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I have a water pump installed in a small confined space and the manual specifically told not to. However I don't have a choice so it's in the small space anyways... It's because of the heat it produces so I'd like to place a small fan to make up for it that turns on whenever the pump starts working. I presume there are some kind of switches for sale I can place on their chords in order to make this work? Where would I get these things in Pattaya?


Get a competent electrician to wire the fan in parallel with the pump supply. Then when the pump switches on to pump water then the fan will also come on.

Ensure that the electrician checks that the supply and the wiring can handle the "current load" of both devices running at the same time off the same wiring and supply. Also ensure the circuit is also protected by the correct circuit breaker rating.

Do not try it yourself unless you are an electrician or know your "stuff".


You will require an exhaust fan to remove the hot air, these fans have shaded pole motors and their current when operating is negligible. You can connect in parallel with the motor on the load side of the switch.


Yup ^^^.

If you want the fan to operate only when the pump runs you'll need to get at the wiring between the pump pressure switch and the pump motor to wire your fan directly in parallel with the motor. Any half decent sparks should be able to do this.

Ideally the fan should run on after the pump stops, bathroom exhaust fans designed to be activated by the light switch but run for a minute or so after the light is turned off would do the trick, but I'm not sure the ones I've seen here would shift enough air for your cooling purposes.

You may find it easier just to put the fan on a regular switch. :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Do you know a competent electrician in Pattaya because I don't...

Personally I know none in Thailand other than Crossy! and then not personally! And only theoretically by his post here on the forum. However his knowledge shows he has a strong electrical background.

When I wired my house it had to be done and redone many times. When it came to putting the electric showers in that we would all be standing under I did this myself!

They must exist somewhere. Especially as you are not in the sticks. There must be at least one in Patters and one in Bangkok. :ermm:


Personally I know none in Thailand other than Crossy! and then not personally!

Oi! I'll be getting a big head, don't forget Elkangorito and Electau both regular posters, there are a few others who post occasionally too.

That said, a good Thai DOMESTIC sparks is a rare beast indeed. The commercial chaps I've worked with have been excellent and certainly in line with international standards, but none would take on house wiring, pay is too low :( The UK is not much different, the decent chaps are doing industrial for the big bucks, domestic is being done by imported Polish sparkies, you've only got to watch Cowboy Trap to see the results :(

Best to go on recommendation, preferably from another foreigner.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


lol :jap: credit where credit is due.

Comments about the UK are frightening. Did not realise we were using the Polish version of the 16th, 17th or is it the 18th edition now? lol been a long time :)

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