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Safe To Talk On These Forums


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If anyone official is looking, then some of the things that are being said perhaps do verge on sedition. Depends on what the new Laws are.

For Example: Sriracha John's commentary on Thaksin Shinawatra - in a Free Speech environment this might be construed as okay and satirical, but if the ballpark has now changed, perhaps not.

I've read the Disclaimers in the Rule Section. If someone did post something heinous, then a publication or media would find it hard to invoke these successfully to protect itself, I feel pretty sure a Court would reasonably set them aside. Lawyers?

On a related point. What would Admin do if asked by the Police to release details of a person posting something inappropriate, whom, if identified, could be arrested or blacklisted? (I believe that a similar case occured 3 years ago with a Forum in Hong Kong).

Edited by The_Moog
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Do you guys reckon it's safe to discuss politics etc on these forums freely given the resurection of the 'clamp down' laws recently??????


Do you think Mr T could be a member? :o

You'd be surprised who are members but Mr T certainly would not have the time and has much bigger fish to fry, but further outside his circle I am sure there are members of the government who log on to keep tabs on us, and who can blame them.

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My husband is about 5'8", weighs about 175 lbs (he's mostly muscle, bit of a pompuey tummy tho :D) and he ends up buying XL everything. You will have a hard time, best bet is a tailor or believe it or not, the beach resorts have the board shorts and t-shirts for farang sizes (if you can get away wearing that sort of thing). The big dept stores will have your sizes but it will be a search, I think.

I guess I'll just stock pile some clothes. I can't believe useing a tailor could be cheap, but my wife says that you can find them.


Scamp, if you are as good looking as your picture online.... give me a call


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Scamp, if you are as good looking as your picture online.... give me a call

No I'm unfortunatly not, but it is me - at least it was four years ago.

A suit and a good photo crop can do wonders.

Anyway, to keep on topic, it is not Thaksin one needs to worry about offending on a public forum but other powers that be.

I don't mean the royals, that goes without saying, but there are bound to be certain members of the Thai government who browse the main pages and it is important that we represent the type of farang that Thailand is trying to welcome and not the ones who give us and Thailand a negative image.

This, I can only assume, is why there is a low tolerance of junk posting and trolling from the moderators here.

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there are bound to be certain members of the Thai government who browse the main pages
I know you have this view that incredibly famous people lurk here, but I can't imagine Thai Government Ministers tuning in. They are busy fulfilling their purpose in Government - i.e making themselves some money.

Perhaps some Civil Servant in the ICT Ministry or Immigration is told to check it out and report back.

it is important that we represent the type of farang that Thailand is trying to welcome and not the ones who give us and Thailand a negative image.

...if only you'd taken your underpants off in Soi Cowboy, Blake 7 would have given you B 5000. We could have split that money.

Edited by The_Moog
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You'd be surprised who are members but Mr T certainly would not have the time and has much bigger fish to fry, but further outside his circle I am sure there are members of the government who log on to keep tabs on us, and who can blame them.

Read again Moog, outer ripples of government is maybe what I should have typed.

Also there are no incredibly famous people lurking here, unless you count me. :D

Oh, and I would not remove my underpants in public in Thailand for any amount of money. :o

But i'll do most things for a laugh and a free beer. :D

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It might be interesting / helpful to see some feedback from the moderators, on this topic, if they could find the time ?

If government people do look at TV - then that makes it a good vehicle for posting helpful feedback to them, anonomously. After all - most members know & care about Thailand and the Thai people.

Or am I too naive/optimistic here ?

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No need to worry. We have a good communication with the authorities, including the ones mentioned. Many Govt officials read our forum, but rarely posting anything. They find it "highly amusing" to visit us, and they also get some feedback from the expat community.

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Scamp, if you are as good looking as your picture online.... give me a call

No I'm unfortunatly not, but it is me - at least it was four years ago.

A suit and a good photo crop can do wonders.

Anyway, to keep on topic, it is not Thaksin one needs to worry about offending on a public forum but other powers that be.

I don't mean the royals, that goes without saying, but there are bound to be certain members of the Thai government who browse the main pages and it is important that we represent the type of farang that Thailand is trying to welcome and not the ones who give us and Thailand a negative image.

This, I can only assume, is why there is a low tolerance of junk posting and trolling from the moderators here.

And this from the man who drinks beer from a mates shoe??????? :D:o:D

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No need to worry. We have a good communication with the authorities, including the ones mentioned. Many Govt officials read our forum, but rarely posting anything. They find it "highly amusing" to visit us, and they also get some feedback from the expat community.

And if they're reading this thread, I'd just like to point out what a nice guy I am, and I never insult anyone, and I promise I'll go on a diet and stop getting drunk and... and.... and... oh, go on, pleeeeeeease give me Thai citizenship. Kiss, kiss.

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