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When I'm in the UK I work long hours in a sometimes stressful environment.

Last year I started to get small red lumps on my elbows which at times could be quite itchy, it would develop into more like small lumps of hard skin.

When I got to LOS last year it disappeared... :D

Now I've been back for 3/4 months and it looks like it's coming back, just got tiny lumps, but on my arm near my elbow and starting on the elbow, but definatley the same as before.... :o

Does this sound like Psoriasis...?

What's the best way to minimise the irritation..?

totster :D


psoriasis or not i dont know(but it sound like) , i just treat animal :D

but obviously steriod cream can help you

good boy :D

Bambi :o


My friend back in the UK has psoriasis she swears by going on sunbeds apparently the UV light is good for it. Also she swore by a chinese herbal remedy shop. She must of taken four pills a day but it worked like a treat.


I posted this before on TV in response to a similar question.

Psoriasis has been around since ancient times (in Greek it means itchy skin) and has frustrated attempts by doctors and scientists since that time to find a cause and cure.

It is an auto-immune disorder similar to arthritis in which the body sees healthy cells -- in this case skin -- as being under attack and sends “fighter cells” to the “rescue.” With psoriasis this means a very rapid build up in skin production. The top-most layers then die off, forming scaly bulges that can flake, itch and be painful.

Mine began on my index fingers. When it moved to the tips of my fingers they cracked in small fissures as if someone took a scalpel and made tiny cuts in the tips of my fingers. Very painful. It also got on to the palms of my hands, elbows and armpits (and butt too). The area between my fingers where they join the hands seemed also very susceptible. It eventually took over almost my entire body.

In the emergency room, they ran test after test to see what it was, but were baffled. A previous diagnosis of a fungal infection was proven false, thankfully (that is a symptom of HIV). Finally a skin specialist was called and gave a preliminary diagnosis of psoriasis, which was confirmed by the best specialist in town.

If it is psoriasis keeping it moist with any lotion is very important so it doesn’t get too dry, crack and become painful or too itchy. You might try some over-the-counter cortisone cream (which is a steroid). Steroids help to suppress skin production, as does sunlight. There are special UV narrow-band lights that can bring about complete remission. The only one in Chiang Mai is at Suan Dok hospital, and it is fully booked all the time so I’ve never used it. I know there are a couple of these light boxes at hospitals in Bangkok.

If you do a google search on “UVB light”+ psoriasis, you will see several companies that sell these lights, some of them small just to deal with hands. Some people get it only on their hands -- I wasn’t that lucky.

One of the oldest treatments uses coal tar, which is a very complex organic compound that seems to bring about healing.

It is a vexing affliction -- the symptoms and treatments that work vary greatly from person to person.

While it is far more prevalent in white-skinned people, Asians do get it too. A good skin specialist in Thailand should be aware of this significant skin ailment and what to do.

Again, that may not be what you have, but I would check it out.

Good luck.

:D  :D  :D

bambi bah  :o

totster  :D

What I think Bambi means is any (steriod) cream with a "zone" at the end.EG: betamethazone as an example.You can by creams like that over the counter here, not sure about the UK though.


Thanks for the replies guys....

If it is Psoriasis then it is a very very mild case, not as bad as last year (yet), but it is the same...

I have some Betamethazone already (can't remember why)... maybe I'll just give it a try...

Anyway looks like I have a good excuse to go use the sunbed... beach.gif


totster :o

Thanks for the replies guys....

If it is Psoriasis then it is a very very mild case, not as bad as last year (yet), but it is the same...

I have some Betamethazone already (can't remember why)... maybe I'll just give it a try...

Anyway looks like I have a good excuse to go use the sunbed... beach.gif


totster  :o

Sounds right Totster. Betnovate lotion kept mine in check. And I had it in some nasty places. It's all gone now though.

Thanks for the replies guys....

If it is Psoriasis then it is a very very mild case, not as bad as last year (yet), but it is the same...

I have some Betamethazone already (can't remember why)... maybe I'll just give it a try...

Anyway looks like I have a good excuse to go use the sunbed... beach.gif


totster  :o

Sounds right Totster. Betnovate lotion kept mine in check. And I had it in some nasty places. It's all gone now though.

You know it is a form of Leprosy

Actually did you know a fact? Leprosy is the least contagious disease known to man. It is almost immpossible to pass on.

That is interesting...considering people who suffered from it used to be banished and segregated ... :o

totster :D


Food can have an influence!


lot of coffee

lot of tomatos (have own garden in Farangland)

causes a mild form of Psoriasis on me (my grandfather had it).

if I finish with the tomatos it slowly disapears......

hope that helps

When I'm in the UK I work long hours in a sometimes stressful environment.

Last year I started to get small red lumps on my elbows which at times could be quite itchy, it would develop into more like small lumps of hard skin.

When I got to LOS last year it disappeared...  :D

Now I've been back for 3/4 months and it looks like it's coming back, just got tiny lumps, but on my arm near my elbow and starting on the elbow, but definatley the same as before....  :o

Does this sound like Psoriasis...?

What's the best way to minimise the irritation..?

totster  :D


I used to suffer from it when I did the old Job (Air Traffic Controller) and found that washing the affected area with "Coal Tar" soap and sitting in front of a "SAD" light did the trick


Fish oil can be highly beneficial for this condition.

You can get the capsules from any GNC or vitamin shop.

Acidic foods should be avoided like tomatoes and orange juice chocolates etc

Any products that boost immune function can also be beneficial. gingo biloba and also milk thistle for the liver can be useful...


Totster , Some medical opininions suggest that Psoriasis is related to liver function. It could be differant diet in the UK compared to Thailand which is causing it to flare up more in the UK.

As suggested you could try Betamethasone. In some cases this will clear it up completely and in other cases it may clear and come back again. Also if its practical, wrapping clear plastic food wrap over the infected area after applying the cream will make the cream more effective.

Ive also heard that milk thistle can be taken to improve liver function .

Does anybody have any experiences with the Chineese herbal Pharmacy's that you see around Bangkok in Herbal agents that could improve liver function as a means of clearing up Psoriasis?

Totster , Some medical opininions suggest that Psoriasis is related to liver function. It could be differant diet in the UK compared to Thailand which is causing it to flare up more in the UK.

As suggested you could try Betamethasone. In some cases this will clear it up completely and in other cases it may clear and come back again. Also if its practical, wrapping clear plastic food wrap over the infected area after applying the cream will make the cream more effective.

Ive also heard that milk thistle can be taken to improve liver function .

Does anybody have any experiences with the Chineese herbal Pharmacy's that you see around Bangkok in Herbal agents that could improve liver function as a means of clearing up Psoriasis?

Actually now you say it, I have not seen it since I gave up drinking.


Many thanks everyone.... some great suggestions....

I can only think that it is a lifestyle problem that causes it... :o

totster :D


Psoriasis is one of the few skin ailments that can be linked directly and conclusively to alcohol consumption. Some study I read on skid row drunks found that they had like 10x the psoriasis rate. Good skin doctors will assert with vigor that those afflicted with psoriasis should not drink alcohol, especially to excess.

Many thanks everyone.... some great suggestions....

I can only think that it is a lifestyle problem that causes it...  :o

totster  :D

Vitamin A supplements - according to my trusty medicine by nutrition bible- will help repair damaged cells while you are improving / treating your lifestyle. (Also Vit C and beta-carotene, better found in food, but also available as supplements).

Hope that helps Tots :D

Many thanks everyone.... some great suggestions....

I can only think that it is a lifestyle problem that causes it...  :o

totster  :D

Vitamin A supplements - according to my trusty medicine by nutrition bible- will help repair damaged cells while you are improving / treating your lifestyle. (Also Vit C and beta-carotene, better found in food, but also available as supplements).

Hope that helps Tots :D

Actually Tots... re-consulting my trusty nutritional bible... Vit A & beta-carotene seem to be one of the same... so Vit A, E & C.. check it out! :D

Psoriasis is one of the few skin ailments that can be linked directly and conclusively to alcohol consumption. Some study I read on skid row drunks found that they had like 10x the psoriasis rate. Good skin doctors will assert with vigor that those afflicted with psoriasis should not drink alcohol, especially to excess.

I'm gonna choose to ignore that bit of advice.. :D

Many thanks everyone.... some great suggestions....

I can only think that it is a lifestyle problem that causes it...  :D

totster  :D

Vitamin A supplements - according to my trusty medicine by nutrition bible- will help repair damaged cells while you are improving / treating your lifestyle. (Also Vit C and beta-carotene, better found in food, but also available as supplements).

Hope that helps Tots :D

Actually Tots... re-consulting my trusty nutritional bible... Vit A & beta-carotene seem to be one of the same... so Vit A, E & C.. check it out! :D

Thanks khall... I will.. :o

totster :D

  • 2 years later...
Thanks for the replies guys....

If it is Psoriasis then it is a very very mild case, not as bad as last year (yet), but it is the same...

I have some Betamethazone already (can't remember why)... maybe I'll just give it a try...

Anyway looks like I have a good excuse to go use the sunbed... beach.gif


totster :o

Hi Totser, I've had Psoriasi most of my life, mainly on my legs, arms and stomach. For me the best thing to use in the UK is vaseline intensive care lotion (Yellow one) and as much fresh air as possible. When I'm in LOS then I am in the sea as much as possible along with loads of sunshine and I'm all clear, that is one of the main reasons for me moving to LOS in the next 12 -18 months.

Another good thing to use when you are in LOS if you can't get to the sea, is pure aloe vera gel straight from the plant, works a treat.

I've tried every lotion & potion on the market but nothing ever worked for me, hope this helps



I think I have psoriiasis on my finger nails - is this possible? Seen many docs in the past and they said fungal but never had a growth on the agar stuff at the lab. I'm sure it's psoriasis - I've tried lots of creams but nothing works. My mother has psoriasis on her elbow and my grandather had the same fingernails as I. Any advice?

I think I have psoriiasis on my finger nails - is this possible?

Yes, it can have effect on the nails, are they lifting or pitted.

Have a look through This


No, they're just white at the tips

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