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Are Thai Ladies Clumsier?


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Are Thai Ladies more clumsy than their Western Counterparts ?

This is in no way intended as a slur against Thai Ladies or Ladies in General.

I have observed that Thai Ladies can be clumsy from the comical to the downright painful and more so than Western ladies…

I am referring to broken glasses, dropped objects, stubbed toes, banged knees etc

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My wife must be a one off then - by crickey she gets through the crockery... and if my In-laws didn't know her better I suspect I may be in trouble my now considering the knee and shin bruises she picks up.....

Either that or many of you have dated a whole host of clumsy western women too...

Edited by richard_smith237
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Move the tv/Mobil phone out of the kitchen, do not carry on a conversation with her when she needs to devote attention to detail, (hot grease, doing dishes, etc), do not walk up on her unexpectedly and above all keep potential dangerous objects put away (hammer, power drill, machete, etc). These suggestions are in reference to those weeks of the month when they are in normal mode. Same as any woman in any part of the world. We must have partial sets of a dozen crockery sets and 3 or 4 pots/skillets that look like they have gone thru a auto crusher.

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Move the tv/Mobil phone out of the kitchen, do not carry on a conversation with her when she needs to devote attention to detail, (hot grease, doing dishes, etc), do not walk up on her unexpectedly and above all keep potential dangerous objects put away (hammer, power drill, machete, etc). These suggestions are in reference to those weeks of the month when they are in normal mode. Same as any woman in any part of the world. We must have partial sets of a dozen crockery sets and 3 or 4 pots/skillets that look like they have gone thru a auto crusher.

Edited by Loz
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No more and no less than any other person... male or female. My first wife (Australian) was terrible with smashing dishes, but it's not because she was clumsy. She was just lazy in stacking them in the sink. I've met many people, male and female that were not concerned about other people's property.

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santi if you swap the word visits with the word age, that would be quite the post!

Hadn't thought about this angle, it's a bit of a generalisation, but I do find that the younger the lady the clumsier she is in the way she handles 'certain things'.

For the avoidance of doubt (and prosecution) the last time I had a girlfriend younger than 17, I was younger than her :rolleyes:

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Are you asking if their is a genetic aspect to the Thai female physique that causes them to have less coordination than the rest of the orient and/or western women regardless of race (which implies a cultural trait rather than a physical trait)?

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An emphatic NO. Just out of curiosity, how many Thai ladies have you closely observed to come to the conclusion that "Thai Ladies (are) more clumsy than their Western Counterparts?" In scientific terms, what was your sampling size?

I've been "sampling" women for over 55 years. Judging by past experiences I've got a long way to go before I get a definitive answer.:lol:

I'm up to the quest, though. :D

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I would say it is hard to find a Thai woman that can be considered athletic

I guess it depends where you hang out, if you hang out at a running club, gym, rowing, badminton club etc, you'd see plenty.

And some of the gogo dancers look pretty athletic to me. laugh.gif

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I would say it is hard to find a Thai woman that can be considered athletic

I guess it depends where you hang out, if you hang out at a running club, gym, rowing, badminton club etc, you'd see plenty.

And some of the gogo dancers look pretty athletic to me. laugh.gif

Yeah but if there is a cultural trend here, I would say that there are less females here that have an interest in fitness or athletics. Sports is not such a big thing here for the girls. Although the weightlifters do pretty well.

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That's a definite NO, in fact I am in one of my companies offices in the US at the moment and if I compare the US female secretarial staff and the Thai female staff for clumsiness, then the US ladies are by far the clumsier.

And don't get me started on attitude, efficiency, manner, willingness to help,I could go on and on.

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My wife must be a one off then - by crickey she gets through the crockery... and if my In-laws didn't know her better I suspect I may be in trouble my now considering the knee and shin bruises she picks up.....

Either that or many of you have dated a whole host of clumsy western women too...

I lose vast amounts amounts of cutlery. the woman at the noodle shop however seems to be gaining a very nice set.

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My wife must be a one off then - by crickey she gets through the crockery... and if my In-laws didn't know her better I suspect I may be in trouble my now considering the knee and shin bruises she picks up.....

Either that or many of you have dated a whole host of clumsy western women too...

Don't worry, you're not alone. My wife is unbelievably clumsy when it comes to the washing up. smashed china and glasses galore, which is quite odd, as she has very fine hands and delicate fingers great for sewing, weaving and arty stuff. Also, while we are both technophobes, she often manages to break items that are mechanical, in a quite uncanny way. We usually have a joke that she is allergic to anything manufactured or "modern". :rolleyes:

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In reviewing my observations, part of what may be considered clumsy is using the most inappropriate tool for some simple task. Crescent wrench as a hammer, screwdriver as a pry bar, metal bits to drill cement, scotch tape instead of electrical tape, scour pads to clean Teflon pans, etc. This practice seems to end with self injury as well as the replacement of a assortment of items damaged beyond repair. I guess we wopuld not want it any other way as it does add a little humor to a otherwise blah day.

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