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Koh Samet Is Filthy


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I agree. I went there in April, and after hearing how pretty it was, I was despararely saddened to see that it was such a dump. Unfortunately the story of so many one time "beauty spots" in Thailand. Overdeveloped with little or no planning. Name me a place in Thailand that hasn't been spolied by greed and corruption. It seems such a shame to squander the country's natural beauty, and one wonders what the dsignation of "National Park" actually means.

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water in the ocean about 50% gasoline which burns your eyes

I think you're being a little overdramatic there. The ocean water is 50% gasoline? Right.

and the 'streams of toxic water flowing down every hill!"

ooooh the drama!

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I agree. I went there in April, and after hearing how pretty it was, I was despararely saddened to see that it was such a dump. Unfortunately the story of so many one time "beauty spots" in Thailand. Overdeveloped with little or no planning. Name me a place in Thailand that hasn't been spolied by greed and corruption. It seems such a shame to squander the country's natural beauty, and one wonders what the dsignation of "National Park" actually means.

Thai Definition of National Park is.....get Farrang to pay 5 times as much as a Thai national to look at a waterfall.....after you have eaten all the animals or put them in a small box in a zoo

I was about to book 2 days in Samet - lucky for me I spotted this thread...


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I agree. I went there in April, and after hearing how pretty it was, I was despararely saddened to see that it was such a dump. Unfortunately the story of so many one time "beauty spots" in Thailand. Overdeveloped with little or no planning. Name me a place in Thailand that hasn't been spolied by greed and corruption. It seems such a shame to squander the country's natural beauty, and one wonders what the dsignation of "National Park" actually means.


Took these today, my local area.















Yes, I refuse to go to Samet now. Awful.


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Having lived/based in Thailand for many years I've always been told I should go to Samed as it was lovely and so close to Bangkok but always went to other beaches or islands. Had friends visiting in October and booked for a couple of days at Samed Villa at about 2000 baht per night. The hotel was fine and included a breakfast buffet and also had wifi and paid 2000 baht per night for my own bungalow.

Between the hotel and the next hotel was a stream that ran into the ocean so while sitting at the bar you could watch the human crap flowing directly into the ocean in front of the hotel. Flies were everywhere while eating in the restaurant or lying on the beach. I did not go in the water.

We took a walk down the beach to find the 7 11 and along the way passed hotels which looked more like 3rd world slums and the further back we walked was just muck and mire and piles and piles of garbage.

That evening we walked down to Tub Tim Resort to have dinner on the beach. We were told that this was a good restaurant with fresh seafood. Overpriced and far from fresh the food was sub standard.

We had booked for 3 nights but that evening we decided to check out the next day. We went to Pattaya and stayed at Rabbit Resort on Dong Tan beach which turned out to be a good trip. Normally I would not even consider Pattaya but the beach, food, atmosphere and cleanliness was much better.

As most of us are flight crew and when ever a passenger mentions a beach island close to Bangkok I warn them to stay away from Samed.

Much better options, such as Hua Hin, Cha Am or other beaches that direction. I'm not saying Pattaya is for everyone but we stayed only in Dong Tan and all was fine.

Samed never again.

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Having lived/based in Thailand for many years I've always been told I should go to Samed as it was lovely and so close to Bangkok but always went to other beaches or islands.  Had friends visiting in October and booked for a couple of days at Samed Villa at about 2000 baht per night.  The hotel was fine and included a breakfast buffet and also had wifi and paid 2000 baht per night for my own bungalow.

Between the hotel and the next hotel was a stream that ran into the ocean so while sitting at the bar you could watch the human crap flowing directly into the ocean in front of the hotel.  Flies were everywhere while eating in the restaurant or lying on the beach.  I did not go in the water.

We took a walk down the beach to find the 7 11 and along the way passed hotels which looked more like 3rd world slums and the further back we walked was just muck and mire and piles and piles of garbage.

That evening we walked down to Tub Tim Resort to have dinner on the beach.  We were told that this was a good restaurant with fresh seafood.  Overpriced and far from fresh the food was sub standard.

We had booked for 3 nights but that evening we decided to check out the next day.  We went to Pattaya and stayed at Rabbit Resort on Dong Tan beach which turned out to be a good trip.  Normally I would not even consider Pattaya but the beach, food, atmosphere and cleanliness was much better.

As most of us are flight crew and when ever a passenger mentions a beach island close to Bangkok I warn them to stay away from Samed.

Much better options, such as Hua Hin, Cha Am or other beaches that direction.  I'm not saying Pattaya is for everyone but we stayed only in Dong Tan and all was fine.

Samed never again.

I know Joseph who owns Samed Villa, the human excrement would not have been coming from his business, he has a full sewage treatment system there.

But yes, most 'resorts' flush at night directly onto the beach, it's vile.

It really is quite dreadful that island, Thai friends here avoid it and go to Koh Chang instead.

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Sadly Koh Chang is rapidly being destroyed by the same overdevelopment and lack of planning. Another of the so-called National Parks, for which the designation means what I really don't know.

MJP - your Isaan pictures are pretty, largely as a result of no development. As soon as developers get involved it's the kiss of death.

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Sadly Koh Chang is rapidly being destroyed by the same overdevelopment and lack of planning. Another of the so-called National Parks, for which the designation means what I really don't know.

MJP - your Isaan pictures are pretty, largely as a result of no development. As soon as developers get involved it's the kiss of death.

It's coming. 30 large wind turbines planned for that hill and a new 4 lane highway close by within the next 4 years.

Koh Samet needs clearing, the landfill emptying and the most of it completely redesigning and rebuilding. Couple of notable exceptions, high end resorts. 

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I first visited Samet in 1991 - back then it really was idyllic and I believe remained so up until the year after the Tsunami hit the southern coast - The resulting flood (pardon the pun) of people away from the south to any beach that had not been affected by the Tsunami (including Samet) resulted in the inevitable over development.

Samet really was our weekend get away, when our kids where young we'd go over at least once a month, sometimes two or three weekends in a month.

We went back last year, stayed at an old favourite Tubtim only to find the bar/cafe they used to have, with its laid back atmosphere replaced by something that looks like an incomplete aircraft hanger - The tw@ who dreamed that eyesore up should be horse whipped.

But is this story any different from any other beauty spot in Thailand - Money Grubbing Thais out for a fast Bht.

The irony is, during the late 90s land ownership for foreigners was being discussed in Thai political circles, one of the objections raised was that foreigners would not respect the land/environment and would poison it with inappropriate development.

I could cry p1ss when I think what a mess these people make of the gift they were left them.

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and they still charge 200 baht for the entry, ridiculous...

Just walk the 400 metres or so from the jetty to the park entrance, keep walking and you enter free. Easy peasy.

I have just returmed from Koh Samet and was pleasantly surprised. Just stick to the main beach and you won't see too much s*it. Makes a good change from Pattaya and Jomtien.

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