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Bill Clinton Takes Campaign Against Climate Change To Thailand

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'Saving our planet is worth it'

By Supalak Ganjanakhundee

The Nation

Bill Clinton takes campaign against climate change to Thailand

Former US President Bill Clinton on Friday called on countries to change the ways of producing and consuming energy, insisting that the reform crucial to the campaign against global warming can go hand in hand with sustainable economic growth.

Speaking to a distinguished audience at the Government House in Bangkok on “Embracing Our Common Humanity”,Clinton said countries remained without consensus on how to reduce emission gas and this would continue perhaps until the end of Tokyo protocol in 2012.

Economic downturn in Europe, the United States and other parts of the world has made it even more difficult for countries to find the ways under the framework of the protocol to deal with the climate changes, he said.

“I’m convinced that the most important thing the world can do is for countries to build a broadened way for economy and to promote long-term economic growth to address the climate change by changing the way energy is produced and consumed in a systematic way,” Clinton said.

After his presidency, Clinton set up his William J Clinton Foundationto promote solutions to save the world from the climate change. The New York-based foundation also has an office in Bangkok to carry on his initiative to deal with the problem.

The foundation’s headquarter in New York City is in an energy saving building, which reflects private sector's effort to help reduce emission gas, hesaid.

At nation level, countries should use the climate change as a driving force to generate economic growth and create jobs for people, he said.

The government should play the role in designing financial system which gives incentives for energey-saving projects, he suggested. The projects from such initiative, with proper support, would create a lot of jobs and boost economy, he said.

“You can double per capita incomes, if you can do in the proper way,” Clinton told hundreds of local and foreign guests from government and private sectors.

Many countries around the world are engaged in initiating projects to build up the economy and save the world from the global climate change at the same time, he said.

In his address hosted by the Ministry of Energy and the PTTGroup, Clinton said many alternative energies have their own limitations.

On nuclear power, he said nuclear power plants might generate more energy but it generates fewer jobsfor people by comparison to other energy production with the same investment.

Bio-fuel also has pros and cons, he said. Countries cannot use all food stock to produce energy, and there's also the issue of increase deforestation resulting from using energy plants, he said.

Clinton urged all country and individuals to join hands to save the world from the crisis of climate change. “Denial is not an option, inaction is not an option,” he said. “Saving the planet is worth the efforts.”


-- The Nation 2010-11-13

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One volcanic eruption of 2 seconds blows out what man kind can do in 1,000 years on current thought process about greening the planet in spewing out gas, ash and pollutants. Sorry to rain on the greenies parade!

Greening the planet is all about Govt's looking for a way to gain taxes, unscrupulous people acquiring handouts and Wall Street creating BS markets to sell 'carbon credits' and fantasy derivatives to business gamblers to be able to manipulate the economy and countries whilst making underhanded money!

Sorry Bill - take the next plane back will you? Stick your nose into something sensible like stopping human trafficking... make your autumn years actually count!


What do you do when you're a socialist politician who has passed their sell-by date and misses the feeling of being important and in the spotlight?

Answer: Well, if you're an incurable narcissist like Gore, or Blair, or Clinton, the answer is to troll round the planet trying to show your caring side by spouting silly scare stories about 'global warming'.

The best way to 'save the planet' would be to give these has-beens something better with which to occupy their time, like a big jigsaw.


Sounds like any suggested solutions to the problems were not a part of Slick Willey's presentation. Since the sponsor of this venue was PTT and the Ministry of Energy, he sure would not want to propose any avenue that may reduce their income plans. The good part is perhaps there is a slot than can be filled by the political discards of the western countries, which is relatively harmless.


Big business and big government proponents hand in hand to push their control over the people to the next level. Corporatism, as is the aim of the past 3 and the current government in the US, has and will never have anything to improve the lives of the citizens slash consumers.


And what the hel_l are those yankee pricks doing to curb climate change themselves? Only 300,000,000 people in their country and they are the biggest abusers of fossil fuels in the world!!

I don't particularly believe in man-made climate change but still, they should clean up their own backyard before preaching to others.


The man would appear to have as much gall as the reptilian Gore, although Gore is richer (partly or solely owing to the Global Warming scam). Why, one wonders, did they change from calling it GW to calling it Climate Change.

I'm curious about the circumstances surrounding his obviously welcome reception in Thailand. If he was invited by the government then the lads here were already salivating at the thought of more taxes from ordinary people; if he initiated the invite then they will shortly be salivating. It is about more taxation, no more no less, as man-made change is a crock of shoot.

Not surprising that Clinton is expanding his horizons; as his own country has scrapped cap and trade (the people just won't stand for it). Thailand might though. Poor Thailand.


What do you do when you're a socialist politician who has passed their sell-by date and misses the feeling of being important and in the spotlight?

Answer: Well, if you're an incurable narcissist like Gore, or Blair, or Clinton, the answer is to troll round the planet trying to show your caring side by spouting silly scare stories about 'global warming'.

The best way to 'save the planet' would be to give these has-beens something better with which to occupy their time, like a big jigsaw.

Well said.

The nails are being thrust into the coffin of global warming nonsense faster than rounds from an A-10 nose gun, and rightly so.

The Madoff-like fraud known has carbon trading has died a painful and expensive death as noted here:


I guess people started getting nervous when financial fraudsters like Madoff started going down for the long count.

Good riddance, sez me.


What do you do when you're a socialist politician who has passed their sell-by date and misses the feeling of being important and in the spotlight?

Answer: Well, if you're an incurable narcissist like Gore, or Blair, or Clinton, the answer is to troll round the planet trying to show your caring side by spouting silly scare stories about 'global warming'.

The best way to 'save the planet' would be to give these has-beens something better with which to occupy their time, like a big jigsaw.

Silly Willy ( a name I much prefer to 'Slick Willy') has never really had an original idea that did not come from someone else. Now in his fading years, he must be content to be known as Hillary's husband -- not good for his ego or his pocketbook.

...but he has seen the glowing spotlight on Al Gore, and the vast sums that Gore is attracting in his scampaign.

" Why not ", says Willy -- " I can do this too !"


Can anyone explain the unusual weather paterns in the world today? Extreme cold in some areas, extreme heat in others, islands in Thailand & other countries slowly going under water, rivers overflowing there banks, I don't believe you can outright dismiss climate change. We, as in the world, are abusing nature and as the old sayng goes, NEVER FOOL WITH MOTHER NATURE, you'll lose every time.


One volcanic eruption of 2 seconds blows out what man kind can do in 1,000 years on current thought process about greening the planet in spewing out gas, ash and pollutants. Sorry to rain on the greenies parade!

Greening the planet is all about Govt's looking for a way to gain taxes, unscrupulous people acquiring handouts and Wall Street creating BS markets to sell 'carbon credits' and fantasy derivatives to business gamblers to be able to manipulate the economy and countries whilst making underhanded money!

Sorry Bill - take the next plane back will you? Stick your nose into something sensible like stopping human trafficking... make your autumn years actually count!

Asiawatcher you were doing so well there at the start. I couldn't agree with you more about the fallacy of global warming. If anyone's read the leaked emails out of East Anglia University you have to rethink your position on the issue for sure. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100017393/climategate-the-final-nail-in-the-coffin-of-anthropogenic-global-warming Anyway I certainly support and second your views on this subject. I think where you went off base was your suggestion of a new line of work for Mr Clinton. The "human trafficking" problem is vastly exaggerated and overcrowded by a plethora of NGOs, Government Departments, National and International Police agencies, feminists and others looking for a line item budget increase, charitable funding from dim witted ignorant and gullible civilians and feminists trying to bolster their political agenda that all men should be castrated or simply put to death. I think a little less attention to the over stated problem of human trafficking would be a welcome change. At least it would up in my neck of the woods in Chiang Mai. Right now there are so many missionaries and NGO's resident here with the mission of trying to stop "trafficking" (What the hel_l does that mean anyway?) that I can't even find a parking space at the local Coffee Bus in the morning because it's full of brand new 1,500,000 Baht SUVs that are being driven by these good folk doing "God's Work." What a scam if I ever saw one.


Wow; I'm so surprised about some of these comments that I've decided to post even though I almost never do.

One volcanic eruption of 2 seconds blows out what man kind can do in 1,000 years on current thought process about greening the planet in spewing out gas, ash and pollutants. Sorry to rain on the greenies parade!
How can you make such an outrageous claim like that without providing us a source? Please let us know where you get your information.
And what the hel_l are those yankee pricks doing to curb climate change themselves? Only 300,000,000 people in their country and they are the biggest abusers of fossil fuels in the world!!
Yes, unfortunately, Americans, in general, emit more pollutants than other countries, but you should realize that not all Americans like polluting the world, so you don't need to call Americans pricks.
Can anyone explain the unusual weather paterns in the world today? Extreme cold in some areas, extreme heat in others, islands in Thailand & other countries slowly going under water, rivers overflowing there banks, I don't believe you can outright dismiss climate change.
Good question. I agree that one should not dismiss this issue or say it's a scam. Instead, we should be open to what the scientists have to say.

We should not make any unsubstantiated claims regarding this issue, because that spreads disinformation that some people might take as fact. Ask questions, and don't be so quick to answer them.


Bill Gates, the real Bill, gives a good talk regarding nuclear power as the best solution to climate change:


Solar in Thailand is a no-brainer, it should be pursued. Sustainable energy has never really been given a chance in America due to powerful interests. Maybe Thailand.

Even climate change deniers are admitting it exists so they get taken seriously, then they say fighting it is a waste of money. Climate change deniers are paid by the likes of the Koch brothers to spread misinformation. meh, ignore


"At nation level, countries should use the climate change as a driving force to generate economic growth and create jobs for people, he said."

So he basically admits climate change should be used as an excuse to give people useless jobs and rip off the tax payer.. Well at least he is upfront about it I guess..


Wow; I'm so surprised about some of these comments that I've decided to post even though I almost never do.

I agree that one should not dismiss this issue or say it's a scam. Instead, we should be open to what the scientists have to say.

Which 'scientists' to listen to?

For the past 30 years the Antarctic ice has been increasing by 100,000 sq km per decade.

This scientist says it because of the depleting ozone layer.


This one says it's not???!!!


depletion of ozone layer 'they' say!!! got that one pinned down.???

<deleted> these 'scientists' say the ozone layer has been increasing


YOU listen to the \scientists/

Global warming is as real as the Millenium Bug,,, chicken little


This has been a useful mini survey between the "Warmists" and the "Realists" (ex - Deniers),

I count 13 against AGW and 2 for. (one of those a possible fence-sitter).

I have followed this debate with great interest since reading of the Middle Age Warming Period in Greenland (West Viking by Farley Mowat - http://www.amazon.com/Westviking-Mowat-Farley/dp/0771066929

It now appears clear that the warming in the past 140 years has been nothing unusual - approx 0.6C per century, which is much less than at other times in history -



This article gives you a pretty good overall picture of the current thinking on AGW.

It's unfortunate that the human ego has a great deal of difficulty in admitting it may be have been wrong - and carries on blindly insisting it is right when all the facts point in the opposite direction.

What will it take for these politicians to admit they were mistaken in following a few climate scientists who were more interested in their annual grants than in doing Real Science?

Europe seems determined in following the expensive path to alternative energy - which still needs conventional backup when the wind doesn't blow.

One things for sure - humans are not intelligent enough to be organising their own future.

But I seem to be preaching to the converted at TV.


This has been a useful mini survey between the "Warmists" and the "Realists" (ex - Deniers),

I count 13 against AGW and 2 for. (one of those a possible fence-sitter).

I have followed this debate with great interest since reading of the Middle Age Warming Period in Greenland (West Viking by Farley Mowat - http://www.amazon.co...y/dp/0771066929

It now appears clear that the warming in the past 140 years has been nothing unusual - approx 0.6C per century, which is much less than at other times in history -



This article gives you a pretty good overall picture of the current thinking on AGW.

It's unfortunate that the human ego has a great deal of difficulty in admitting it may be have been wrong - and carries on blindly insisting it is right when all the facts point in the opposite direction.

What will it take for these politicians to admit they were mistaken in following a few climate scientists who were more interested in their annual grants than in doing Real Science?

Europe seems determined in following the expensive path to alternative energy - which still needs conventional backup when the wind doesn't blow.

One things for sure - humans are not intelligent enough to be organising their own future.

But I seem to be preaching to the converted at TV.

One side benefit of the GW myth is it focused attention on the destruction of the environment and polution of water sources. I would LOVE to go to a remote beach in Thailand without having to dodge garbage and 'who knows what?'!

1rst it was the ozone is going ,which it wasn't. millenium bug, who made a fortune off that one? Global warming, what's the next scarey monster? oh yea the Antichrist ha ha ha (look it up Tony Blair is now the top 'suspect')

Scientists, like David Suzuki 'go along' with the GW myth because, while it is a lie, like daylight savings time, itt has bolstered the devolpment of recycling and other good causes. Suzuki showed in a Paper how slight warming of the planet would create more forests, which would create more insects, which would create more off gasses, which would, like a natural thermostat, cool it back down, until the forests get reduced and less insects, less off gassing causes it to warm up again.

Yes, the earth can handle and adjust to Man's biggest <deleted>, but I can't stand seeing garbage evereywhere so leave Gore and Billy boy sell their snake oil, if it causes change attitudes about clean water and air.

As someone mentioned, one huge volcano could dwarf the total effect of all of mankinds' <deleted>.

The last time there was a ;natural; warming Britain and Scandanvia expereienced FREEZING. the melting polar ice blocked the warming Gulf Stream from coming North. I wonder how many Brits who believe in GW know they should be learning how to make igloos?


I'm SURE B C got some 'warming' himself in Thailand, left right and center HA HA

EDIT the BIGgest fallacy in the OP is

Speaking to a distinguished audience

I think that if Mr Clinton really believes in the global warming theory, he should start with his own backyard and try to set a real a real example there. But I am afraid he will not succeed in doing that..... All noise and no results there.


"One side benefit of the GW myth is it focused attention on the destruction of the environment and polution of water sources"

One of the big problems of spending trillions of Dollars / Baht / Pounds etc on trying to stop the sky from falling when it obviously isn't is that there is then no money left for the Earth's real problems - Over population, pollution (includes garbage), deforestation etc.

Organisations such as WWF, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Suzuki etc also lose much of their credibility and the thinking population then stop supporting them. Eventually they will fade away as they bravely try to stop that sky from falling while the rest of us walk around them laughing. The causes they are good at - preventing deforestaion for example will also fade away. They will have squandered their usefulness for a lie.


So it looks like the ThaiVisa.com libertarian brain-trust has come to the same conclusion on this issue as the usual suspects of the Financial Crisis Topic has concluded on theirs: We're right; they're wrong.


One volcanic eruption of 2 seconds blows out what man kind can do in 1,000 years on current thought process about greening the planet in spewing out gas, ash and pollutants. Sorry to rain on the greenies parade!

Greening the planet is all about Govt's looking for a way to gain taxes, unscrupulous people acquiring handouts and Wall Street creating BS markets to sell 'carbon credits' and fantasy derivatives to business gamblers to be able to manipulate the economy and countries whilst making underhanded money!

Sorry Bill - take the next plane back will you? Stick your nose into something sensible like stopping human trafficking... make your autumn years actually count!

Nice post, AW.

It's good to know that someone has his nose up in the winds of change.


One volcanic eruption of 2 seconds blows out what man kind can do in 1,000 years on current thought process about greening the planet in spewing out gas, ash and pollutants. Sorry to rain on the greenies parade!

Greening the planet is all about Govt's looking for a way to gain taxes, unscrupulous people acquiring handouts and Wall Street creating BS markets to sell 'carbon credits' and fantasy derivatives to business gamblers to be able to manipulate the economy and countries whilst making underhanded money!

Sorry Bill - take the next plane back will you? Stick your nose into something sensible like stopping human trafficking... make your autumn years actually count!

Asiawatcher you were doing so well there at the start. I couldn't agree with you more about the fallacy of global warming. If anyone's read the leaked emails out of East Anglia University you have to rethink your position on the issue for sure. http://blogs.telegra...-global-warming Anyway I certainly support and second your views on this subject. I think where you went off base was your suggestion of a new line of work for Mr Clinton. The "human trafficking" problem is vastly exaggerated and overcrowded by a plethora of NGOs, Government Departments, National and International Police agencies, feminists and others looking for a line item budget increase, charitable funding from dim witted ignorant and gullible civilians and feminists trying to bolster their political agenda that all men should be castrated or simply put to death. I think a little less attention to the over stated problem of human trafficking would be a welcome change. At least it would up in my neck of the woods in Chiang Mai. Right now there are so many missionaries and NGO's resident here with the mission of trying to stop "trafficking" (What the hel_l does that mean anyway?) that I can't even find a parking space at the local Coffee Bus in the morning because it's full of brand new 1,500,000 Baht SUVs that are being driven by these good folk doing "God's Work." What a scam if I ever saw one.

Hey SanSalExPat, thx for the words. Actually I have been and still are involved in busts of Human Trafficking and it is just short or being a full time occupation!!! I am presently working with two companies doing documentary expose's and it really is still very bad here. Of course I totally agree with your comments on the NGO and religious freaks and do-gooders hiding behind protocol and hype to get a free ride (and payout). I had the pleasure of working with Land Mine Solutions (UK) in Asia in 2002, great bunch and very professional who had their hand out for real work, yet after 5 years received a grant of around 250,000 which was promptly taken up by the appointed overseer and his secretary who invariably took about 90% of the funds in the first 12 months in 'salary', perks and living expenses and very little ever made it back to where it was necessary. Needless to say they gave up. Part of what we covered was how the first explosion in a village spooked the populace thus they would not go get water, no water, no irrigation, and the inevitable down turn and then mum and dad 'sold' off the daughters for 3,000 Baht each and they ended up as a commodity in Europe. Thus a catalyst for Human Trafficking. So if I had the opportunity to expose the NGO's and religious groups I would, especially in your neck of the woods! They are endemic and as you say drive all the latest SUV's and Toyota Commuters. ohmy.gif

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