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What Visa Is Best?

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Hey Guys,

Stumbled on this forum after lots of searching for visa info - but no idea whats my best option, would really appreciate some pointers.

Ok so I'm a UK citizen and wish to go to thailand ideally for around a year. I've no problem with leaving the country every now and then, but obviously the least i need to do this the better.

My reason for going to thai is I've been working like a dog since 16, and now I'm in a position for some much deserved time out.

I won't need to work whilst in thai as I get reqular payments from projects I have setup in the uk over the last few years. At the most perhaps id be sending the odd email here and there.

Looking in the long term tho, I would eventually be wanting to setup a business in thailand, but thats a long way off - and i would prob return to the uk first before setting anything up - however I would probably be doing some research into that whilst im there.

I would be staying with my girlfriend (thai) so wouldn't have to worry about accommodation for the time im there.

All advice you can give is greatly appreciated.


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Looking in the long term tho, I would eventually be wanting to setup a business in thailand

How does a farang (foreigner) make a small fortune in Thailand?

He starts with a large one!

Seriously, best of luck, sorry I can't help with advice on the visa.

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