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I Want To Stop My Studies, What Will Happen To My Ed Visa?

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Hi, I am currently studying in a school in Thailand and was granted a three month ED visa at the Thai Embassy in my home country, when the three months passed I was granted an Extension of Stay untill my school year was supposed to finnish. That is, about 5 months from now. Now my question is what would happen if I decided to quit my school program and wanted to remain in thailand for the period of my visa. I understand that I obviously still have to send in the Alien Non Immigrant report every 90 days, but do I have to report that I am actually no longer studying? And is it possible my visa is revoked, even if I am not informed from the Immigration Office?

I should also point out there is a great chance that my school will report me as no longer studying to the immigration office.

And if it is so that my visa will be revoked, how long time would I have to leave Thailand, and also, what could I do to remain in Thailand for the following 5 months? is it possible to go to, for instance, laos, and then get the tourist visa upon re-entering Thailand?

I'm a bit nervous because I don't want to end up with a fat bill when my money runs out and I'm at the airport going back home.

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You do not have a visa but you are on an extension of stay for study and that will end on the day study ends. You must visit immigration on that date and cancel the extension of stay and depart Thailand or obtain a 7 day pack up period for 1,900 baht.

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I am pretty sure they don't always cancel the visa. I have had gaps and overlaps and never had any problems.

I have had multi entry and not extensions but I think it comes down to the school and their policy. Some schools don't cancel the visa.

If it was cancelled then how would one know?

I have been in between sessions on numerous occasions and my school never had anything cancelled.

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I am pretty sure they don't always cancel the visa. I have had gaps and overlaps and never had any problems.

I have had multi entry and not extensions but I think it comes down to the school and their policy. Some schools don't cancel the visa.

If it was cancelled then how would one know?

I have been in between sessions on numerous occasions and my school never had anything cancelled.

As you say, you were not on an extension of stay but on a valid mutiple entry ED-visa. And that makes all the diference.

How would they know? When applying for a new extension of stay they would see a different school and could ask when you stoped studying at the old school and demand to see paperwork.

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So I just read through the Immigration act and noticed this: Where there is a proper reason , the Director General or the Immigration Commission shall

have power to revoke permission previously authorized the alien to stay temporary in the Kingdom ,

whether or not the Director General , or the official deputized by the Director General , has granted such


But obviously there is no "proper reason" for the Immigration Commission to revoke the visa, if the school or other organization has not contacted them. It nowhere says that an Alien is forced to tell his current occupation or report if studies are cancelled.

The only thing is to send the 90 days of stay report every 90 days, and there you do not state occupation.

And even if the school does report, I'm really wondering if the Immigration Commission would take action? I don't know how good they are at revoking visas.

Anyways, it also says that you will receive a letter informing you of your visa being revoked, and if you cannot be reached the letter will be sent to your latest known address and after 48 hours assumed to have received it.

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I am pretty sure they don't always cancel the visa. I have had gaps and overlaps and never had any problems.

I have had multi entry and not extensions but I think it comes down to the school and their policy. Some schools don't cancel the visa.

If it was cancelled then how would one know?

I have been in between sessions on numerous occasions and my school never had anything cancelled.

As you say, you were not on an extension of stay but on a valid mutiple entry ED-visa. And that makes all the diference.

How would they know? When applying for a new extension of stay they would see a different school and could ask when you stoped studying at the old school and demand to see paperwork.

Actually I think you misunderstood me. I was given an extension of stay up until the date I myself want to leave Thailand, that is about 5 months from now. I do not have to go to extend the visa, I only have to send the 90-days report.

You see when getting an ED visa you first receive three months and then can extend up to one year. I extended for 7 months. However they removed my ED visa and gave me an Extension Of Stay stamp with some handwritten thai text I can not understand , and then it says I must leave the kingdom before a certain date. (about 5 months from now)

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I would talk to the school and see about their policy and wishes.

If the student has already paid for the full extension period and is not going to get a refund. Or the student needs time to regroup for health or personal reasons or do some self study to get ready for the next session then the school may have no problem letting that happen. They might even help with the paperwork. At the end of the day the ED visa process is to help Thai education institutions. If a school is really hard ass then it's not good for the individual school and industry.

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Trust me, my school is HARD - ASS.

One of the hardest asses ever. Seriously.

My plan now is to just leave, and see what happens. If I do receive a letter claiming that my visa is revoked I will simply get a tourist visa by doing a visa run.

Do you think I may face any legal issues other than my visa being revoked? Also, could it be so that I am prohibited from getting a tourist visa if my current visa is revoked?

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Trust me, my school is HARD - ASS.

One of the hardest asses ever. Seriously.

My plan now is to just leave, and see what happens. If I do receive a letter claiming that my visa is revoked I will simply get a tourist visa by doing a visa run.

Do you think I may face any legal issues other than my visa being revoked? Also, could it be so that I am prohibited from getting a tourist visa if my current visa is revoked?

You will face everything that any person residing illegally in Thailand can face. A fine of 500 baht a day to start (beginning with your last day of study) and you are subject to arrest and deportation if caught inside the country without a valid visa/extension of stay. Ignorance of the law (pleading I did not know they cancelled my visa) will not get you out of the possible ramifications of your own actions. Then again ... absolutely nothing could happen.

Is the risk worth it?

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knowing the school and their policies is the most important thing... If your not paid up then giving you trouble is their only leverage to get money out of you.

If your paid up and coming back etc then why would they care?

Another student I know broke her hand a while back and had to take time off and then had complications from the surgery. She was in no way in compliance with the minimum requirements for study. Not even close. She was paid up however and they knew she was continuing. The student took quite a bit of time off and had repeat part of a session and nobody threatened her with canceling the visa. Not in the least.

Talk to the admissions people. If they are threatening to revoke your visa then yeah get heck out.

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Well, the idea is not to reside illegally, but to walk along the border on when it get illegall. I will not walk into immigration office and brag about leaving my school, but if I do get a letter of my visa being revoked, which is stated by law they must inform me, I will go for a visa run.

But i'm curious, does anyobyd know for sure if the date of me being "illegally" in thailand is the date I leave my school or the date my visa is declared invalid?

I mean, technically I still have a 100% valid visa untill they revoke it, or make it "invalid".

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knowing the school and their policies is the most important thing... If your not paid up then giving you trouble is their only leverage to get money out of you.

If your paid up and coming back etc then why would they care?

Another student I know broke her hand a while back and had to take time off and then had complications from the surgery. She was in no way in compliance with the minimum requirements for study. Not even close. She was paid up however and they knew she was continuing. The student took quite a bit of time off and had repeat part of a session and nobody threatened her with canceling the visa. Not in the least.

Talk to the admissions people. If they are threatening to revoke your visa then yeah get heck out.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for my school to revoke my visa. They can, however, report me to the Immigration Office. And then the Immigration Office MIGHT pull back my visa. I've never heard of it though.

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Well, the idea is not to reside illegally, but to walk along the border on when it get illegall. I will not walk into immigration office and brag about leaving my school, but if I do get a letter of my visa being revoked, which is stated by law they must inform me, I will go for a visa run.

But i'm curious, does anyobyd know for sure if the date of me being "illegally" in thailand is the date I leave my school or the date my visa is declared invalid?

I mean, technically I still have a 100% valid visa untill they revoke it, or make it "invalid".

See post 10

"I wasn't notified" also will not be a defense.

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The Immigration Act does not provide the current enforcement policy which is a requirement that the person holding the extension of stay report to immigration with a letter from school/business on the last day of study/work to cancel there extension of stay in person. You have to take the action - not the school. If you fail to do so it is you that will owe 500 baht per day (or worse). Don't fool yourself - you are the one taking a risk if you do not leave.

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Well, the idea is not to reside illegally, but to walk along the border on when it get illegall. I will not walk into immigration office and brag about leaving my school, but if I do get a letter of my visa being revoked, which is stated by law they must inform me, I will go for a visa run.

But i'm curious, does anyobyd know for sure if the date of me being "illegally" in thailand is the date I leave my school or the date my visa is declared invalid?

I mean, technically I still have a 100% valid visa untill they revoke it, or make it "invalid".

See post 10

"I wasn't notified" also will not be a defense.

My post was a direct answer to your post. I am not saying that I will say "I wasn't informed", but I will simply not take any action until I am!

And if they DO revoke my visa I WILL be informed as it is stated in the law, and if that does happen I will figure something out. Like a Visa Run for instance.

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Well, the idea is not to reside illegally, but to walk along the border on when it get illegall. I will not walk into immigration office and brag about leaving my school, but if I do get a letter of my visa being revoked, which is stated by law they must inform me, I will go for a visa run.

But i'm curious, does anyobyd know for sure if the date of me being "illegally" in thailand is the date I leave my school or the date my visa is declared invalid?

I mean, technically I still have a 100% valid visa untill they revoke it, or make it "invalid".

See post 10

"I wasn't notified" also will not be a defense.

My post was a direct answer to your post. I am not saying that I will say "I wasn't informed", but I will simply not take any action until I am!

And if they DO revoke my visa I WILL be informed as it is stated in the law, and if that does happen I will figure something out. Like a Visa Run for instance.

see post 16

If you have all the answers (and quite wrong ones at that!) why come asking questions? You are required to present yourself on the last day your extension of stay is valid. It stops being valid the day you quit the school. If you get caught it could be painful both financially and depending on where you get caught ... painful by spending some time at IDC.

Lopburi3 is the most knowledgeable person I know about visa information in Thailand. I have personal experience with non-imm-ED visas (and ending them).

Do as you please but please don't blame others if you do not heed sound advice.

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I apologize, I was never trying to blame anybody. I'm just kind of putting the information I've found after posting my first post.

Are there any thread that can help me with how to get a two-entry tourist visa for 60 days?

I believe the best thing I can do is cancel my extension of stay and get the tourist visa.

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TheGuy Stop trying to be a smart ar*e !

You are not in the West and trying to talk yourself in and out of various situations is a stupid thing to do in Thailand, you are going to come unstuck if you push your luck in this country. You have been given sound advice by helpful knowledgable people on this forum.They know what they are talking about so please LISTEN to them.

An innocent little accident or just plain bad luck and the Police want to see your Passport etc and then you are in deep sh*t.

For the sake of a border run and peace of mind, stop dicking about and trying to be clever. The Visa stops when your classes stop thats it nothing more to say, do it right and do it now. Alternatively repent at your leisure and lets hope you dont find out the hard way.

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I apologize, I was never trying to blame anybody. I'm just kind of putting the information I've found after posting my first post.

Are there any thread that can help me with how to get a two-entry tourist visa for 60 days?

I believe the best thing I can do is cancel my extension of stay and get the tourist visa.

NOW you are making sense,:jap: there are plenty of threads about visa runs to Laos etc if you choose to go there, a double entry tourist visa is currently FREE I believe.

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yeah go to Ventiane and get a 2 entry tourist visa.... It's free until March 31st and with 2 extensions that adds up to 6 months in Thailand.

That gives you plenty of time to make other arrangements. If you decide to go with another school then can convert your tourist visa into another Non Imm ED by visiting BKK. Just make sure your TV is good for a few weeks to allow processing time.

Ventiane is sometimes giving only single TV's to some people who have had a number of TV's before. If your tourist visa record is somewhat clean then good bet you can get 2 entry tourist visa for no charge.

Nice place to visit also. Better beer and some would say girls. YMMV

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In what way am I trying to be a Smart A*se ? I've been reading through various documents and posting what I found out. I'm in no way a pro on visas that's why I'm putting up this thread.

Let's dont get down to that level of 14 years old, so please help me instead if you can.

And I simply do not agree about the fact that my visa stop when my classes stop because my current extension of stay last 2 months after this school term finishes.

Also there is no magic number on the visa making it show as invalid to anyone looking at it, just because I've left school.

Ofcourse my aim is not to stay with an invalid visa, I am just trying to stay here for 5 more months.

I'm just looking for advice, and right now it seems like a tourist visa from a neighboring country is the way to go. Anybody mind helping out with that?

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yeah go to Ventiane and get a 2 entry tourist visa.... It's free until March 31st and with 2 extensions that adds up to 6 months in Thailand.

That gives you plenty of time to make other arrangements. If you decide to go with another school then can convert your tourist visa into another Non Imm ED by visiting BKK. Just make sure your TV is good for a few weeks to allow processing time.

Ventiane is sometimes giving only single TV's to some people who have had a number of TV's before. If your tourist visa record is somewhat clean then good bet you can get 2 entry tourist visa for no charge.

Nice place to visit also. Better beer and some would say girls. YMMV

Sounds great, but to apply for a tourist visa I have to stay atleast one night in Laos, right? Where can I get that kind of service to help me all the way, because this would be my first time.

Edit: All of you who have ever been students know money doesn't grow on trees during the studying era.

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yeah go to Ventiane and get a 2 entry tourist visa.... It's free until March 31st and with 2 extensions that adds up to 6 months in Thailand.

That gives you plenty of time to make other arrangements. If you decide to go with another school then can convert your tourist visa into another Non Imm ED by visiting BKK. Just make sure your TV is good for a few weeks to allow processing time.

Ventiane is sometimes giving only single TV's to some people who have had a number of TV's before. If your tourist visa record is somewhat clean then good bet you can get 2 entry tourist visa for no charge.

Nice place to visit also. Better beer and some would say girls. YMMV

Sounds great, but to apply for a tourist visa I have to stay atleast one night in Laos, right? Where can I get that kind of service to help me all the way, because this would be my first time.

Edit: All of you who have ever been students know money doesn't grow on trees during the studying era.

You may find this useful, I have never used them personally but I believe this is what you may be looking for.


They also go to Laos (apparently).

This thread is recent and would be of help to you:

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at least one night in Laos. The consulate has you apply on one day and pick up the next day. I would figure on two nights really. Lot's of reasonable guest houses and food. If you don't live it up then can be very affordable.

You will have to drop $35 or $40 USD to get a Laos visa on entry. Other than that its just transportation costs, overnight guest house lodging and whatever food. Laos is pretty cheap and somewhat backward compared to Thailand.

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Not to “piss on your parade”, but there are many (as in MANY!) private thai language schools which will routinely report you to thai immigrations when you stop studying with them. True some may not, but most will. .. That could, (as in may, or probably will) cause you some grief in the long run here. ..

Actually I don’t have the slightest idea why any foreigner here in "the glorious Land 'O Thais' would stop studying the thai language for ANY reason! After all the Ministry of Education's minimum requirement is only 4 hours a week. <deleted>, you can’t spare 4 hours a week here to study thai and get an extension of stay for another 90 days? Are you really and truly that frickin’ busy?

I routinely sit outside my apartment with my thai friends and eavesdrop on the foreigners who pass by whilst speaking to their thai 'significant others’. Where I live they, (as in foreigners) pass by in; flocks, herds, droves, gaggles, murders, (insert your classifier for groups of animals!).

Frankly, it is a stomach-churning mix of thai-engrish, or engrish-thai blended into how ever they happen to accent their engrish; American, Irish, German, UK, Scotch, Auzzie, Kiwi, Eastern Block, (insert your screwed-up engrish accent here). Eavesdropping in this fashion is normally the ONLY time I am totally ashamed to be a foreigner living here :o . UGH. .. It makes me not like foreigners who give up studying the thai language because they ALL have the same excuses; ‘I’m too old’, ‘I’m tone deaf’, 'My g/f, wife speaks emgrish enough', ‘I don’t have time’, blah-blah-blah, "same ol' song and dance" over and over.

After all, where are we? Gimme a minute and lemme check. .. ... Yep, still checkin'. .. Oh yeah, that’s right; we are in THAILAND where they speak Thai as their FIRST language! It is my observation that as a foreigner, you can NEVER, EVER know too much Thai, no matter what you might think to the contrary.

Then again; these are my observations ONLY and you mileage may indeed vary.. Mostly depending on:

A.) where you live in thailand,

B.) if you have a significant thai other

and lastly

C.) who you mostly talk to here.

There are more than enough posts on the T/V forum about how a person secures a double entry tourist visa at the thai consulate in Lao. I suggest you read some, maybe even try the search function too.

But FWIW: Yes I concur wholeheartedly; the website thaivisarun dot com does offer an “all in” kinda service to Lao for a double entry tourist visa. I have used them myself several times in the past, as well as having sent many, many people to them too.

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Not to “piss on your parade”, but there are many (as in MANY!) private thai language schools which will routinely report you to thai immigrations when you stop studying with them. True some may not, but most will. .. That could, (as in may, or probably will) cause you some grief in the long run here. ..

Actually I don’t have the slightest idea why any foreigner here in "the glorious Land 'O Thais' would stop studying the thai language for ANY reason! After all the Ministry of Education's minimum requirement is only 4 hours a week. <deleted>, you can’t spare 4 hours a week here to study thai and get an extension of stay for another 90 days? Are you really and truly that frickin’ busy?

I routinely sit outside my apartment with my thai friends and eavesdrop on the foreigners who pass by whilst speaking to their thai 'significant others’. Where I live they, (as in foreigners) pass by in; flocks, herds, droves, gaggles, murders, (insert your classifier for groups of animals!).

Frankly, it is a stomach-churning mix of thai-engrish, or engrish-thai blended into how ever they happen to accent their engrish; American, Irish, German, UK, Scotch, Auzzie, Kiwi, Eastern Block, (insert your screwed-up engrish accent here). Eavesdropping in this fashion is normally the ONLY time I am totally ashamed to be a foreigner living here :o . UGH. .. It makes me not like foreigners who give up studying the thai language because they ALL have the same excuses; ‘I’m too old’, ‘I’m tone deaf’, 'My g/f, wife speaks emgrish enough', ‘I don’t have time’, blah-blah-blah, "same ol' song and dance" over and over.

After all, where are we? Gimme a minute and lemme check. .. ... Yep, still checkin'. .. Oh yeah, that’s right; we are in THAILAND where they speak Thai as their FIRST language! It is my observation that as a foreigner, you can NEVER, EVER know too much Thai, no matter what you might think to the contrary.

Then again; these are my observations ONLY and you mileage may indeed vary.. Mostly depending on:

A.) where you live in thailand,

B.) if you have a significant thai other

and lastly

C.) who you mostly talk to here.

There are more than enough posts on the T/V forum about how a person secures a double entry tourist visa at the thai consulate in Lao. I suggest you read some, maybe even try the search function too.

But FWIW: Yes I concur wholeheartedly; the website thaivisarun dot com does offer an “all in” kinda service to Lao for a double entry tourist visa. I have used them myself several times in the past, as well as having sent many, many people to them too.

Well, I'm actually not studying in a language school. I am studying full time, 7:30 - 16:30 except for weekends. It just takes to much time away.

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Well, I'm actually not studying in a language school. I am studying full time, 7:30 - 16:30 except for weekends. It just takes to much time away.

Well in light of your comment; I retract nearly all my post!! I stand humbly erected :o err corrected ;) .

Studying thai with that kinda schedule is certainly not something I'd ever opt for :( . Christ! That's a frickin' full time job! Most foreigners I know who wash outta thai language school do so because the 4 hours a week is just too much for them, :D lol..

I still think you could hoof it (via various modes of transport) to Vientiane and snap up a double entry tourist visa either ding it yourself or by using one of the services previously mentioned.

It's far safer than 'pushing the envelope' wondering whether the school will or won't report you to immigrations for stopping your studies.

Again, FWIW: I'm sincerely sorry about the lengthy and obviously off topic post I made. :)

I certainly give you credit for even undertaking that kinda time intensive study program. B)

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