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Thailand To Extradite Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout To US: PM Abhisit


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It amazes me the number of people who get most of their knowledge of USA

from spy thrillers and Hollywierd. With the occasional far left or far right political pundit

thrown in for ... unbalance. And yet feel perfectly correct in spouting off like experts

about all the evils of the USA.

I guess you underestimate the community here animatic. Some of us have their input not just of hollyweired or FOX news.

May be you should come down your usamerican throne and check the (real) World out, not just the world usamerican news

make it the world.

Nobody says the USAmerican citizen is evil or bad but without any doubt your government is since the late 60s USAmerica was not

always a bad nation and nobody says something like that. I am german and happy we had the US in Berlin after the 2nd WW, but that

was not the same government like thesedays where money, oil and power is worth killing people all around the world in the name

of allmighty USAmerica.

It does not make any difference you have a black Obama President atm, there are still the same ppl behind him holding the strings

which make him dance.....

moskito, you are better read than most here, and generally have more coherent posts than many. But I am also not on any throne. We just disagree on weather this bashing serves any purpose.

I agree that the Bush years have been a stain on the USA in a major way.

No, it is not the same USA of the Marshal Plan or Ict bein un Berlinier.

( no he was not a desert pastry) Yes real politic is take hold of most nations,

and energy IS the battle ground, shortly followed by information. There are and always will be things where the deaths of some protect the majority, it is one of the problems with Democracy per se, the minorities take the hit, and also with Capitalism.

I have lived on three continents, North America, Europe and Asia,

and visited several others. I get my news from many, many different sources world wide,

and form my conclusions from what I feel is a broad ranging viewpoint.

I think USA in the last 50 years as had the misfortune to be the only one with the financial might, and organization to have the mantle of world cop thrust on it, not really voluntarily. Certainly UN dropped the ball on most issues, Europe has only recently started to conjure up something resembling a unified voice on some issues, and Asia has until recently be navel gazing at it's economic progress and turn blind towards human rights in most cases.

Meanwhile fundamentalist thought in several philosophies has tried to return to it's heydays of controlling the masses through simplistic theocratic hedgmonies. For every world press garnering expedition abroad from USA forces, there are dozens of

smaller scale vicious social and power/greed/control based mini-war zones where

even greater numbers die in relative obscurity. But these are rarely mentioned here.

Congo, Rwanda, Sudan and Somalia come up glaringly.

Some because V. Bout delivered weapons there for a price.

But this has turned from a discussion of cynical supplying of often psychotic local power mongers, with weapons to win their increased power at the expense of the local populations, to the USA and it's some times self serving exercises in dealing with even larger scale small problems, that likely would cause greater problems if left un-addressed.

And I do NOT mean Iraq.

I never voted for Bush, nor his father and always knew that Iraq was BS from day one.

Nor do I believe force is the only choice, but if it is off the table, then the amoral power hungry bit players WILL run amok and do as they wish. And the UN and Europe have generally proved maintaining peace via large scale comittee votes doesn't get it done.

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Sergei...you are deluded. Sober up before you post and READ what's going on in the S. China Sea. And read further that nations such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. sure are glad to be able to tap the US for some support in standing up to China. Go ask the legions of Indonesians who were sure glad the US Navy was around after the 2004 tsunami. Go ask the Bosnians who were being slaughtered until Clinton and US led the UN effort to put an end to that. Go ask the S. Koreans when back in 2003 N. Korea revealed their nuke program and S. Korea suddenly reversed their desire to have US troops leave. And, go ask China about how they have been able to enjoy their phenomenal economic growth in part because of the shipping lanes that are kept open with valuable assistance of the US Navy in critical shipping lanes like the Straits of Malacca. Do some reading Sergei...and I can accept due criticism of various US actions. What I don't accept is a one-sided, holier than thou bashing. Funny thing is, I've lived and worked in Asia for over 8 years now, and NO ONE has stated the the sort of one-sided crap you and others on this boards to my face personally. It's called cowardice when the likes of you spout your one-sided crap in the safety and comfort behind your little keyboards and clam up when a US Monster in the Flesh presents themselves to the likes of you. And, no I am not going home.

This is real one-side point of view. looks like you is american. Visit Vietnam (so not far) to see what american do in this country - it just live example you can view by your eyes. Help about tsunami - just if them not do it - them will lost 'world police leader' status. So it not about help, it about global interests.

N. Korea why started their nuclear program - mostly because americans. Like them create trouble for themself and after it fighting with it. Same happened about IRAQ & Afganistan (where usa support talibs, but later fighting with that guys) and now happening about IRAN.

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Sergei...you are deluded. Sober up before you post and READ what's going on in the S. China Sea. And read further that nations such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. sure are glad to be able to tap the US for some support in standing up to China. Go ask the legions of Indonesians who were sure glad the US Navy was around after the 2004 tsunami. Go ask the Bosnians who were being slaughtered until Clinton and US led the UN effort to put an end to that. Go ask the S. Koreans when back in 2003 N. Korea revealed their nuke program and S. Korea suddenly reversed their desire to have US troops leave. And, go ask China about how they have been able to enjoy their phenomenal economic growth in part because of the shipping lanes that are kept open with valuable assistance of the US Navy in critical shipping lanes like the Straits of Malacca. Do some reading Sergei...and I can accept due criticism of various US actions. What I don't accept is a one-sided, holier than thou bashing. Funny thing is, I've lived and worked in Asia for over 8 years now, and NO ONE has stated the the sort of one-sided crap you and others on this boards to my face personally. It's called cowardice when the likes of you spout your one-sided crap in the safety and comfort behind your little keyboards and clam up when a US Monster in the Flesh presents themselves to the likes of you. And, no I am not going home.


Funny is i seldom met such patriotic USAmericans in RL. The opposite, many feel ashamed for their country and think they have to say 'sorry we are usamericans' and i have to tell them don't worry i will not judge them by their nationality because its not in their responsibility what happen and what goes wrong, nor would i blame these individuals for the wars by the USA. (I am not practicing a simpleton logic like you, who blames me for the USSR and communism because my nick name is Sergei.)

And only a few times i came across an USAmerican in RL who argued that the whole world want all the time their help. All others in the round laughed them off.

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Why don't you give it a rest, Sergi. Russians have been murdering civilians in Chechnya, Georgia, afghanistan and half the world since forever. There is no way you can have any credibility complaining about war crimes and atrocities of US. As for Victor Bout. He is totally innocent right? I think probably he won all his millions of dollars in the lottery, which he will donate to orphans and greenpeace. Communism is dead and USSR is finished. Get over it.

What this have to do with Russia or communism? For sure not a much better Nation than the USA, but does that excuse anything or justify the current killings in Pakistan and Afghanistan done by American soldiers?

What does communism and the USSR have to do with my credibility?

Bout could be German, from Australia, Egypt, Japan or Chile or wherever from - i would still argue that the USA is not in the position to judge over him.


Using you own logic.

Then you are in even less a position to judge the USA.

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OK ... the "tin hat" brigade if out in full force now ------ time for Mr Bout to go ever so silently to his prison cell. He's on a plane ... in the air ... on his way to be held for trial in the US. Nobody's whining or crying or USA bashing is going to change that and some of the tin-hats are starting to actually wind me up (and that rarely happens online ;)

Sleep well dear thread ... I shant be opening you again :)

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World Arms Dealers

SupplierTotal Sales in US Dollars (billions)Percent of total salesSource: Richard F. Grimmett, CRS Report for Congress; September 10, 2010

Notes: Percentages are rounded; Each country shown as follows:

  • bar-blue.png developing countries
  • bar.png industrialized countries

United Statesbar-blue.pngbar.png166.27840%Russiabar-blue.pngbar.png73.96518%Francebar-blue.pngbar.png35.1758%United Kingdombar-blue.pngbar.png29.3797%Chinabar-blue.pngbar.png13.6523%Germanybar-blue.pngbar.png19.7425%Italybar-blue.pngbar.png12.5313%Other Europeanbar-blue.pngbar.png43.75210%Othersbar-blue.pngbar.png22.4595%

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And none of this changes the fact that Victor Bout was legally extradited from Thailand to the USA today.....

It also doesn't change the fact that in a joint operation with the Thai police and US federal agents that Victor Bout conspired to sell guns to FARC.

He's gone folks ..... off to face a trial in the USA. Why? Because after reviewing the case it was deemed to be in accordance with Thai law and international law to extradite him. Sooooo .....

Buh Bye Victor! If the US Federal court he is tried in cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Bout is guilty, he will still walk. I lay the odds on him not being found guilty at about the same as a snowball not melting in hel_l :)

Bout is wanted for selling the bomb that landed in the Pentagon on 9/11. That is why he was entrapped. The Russians although proclaiming him a great citizen saw that his defense lawyer was a lackie destined to fail, and at the same time tricked his family in Russia. They bled him of all his money. They contributed nothing to his defence as far as money goes.

They are as much about getting him out of Thailand as was the U.S.

9/11 made by americans themself. so many movies, information in the net about it and have also many proofs in the inet. To get special permissions and 'Terrorist act'.


Is it full moon today or already Friday night?

hehe. Lunatics come in all shades.

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World Arms Dealers

SupplierTotal Sales in US Dollars (billions)Percent of total salesSource: Richard F. Grimmett, CRS Report for Congress; September 10, 2010

Notes: Percentages are rounded; Each country shown as follows:

  • bar-blue.png developing countries
  • bar.png industrialized countries

United Statesbar-blue.pngbar.png166.27840%Russiabar-blue.pngbar.png73.96518%Francebar-blue.pngbar.png35.1758%United Kingdombar-blue.pngbar.png29.3797%Chinabar-blue.pngbar.png13.6523%Germanybar-blue.pngbar.png19.7425%Italybar-blue.pngbar.png12.5313%Other Europeanbar-blue.pngbar.png43.75210%Othersbar-blue.pngbar.png22.4595%

Yep. That makes a lot of sense. It sums up most of the thread.

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I think it's hilarious that no-one on this site realises what Russia might do in retaliation.

Think about it - the Americans now have an-ex KGB man in their country who can now spill every Russian secret he knows. If anyone is going to murder Bout, it will be his own people.

It was only a matter of time.

Have a safe trip to the plane, dude!

I am sure once airborne he can relax a bit with

the target removed from his forehead.

I hope his government slipped him a "cyanide pill," before his departure.

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And none of this changes the fact that Victor Bout was legally extradited from Thailand to the USA today.....

It also doesn't change the fact that in a joint operation with the Thai police and US federal agents that Victor Bout conspired to sell guns to FARC.

He's gone folks ..... off to face a trial in the USA. Why? Because after reviewing the case it was deemed to be in accordance with Thai law and international law to extradite him. Sooooo .....

Buh Bye Victor! If the US Federal court he is tried in cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Bout is guilty, he will still walk. I lay the odds on him not being found guilty at about the same as a snowball not melting in hel_l :)

Bout is wanted for selling the bomb that landed in the Pentagon on 9/11. That is why he was entrapped. The Russians although proclaiming him a great citizen saw that his defense lawyer was a lackie destined to fail, and at the same time tricked his family in Russia. They bled him of all his money. They contributed nothing to his defence as far as money goes.

They are as much about getting him out of Thailand as was the U.S.

9/11 made by americans themself. so many movies, information in the net about it and have also many proofs in the inet. To get special permissions and 'Terrorist act'.


Is it full moon today or already Friday night?

hehe. Lunatics come in all shades.

hehe. looks like you only one real person here, others is lunatics or werewolfes. but in this case why you come to this place? ;-P

Edited by leoalex
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World Arms Dealers

SupplierTotal Sales in US Dollars (billions)Percent of total salesSource: Richard F. Grimmett, CRS Report for Congress; September 10, 2010

Notes: Percentages are rounded; Each country shown as follows:

  • bar-blue.png developing countries
  • bar.png industrialized countries

United Statesbar-blue.pngbar.png166.27840%Russiabar-blue.pngbar.png73.96518%Francebar-blue.pngbar.png35.1758%United Kingdombar-blue.pngbar.png29.3797%Chinabar-blue.pngbar.png13.6523%Germanybar-blue.pngbar.png19.7425%Italybar-blue.pngbar.png12.5313%Other Europeanbar-blue.pngbar.png43.75210%Othersbar-blue.pngbar.png22.4595%

Yep. That makes a lot of sense. It sums up most of the thread.

Percentage of total sales

America 40% Russia 18% France 8% UK 7% China 3% Germany 5% Italy 3% Other European 10% Others 5%

So this Victor falls somewhere in the 5% of others. The USA is the largest dealer of detruction in the world.

THE ARMS trade is a booming business. Each year, more money is spent around the globe on the weapons and military expenditures than anything else--more than social services, agriculture, health care, even the drug trade.

But if you think that the biggest seller of the world's weapons is a "rogue" nation or one of the countries on George Bush's "Axis of Evil," guess again. The biggest arms dealer in the world--for decades running--has been the U.S. government. From 1996 to 2009, the U.S. supplied about 40 percent of the world's weapons each year. By comparison, Russia, the second biggest arms pusher, supplied about 15 percent.

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Now that he is on his way to the American prison system... I hope the change in diet won't damage the positive progress he's made...

Hopefully, when he reaches the American prison system, he won't lose the benefits he achieved here while participating in the dramatic and hugely beneficial obesity-reduction program employed by the Thailand penal system. :thumbsup:

BEFORE (upon arrest):


AFTER (Aug. 20):


Still continuing to shed those unwanted pounds on Oct. 5 using the effective Bang Kwang Obesity Reduction Program:


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World Arms Dealers

SupplierTotal Sales in US Dollars (billions)Percent of total salesSource: Richard F. Grimmett, CRS Report for Congress; September 10, 2010

Notes: Percentages are rounded; Each country shown as follows:

  • bar-blue.png developing countries
  • bar.png industrialized countries

United Statesbar-blue.pngbar.png166.27840%Russiabar-blue.pngbar.png73.96518%Francebar-blue.pngbar.png35.1758%United Kingdombar-blue.pngbar.png29.3797%Chinabar-blue.pngbar.png13.6523%Germanybar-blue.pngbar.png19.7425%Italybar-blue.pngbar.png12.5313%Other Europeanbar-blue.pngbar.png43.75210%Othersbar-blue.pngbar.png22.4595%

Yep. That makes a lot of sense. It sums up most of the thread.

Percentage of total sales

America 40% Russia 18% France 8% UK 7% China 3% Germany 5% Italy 3% Other European 10% Others 5%

So this Victor falls somewhere in the 5% of others. The USA is the largest dealer of detruction in the world.

THE ARMS trade is a booming business. Each year, more money is spent around the globe on the weapons and military expenditures than anything else--more than social services, agriculture, health care, even the drug trade.

But if you think that the biggest seller of the world's weapons is a "rogue" nation or one of the countries on George Bush's "Axis of Evil," guess again. The biggest arms dealer in the world--for decades running--has been the U.S. government. From 1996 to 2009, the U.S. supplied about 40 percent of the world's weapons each year. By comparison, Russia, the second biggest arms pusher, supplied about 15 percent.

I look as Western Europe as a single entity The same population basically as the US, and about the same amount sold. So while its good for Euros to bang on the US,I think I'd look inward a little bit.

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It was only a matter of time.

Have a safe trip to the plane, dude!

I am sure once airborne he can relax a bit with

the target removed from his forehead.

It was only a matter of time, glad to see the U.S. is adamant that this man will stand trial and be accountable. If he is innocent as he says, then no harm. I doubt though, that the U.S. govt would go to these great lengths unless it had an iron tight reason. As an American, I think our justice system (while not perfect) does its best to ferret out right and wrong.

Doing its best is not good enough

Rule of Law

As usual American media is preoccupied with the rule of law in Burma (Myanmar).

The military regime that rules Burma just released from house arrest the pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. The American media used the occasion of her release to get on Burma’s case for the absence of the rule of law. I’m all for the brave lady, but if truth be known, “freedom and democracy” America needs her far worse than does Burma.

The objection to a military government is that the government is not accountable to law. Instead, such a regime behaves as it sees fit and issues edicts that advance its agenda. Burma’s government can be criticized for not having a rule of law, but it cannot be criticized for ignoring its own laws. We might not like what the Burmese government does, but, precisely speaking, it is not behaving illegally.

In contrast, the United States government claims to be a government of laws, not of men, but when the executive branch violates the laws that constrain it, those responsible are not held accountable for their criminal actions. As accountability is the essence of the rule of law, the absence of accountability means the absence of the rule of law.

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World Arms Dealers

SupplierTotal Sales in US Dollars (billions)Percent of total salesSource: Richard F. Grimmett, CRS Report for Congress; September 10, 2010

Notes: Percentages are rounded; Each country shown as follows:

  • bar-blue.png developing countries
  • bar.png industrialized countries

United Statesbar-blue.pngbar.png166.27840%Russiabar-blue.pngbar.png73.96518%Francebar-blue.pngbar.png35.1758%United Kingdombar-blue.pngbar.png29.3797%Chinabar-blue.pngbar.png13.6523%Germanybar-blue.pngbar.png19.7425%Italybar-blue.pngbar.png12.5313%Other Europeanbar-blue.pngbar.png43.75210%Othersbar-blue.pngbar.png22.4595%

Yep. That makes a lot of sense. It sums up most of the thread.

Percentage of total sales

America 40% Russia 18% France 8% UK 7% China 3% Germany 5% Italy 3% Other European 10% Others 5%

So this Victor falls somewhere in the 5% of others. The USA is the largest dealer of detruction in the world.

THE ARMS trade is a booming business. Each year, more money is spent around the globe on the weapons and military expenditures than anything else--more than social services, agriculture, health care, even the drug trade.

But if you think that the biggest seller of the world's weapons is a "rogue" nation or one of the countries on George Bush's "Axis of Evil," guess again. The biggest arms dealer in the world--for decades running--has been the U.S. government. From 1996 to 2009, the U.S. supplied about 40 percent of the world's weapons each year. By comparison, Russia, the second biggest arms pusher, supplied about 15 percent.

I look as Western Europe as a single entity The same population basically as the US, and about the same amount sold. So while its good for Euros to bang on the US,I think I'd look inward a little bit.

Isn't that the same as looking at everyone on the asian continent as a single entity? They are all Thai...

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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

Everyone has the right to express their opinion about a system, judicial, political, etc, with which they disagree. Those who cite a better system or propose a better method will have my support. The laws of nature seemed to work very efficiently until mankind entered into the picture. I suppose that we will be burdened with a non perfect world until we eliminate that pesky joker (humans) in the deck.

Another case of the USA trying to be the worlds policeman. I think it is time the USA retired from trying to drive the world. They cannot even manage their own problems on drugs and arms, what are they doing overseas giving it a try?

'Power' vacuums are always filled; are you ready for China the be the World's policeman?

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Sergei...you are deluded. Sober up before you post and READ what's going on in the S. China Sea. And read further that nations such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. sure are glad to be able to tap the US for some support in standing up to China. Go ask the legions of Indonesians who were sure glad the US Navy was around after the 2004 tsunami. Go ask the Bosnians who were being slaughtered until Clinton and US led the UN effort to put an end to that. Go ask the S. Koreans when back in 2003 N. Korea revealed their nuke program and S. Korea suddenly reversed their desire to have US troops leave. And, go ask China about how they have been able to enjoy their phenomenal economic growth in part because of the shipping lanes that are kept open with valuable assistance of the US Navy in critical shipping lanes like the Straits of Malacca. Do some reading Sergei...and I can accept due criticism of various US actions. What I don't accept is a one-sided, holier than thou bashing. Funny thing is, I've lived and worked in Asia for over 8 years now, and NO ONE has stated the the sort of one-sided crap you and others on this boards to my face personally. It's called cowardice when the likes of you spout your one-sided crap in the safety and comfort behind your little keyboards and clam up when a US Monster in the Flesh presents themselves to the likes of you. And, no I am not going home.

Well said Maxman! Sergei is in for a rude awakening when China has even more power, and such things that he values such as freedom are stripped away. If you don't stand for freedom what do you stand for?

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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

I think this one is easy, because in all western Europe country's have a better a more fair justice system. :jap:

Yeah, they let famous directors who drug and analy rape 14 year olds walk freely. You gotta love a system like that.

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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

I think this one is easy, because in all western Europe country's have a better a more fair justice system. :jap:

Yeah, they let famous directors who drug and analy rape 14 year olds walk freely. You gotta love a system like that.

GIs eyed in alleged rape, murders in Iraq http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2006-06-30-us-probe_x.htm

Ok, only soldiers, (- who drug and analy rape ???? - link plse ?? )

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Well said Maxman! Sergei is in for a rude awakening when China has even more power, and such things that he values such as freedom are stripped away. If you don't stand for freedom what do you stand for?

'Power' vacuums are always filled; are you ready for China the be the World's policeman?


watch out, the yellow claw is coming, stealing all your premium American lard and crash your dollar.


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I wondered if there would be much factual discussion of the Bout case. Not really far more about Yank bashing and re hashing all the wars since WWII. And of course the American justice system.

Why stop with WWII were there no wrongs before WWII? Why not go into the shining example of the British Empire and colonialism in general?

American policy messed up Africa? Who partitioned Africa by geographical boundaries instead of tribal loyalties? Why start discussions about Vietnam without a discussion of the 60,000 Frenchmen killed there and lord knows how many Vietnamese before the Americans got there. The Chinese starved a million in Hanoi after WWII. Why not start a discussion about Iraq and Iran with some information about what other foreign countries ruled the place before WWII?

Heck the Brits wanted to starve Thailand after WW II and the only reason they were not allowed to was the Americans. That fact alone justifies a certain amount of Thai friendship in my mind.

I don't know Bout. I am glad he got extradited because of all the people on Thai Visa who said the Americans did not have the clout to get him extradited. They did and he is gone. Live with it.

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I wondered if there would be much factual discussion of the Bout case. Not really far more about Yank bashing and re hashing all the wars since WWII. And of course the American justice system.

Why stop with WWII were there no wrongs before WWII? Why not go into the shining example of the British Empire and colonialism in general?

American policy messed up Africa? Who partitioned Africa by geographical boundaries instead of tribal loyalties? Why start discussions about Vietnam without a discussion of the 60,000 Frenchmen killed there and lord knows how many Vietnamese before the Americans got there. The Chinese starved a million in Hanoi after WWII. Why not start a discussion about Iraq and Iran with some information about what other foreign countries ruled the place before WWII?

Heck the Brits wanted to starve Thailand after WW II and the only reason they were not allowed to was the Americans. That fact alone justifies a certain amount of Thai friendship in my mind.

I don't know Bout. I am glad he got extradited because of all the people on Thai Visa who said the Americans did not have the clout to get him extradited. They did and he is gone. Live with it.

You forget to mention if the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbour travel would have been so much easier...ie all of Asia would be speaking Japanese and Europe & UK would all be addressing each other as Herr or Fraulien....so much easier for tourist....those pesky Americans should have left well alone....opps I forgot the interfering USA suppling the UK with all those arms during WW11

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I wondered if there would be much factual discussion of the Bout case. Not really far more about Yank bashing and re hashing all the wars since WWII. And of course the American justice system.

Why stop with WWII were there no wrongs before WWII? Why not go into the shining example of the British Empire and colonialism in general?

American policy messed up Africa? Who partitioned Africa by geographical boundaries instead of tribal loyalties? Why start discussions about Vietnam without a discussion of the 60,000 Frenchmen killed there and lord knows how many Vietnamese before the Americans got there. The Chinese starved a million in Hanoi after WWII. Why not start a discussion about Iraq and Iran with some information about what other foreign countries ruled the place before WWII?

Heck the Brits wanted to starve Thailand after WW II and the only reason they were not allowed to was the Americans. That fact alone justifies a certain amount of Thai friendship in my mind.

I don't know Bout. I am glad he got extradited because of all the people on Thai Visa who said the Americans did not have the clout to get him extradited. They did and he is gone. Live with it.

You forget to mention if the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbour travel would have been so much easier...ie all of Asia would be speaking Japanese and Europe & UK would all be addressing each other as Herr or Fraulien....so much easier for tourist....those pesky Americans should have left well alone....opps I forgot the interfering USA suppling the UK with all those arms during WW11

You are of course right. The world would be a much better place if the Yanks minded their own business. There were commies in Phetchabun all through the 60's and of course Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were communist countries. Burma even worse. But I am sure the Thais would have made it just fine alone without all those American and Aussie troops stationed in Thailand. China would not have bothered them. Heck why would China have wanted Thailand? Shipping all those trucks and weapons to North Vietnam was enough of a strain on them.

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