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I Care For 8 Survivors : Thai Abortionist

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I care for 8 survivors : abortionist

By The Nation


Former nurse took over after doctor closed down the clinic; repents ‘sins’

The horrific discovery of about 300 human foetuses in a Bangkok temple has led to a rundown building on Phetkasem Road where illegal abortions were performed for years and subsequently to the story of an abortion worker who ended up caring for eight kids, unwanted by their biological mothers, who survived the procedure.

An arrested undertaker implicated former nurse assistant Lanchakorn Janthamanas, 33, as the one who hired him at Bt200 per foetus to put them in the temple pending cremation.

Yesterday she revealed her side of the story.

“I started taking the job by myself in the middle of last year. Before that, I helped a female doctor in her 50s who did it for young women, including some famous actresses. Sometimes the babies survived the abortion, and I had to raise five children, the eldest one of which is now nine years old. After the clinic shut down, I took over the place, renting it at Bt10,000 a month,” Lanchakorn said.

She learned how to perform the operation from observing another nurse assistant as she helped a doctor with the abortions.

Previously, she had taken the foetuses from her network of abortionists around Bangkok and Pathum Thani and giving them to the undertaker to hide inside a pyre. Monks, without knowing, would perform a prayer for the dead foetuses during another person’s funeral. Lanchakorn charged her network Bt500 per foetus and gave the undertaker Bt200.

After the clinic shut down, she told her network she would perform the abortions they couldn’t. Most clinics performed abortions only in early pregnancy rather than in later terms, which were riskier and more painful.

She said eight-month-pregnancy abortions could sometimes leave babies alive, so she ended up raising a total of eight such children.

“I commit sin [abortions] every day, so if the kids won’t die, there’s no need to kill them. And I want to have children because I can’t, possibly due to the sin,” she said. All the kids are legal, as she had relatives upcountry to pay bribes at Bt10,000-Bt20,000 per child to get them Thai nationality.

Police yesterday collected Lanchakorn’s evidence in preparation for the first detention-period application at Taling Chan Court this morning, while also interrogating the undertaker who reportedly confessed to disposing of the foetuses for Bt200 a time. The Prachabodi Centre also contacted police about information on the eight children who survived.

After allegations of bribery of a hospital to issue certificates for the children, Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit said officials would probe and, if guilty, punish offenders with a two-year jail term and a Bt40,000 fine.

Health Department chief Somyos Deerassami said that of 1 million women who got pregnant each year, it was estimated that about 150,000 miscarried and some 150,000 aborted the pregnancies mostly teenagers or those unprepared for motherhood.

Yesterday an eight-month-old male foetus was found dumped in an irrigation waterway behind Din Daeng Flat 4 Building 8.

It has undergone an autopsy and the case is being investigated by police.


-- The Nation 2010-11-19

Related topic:

Undertaker Arrested For Hiding 200 Foetuses From Abortion Clinics In Bangkok Temple

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All the kids are legal, as she had relatives upcountry to pay bribes at Bt10,000-Bt20,000 per child to get them Thai nationality.

This country gets more surreal everyday. No wonder so many locals hit the sauce.


To request an abortion when the fetus is 8 months old is hard to believe and to perform the abortion at that late stage is sick. This opinion is based solely on the premise that there were no health issues involved in the decision making.


What is more disturbing is the fact that the people who got the I.D's for the kids are gunna take a rap.

Bribery or not - at least the kids got Cert's and are not just out on the streets.


i am sorry but this story makes me sick. how can abortion be illegal. If the mother is in capable of bring a baby and not fit to bring a baby into this world. then isn't it better the terminate before the baby comes out.

there are a hel_l of allot of un cared children out there have who have to find any to savive.

i think people know what i mean.

abortion after 8 months is too dangerous though.

there are so many teen pregancies i reckon they should be forced to take them out and the kid who got pregnant should face a fine.

remeber it is not like england. the govement do no offer muc help to kids from poor families.

it makes me sick that these women to go to back street doctors to in my opinum save the live of the un wanted baby rarther than have it.

it is easy to coment from an arm chair but unless u have had experience dealing with mothers that are not ready then u probably have no conseption of the sadness that people have to go through to preform this task.


Well this is the problem with illegal abortions,

the line of legality is already long ago crossed and 8 month viable children are being aborted because there is no moral compunction not to. This woman is a perfect example of why the underground, keep it hidden, model does NOT work.

Regulated and properly done, with time limits is at least a control mechanism for something 'that gets done regardless of laws or consequences', as we see here. Hidden away, and we periodically will get sheer horrors like this. Regulated and above board, if not pleasant or acceptable to all morally, is still better than a underworld run by the completely morally challenged bordering on pure evil or half demented.


She performed the abortions, but if the babies lived she became their mom?

She must be deeply disturbed by this point to be operating in such a paradoxical manner.

Agreed, a truly disturbed mind.


She performed the abortions, but if the babies lived she became their mom?

She must be deeply disturbed by this point to be operating in such a paradoxical manner.

Agreed, a truly disturbed mind.

dis agree. i reckon this lady gernally did want to help people but once the baby is born then she takes them under her wing. she should be given a medal. what is the alternative. through the born babies in the bin.

i reckon this person is deeply desturbed about what she does but knows that it is necessery but if the baby is born with a mother who has no intension of taking care then at least this lady has the descencey to take care of other peoples mistakes.

i am sorry but i disagree. i don't think it is evil. i think killing a baby that is alive a born is evil.i think that having a baby then running away is evil.

i think that not terminating the baby knowing that u cannot provide for it is evil.

i think this lady dersves a medal. going against her own beleifs to fix other peoples mistake. take some strong person to do that not an evil one.

if she was evil she would not have taken care of 8 saviors


BigC, I agree with you. This woman did what she could to help people, no matter what difficult situation it put her in. I think she is a hero.


BigC, I agree with you. This woman did what she could to help people, no matter what difficult situation it put her in. I think she is a hero.

My point is missed.

At this late stage, she should not have preformed the operation.

That after it was unsuccessful she adopted the survivores doesn'rt change the original fact.If she wanted to do the right theng, they should have been told to come back in labor or at least in a month and indice labor, properly, and THEN she will arrange adoptions. She is anything but a hero. Just not completely callous of soul.


1,000 additional fetus corpses found at Wat Paingern; Public Health Min conducts check of all clinics to find abortion service /TAN_Network

The story just gets worse.

And I imagine this is just ONE wat and one set of abortionists.


She may be disturbed but the guilt she must experience would indicate the issues are a conflict between right and wrong. This is not so much about sick people aborting at 8 months - they are the criminally insane parents, but of a woman who was compassionate enough to take the babies and raise them amongst so much horror. I applaud her, (yes she is disturbed) sick or not and have seen much evidence of this dastardly essential part of humanity. The fact she aborted or assisted abortions and the children were alive means they are living now and at what price a life! Sad story, very sad.


I too agree with BigC this whole episode will make bad worse. Nowhere is there a sane policy on abortion and TOS is not going to get one in our lifetimes


I would think that even the most zealous apologists here realize that terminating an 8 month pregnancy is infanticide.

This lady is a serial killer yet a mom to some of her surviving victims.

Mommy why do I have so many brothers and sisters?

Well son your real parents paid me to kill you and thousands of other kids too but you were just too hard to kill.

Now go to bed and have sweet dreams pumpkin.


canuckamuk, says it very clearly. If those people paid to perform the abortion are not even efficient at doing what they are paid to do (terminate the fetus within the womb), how many mistakes were made by this group? We hear of 10 live mistakes but how many died due to poor facilities, expertise, etc. What is the mental/physical capacity of the 10 mentioned? How many results of the abortions are at temples, medical schools, research labs?

The lady would appear to be small cog in a bigger wheel. This is one of those investigations that will not go far. The involvement of the temples all the way up to the clinics where the abortions took place is just another example of how callous people become when money is involved. Grave robbers, have normally been shunned by their fellow human beings, but this could bring another low to the lowest caste system recognized in Asia.

All the kids are legal, as she had relatives upcountry to pay bribes at Bt10,000-Bt20,000 per child to get them Thai nationality.

This country gets more surreal everyday. No wonder so many locals hit the sauce.

That's probably because Thailand's constitution doesn't allow for destitution of Thai nationality without wrongdoing of the person itself.

(just a theory)


The solution is quite simple, really:

- legalize abortion during early pregnancy

- put a structure into place where a woman can legally abandon her child, i.e. a hospital that will ask no questions and will not identify the woman. The woman the leaves without her child and the child is made available for adoption.


She performed the abortions, but if the babies lived she became their mom?

She must be deeply disturbed by this point to be operating in such a paradoxical manner.

Agreed, a truly disturbed mind.

dis agree. i reckon this lady gernally did want to help people but once the baby is born then she takes them under her wing. she should be given a medal. what is the alternative. through the born babies in the bin.

i reckon this person is deeply desturbed about what she does but knows that it is necessery but if the baby is born with a mother who has no intension of taking care then at least this lady has the descencey to take care of other peoples mistakes.

i am sorry but i disagree. i don't think it is evil. i think killing a baby that is alive a born is evil.i think that having a baby then running away is evil.

i think that not terminating the baby knowing that u cannot provide for it is evil.

i think this lady dersves a medal. going against her own beleifs to fix other peoples mistake. take some strong person to do that not an evil one.

if she was evil she would not have taken care of 8 saviors

?? You live in the same cuckoo nest? she has 8 botched abortions that she then keeps with her 'cause she couldn't manage to kill them? Maybe you need admitted to the same psychiatric ward!


The solution is quite simple, really:

- legalize abortion during early pregnancy

- put a structure into place where a woman can legally abandon her child, i.e. a hospital that will ask no questions and will not identify the woman. The woman the leaves without her child and the child is made available for adoption.

Well i agree with putting such a system into place. I also think pre abortion counseling should be made available As well as after abortion counseling. No pressure to be applied as that might scare them away to another back alley unsanitary clinic. Just a relaxed interview with a chance to reconsider or deal with it.


She performed the abortions, but if the babies lived she became their mom?

She must be deeply disturbed by this point to be operating in such a paradoxical manner.

Agreed, a truly disturbed mind.


These where the exact same words you used in the rotting THAI SEX WORKER thread ( but there, you had a lot of excuses for the disturbed NZ mind...)

Keeping 8 (!) kid's alive by a THAI ABORTIONIST ( Thank you, Thai Visa Forum for a new Thai degeneracy ) is the act of a truly disturbed mind????


she was doing it for the money.

how much you figure she got per operation? especially at 8 months into the term. yes, that is sick.

why were they illegal children anyways? why the need to bribe upcountry people to get them ID cards? at 10-20k per bribe she must get a lot of money to do the abortions.


she was doing it for the money.

how much you figure she got per operation? especially at 8 months into the term. yes, that is sick.

why were they illegal children anyways? why the need to bribe upcountry people to get them ID cards? at 10-20k per bribe she must get a lot of money to do the abortions.

They are illegals when they are abortion-survivors (possibly even without the mother knowing it) as no birth-cert exists...

Edit: Added quote to highlight the post I was replying.


It's a third world country.

Stop the shock, gasp, horror trip and get real.

If you don't apply the law; if you abandon the poor; if you don't educate the people; if encourage control through religion; if you portray women as sex objects; if you condemn the overwhelming majority to a life of manual labour; if you provide inadequate social welfare....


Change? Improvement or more of the same.

An avaricious society that envies and encourages wealth by any means gets what it deserves. America gave the world the serial killer and Thailand has it's back street butcheries and baby burning Wats.

Amazing Thailand! Should bring the tourists back.


It's a third world country.

Amazing Thailand! Should bring the tourists back.

I'm real getting sick of this kind of comment.

This situation have been happening and will continue to happen anywhere and everywhere where there are human beings. Look back to your own country, you cannot honestly deny that this is not happening in your backyard. It's just the way they do it that makes a difference.

Anyway, I strongly believe that it's a woman's choice whether or not she wants to keep it. It's no body's business. It's her body, her judgement, her future. Men who get them pregnant don't have to face any responsibilities in both social and legal. I'm sure that if men take on moral responsibilities this abortion thing will rarely happen.

Just wonder how servived babies can live on without having to have treatments in the hospitals. And if they actually had gone to the hospital why the staff didn't take any notice that these babies came without their mothers?


Seems there is no consideration of how far along they are.

They have the money and the procedure is done.

Oops one survived: what to do what to do?

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