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I'd Like To Be A Thai Language Teacher...

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I am a Thai girl, year 4 university student, majoring in English.

I would like to get a part time job.

One of my friends advised me to teach Thai language for foreigners...

but i'm not sure if i could do it and where i can find my students.

Could u plz give me an advice?

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to teach Thai language for foreigners...

You mean "to" foreigners ?

Where are you located ?

When are you free ?

How much do you ask ?

just my 2 satang

yes, i mean TO foreigners...sorry for my mistake :o

I live in Sukhumvit 101/1.

Im free every weekend (if i dont have exams), Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.

And i dont know about the price yet...

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What experience do you have, what kind of learning material can you supply, how is your class structured and.............. These would be questions that anyone would ask besides the cost factor. I could go on and on but you have to KNOW what you're doing. Are you teaching only conversational Thai or what? I took a course that did help but really was a waste of time overall as it was just too intensive and didn't work, Doing a 40 hour course in 10 days is just too much for me. You have to give a LOT more info on what YOU can offer to your client.

All the best,

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I think this is a great idea to get a private start learning a little Thai.

I would think you need to make up a lesson plan,

simple things first , numbers , colors , directions , the things most tourists might need to know,

If you want to be a Thai teacher you need to start somewhere and get some experiance.

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There's quite a few schools in BKK teaching Thai to Farangs. It might be a good idea to enquire for a job with them..

Maybe the pay won't be very good, but you'll get valuable knowledge how to run classes. After a while you could go on your own, maybe taking a few students from the school along :o

I guess they'll be happy to get more teachers with decent English levels...

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There's quite a few schools in BKK teaching Thai to Farangs. It might be a good idea to enquire for a job with them..

Maybe the pay won't be very good, but you'll get valuable knowledge how to run classes. After a while you could go on your own, maybe taking a few students from the school along  :o

I took Thai lessons for a few months a couple of years ago. I started at a Thai Language school called Nisa, but after my initial 12 hour course finished i arranged private lessons with my teacher.

Worked out better for both parties but maybe it would be good to start teaching at a school to gain experience and recruit students.

Most of the students at the school were actually Japanese and other Asians. Only a couple of farangs.

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I started to learn a few months back in the UK. Previously i just picked up conversational but wanted more. I found a Thai teacher at the local Thai Temple and to begin with all we did was go over and over the 44 constanants for about 10 weeks. Gor Gai, Kor Ky, Kor Khuat etc. and then the vowels Having the Thai teacher helped me do homework which i probably wouldn't have done on my own but more importantly helped with correct pronunciation. You could start pretty much straight away, just having one of those posters and whilst the Farang are trying to get their head around the constanants you can plan your next lessons. Just a thought.

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