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as an aid in reducing bites, try mixing some Dettol with Baby oil 50/50%, this is especially good for sand flies.

Cheers Bronco, never heard of that one before, i'll give that a go. Back to a question i asked earlier. I have heard that Mozzies bite more in the rainy season (and they certainly do me). Has anybody else heard this and if so why is it? The story i heard, is that it is the females doing all the damage during that time but why?


I have heard that Mozzies bite more in the rainy season (and they certainly do me). Has anybody else heard this and if so why is it? The story i heard, is that it is the females doing all the damage during that time but why?


the reason that, why u found Mozzies much and bite in rainy season is ..When rainfall is abundant, many species can lay eggs continuously. Under ideal conditions with high temperatures, development can be completed in less than a week, resulting in large populations of flying adults

Of the four life stages of the mosquito--egg, larva, pupa, and adult--the adult is the only stage that doesn't exist in standing water

especially in TH climate, hot and damp.. when in rainy season is appropriate for mozzies to blooming

Only the female mosquito sucks blood, which she needs to lay eggs. Adult male mosquitoes feed only on plant nectar and are harmless to people

Biology of Mozzies

Bambi :o

I have heard that Mozzies bite more in the rainy season (and they certainly do me). Has anybody else heard this and if so why is it? The story i heard, is that it is the females doing all the damage during that time but why?


the reason that, why u found Mozzies much and bite in rainy season is ..When rainfall is abundant, many species can lay eggs continuously. Under ideal conditions with high temperatures, development can be completed in less than a week, resulting in large populations of flying adults

Of the four life stages of the mosquito--egg, larva, pupa, and adult--the adult is the only stage that doesn't exist in standing water

especially in TH climate, hot and damp.. when in rainy season is appropriate for mozzies to blooming

Only the female mosquito sucks blood, which she needs to lay eggs. Adult male mosquitoes feed only on plant nectar and are harmless to people

Biology of Mozzies

Bambi :D

Thanks Bambi. You are indeed a fine source of knowledge (or are you very good at surfing the net) :D either way you always come up trumps


Dengue exists even within cities, it is not a bush problem. But a sore throat can mean a million (well almost) other things than dengue.

I wasn't saying it was a bush problem, I was merely commenting that it was less likely to be a problem in a city, especially one full of tourists, one would think that the government make more of an effort preventing Dengue Fever in these places..?

totster :D

Actually dengue fever is far more of a problem in urban areas than in the country side. Quote from the WHO homepage:

"Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world, predominantly in urban and semi-urban areas"

Another quote (same source):

"The spread of dengue is attributed to expanding geographic distribution of the four dengue viruses and of their mosquito vectors, the most important of which is the predominantly urban species Aedes aegypti. A rapid rise in urban populations is bringing ever greater numbers of people into contact with this vector, especially in areas that are favourable for mosquito breeding, e.g. where household water storage is common and where solid waste disposal services are inadequate."

And cases of dengue fever in Pattaya have been reported in the Pattaya Mail on more than one occasion over the last year or so.

No reason to panic though :o

Yeah my Grandad told me about that fever. I've been having a sore throat alot recently and apparently thats a sign. But I must be thinking overtime or something.

I wouldn't worry too much if I were you Ice Maiden. A sore throat doesn't seem to be one of the symptoms for denque. On the contrary otherwise flu-like symptoms but with the absense of a sore throat, are sometimes described as a warning sign for possible dengue.

Quote from the Pattaya Mail:

"If you wake up in the company of chronic aches and pains in every limb, irregular bowel movements and a temperature of around 101, it could of course be flu. But if you don’t have a sore throat or head cold, dengue fever has to be in the frame."

Yet another quote, this one from the Centers for Disease Control in the US:

"What are the symptoms of the disease?

The principal symptoms of dengue are high fever, severe headache, backache, joint pains, nausea and vomiting, eye pain, and rash. Generally, younger children have a milder illness than older children and adults."


The principal symptoms of dengue are high fever, severe headache, backache, joint pains, nausea and vomiting, eye pain, and rash.

Just like a normal "morning after the night before" then eh :D:D:o:D:D


Get well soon - somy good spicy soup works for me!

I also react sharply to Thai mossie bites (not to European ones - so must be a question of immunity).

Antihistamine tabs and cortisone gel normally does the trick.


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