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Hezbollah says ready for another war with Israel

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Nice try to quote only a part of my post. Obviously my question was about israelis vs palestinians, 1400 death in a few days compared to a few hundred in several years....

So let me rephrase the question : Since the "creation" of Israel, which side killed more innocent civilians, israel or palestinians?

Conceding your point that all Palestinians are innocent and all Israelis are not civilians since there's essentially a countrywide draft that occurs, then by default the Arabs occupying the Gaza strip/West Bank come out the losers in your point.

If we're to continue looking at people as numbers, and going back to a previous post where there was a (false) mention that the majority of people killed in Operation Cast Lead were civvies, why don't we consider that greater than 95% of the Israelis killed over the years have been civvies versus the less than 50% of Arabs?

Or if we stop thinking of people as numbers and condemn all killing, which was more prolonged and intended to cause terror? In that case the Arabs rocket attacks come out as the answer for "who's the real terrorist".

Without Israel, there would not be a conflict between Israel and the lawful owners of the land Israel occupies. And where did you see me justify killings by other groups, whether one call them terrorists or freedom fighters.

You seem to have forgotten that the zionists who blew up the King David Hotel killing dozens of innocent people were also branded terrorists.

Because you know all to well that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist. As long as Israel occupies other peoples land there will be resistance.

And when was there a "Palestinian" state (except for when the Romans renamed Judea)?

The moral equivalence you are playing at is subhuman; yes there are Israeli terrorist who are promptly and justly dealt with by the Israeli government; contrast that with the Arabs in Gaza naming streets and towns after suicide bombers who kill civilians....

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Fortunately more and more people around the world are seeing the true character of the state of Israel. Israeli officials are not welcome anymore in an increasing number of countries, and/or are afraid to travel because they might get arrested for war crimes. And Israel is doing its utmost to become a pariah state because it is continuously blocking every change on peace. Even in Israel an increasing number of people begin to realize that they are living in total isolation and are looked upon with disgust by the civilized world.

Of course you refuse to see what the rest of the world is seeing and that is that Israel refuses to be a part of any solution and therefor is a part the problem only.

The boycott against Israel is gaining momentum, and after the massacre of innocent people in international waters, the whole world saw the true face of Israel.

So you and your fellow Israel apologists are fighting the same losing battle as Israel.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you will never succeed in fooling all of the people all of the time....

for the 100th time, links, facts please?????? we all aware of your opinions already and you an unbeatable 2 men army, now how about some factual information to support anything, and i mean anything you have posted.


If you want to understand a country it's good to know a little of its history. If you fiddle with other people's futures you can't complain too much when they kick you in the nuts.

It seems that Mosaddegh fixed an election which helped hasten his downfall

The fact remains that, yet again, the UK/US governments created a rod for their own backs by interfering in the affairs of a democratically elected sovereign state. The Islamic Revolution was a direct result of the oppression of the dictator imposed on the Iranians by our governments.


Fortunately more and more people around the world are seeing the true character of the state of Israel. Israeli officials are not welcome anymore in an increasing number of countries, and/or are afraid to travel because they might get arrested for war crimes. And Israel is doing its utmost to become a pariah state because it is continuously blocking every change on peace. Even in Israel an increasing number of people begin to realize that they are living in total isolation and are looked upon with disgust by the civilized world.

Of course you refuse to see what the rest of the world is seeing and that is that Israel refuses to be a part of any solution and therefor is a part the problem only.

The boycott against Israel is gaining momentum, and after the massacre of innocent people in international waters, the whole world saw the true face of Israel.

So you and your fellow Israel apologists are fighting the same losing battle as Israel.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you will never succeed in fooling all of the people all of the time....

Could you provide a list of these countries that Israeli officials are not welcome in?

And which countries have warrants out for their arrests? Has the International Court heard any such case and ruled against them?

Quite amusing you call the enforcement of a valid blockade a 'massacre'. Guess it fits into your mantra that we should just kill all the Jooos (which the people on the Marvi were trying to do to the commandos who were armed with paint ball guns and only drew their sidearms when they were shot at and stabbed).....

Of course with people like you shouting down the dissenting opinion how could others hear the whole story?


Fortunately more and more people around the world are seeing the true character of the state of Israel. Israeli officials are not welcome anymore in an increasing number of countries, and/or are afraid to travel because they might get arrested for war crimes. And Israel is doing its utmost to become a pariah state because it is continuously blocking every change on peace. Even in Israel an increasing number of people begin to realize that they are living in total isolation and are looked upon with disgust by the civilized world.

Of course you refuse to see what the rest of the world is seeing and that is that Israel refuses to be a part of any solution and therefor is a part the problem only.

The boycott against Israel is gaining momentum, and after the massacre of innocent people in international waters, the whole world saw the true face of Israel.

So you and your fellow Israel apologists are fighting the same losing battle as Israel.

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you will never succeed in fooling all of the people all of the time....

for the 100th time, links, facts please?????? we all aware of your opinions already and you an unbeatable 2 men army, now how about some factual information to support anything, and i mean anything you have posted.

They won't even respond to my posts countering their fantasies with factual links from the terroristic organisations they're defending....

Excellent in depth analysis, now you can find another thread to analyze.

Excellent commentary in depth, do you have any actual content to post?

As an apparent Israeli apologist, would you care to justify (for example) a certain well-documented murder of a Hamas guy in a Dubai hotel this year while using forged Australian passports? How about the deliberate shelling of the UN headquarters in Gaza last year resulting in death of UN personnel? How about systematically bombing the hel_l out of Lebanon in 2008 killing hundreds of civilians?

Let's hear your in depth analysis of that. I hope you can do better than <whine>but they attacked us first, 2000 years ago...sob</whine>

My apologies that I'm not an Israeli government war-criminal ass kisser. If it's any consolation, I'm not a Hezbollah war-criminal ass kisser either. They can both burn in hel_l.


Could you provide a list of these countries that Israeli officials are not welcome in?

And which countries have warrants out for their arrests? Has the International Court heard any such case and ruled against them?

Quite amusing you call the enforcement of a valid blockade a 'massacre'. Guess it fits into your mantra that we should just kill all the Jooos (which the people on the Marvi were trying to do to the commandos who were armed with paint ball guns and only drew their sidearms when they were shot at and stabbed).....

Of course with people like you shouting down the dissenting opinion how could others hear the whole story?

What a load of BS you are dumping here. Israel never accepted any rulings from the IC, or any other organization for that matter. All rulings against Israel from the IC verdicts that the Apartheid Wall is illegal to the Golstone report is considered "Biased"

Israel's Wall Condemned by the International Court of Justice


The truth about the Marvi is well known, too many witnesses survived, The IDF never used any paintball guns, according to many witnesses they came down shooting. The attack on the Marvi took place in International Waters. Israel confiscated as much video/photo and other material as possible in an attempt to suppress the truth


Here's your link :

Israel said an annual strategic forum of Israeli and British officials set to be held in London has been relocated to Israel due to continued fears that Israeli leaders could be arrested on war crimes charges.


another one :

Barak Cancels French Visit for Fear of Arrest Involving Gaza Flotilla Attack



The truth is out there, and more and more people are realizing that Israel is a failed experiment, and if it does not want to live in peace with its neighbors, it is better to reverse the wrong decisions that lead

to the "creation" of this nation.

The truth is out there, and more and more people are realizing that Israel is a failed experiment, and if it does not want to live in peace with its neighbors, it is better to reverse the wrong decisions that lead

to the "creation" of this nation.

Another laugher. Israel's neighbors can barely live in peace with themselves. Sunni on &lt;deleted&gt; violence and vice versa. Hamas and Fatah going at it. Egypt and Hamas. The muslim insurgents in Iraq versus every other Muslim in the country. Israel isn't the source of the violence, we know who is but all of us want to keep our heads so, shhhhhhhhhh.


Israel's Wall Condemned by the International Court of Justice

What they should be condemning is the Palestinian suicide bombers that made it necessary. All that killing of innocents by strapping bombs to children has mostly stopped thanks to the wall.

Once again, the terrorists reap what they sew.


Could you provide a list of these countries that Israeli officials are not welcome in?

And which countries have warrants out for their arrests? Has the International Court heard any such case and ruled against them?

Quite amusing you call the enforcement of a valid blockade a 'massacre'. Guess it fits into your mantra that we should just kill all the Jooos (which the people on the Marvi were trying to do to the commandos who were armed with paint ball guns and only drew their sidearms when they were shot at and stabbed).....

Of course with people like you shouting down the dissenting opinion how could others hear the whole story?

What a load of BS you are dumping here. Israel never accepted any rulings from the IC, or any other organization for that matter. All rulings against Israel from the IC verdicts that the Apartheid Wall is illegal to the Golstone report is considered "Biased"

Israel's Wall Condemned by the International Court of Justice


The truth about the Marvi is well known, too many witnesses survived, The IDF never used any paintball guns, according to many witnesses they came down shooting. The attack on the Marvi took place in International Waters. Israel confiscated as much video/photo and other material as possible in an attempt to suppress the truth


Here's your link :

Israel said an annual strategic forum of Israeli and British officials set to be held in London has been relocated to Israel due to continued fears that Israeli leaders could be arrested on war crimes charges.


another one :

Barak Cancels French Visit for Fear of Arrest Involving Gaza Flotilla Attack



The truth is out there, and more and more people are realizing that Israel is a failed experiment, and if it does not want to live in peace with its neighbors, it is better to reverse the wrong decisions that lead

to the "creation" of this nation.

Nice attaempt at obfrucstaration. I'll ask you to take note of the fact that I was asking for warrants issued by the ICJ...not their advisory opinion.

But since you want to touch on that; let's consider it. There are several points that are salient to this discussion. ICJ's primary determining factor in releasing the opinion (remember an opinion is not a binding ruling against) was their opinion that the West Bank is 'occupied'. There is no de jure reason for the Geneva Convention's definition to be factually applied to the West Bank in that there was no government up to the point that Israel invaded the area. A bit of history for those myopic folks; Great Britian was in control of the area before the creation of Israel and had already planned for a two state solution. Upon decleration of Statehood, the Arab armies attacked. Eygpt attacked from the southwest (and took control of what is now Gaza) and Jordan from the east (and took control of what is now the West Bank). From 1948-1967 those two countries 'occupied' 'Palestine'--in violation of the UN Security Council's resolutions. Funnily enough the UK and Pakistan, and only those two--even other Arab states condemned the actions, were the only two to support this. Even the 1949 line that people love to talk about was not an international border, at the insistence of Jordan, but rather an armistice line.

Add in the fact that Israel was fighting yet another defensive war (isn't it odd that for all the wars they've had to fight most of them have been defensive?) in 1967. Even the UN resolution 242 is written to preclude the fact that Israel has to leave all of the territory it gained during that war for survival.

Or consider that as early as 2004 (10 years before the ICJ's opinion) even the IRC had pulled out of the West Bank because Israel could not be called an "occuping force". If you're interested in the international definition of an occuping force it is restricted "to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in such territory".

It's amazing how if Israel confiscated so much videographic evidence, rather than make copies of them for their own internal investigations, that so much of it is available. And even more amazing is the fact that you can watch the videos, which are on youtube, and make a claim they did not descend with paintball guns. As far as the International Waters claim; do you wish to continue claiming that Gaza is occupied? Because if it is then


Could you provide a list of these countries that Israeli officials are not welcome in?

And which countries have warrants out for their arrests? Has the International Court heard any such case and ruled against them?

Quite amusing you call the enforcement of a valid blockade a 'massacre'. Guess it fits into your mantra that we should just kill all the Jooos (which the people on the Marvi were trying to do to the commandos who were armed with paint ball guns and only drew their sidearms when they were shot at and stabbed).....

Of course with people like you shouting down the dissenting opinion how could others hear the whole story?

What a load of BS you are dumping here. Israel never accepted any rulings from the IC, or any other organization for that matter. All rulings against Israel from the IC verdicts that the Apartheid Wall is illegal to the Golstone report is considered "Biased"

Israel's Wall Condemned by the International Court of Justice


The truth about the Marvi is well known, too many witnesses survived, The IDF never used any paintball guns, according to many witnesses they came down shooting. The attack on the Marvi took place in International Waters. Israel confiscated as much video/photo and other material as possible in an attempt to suppress the truth


Here's your link :

Israel said an annual strategic forum of Israeli and British officials set to be held in London has been relocated to Israel due to continued fears that Israeli leaders could be arrested on war crimes charges.


another one :

Barak Cancels French Visit for Fear of Arrest Involving Gaza Flotilla Attack



The truth is out there, and more and more people are realizing that Israel is a failed experiment, and if it does not want to live in peace with its neighbors, it is better to reverse the wrong decisions that lead

to the "creation" of this nation.

Nice attaempt at obfrucstaration. I'll ask you to take note of the fact that I was asking for warrants issued by the ICJ...not their advisory opinion.

But since you want to touch on that; let's consider it. There are several points that are salient to this discussion. ICJ's primary determining factor in releasing the opinion (remember an opinion is not a binding ruling against) was their opinion that the West Bank is 'occupied'. There is no de jure reason for the Geneva Convention's definition to be factually applied to the West Bank in that there was no government up to the point that Israel invaded the area. A bit of history for those myopic folks; Great Britian was in control of the area before the creation of Israel and had already planned for a two state solution. Upon decleration of Statehood, the Arab armies attacked. Eygpt attacked from the southwest (and took control of what is now Gaza) and Jordan from the east (and took control of what is now the West Bank). From 1948-1967 those two countries 'occupied' 'Palestine'--in violation of the UN Security Council's resolutions. Funnily enough the UK and Pakistan, and only those two--even other Arab states condemned the actions, were the only two to support this. Even the 1949 line that people love to talk about was not an international border, at the insistence of Jordan, but rather an armistice line.

Add in the fact that Israel was fighting yet another defensive war (isn't it odd that for all the wars they've had to fight most of them have been defensive?) in 1967. Even the UN resolution 242 is written to preclude the fact that Israel has to leave all of the territory it gained during that war for survival.

Or consider that as early as 2004 (10 years before the ICJ's opinion) even the IRC had pulled out of the West Bank because Israel could not be called an "occuping force". If you're interested in the international definition of an occuping force it is restricted "to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in such territory".

It's amazing how if Israel confiscated so much videographic evidence, rather than make copies of them for their own internal investigations, that so much of it is available. And even more amazing is the fact that you can watch the videos, which are on youtube, and make a claim they did not descend with paintball guns. As far as the International Waters claim; do you wish to continue claiming that Gaza is occupied? Because if it is then Israel was stopping a ship going to one of its


Could you provide a list of these countries that Israeli officials are not welcome in?

And which countries have warrants out for their arrests? Has the International Court heard any such case and ruled against them?

Quite amusing you call the enforcement of a valid blockade a 'massacre'. Guess it fits into your mantra that we should just kill all the Jooos (which the people on the Marvi were trying to do to the commandos who were armed with paint ball guns and only drew their sidearms when they were shot at and stabbed).....

Of course with people like you shouting down the dissenting opinion how could others hear the whole story?

What a load of BS you are dumping here. Israel never accepted any rulings from the IC, or any other organization for that matter. All rulings against Israel from the IC verdicts that the Apartheid Wall is illegal to the Golstone report is considered "Biased"

Israel's Wall Condemned by the International Court of Justice


The truth about the Marvi is well known, too many witnesses survived, The IDF never used any paintball guns, according to many witnesses they came down shooting. The attack on the Marvi took place in International Waters. Israel confiscated as much video/photo and other material as possible in an attempt to suppress the truth


Here's your link :

Israel said an annual strategic forum of Israeli and British officials set to be held in London has been relocated to Israel due to continued fears that Israeli leaders could be arrested on war crimes charges.


another one :

Barak Cancels French Visit for Fear of Arrest Involving Gaza Flotilla Attack



The truth is out there, and more and more people are realizing that Israel is a failed experiment, and if it does not want to live in peace with its neighbors, it is better to reverse the wrong decisions that lead

to the "creation" of this nation.

Nice attaempt at obfrucstaration. I'll ask you to take note of the fact that I was asking for warrants issued by the ICJ...not their advisory opinion.

But since you want to touch on that; let's consider it. There are several points that are salient to this discussion. ICJ's primary determining factor in releasing the opinion (remember an opinion is not a binding ruling against) was their opinion that the West Bank is 'occupied'. There is no de jure reason for the Geneva Convention's definition to be factually applied to the West Bank in that there was no government up to the point that Israel invaded the area. A bit of history for those myopic folks; Great Britian was in control of the area before the creation of Israel and had already planned for a two state solution. Upon decleration of Statehood, the Arab armies attacked. Eygpt attacked from the southwest (and took control of what is now Gaza) and Jordan from the east (and took control of what is now the West Bank). From 1948-1967 those two countries 'occupied' 'Palestine'--in violation of the UN Security Council's resolutions. Funnily enough the UK and Pakistan, and only those two--even other Arab states condemned the actions, were the only two to support this. Even the 1949 line that people love to talk about was not an international border, at the insistence of Jordan, but rather an armistice line.

Add in the fact that Israel was fighting yet another defensive war (isn't it odd that for all the wars they've had to fight most of them have been defensive?) in 1967. Even the UN resolution 242 is written to preclude the fact that Israel has to leave all of the territory it gained during that war for survival.

Or consider that as early as 2004 (10 years before the ICJ's opinion) even the IRC had pulled out of the West Bank because Israel could not be called an "occuping force". If you're interested in the international definition of an occuping force it is restricted "to the extent that such Power exercises the functions of government in such territory".

It's amazing how if Israel confiscated so much videographic evidence, rather than make copies of them for their own internal investigations, that so much of it is available. And even more amazing is the fact that you can watch the videos, which are on youtube, and make a claim they did not descend with paintball guns. As far as the International Waters claim; do you wish to continue claiming that Gaza is occupied? Because if it is then Israel was stopping a ship going to one of its territories. If you recognise that Hamas is the government of Gaza, then even with that as long as Israel was not blockading the ports of neutral parties it is within its international rights to extend the blockade into international waters.

Finally, with the judges that UK has, can you blame the Israeli officials for not wanting to go there? Even though there is NO warrant out, with the ability of a person to bring charges (regardless of validity) against someone in UK even for extra-territorial crimes it is quite understandable for the reluctance. And you still haven't provided any warrants.


Sorry, wrist hit the touch pad right before I hit a space and BAM I posted.


The fact remains that, yet again, the UK/US governments created a rod for their own backs by interfering in the affairs of a democratically elected sovereign state. The Islamic Revolution was a direct result of the oppression of the dictator imposed on the Iranians by our governments.

The most simple of truths yet constantly ignored

Excellent in depth analysis, now you can find another thread to analyze.

How about systematically bombing the hel_l out of Lebanon in 2008 killing hundreds of civilians?

Oh really? any links for that bombing please?

I guess it was too hard for you to read 2 pages long facts of attacks on Israel, may be i should email it to you or make a movie so it will be easier to follow.


Could you provide a list of these countries that Israeli officials are not welcome in?

And which countries have warrants out for their arrests?

Sure, as soon as you provide list of the countries where Hamas and Hezbullah officials are welcome!!!!!

Oh wait, your list will have 4 countries if lucky???

A list of countries who welcome Palestinians???? or grant them visa.

Even their own brothers do not want them, so bad to a point that Jordan is happy to give up the land as long as it does not have to deal with them.


The fact remains that, yet again, the UK/US governments created a rod for their own backs by interfering in the affairs of a democratically elected sovereign state. The Islamic Revolution was a direct result of the oppression of the dictator imposed on the Iranians by our governments.

The most simple of truths yet constantly ignored

I am sorry but i am failing to see how you can blame US or UK for the nut case who is in power now.

Iran is not the only Islamic State, but it is the only Islamic state which is determined to defy the entire world.

the so called Islamic Revolution and fight against the West was doing of selected few who interpret Karan to fit their needs. They only promote hatred and somehow managed to interpret that the West is against Islam which is far from the truth.

There are a number of Islamic, muslim countries who do not involve themselves in this nuisance and do not allow any kind of propaganda or preaching of a kind.

It is a handfull of people who are creating all these problems for the world. they pray on less educated and brain wash them with their hate. funny enough in almost all incidents worldwide leaders always manage to stay safe, yet the keep proclaiming they ready to die.

They blame everything bad that has happened to ones family on West or Israel and build on it.

If Israel was nearly as bad as some trying to paint it, Israel surely will not have over 1 million of Arab population holding Israeli citizenship.

You know of any Jews living free life in Arab country?


Nothing is stupid when you are a hardcore Israel Apologist ...

How about hardcore Israel hate-mongers who blame them for absolutely everything and justify the killing of innocent me, women and children - no matter what nationality - by terrorist groups and rogue countries.

Is that all empty rhetoric, blatant lies or just hypocrisy?


Without Israel, there would not be a conflict between Israel and the lawful owners of the land Israel occupies.

You are very particular about which UN resolutions you pay attention to. Israel is the lawful owner of the land that makes up most of the country and the rest was won after being attacked repeatedly and they are willing to trade most of that for peace, but the terrorists keep refusing.

They are willing to trade MOST of that for peace? How nice of them. Take land that isn't theirs and then offer part of it back for peace. Yep, very kind.

But of course you find that acceptable.


By your twisted "logic" O.J. Simpson should never had to pay civil charges for murdering two people in cold blood.

There are consequences for attacking another people over and over again (and rejecting multiple peace deals).

The fact remains that, yet again, the UK/US governments created a rod for their own backs by interfering in the affairs of a democratically elected sovereign state. The Islamic Revolution was a direct result of the oppression of the dictator imposed on the Iranians by our governments.
I am sorry but i am failing to see how you can blame US or UK for the nut case who is in power now.
Let alone predicting what would have happened if the "good guy" who fixed elections had stayed in power.


The fact remains that, yet again, the UK/US governments created a rod for their own backs by interfering in the affairs of a democratically elected sovereign state. The Islamic Revolution was a direct result of the oppression of the dictator imposed on the Iranians by our governments.
I am sorry but i am failing to see how you can blame US or UK for the nut case who is in power now.
Let alone predicting what would have happened if the "good guy" who fixed elections had stayed in power.


George Bush fixed his election ..... USA can do it and it's OK, anyone else (with oil) does it and America invades and installs a puppet government.

The fact remains that, yet again, the UK/US governments created a rod for their own backs by interfering in the affairs of a democratically elected sovereign state. The Islamic Revolution was a direct result of the oppression of the dictator imposed on the Iranians by our governments.
I am sorry but i am failing to see how you can blame US or UK for the nut case who is in power now.
Let alone predicting what would have happened if the "good guy" who fixed elections had stayed in power.


George Bush fixed his election ..... USA can do it and it's OK, anyone else (with oil) does it and America invades and installs a puppet government.

more nuisance and again from the same person


They are willing to trade MOST of that for peace? How nice of them. Take land that isn't theirs and then offer part of it back for peace. Yep, very kind.

But of course you find that acceptable.

again, please provide facts what land was taken, when and from whom


I'm assuming UG and Kuffki are Jewish.

In which case this whole discussion is pointless.

If I see this again it will earn a long suspension. Keep people's race, religion, etc out of it.

Edit: removed one insult post and one quoting it.


The promised land, the stolen land

A summary of the study by Anja Meulenbelt and Harry van Bommel

In violation of the Geneva Conventions, UN resolutions and, amongst other agreements, the Oslo accord of 1993, numerous Jewish settlements appeared in the occupied areas, as well as connecting roads and, a few years ago, a separating wall. The result is that no more than 60% of the occupied area is available to the Palestinians, and that in a number of closed enclaves. This isolation puts a brake on the economic development of the occupied areas and almost half of the 1.7 million Palestinians live below the poverty line. For the Palestinians the occupation means, among other things, the extra-judicial execution of Palestinian suspects – the so-called targeted killings – the real possibility that your house will be bulldozed and extremely limited access to hospitals via the humiliating route of the checkpoints.



Dividing War Spoils:

Israel’s Seizure, Confiscation and Sale of Palestinian Property

By Dr. Salman Abu-Sitta, Palestine Land Society, London, August 2009.

1. There has been nothing like it in the pages of history books. A foreign minority, descending upon a national majority of a country, fortified by colonial political, military and financial support and a hostile ideology, emptying the country of its people, seizing all their land and property, obliterating their landscape, history and memory, claiming that this crime is an act of divine intervention, and persisting, unchecked by force of justice in committing this crime, according to the same plan for over 60 years with no end in sight, is unprecedented in the history of the world. This is the recent history of Palestine. The records of the United Nations, and before it, the League of Nations, contain a detailed chronicle this of long violent history.

2. When Allenby’s British forces entered Palestine in 1917 to free its people from the yoke of Ottoman rule, the Jews in Palestine were a small community not exceeding 56,000 souls.

3. By military force, the Jewish forces conquered 78% of Palestine in 1948 and depopulated 675 towns and villages, leaving only 15% of its Palestinian citizens under the rule of the Jewish forces. This area of Palestine was called Israel. The expelled population makes up 6,320,000 people (2008) who are refugees since 1948. Their entire land and property have been confiscated by the Israeli authorities under a pseudo-legal formulation.


>>> Click here to download the full report (7029.jpg 46 pages, 2.4 MB) with detailed tables, figures and academic documentation.


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