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Hi Everyone,

I am a Brit living in Spain.

Next year I intend to move to Thailand to retire. I have bought a house here within a business and would like advice about Customs duty & tax.

I have been told that if I want to move my personal belongings with me from Spain I could be liable for an import duty even though they are all personal effects like china & porcelane figures, Crystal glassware, some items of furniture and video film collection of maybe 15 yeras old.

Can anyone give me any help or advice, or maybe the correct department to contact within the Thai aurthorities or customs.

Any advice I would be greatful.

from a bewildered ferang.


Guest IT Manager

Simple. If you come in with a retirement visa as opposed to arriving then applying, you can bring your personal effects with no import tax. But... if you have 6 frig's, 3 computers and several stereos, expect tax to be levied.

Suggestion.. bring as little as possible, then no problem.

There are other legal issues involved but if u come in with the visa, you can bring a vehicle. My suggestion, for ease of operation...don't.

Bring in clothes and books 1 PC, one stereo, 1 frig, 1 TV (check voltages as I have no idea what it is there), then zero problems.

Re the crystal etc., no problem likewise videos.

Talk to your local consul and they have a brochure about it.


Many thanks for your advice,

That has put my mind at rest quite a lot - as I don't want to have to sell all my worldly goods that I have aquired over the years and mean a great deal to me.

One more thing,

does anyone have any advive on transporting a dog to Thailand.

He is quite small and fully vacinated with all reveant paperwork. It just sems a long jurney of 12 hours flight for a dog to spend locked in the hold of an airoplane.

I have spoken to a vet who suggested tranquilisers but they only last for about 4 - 5 hours.



I am not sure what the voltage is where you are but where I live it's 220-240 volts A.C. most of the time, no volts some of the time and no earth any of the time.

If you are going to buy or build a house here next time you are in the U.K. treat yourself to a consumer unit ( thats the thing with all the fuses in it) Wylex are as good as any, tell them at the suppliers you want at least an 8 way, 1 way =1 mcb (minature circuit breaker) you don't have to use them all but it's handy to have a few extras. Make sure you get the m.c.b.s with it as you won't be able to buy them here.

Tell them also you want one with a split load option, don't worry they will know what you mean, with an R.C.D, residual current device.

I have wired a few houses here with these, as stuff from the U.K. is the best in the world (ok ok in my opinion) they are not particularly cheap but it's better than being dead.

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