost. James Toseland's commentary was good. In Australia I still think they get Kev Magee and he is good but gets a bit tongue twisted now and then I think due to his residual brain injuries.


Cheers mate.

Hope you're toe gets better soon.

Yes the Concorde Hotel is the place to stay. Be careful when booking as they also have a place in the heart of KL. Its not what you would call a modern hotel and has a " holiday camp ( I think it was possiby a military installation ), same as Butlins , feel to it.

All the main hotels at the airport/track are booked up in the week leading up to the race.

But you couldn't be better situated really. Half way between the airport and track at a bargain price.

Stay away from the Tune Hotel at the airport.......it really does look like a last resort.

Hope to see you there. I,m going to take the plunge and book soon.


Last time my wife saw MotoGP was at Donnington, waded through miles of cow sh*t in the freezing cold.

What a difference Sepang is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


$14? I hope you're not waiting for them to get any cheaper?

Booked mine pre-Xmas an AA sale, the most expensive part was the airport tax @ 975 baht.

Re Jenny Tinmouth, she rode Isle of Man last year, respect!


Yes mate. The airport tax is more than the ticket. All in is 71 sing dollara return to singapore, about 1700 baht.

Will book the lot later today, just need to wait for my brother to wake up in England first, he is joining us.

Are you staying at the Concorde Hotel?


Meanwhile I had thought I'd injured myself in almost all ways possible with motorbikes, but the other night moving parked motorbikes to get at mine, I didn't raise the side stand on one and manged to reverse it onto my right big toe causing a major contusion and subsequent "toenail extraction" as described by the Thai Doctor. Now I'm getting my wound undressed, bathed and rebandaged by 4 avid Thai girls at the village hospital for 20 baht a day. Just off for it now in fact before they close for lunch. But seriously I dont recommend it and the flesh is still raw, aaarrrggghh.


The avid attention would be good if you were not in so much pain eh !

That must of been one heavy bike, having done the same thing with my 1200 bandit, I was OK though with me Sidi boots.:D


Foggy V Frankie on that fateful last lap.


Classic indeed great vid, like to know what Franky said.

Remember the Honda's win with the twin they produced to have a go at Ducati, Colin Edwards V Troy Bayliss for the championship.

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