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What Typesof Peopleare Coming Tophuket Now?


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just saw my first russian tourist day(only seen expats) and they are as dumb as the expats.

Stuck in front of tesco, asking thais where to get petrol for their motorbike. Thai guy with no english points the way (across the street), they argue

i tell them to do a uturn and its right there, less than 50meters

They babble in russian, only english word they've ever heard of is 'petrol' .. Same as the russian expats. How the hel_l do you even think about traveling if you cant speak a single world of English?

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just saw my first russian tourist day(only seen expats) and they are as dumb as the expats.

Stuck in front of tesco, asking thais where to get petrol for their motorbike. Thai guy with no english points the way (across the street), they argue

i tell them to do a uturn and its right there, less than 50meters

They babble in russian, only english word they've ever heard of is 'petrol' .. Same as the russian expats. How the hel_l do you even think about traveling if you cant speak a single world of English?

Look at all the Chinese that come here who cannot speak a word of English or Thai, you can hear them a mile off in the shopping centres. However they get bussed everywhere in groups always accompanied by a guide whereas the Russians seem to be more independent.

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just saw my first russian tourist day(only seen expats) and they are as dumb as the expats.

Stuck in front of tesco, asking thais where to get petrol for their motorbike. Thai guy with no english points the way (across the street), they argue

i tell them to do a uturn and its right there, less than 50meters

They babble in russian, only english word they've ever heard of is 'petrol' .. Same as the russian expats. How the hel_l do you even think about traveling if you cant speak a single world of English?

Look at all the Chinese that come here who cannot speak a word of English or Thai, you can hear them a mile off in the shopping centres. However they get bussed everywhere in groups always accompanied by a guide whereas the Russians seem to be more independent.

Again today, 1inch long russian shorts left 5 towels on the weights when he went home..

Thank god his life is about spending hours everyday with morbidly obese germans sexpats teachers trying to lose weight. Karma at its finest.

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Dont see what the fuss is ?? Russians dont speak english ?? Well we are in Thailand !!

The only possible issue I could see is Russians tend to have a kind of blunt body language and tone, which might intimidate some Thais.. But they seemed friendly enough whenever I encountered them. Did a charity road rally with some cashed up 'entrepreneur' types who were a barrel of laughs.

Sure its not just a 'not like us' vibe ??

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i met a lot of educated russian in my country, fine with them.

The problem is, like a lot of brit/german and aussie expats/tourist.. those russian are the bottom of the barrel in all of life's aspects.

Can anybody enlighten me as to where Ilyelol is from? Just interested to see if his own country is one of those regularly insulted by him.

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Strange, i would say in kata the opposite is happening. More and more families and couples coming.

I totally agree that Kata and Karon have become more family orientated, most probably due to the number of newer hotels that have sprung up in the past three years on the road behind Club Med. It's also noticeable that the southern end of Kata is now much busier than Kata Centre, which is pretty dead.

The guesthouse customer demographic in Kata/Karon has also changed with fewer single men staying. I have no idea how most of the local girlie bars stay in business.

The major change is in the number of Russians. Most stay at the larger hotels and spend little in bars of any sort.

We've seen people from all over Eastern Europe, North and South America, more and more Italians and of course Asians. The traditional Scandinavian market is still going strong but doesn't represent the same proportion of visitors as it used to.

I also think that backpacker numbers are down this season. Maybe the strong baht and the bad press have had an effect on this market.

I'm only talking about Kata/Karon. I am sure Patong is very different and I have no idea about Bang Tao and Kamala.

Yes. All the crap has moved over to Rawai.

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i met a lot of educated russian in my country, fine with them.

The problem is, like a lot of brit/german and aussie expats/tourist.. those russian are the bottom of the barrel in all of life's aspects.

Can anybody enlighten me as to where Ilyelol is from? Just interested to see if his own country is one of those regularly insulted by him.


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i met a lot of educated russian in my country, fine with them.

The problem is, like a lot of brit/german and aussie expats/tourist.. those russian are the bottom of the barrel in all of life's aspects.

Can anybody enlighten me as to where Ilyelol is from? Just interested to see if his own country is one of those regularly insulted by him.

He seems to be insulting everybody, so chances are very high his own countrymen are among those insulted.

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Is it just me, but most of the Russians are young families or couples. I have lots to complain about on Russians, but I have never been in a bar where they start a fight, and none of the Russian ladies I have seen in Phuket have those really cheap tatoos on their legs. I have found the Russian ladies to be more ladylike than alot of other female visitors. I am therefore of the belief that the Russians in Phuket tend to be business or professional types, i.e. more upscale than the typical junketeer. The same goes for the Indians. They seem to be more on par with the endangered species of the British middle class. With the exception of the Scandanavians,I just don't see European family units visiting. There's something calming about families, despite the children crying, muling & puking. Come to think of it, I rarely if ever have seen a Thai family out and about in Patong except in Carrefour. yea, yea, I know, Patong aint Phuket. However, my base is in Patong and therefore the world revolves around Patong, got it. :)

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Is it just me, but most of the Russians are young families or couples. I have lots to complain about on Russians, but I have never been in a bar where they start a fight, and none of the Russian ladies I have seen in Phuket have those really cheap tatoos on their legs. I have found the Russian ladies to be more ladylike than alot of other female visitors. I am therefore of the belief that the Russians in Phuket tend to be business or professional types, i.e. more upscale than the typical junketeer. The same goes for the Indians. They seem to be more on par with the endangered species of the British middle class. With the exception of the Scandanavians,I just don't see European family units visiting. There's something calming about families, despite the children crying, muling & puking. Come to think of it, I rarely if ever have seen a Thai family out and about in Patong except in Carrefour. yea, yea, I know, Patong aint Phuket. However, my base is in Patong and therefore the world revolves around Patong, got it. :)

Couple of years ago most Russians arriving here where +50 and loaded with cash

Today we still see them, but also younger couples and with kids. I have negotiated rentals with Russians as young as 30, and they are not loaded with cash ;)

There are presently more Russians arriving Phuket than US passportholders

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"It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue." :) :) :) :)


Picture Bangla Road with beer bars and no bar girls in them. 90% of the bars would go broke in a matter of months. Picture Tiger, Hollywood, Seduction and Taipan Discos with no freelancers in them. They would be broke in no time. Imagine zero sex industry on the island. Patong, for example, would become like a ghost town. Vacant shops, bars, restaurants, cafes, salons etc. The over supply of bars and accommodation is already seeing many bars and hotels struggle. Families and couples would not spend enough for all of these establishments to survive.

The girls are a big attraction for tourism in Phuket as far as the numbers and dollars are concerned. Whether or not it's the type of "tourism" they want here is a different question, but it certainly keeps the local economy going and puts food on the table in Issan.

Bangla is just one soi. A soi, it seems, you restrict your er, 'socialising' to. I know a LOT of young tourists come here and are pissed off with being hit on by the hos in the local discos/clubs.

And judging by your last paragraph, you're stuck in the past.

You really should get about more.

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"It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue." :) :) :) :)


Picture Bangla Road with beer bars and no bar girls in them. 90% of the bars would go broke in a matter of months. Picture Tiger, Hollywood, Seduction and Taipan Discos with no freelancers in them. They would be broke in no time. Imagine zero sex industry on the island. Patong, for example, would become like a ghost town. Vacant shops, bars, restaurants, cafes, salons etc. The over supply of bars and accommodation is already seeing many bars and hotels struggle. Families and couples would not spend enough for all of these establishments to survive.

The girls are a big attraction for tourism in Phuket as far as the numbers and dollars are concerned. Whether or not it's the type of "tourism" they want here is a different question, but it certainly keeps the local economy going and puts food on the table in Issan.

Bangla is just one soi. A soi, it seems, you restrict your er, 'socialising' to. I know a LOT of young tourists come here and are pissed off with being hit on by the hos in the local discos/clubs.

And judging by your last paragraph, you're stuck in the past.

You really should get about more.

The know the island pretty well.

You say, "A LOT of young tourist are pissed off with being hit on by the hos." Do you seriously expect me to believe that young men want to go to a disco/nightclub and talk about the football with their mates???? Who would they dance to the music with???? Don't you think they would be "amourous" around 1am or so? They are in their own country, why wouldn't they be here?

Bangla may be one Soi on the island, BUT, how many people does it employ, either in legitimate employment, or otherwise, and what about the employment and flow on cash to sub-industries from "the main trade" on Bangla Rd?

The nightclubs are quite large in Patong. The amount of couples coming to Phuket would not fill them. Many would go broke, The sex trade is a huge industry on the island. To think that it is not - well, maybe you are living in the pre-Vietnam war past and you really need to get out more and see the demographics of the tourists coming here. Just as the OP has on the plane.

Edited by NamKangMan
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The know the island pretty well.

You say, "A LOT of young tourist are pissed off with being hit on by the hos." Do you seriously expect me to believe that young men want to go to a disco/nightclub and talk about the football with their mates???? Who would they dance to the music with???? Don't you think they would be "amourous" around 1am or so? They are in their own country, why wouldn't they be here?

Bangla may be one Soi on the island, BUT, how many people does it employ, either in legitimate employment, or otherwise, and what about the employment and flow on cash to sub-industries from "the main trade" on Bangla Rd?

The nightclubs are quite large in Patong. The amount of couples coming to Phuket would not fill them. Many would go broke, The sex trade is a huge industry on the island. To think that it is not - well, maybe you are living in the pre-Vietnam war past and you really need to get out more and see the demographics of the tourists coming here. Just as the OP has on the plane.

You are confusing the issue. Nobody is denying the fact, that the people who go down Bangla, sit in those horrendously overpriced, grotty plastic bars, where the girls look 14 years old, are spending money, and they are obviously getting take outs at the end of the night.

The point is, while you're sitting there seeing one person do that, there are 10 elswere on the island doing other things, that don't involve paying, to sleep with girls who look like they are 14.

The vast majority of your experience of Phuket, I would guess comes from that tiny area of the island, and it would seem that by trying to make it a bigger deal than it is, you are trying to validate your own behaviour and life style. It is a very common habit, that some people will try to drag others down to their level to make them feel better about themselves.

That's what you get up to, and that's what a lot of people get up to, but what you fail to understand is the vast majority, don't.

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I noticed this thread as I was scrolling through the Phuket board... I noticed another a couple of weeks ago about a late night bar brawl somewhere around Rawai and was thinking about some comments such as "Rawai is the new venue for various scum of the earth" or words to that effect.

I moved to Phuket in the middle of this year, from elsewhere in Thailand, for business reasons. Rawai was actually the first beach I really took a shining to when I came to Phuket on business a few years ago. I liked it, I thought it would be a shame if it was now attracting nasty pieces of work. It's changed a lot in the last few years, of course.

Last Saturday I went out in Rawai. I don't go out much, but I try to let my hair down on a Saturday. I went to that "Freedom" bar which is well managed and there is some good banter going around, all in good humour. Of course it has recently had that bit of bad press, but I think it is a nice bar to drink in. I then went to the "Icon" nightclub and, after the cops shut the place down for operating after hours (I assume this is something they do once every couple of months, much like elsewhere around the country, and the shutdown is effective for that night), I went to another bar.

I had the very bad experience of meeting some English "Muay Thai boxers" or whatever. I should clarify that - one was Scottish, and he was the particularly offensive one, and he actually wanted 'a fight'. What a loser! I think I'll stick to Ploenchit in Phuket Town - that is a good night out. No farangs, lots of GORGEOUS women who are not for sale, nice music at a level that doesn't stop you having a conversation, even if you've got to have it in Thai.

As for Patong - sex tourism is a major part of Patong life. I think everyone understands that, that's why I generally stay clear of it after dark.

I've noticed that people are mentioning that Kata and Karon are trying to appeal to the family markets, but I drove through the other early evening and, especially in Karon, I noticed an awful lot of the girlie bars - that's always going to put off family mothers.

Generally, though, the point of this lengthly whinge is that Phuket is basically not a very nice place. I'm afraid I haven't been permanently living here for that long, so I can't really say how it "used to be". But I think that "the types of people coming to Phuket" are largely highly undesirable. Sorry guys, I hate to generalise, but I do get the feeling from reading this thread that many agree with me.

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Generally, though, the point of this lengthly whinge is that Phuket is basically not a very nice place. I'm afraid I haven't been permanently living here for that long, so I can't really say how it "used to be". But I think that "the types of people coming to Phuket" are largely highly undesirable. Sorry guys, I hate to generalise, but I do get the feeling from reading this thread that many agree with me.

I wouldn't agree with you that Phuket isn't a nice place. Phuket can be a fantastic place to live. I will agree with you however that it attracts a lot of undesirables.

The thing is, you could double the amount of low life on Phuket even treble them, and I would still be able to avoid them for the best part. If you are clever about where you live, where you eat and drink, and where you spend your time in general, you can live a very stress free, scum bag free, tuk tuk free, prostitute shagger free life.

There is a well known poster on here (has over 11k posts) who constantly slags 'Phuket' off, saying how bad it is getting etc etc, yet for a huge amount of the time he was on Phuket he lived in Patong :o Now that isn't the best way to get the best from a life on Phuket. (except for all the people who love living in Patong of course, of which there are plenty)

If you can't make yourself happy on Phuket, you're either doing it wrong, or it just isn't the place for you.

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Generally, though, the point of this lengthly whinge is that Phuket is basically not a very nice place. I'm afraid I haven't been permanently living here for that long, so I can't really say how it "used to be". But I think that "the types of people coming to Phuket" are largely highly undesirable. Sorry guys, I hate to generalise, but I do get the feeling from reading this thread that many agree with me.

I wouldn't agree with you that Phuket isn't a nice place. Phuket can be a fantastic place to live. I will agree with you however that it attracts a lot of undesirables.

The thing is, you could double the amount of low life on Phuket even treble them, and I would still be able to avoid them for the best part. If you are clever about where you live, where you eat and drink, and where you spend your time in general, you can live a very stress free, scum bag free, tuk tuk free, prostitute shagger free life.

There is a well known poster on here (has over 11k posts) who constantly slags 'Phuket' off, saying how bad it is getting etc etc, yet for a huge amount of the time he was on Phuket he lived in Patong :o Now that isn't the best way to get the best from a life on Phuket. (except for all the people who love living in Patong of course, of which there are plenty)

If you can't make yourself happy on Phuket, you're either doing it wrong, or it just isn't the place for you.

Thank you for your reasoned response. It's certainly not what I was subjected to on Saturday night!

I don't really hang around the mainstream foreign establishments. I’m here for a business venture, and spend too much of my time dealing with that. I live in Vichit, and speak in Thai with everyone I know who lives around me (I think there is a foreign couple with 1km, but not sure!). I don’t drink much (no more than twice a week), but my favourite venues are Ploenchit in Phuket Town (which is a bit Thai hi-so, but that’s not all bad) and Freedom in Rawai (which is a bit rough, but not such a bad place to have a joke around with some English people, especially in the earlier evening - even if it also attracts a couple of absolute <insert expletive here>s). I mostly eat in Thai dam-sang or khao gaeng restaurants. Meet some cracking people in there!

I do like Nai Harn beach - it’s swimmable, idyllic and not too touristy - and I’m sure I will get to enjoy other parts of the island in time. I presume you’re from Bang Tao? I haven’t spent any considerable amount of time north of Kamala, what’s it like in the north of the island?

I must say that at this point I prefer Samui, even if it doesn’t have the facilities available on Phuket and it of course has its own problems. Samui’s “quiet” is really quiet, and its “noisy” is really noisy - there seems to be less of a distinction in Phuket. But Samui in my opinion has very little on Nai Phlao (Nakhon Sri Thamamarat) or many of the Satun beaches.

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wow. is this thread still going?!

lots of aussie families come here, as well as singles (male AND female) how come no one has bashed the aussies yet? or did i not read close enough?

i recon at least 50% of the tourists training in the muay thai camps are trash, and find that at least most sex tourists and sexpats have more manners..

as a single youngish woman, i will generally go to a girlie bar, only if i see at least one other farang female there, although the times that i have ended up in girlie bars, i've spent more time talking to the bar girls than my friends (usually blokes).

i dont really like patong, but it's alright for a night out and my male friends are divided, half hate it and tell me they are groped repeatedly and it repulses them (some are happily married etc, some are single and recon they just dont like it), and the other half love it for a BIG night out on a special occasion, considering the prices.

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I do like Nai Harn beach - it's swimmable, idyllic and not too touristy - and I'm sure I will get to enjoy other parts of the island in time. I presume you're from Bang Tao? I haven't spent any considerable amount of time north of Kamala, what's it like in the north of the island?

The saying 'teaching your granny to suck eggs' comes to mind. :D You obviously know how to get the best out of a place, and speaking good Thai is the most important part of that. (Not that I'm there yet :( ) so apologies if I sounded patronising.

If you drive from Surin, through Bangtao, and all the way through Cherng Telay, you would almost have no indication that you are in a tourist area. The whole of Cherng Telay 'High St' could be almost anywhere in Thailand, with nothing but Thai shops, and the restaurants you like to eat in. But right on the doorstep you have good, decent, Farang tourist restaurants & beach bars streaching from Surin right up to Layan. (I would be very suprised if you didn't like Layan beach) For me it's the perfect balance between wanting to live in a predominantly Thai area, but wanting Farang facilities to hand, along with empty, clean beaches.

This evening, on the way home from the market, we stopped at the very northern tip of Layan beach (Soi 4) and the kids ran on the beach. As I'm sitting there as the sun goes down, I couldn't give a stuff how many steroid freek boxers are kicking off in Rawai. I couldn't give a monkeys about the drunk low life fighting with the Tuk Tuk driver in Patong. It's all irelevent to me.

It's a bit like a bloke who lives in Brixton saying that London is a &lt;deleted&gt; whole place to live, and the bloke sitting in his penthouse in Mayfair thinking, 'Don't think so mate'. Phuket is a big island, there is a hundred different ways to live your life here. What annoys me is when people choose the wrong way, and then blame the island.

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I do like Nai Harn beach - it's swimmable, idyllic and not too touristy - and I'm sure I will get to enjoy other parts of the island in time. I presume you're from Bang Tao? I haven't spent any considerable amount of time north of Kamala, what's it like in the north of the island?

The saying 'teaching your granny to suck eggs' comes to mind. :D You obviously know how to get the best out of a place, and speaking good Thai is the most important part of that. (Not that I'm there yet :( ) so apologies if I sounded patronising.

If you drive from Surin, through Bangtao, and all the way through Cherng Telay, you would almost have no indication that you are in a tourist area. The whole of Cherng Telay 'High St' could be almost anywhere in Thailand, with nothing but Thai shops, and the restaurants you like to eat in. But right on the doorstep you have good, decent, Farang tourist restaurants & beach bars streaching from Surin right up to Layan. (I would be very suprised if you didn't like Layan beach) For me it's the perfect balance between wanting to live in a predominantly Thai area, but wanting Farang facilities to hand, along with empty, clean beaches.

This evening, on the way home from the market, we stopped at the very northern tip of Layan beach (Soi 4) and the kids ran on the beach. As I'm sitting there as the sun goes down, I couldn't give a stuff how many steroid freek boxers are kicking off in Rawai. I couldn't give a monkeys about the drunk low life fighting with the Tuk Tuk driver in Patong. It's all irelevent to me.

It's a bit like a bloke who lives in Brixton saying that London is a &lt;deleted&gt; whole place to live, and the bloke sitting in his penthouse in Mayfair thinking, 'Don't think so mate'. Phuket is a big island, there is a hundred different ways to live your life here. What annoys me is when people choose the wrong way, and then blame the island.

Regardless of how well I know South Thailand, I don't know Phuket so well... I'll give Layan a visit on a weekend, thanks for the tip!

I get your point about blaming the whole island... to be honest, I was just very irritated at having to talk myself out of getting a kicking off some pissed up Scottish brawler in Rawai the other night. I realise how naive this sounds, but it's not - this does NOT happen in Samui, the island is too small.

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Regardless of how well I know South Thailand, I don't know Phuket so well... I'll give Layan a visit on a weekend, thanks for the tip!

I get your point about blaming the whole island... to be honest, I was just very irritated at having to talk myself out of getting a kicking off some pissed up Scottish brawler in Rawai the other night. I realise how naive this sounds, but it's not - this does NOT happen in Samui, the island is too small.

If you go to Layan on a sunday it may be busy with local Thais. If you go during the week, you can easily be the only person as far as the eye can see.

Drive up Layan soi 2 as far to the right as you can go. From there you have a fantastic view of the whole of Bang Tao beach, stunning. Not a lot in the way of food and drink, so I normally bring a picnic.

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The know the island pretty well.

You say, "A LOT of young tourist are pissed off with being hit on by the hos." Do you seriously expect me to believe that young men want to go to a disco/nightclub and talk about the football with their mates???? Who would they dance to the music with???? Don't you think they would be "amourous" around 1am or so? They are in their own country, why wouldn't they be here?

Bangla may be one Soi on the island, BUT, how many people does it employ, either in legitimate employment, or otherwise, and what about the employment and flow on cash to sub-industries from "the main trade" on Bangla Rd?

The nightclubs are quite large in Patong. The amount of couples coming to Phuket would not fill them. Many would go broke, The sex trade is a huge industry on the island. To think that it is not - well, maybe you are living in the pre-Vietnam war past and you really need to get out more and see the demographics of the tourists coming here. Just as the OP has on the plane.

You are confusing the issue. Nobody is denying the fact, that the people who go down Bangla, sit in those horrendously overpriced, grotty plastic bars, where the girls look 14 years old, are spending money, and they are obviously getting take outs at the end of the night.

The point is, while you're sitting there seeing one person do that, there are 10 elswere on the island doing other things, that don't involve paying, to sleep with girls who look like they are 14.

The vast majority of your experience of Phuket, I would guess comes from that tiny area of the island, and it would seem that by trying to make it a bigger deal than it is, you are trying to validate your own behaviour and life style. It is a very common habit, that some people will try to drag others down to their level to make them feel better about themselves.

That's what you get up to, and that's what a lot of people get up to, but what you fail to understand is the vast majority, don't.

You don't even know me, so, your personal comments about me, and my social life, are not only wrong, but based on no evidence, whatsoever. I live here and, if it's important for you to know, have done most activities that the island has to offer.

I'm not confusing anything. Of course, not all tourists, and expats, partake in "pulling girls" but my point is, a sex touirst, or just a bunch of young guys on a holiday, will spend a lot more money than a honeymoon couple who go to sleep early and spend most of their time on the beach, or pool, in their resort. It's all this turnover in cash, from men hanging around Bangla Rd, that supplies a lot of employment and is a big drawcard for Phuket. This cash turnover results in a lot of employment, and profits, to sub-industries. As you said yourself, "Nobody is denying men who go to Bangla are spending cash."

So, while "the majority don't" pull girls, it's the minority who spend more money than your majority and that's what you fail to comprehend and, whether you like it or not, Bangla Rd, and what takes place there, is a big tourist attraction and drawcard for the island.

Edited by NamKangMan
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So, while "the majority don't" pull girls, it's the minority who spend more money than your majority and that's what you fail to comprehend and, whether you like it or not, Bangla Rd, and what takes place there, is a big tourist attraction and drawcard for the island.

:coffee1: We still not done with this! I understand what you're saying, you've said it 12 times allready! It's just that quite simply you are wrong.

You seem to think everybody who isn't on Bangla, isn't spending any money?? The vast majority (which at least you accept is the vast majority) spend huge amounts of money, they just spend it in different ways. For you to say, that one road, which is half empty most of the time, generates significantly more revenue than the rest of the island, is utter nonsence.

The amount of money some people pay, just for a hotel room in Laguna, would keep a Bangla lover in beer and bj's for a week. Have you not noticed how cheap a lot of the hotels people that drink on Bangla will stay in? It's because that's not important to them, they want to keep their cash for other things. Like I said, they don't spend more money, they just spend it in a different way.

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So, while "the majority don't" pull girls, it's the minority who spend more money than your majority and that's what you fail to comprehend and, whether you like it or not, Bangla Rd, and what takes place there, is a big tourist attraction and drawcard for the island.

:coffee1: We still not done with this! I understand what you're saying, you've said it 12 times allready! It's just that quite simply you are wrong.

You seem to think everybody who isn't on Bangla, isn't spending any money?? The vast majority (which at least you accept is the vast majority) spend huge amounts of money, they just spend it in different ways. For you to say, that one road, which is half empty most of the time, generates significantly more revenue than the rest of the island, is utter nonsence.

The amount of money some people pay, just for a hotel room in Laguna, would keep a Bangla lover in beer and bj's for a week. Have you not noticed how cheap a lot of the hotels people that drink on Bangla will stay in? It's because that's not important to them, they want to keep their cash for other things. Like I said, they don't spend more money, they just spend it in a different way.

even read stats on this

the typical single bangla sex seeker spends 3-5k a day for 3-12 days

while couples 30-60 y o spend +7k each a day for 12-14 days. In addition to food and beverage, shopping, expensive accomodation, tours, diving etc

and how many expats, who do not frequent Bangla dayly, manage on less than 3k/ day? Even living in my own payed house, I sure spend more :)

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the typical single bangla sex seeker spends 3-5k a day for 3-12 days

These days ??? Your joking ??

Surveys on a nightlife based forum show a ballpark median average at 8 - 10k a day spending money, outside of flights and rooms.. Many spend a lot more but I would pin that at about median.

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the typical single bangla sex seeker spends 3-5k a day for 3-12 days

These days ??? Your joking ??

Surveys on a nightlife based forum show a ballpark median average at 8 - 10k a day spending money, outside of flights and rooms.. Many spend a lot more but I would pin that at about median.

No way are the participants/members of a forum representative of that group. Just look at this forum in comparison to the average Phuket expat.
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