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The War Of Cickens


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After having lived with my Thai-Wife for 9 years, I am still amazed how funny gatherings of Thai-Lady's can turn out. In short: At the latest gathering of my wifes girl-friends (party, once a month), the following subject came up and out of nowhere: On 1 Rai of land, how many Leg-Hens can you keep without feeding them "power food" (I suppose that means grains, rice etc.)and they would still lay eggs on a regular basis.

A heated discussion ensued: Maximum 10 hens per rai. Another lady: "My papa have 50 hens on 1 Rai and never give power-food". = Have worm & insect (maleng) maak maak !!

I ventured the question: Doesen't that depend on the quality of the land also ? The answer: Isaan is Isaan !

By this time they almost forgot to eat the party-dinner, because: If you not give "power-food" you will get only 2 eggs per week per hen etc.etc. The whole thing went on for another half-hour. I had to bring it to an end by saying: Who really cares! I laughed all the way home.

But now my curiosity is aroused: From a Farangs way of counting (accounting), how many hens can be held on 1 Rai of land as productive egg-layers without adding "power-food" to their diet ?

Maybe someone living in the Isaan has an answer to this earth-moving subject. If not, I will bring it up again at the next monthly gathering of my wifes girl-friends.


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