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What Typesof Peopleare Coming Tophuket Now?


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You are confusing the issue. Nobody is denying the fact, that the people who go down Bangla, sit in those horrendously overpriced, grotty plastic bars, where the girls look 14 years old, are spending money, and they are obviously getting take outs at the end of the night.

They used to look about 60 when I used to spend a lot of time in Phuket. Maybe they use a lot of botox these days. :D

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"It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue." :) :) :) :)


Picture Bangla Road with beer bars and no bar girls in them. 90% of the bars would go broke in a matter of months. Picture Tiger, Hollywood, Seduction and Taipan Discos with no freelancers in them. They would be broke in no time. Imagine zero sex industry on the island. Patong, for example, would become like a ghost town. Vacant shops, bars, restaurants, cafes, salons etc. The over supply of bars and accommodation is already seeing many bars and hotels struggle. Families and couples would not spend enough for all of these establishments to survive.

The girls are a big attraction for tourism in Phuket as far as the numbers and dollars are concerned. Whether or not it's the type of "tourism" they want here is a different question, but it certainly keeps the local economy going and puts food on the table in Issan.

Bangla is just one soi. A soi, it seems, you restrict your er, 'socialising' to. I know a LOT of young tourists come here and are pissed off with being hit on by the hos in the local discos/clubs.

And judging by your last paragraph, you're stuck in the past.

You really should get about more.

The know the island pretty well.

You say, "A LOT of young tourist are pissed off with being hit on by the hos." Do you seriously expect me to believe that young men want to go to a disco/nightclub and talk about the football with their mates???? Who would they dance to the music with???? Don't you think they would be "amourous" around 1am or so? They are in their own country, why wouldn't they be here?

Bangla may be one Soi on the island, BUT, how many people does it employ, either in legitimate employment, or otherwise, and what about the employment and flow on cash to sub-industries from "the main trade" on Bangla Rd?

The nightclubs are quite large in Patong. The amount of couples coming to Phuket would not fill them. Many would go broke, The sex trade is a huge industry on the island. To think that it is not - well, maybe you are living in the pre-Vietnam war past and you really need to get out more and see the demographics of the tourists coming here. Just as the OP has on the plane.

What you talking about 'pre-Vietnam era'?! I'm not that bloody old!

And I do 'get out more' than seems to be the case with the general sexpat contingent here AND every friend (male) I've had visit me here has in no way been 'seduced' by the local SKANKS. Maybe YOU should peel your arse off the barstool of your local 'Honey/SweetDream/Happy Ending bar once in a while. And the reason the so-called clubs aren't full of non-sex tourists is because there are too many 'freelancers' and the dross they attract infesting them together with the CRAP music.

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the typical single bangla sex seeker spends 3-5k a day for 3-12 days

These days ??? Your joking ??

Surveys on a nightlife based forum show a ballpark median average at 8 - 10k a day spending money, outside of flights and rooms.. Many spend a lot more but I would pin that at about median.

No way are the participants/members of a forum representative of that group. Just look at this forum in comparison to the average Phuket expat.

the figures I refere to are from TAT. Eaxh March/April University students interview +5000 visitors to Phuket, by walking streets, beaches, hoteles, shoppingcenters, sight areas. 7-10 minutes interview, stats based on this, age, single.couple, country of residence

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"It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue." :) :) :) :)


Picture Bangla Road with beer bars and no bar girls in them. 90% of the bars would go broke in a matter of months. Picture Tiger, Hollywood, Seduction and Taipan Discos with no freelancers in them. They would be broke in no time. Imagine zero sex industry on the island. Patong, for example, would become like a ghost town. Vacant shops, bars, restaurants, cafes, salons etc. The over supply of bars and accommodation is already seeing many bars and hotels struggle. Families and couples would not spend enough for all of these establishments to survive.

The girls are a big attraction for tourism in Phuket as far as the numbers and dollars are concerned. Whether or not it's the type of "tourism" they want here is a different question, but it certainly keeps the local economy going and puts food on the table in Issan.

Bangla is just one soi. A soi, it seems, you restrict your er, 'socialising' to. I know a LOT of young tourists come here and are pissed off with being hit on by the hos in the local discos/clubs.

And judging by your last paragraph, you're stuck in the past.

You really should get about more.

The know the island pretty well.

You say, "A LOT of young tourist are pissed off with being hit on by the hos." Do you seriously expect me to believe that young men want to go to a disco/nightclub and talk about the football with their mates???? Who would they dance to the music with???? Don't you think they would be "amourous" around 1am or so? They are in their own country, why wouldn't they be here?

Bangla may be one Soi on the island, BUT, how many people does it employ, either in legitimate employment, or otherwise, and what about the employment and flow on cash to sub-industries from "the main trade" on Bangla Rd?

The nightclubs are quite large in Patong. The amount of couples coming to Phuket would not fill them. Many would go broke, The sex trade is a huge industry on the island. To think that it is not - well, maybe you are living in the pre-Vietnam war past and you really need to get out more and see the demographics of the tourists coming here. Just as the OP has on the plane.

Whooa! Hackles have seriously been raised lol. But it always amazes me that your types will NOT believe that not all YOUNG (or middle aged men for that matter) come here to BUY SEX. Or have to, for that matter ...

Edited by evanson
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So, while "the majority don't" pull girls, it's the minority who spend more money than your majority and that's what you fail to comprehend and, whether you like it or not, Bangla Rd, and what takes place there, is a big tourist attraction and drawcard for the island.

:coffee1: We still not done with this! I understand what you're saying, you've said it 12 times allready! It's just that quite simply you are wrong.

You seem to think everybody who isn't on Bangla, isn't spending any money?? The vast majority (which at least you accept is the vast majority) spend huge amounts of money, they just spend it in different ways. For you to say, that one road, which is half empty most of the time, generates significantly more revenue than the rest of the island, is utter nonsence.

The amount of money some people pay, just for a hotel room in Laguna, would keep a Bangla lover in beer and bj's for a week. Have you not noticed how cheap a lot of the hotels people that drink on Bangla will stay in? It's because that's not important to them, they want to keep their cash for other things. Like I said, they don't spend more money, they just spend it in a different way.


You use the cost of the Laguna Hotel room as an example. So, a sex tourist visits Phuket. He flies on the same plane as the Laguana holiday maker. He gets an airport taxi. Laguna holiday maker gets picked up by Laguna Airport Limo. Sex tourst eats, drinks, shops, shags, get massages, jet-skis, paraglides, tuk-tuks, go carts, get laundry done etc etc in many different establishments, most likely around Patong, but possible Kata and Karon. The Laguna holiday maker stays in Laguna Resort and may visit Jungceylon and Bangla Rd "for a look." The sex tourst has kept the local economy going, BUT, the sex industry lured him to Phuket in the first place. This example reflects a huge number of visitors that come to Phuket.

I have met soooo many miners from Western Australia that are on a "fly in - fly out" contract. They fly to Phuket for a week to get drunk and get laid after working for weeks in the mine. Same with off-shore workers and I have met the odd soldier out of the Middle East that come here for R & R for the same reasons. The OP's observation on the plane does, in my opinion, reflect a large number of the visitors to Phuket due mainly to the sex trade.

I have seen in some other threads that some posters are now refering to Phuket as "Pattaya 2." I don't think it's that bad yet, but, it's moving in the same direction as far as the sex trade and many of the tourist that this trade attracts.

Edited by NamKangMan
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I have seen in some other threads that some posters are now refering to Phuket as "Pattaya 2." I don't think it's that bad yet, but, it's moving in the same direction as far as the sex trade and many of the tourist that this trade attracts.

:coffee1: Don't you get dizzy going round and round in circles all the time?

Because of the differences geographicaly and the level of 'other' types of tourism already established across the island, it is impossible for Phuket ever to become Pattaya 2! The only person who would think such a thing, is someone who secretly wishes it would!

What direction exactly are you talking about? In the last decade the size and impact of sex tourists on Phuket has changed very little. Yes a lot more land further away from the beach has been developed, but none of those bars make any money. The amount of people coming hasn't gone up even close enough to fill the new development, so things are very simmilar in that respect as to when I first visited Phuket 10 years ago.

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Because of the differences geographicaly and the level of 'other' types of tourism already established across the island, it is impossible for Phuket ever to become Pattaya 2! The only person who would think such a thing, is someone who secretly wishes it would!

Really ?? Why ??

Back when pattaya was less developed it must of at some point had beautiful beaches and the same appeals.. Then it became a city by the sea.. As is happening to the west coast sprawl.

What direction exactly are you talking about? In the last decade the size and impact of sex tourists on Phuket has changed very little.

Remember Rawai and Nai harn 5 or 8 years ago ?? Village life like the nai thon nai yang areas currently are.. Now its brass bars and 'massage' shops end to end..

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So, while "the majority don't" pull girls, it's the minority who spend more money than your majority and that's what you fail to comprehend and, whether you like it or not, Bangla Rd, and what takes place there, is a big tourist attraction and drawcard for the island.

:coffee1: We still not done with this! I understand what you're saying, you've said it 12 times allready! It's just that quite simply you are wrong.

You seem to think everybody who isn't on Bangla, isn't spending any money?? The vast majority (which at least you accept is the vast majority) spend huge amounts of money, they just spend it in different ways. For you to say, that one road, which is half empty most of the time, generates significantly more revenue than the rest of the island, is utter nonsence.

The amount of money some people pay, just for a hotel room in Laguna, would keep a Bangla lover in beer and bj's for a week. Have you not noticed how cheap a lot of the hotels people that drink on Bangla will stay in? It's because that's not important to them, they want to keep their cash for other things. Like I said, they don't spend more money, they just spend it in a different way.

I agree to a certain extent, but those couples spending a fortune in an expensive resort are giving their money to a few, v rich individuals that own the resort - they spend v little money that will go into the pocket of the 'less poor' section of Phuket society.

Not that I've any sympathy for the the myriads of 'girlie' bars throughout the island, but the wealthy tourists will spend v little money at the local mom/pop store etc.etc. that genuinely deserve support.

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Because of the differences geographicaly and the level of 'other' types of tourism already established across the island, it is impossible for Phuket ever to become Pattaya 2! The only person who would think such a thing, is someone who secretly wishes it would!

Really ?? Why ??

Back when pattaya was less developed it must of at some point had beautiful beaches and the same appeals.. Then it became a city by the sea.. As is happening to the west coast sprawl.

What direction exactly are you talking about? In the last decade the size and impact of sex tourists on Phuket has changed very little.

Remember Rawai and Nai harn 5 or 8 years ago ?? Village life like the nai thon nai yang areas currently are.. Now its brass bars and 'massage' shops end to end..

Pattayas proximaty to BKK is the biggest difference between the two places. Sex tourists don't like to waste too much time between getting off the plane and sitting in a girlie bar playing connect four. The amount of 5 star resorts on Phuket and international facilities such as marinas and the like, make it incomparable to Pattaya. I'm sure Pattaya has them, but nothing like as many and to the same degree as Phuket. Pattaya is, and has allways been famous for that scene. Phuket, despite some strange posters beliefs, hasn't. The two are incomparable and one will never be like the other.

As for Rawai and Nai Harn. To say 'Brass bars and knocking shops end to end' gives a very missleading image, to someone who has never been there. (which seems to be you forte) Neither place has that vibe to any real degree, and nobody in their right mind would go there specifically for that reason. Rawai is still very much a fisherman village with seafood being a speciality. A few little Farang bars hasn't changed that. Nai Harn is prodomently bars and restaurants catering for the long term residents so again, don't get the girlie bar vibe.

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Pattayas proximaty to BKK is the biggest difference between the two places. Sex tourists don't like to waste too much time between getting off the plane and sitting in a girlie bar playing connect four. The amount of 5 star resorts on Phuket and international facilities such as marinas and the like, make it incomparable to Pattaya. I'm sure Pattaya has them, but nothing like as many and to the same degree as Phuket. Pattaya is, and has allways been famous for that scene. Phuket, despite some strange posters beliefs, hasn't. The two are incomparable and one will never be like the other.

As for Rawai and Nai Harn. To say 'Brass bars and knocking shops end to end' gives a very missleading image, to someone who has never been there. (which seems to be you forte) Neither place has that vibe to any real degree, and nobody in their right mind would go there specifically for that reason. Rawai is still very much a fisherman village with seafood being a speciality. A few little Farang bars hasn't changed that. Nai Harn is prodomently bars and restaurants catering for the long term residents so again, don't get the girlie bar vibe.

You're kidding right??? I've lived in Rawai/Nai Harn for four years and the place is FULL of girlie bars/massage places - and getting worse every year.... It is nothing like a "fisherman village".

Funnily enough I found out recently that the reason why the actual 'fishermen's village" charges so much for fish (that isn't available until around mid-day) is because they buy their fish from Macros! :lol:

Most of the new bars and massage places close down v quickly as there are already far too many.

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I agree to a certain extent, but those couples spending a fortune in an expensive resort are giving their money to a few, v rich individuals that own the resort - they spend v little money that will go into the pocket of the 'less poor' section of Phuket society.

Not that I've any sympathy for the the myriads of 'girlie' bars throughout the island, but the wealthy tourists will spend v little money at the local mom/pop store etc.etc. that genuinely deserve support.

Trust me, any money spent on Bangla ends up in the pockets of the very rich minority, one way or the other. As for the Mom/Pop shops, that's a fair point, but that's the way of the world unfortunately. How many butchers and bakers have vanished over the last decade in the West. Thais shopping at Tesco is much more to blame for that than high end tourism.

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Pattayas proximaty to BKK is the biggest difference between the two places. Sex tourists don't like to waste too much time between getting off the plane and sitting in a girlie bar playing connect four. The amount of 5 star resorts on Phuket and international facilities such as marinas and the like, make it incomparable to Pattaya. I'm sure Pattaya has them, but nothing like as many and to the same degree as Phuket. Pattaya is, and has allways been famous for that scene. Phuket, despite some strange posters beliefs, hasn't. The two are incomparable and one will never be like the other.

You mean like the royal Varuna yacht club with its full racing calender.. While pattaya really isnt my kind of place... It has this diversity of things to do in spades. Far beyond its sex city by the sea image.

As for Rawai and Nai Harn. To say 'Brass bars and knocking shops end to end' gives a very missleading image, to someone who has never been there. (which seems to be you forte) Neither place has that vibe to any real degree, and nobody in their right mind would go there specifically for that reason. Rawai is still very much a fisherman village with seafood being a speciality. A few little Farang bars hasn't changed that. Nai Harn is prodomently bars and restaurants catering for the long term residents so again, don't get the girlie bar vibe.

Have you been there after dark in say the last 18 months ?? the whole strip from the beach heading back to Chalong circle is now brass bars.. Some with clear prominent signs for 1000 baht room and bar fine included up on the walls !! You dont see it that open even in Patong.. Theres an increasing number of 'lads tours' going from Patong to do a Rawai night out bar crawl as its cheaper and more 'on site' for short time action than Patongs bar scene. I kid you not.

Saying Rawai and Nai harn havent changed over the last 5 or 10 years.. And theres no increase in sex tourism there.. Comedy gold !!

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I agree to a certain extent, but those couples spending a fortune in an expensive resort are giving their money to a few, v rich individuals that own the resort - they spend v little money that will go into the pocket of the 'less poor' section of Phuket society.

Not that I've any sympathy for the the myriads of 'girlie' bars throughout the island, but the wealthy tourists will spend v little money at the local mom/pop store etc.etc. that genuinely deserve support.

Trust me, any money spent on Bangla ends up in the pockets of the very rich minority, one way or the other. As for the Mom/Pop shops, that's a fair point, but that's the way of the world unfortunately. How many butchers and bakers have vanished over the last decade in the West. Thais shopping at Tesco is much more to blame for that than high end tourism.

Yes, but we're talking about tourists.

I agree that most of the money spent in Bangla ends up in the pockets of a rich minority, but they're not as rich as those that own the expensive hotels.

As I said previously, I've no time for those making their money on Bangla either.

Nowadays its v hard for us ex pats to be able to spend our money in a way that helps the poorer segment of Phuket society - tourists stand no chance....

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Pattayas proximaty to BKK is the biggest difference between the two places. Sex tourists don't like to waste too much time between getting off the plane and sitting in a girlie bar playing connect four. The amount of 5 star resorts on Phuket and international facilities such as marinas and the like, make it incomparable to Pattaya. I'm sure Pattaya has them, but nothing like as many and to the same degree as Phuket. Pattaya is, and has allways been famous for that scene. Phuket, despite some strange posters beliefs, hasn't. The two are incomparable and one will never be like the other.

You mean like the royal Varuna yacht club with its full racing calender.. While pattaya really isnt my kind of place... It has this diversity of things to do in spades. Far beyond its sex city by the sea image.

As for Rawai and Nai Harn. To say 'Brass bars and knocking shops end to end' gives a very missleading image, to someone who has never been there. (which seems to be you forte) Neither place has that vibe to any real degree, and nobody in their right mind would go there specifically for that reason. Rawai is still very much a fisherman village with seafood being a speciality. A few little Farang bars hasn't changed that. Nai Harn is prodomently bars and restaurants catering for the long term residents so again, don't get the girlie bar vibe.

Have you been there after dark in say the last 18 months ?? the whole strip from the beach heading back to Chalong circle is now brass bars.. Some with clear prominent signs for 1000 baht room and bar fine included up on the walls !! You dont see it that open even in Patong.. Theres an increasing number of 'lads tours' going from Patong to do a Rawai night out bar crawl as its cheaper and more 'on site' for short time action than Patongs bar scene. I kid you not.

Saying Rawai and Nai harn havent changed over the last 5 or 10 years.. And theres no increase in sex tourism there.. Comedy gold !!

Have to add that for a short while (and this was a couple of years ago!) I was helping a friend out whilst he was away by going to his house every evening to look after his cats. All the way to his place (and on the way back) I had girls leaping out to dance and encourage me to 'their' bar - until they realised I was a female on a motorbike.....

Up until then I hadn't realised quite how bad Rawai/Nai Harn is nowadays.

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Most of the new bars and massage places close down v quickly as there are already far too many.

Well if that's the case, it can't get any worse can it :) .

When I drive through the main drag of Rawai or down to Nai Harn beach, it never seems to have a sleazy vibe to me. It's during the day most of the time granted, which obviously makes a difference.

So that's why so many of you live down that way then :D

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Trust me, any money spent on Bangla ends up in the pockets of the very rich minority, one way or the other.

Money given to some issan bar girl.. Thats then sent upcountry to her mother whose raising her kid.. And then spent in the north.. Goes through which rich minority again ??

Dislike em as much as you like.. But the kind of Bangla Rd tourist is far more likely to stay in s cheaper owner operator type guesthouse.. Eat in Thai owner operator restaurants.. and spend his money in bar and directly to Thai bar girls..

Contrast that with the honeymooners who stay in some Chines Thai family owned hotel, spend the money in the hotel restaurant and bar, while the hotel employs minimum wage workers and possibly sub minimum wage burmese workers.

Which scenario puts more money directly into the Thai population and which works to the faster 'velocity of money' ??

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Have you been there after dark in say the last 18 months ?? the whole strip from the beach heading back to Chalong circle is now brass bars.. Some with clear prominent signs for 1000 baht room and bar fine included up on the walls !! You dont see it that open even in Patong.. Theres an increasing number of 'lads tours' going from Patong to do a Rawai night out bar crawl as its cheaper and more 'on site' for short time action than Patongs bar scene. I kid you not.

Saying Rawai and Nai harn havent changed over the last 5 or 10 years.. And theres no increase in sex tourism there.. Comedy gold !!

We're cross posting here. I just said that I don't have any reason to be that far south, late at night very often.

If that's the case, then I guess it comes down to my ability, to adapt with things as they change, and not let things that don't concern me bother me too much. That's why I'm still exceptionally happy on Phuket and you're in CM I guess. B)

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Have you been there after dark in say the last 18 months ?? the whole strip from the beach heading back to Chalong circle is now brass bars.. Some with clear prominent signs for 1000 baht room and bar fine included up on the walls !! You dont see it that open even in Patong.. Theres an increasing number of 'lads tours' going from Patong to do a Rawai night out bar crawl as its cheaper and more 'on site' for short time action than Patongs bar scene. I kid you not.

Saying Rawai and Nai harn havent changed over the last 5 or 10 years.. And theres no increase in sex tourism there.. Comedy gold !!

We're cross posting here. I just said that I don't have any reason to be that far south, late at night very often.

If that's the case, then I guess it comes down to my ability, to adapt with things as they change, and not let things that don't concern me bother me too much. That's why I'm still exceptionally happy on Phuket and you're in CM I guess. B)

ha ha.. Thats your version of admitting your wrong..


Anyway, now we have established that Rawai / Nai harn are sex tourist destinations, crowded with bars with brass in them.. And thats great for those that want it like that.. My point it the spread will continue.. Whats happened to Nai Harn will happen in Nai Yang.. Its happened gradually as the increased traffic brings more and more..

Remember back when muslim Kamala wouldnt have bars with girls working.. And now look..

In 10 more years the bars will be from Promtheap to the north.. It brings in the punters. As went (I presume) Pattaya..

Edited by LivinLOS
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Trust me, any money spent on Bangla ends up in the pockets of the very rich minority, one way or the other.

Money given to some issan bar girl.. Thats then sent upcountry to her mother whose raising her kid.. And then spent in the north.. Goes through which rich minority again ??

Dislike em as much as you like.. But the kind of Bangla Rd tourist is far more likely to stay in s cheaper owner operator type guesthouse.. Eat in Thai owner operator restaurants.. and spend his money in bar and directly to Thai bar girls..

Contrast that with the honeymooners who stay in some Chines Thai family owned hotel, spend the money in the hotel restaurant and bar, while the hotel employs minimum wage workers and possibly sub minimum wage burmese workers.

Which scenario puts more money directly into the Thai population and which works to the faster 'velocity of money' ??

They are both very welcome to spend their money here :D . Singles directly to those who need them, and couples inderectly by expensive accomodation and shopping creating business profits and tax revenue.

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Anyway, now we have established that Rawai / Nai harn are sex tourist destinations, crowded with bars with brass in them.

You really are giving the wrong impression here. Even Patong is not a sex tourist destination, crowded with bars with brass in them.

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Trust me, any money spent on Bangla ends up in the pockets of the very rich minority, one way or the other.

Money given to some issan bar girl.. Thats then sent upcountry to her mother whose raising her kid.. And then spent in the north.. Goes through which rich minority again ??

Dislike em as much as you like.. But the kind of Bangla Rd tourist is far more likely to stay in s cheaper owner operator type guesthouse.. Eat in Thai owner operator restaurants.. and spend his money in bar and directly to Thai bar girls..

Contrast that with the honeymooners who stay in some Chines Thai family owned hotel, spend the money in the hotel restaurant and bar, while the hotel employs minimum wage workers and possibly sub minimum wage burmese workers.

Which scenario puts more money directly into the Thai population and which works to the faster 'velocity of money' ??

The real money goes to the land owners as you well know.

Why don't you start the 'LivinLOS Heart of Gold' awards. Every year you could hand out awards to the biggest 'bar girl renters', for charitable services to the poor.

Are you telling me that the end justifies the means? Sounds like it to me.

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ha ha.. Thats your version of admitting your wrong..


Anyway, now we have established that Rawai / Nai harn are sex tourist destinations, crowded with bars with brass in them.. And thats great for those that want it like that.. My point it the spread will continue.. Whats happened to Nai Harn will happen in Nai Yang.. Its happened gradually as the increased traffic brings more and more..

Remember back when muslim Kamala wouldnt have bars with girls working.. And now look..

In 10 more years the bars will be from Promtheap to the north.. It brings in the punters. As went (I presume) Pattaya..

As another poster just said, they close as quickly as they open. The only business' that can exist are ones that there is a market for. Look at all the empty shop houses from one end of the island to the other. Things have a way of sorting themselves out over time.

Anyway, in 10 years, I'll still be happy here. And you'll still have an unhealthy obsesion with the place. don't want to be here, but just can't quite say goodbye, and move on.

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Anyway, now we have established that Rawai / Nai harn are sex tourist destinations, crowded with bars with brass in them.

You really are giving the wrong impression here. Even Patong is not a sex tourist destination, crowded with bars with brass in them.

Patong is not a sex tourist destination ???

I would hate to see what a real sex toursit destination looks like ?? I would say Patong is getting close to maybe 3rd in the world ??


Angelese City


Something along those lines anyway.

I readily admit tho.. That Rawai is not really a sex tourist destination.. Its more incidental.. That sex is cheaply offered there simply makes it more appealing to older guys to go and spend some months as a tourist.. Its not (yet) a neon strip with gogo bars.

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Are you telling me that the end justifies the means? Sounds like it to me.

I am making no moral stance on it all.. I am stating what it is, not what I wish it to be..

Personally, between consenting adults and behind closed doors.. No business of mine..

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Trust me, any money spent on Bangla ends up in the pockets of the very rich minority, one way or the other.

Money given to some issan bar girl.. Thats then sent upcountry to her mother whose raising her kid.. And then spent in the north.. Goes through which rich minority again ??

Dislike em as much as you like.. But the kind of Bangla Rd tourist is far more likely to stay in s cheaper owner operator type guesthouse.. Eat in Thai owner operator restaurants.. and spend his money in bar and directly to Thai bar girls..

Contrast that with the honeymooners who stay in some Chines Thai family owned hotel, spend the money in the hotel restaurant and bar, while the hotel employs minimum wage workers and possibly sub minimum wage burmese workers.

Which scenario puts more money directly into the Thai population and which works to the faster 'velocity of money' ??

Only some of the money is sent up country to her mother who is raising her kid.... She spends the rest of mobile phones, new clothes etc.

At least that is going into other Phuketian's hands.

The mother raising the kid is spending the money on food and the appalling education obtainable here - not into the hands of the wealthy.

Agree with you though about the expensive hotels who pay staff minimum (or less) wages.

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Have you been there after dark in say the last 18 months ?? the whole strip from the beach heading back to Chalong circle is now brass bars.. Some with clear prominent signs for 1000 baht room and bar fine included up on the walls !! You dont see it that open even in Patong.. Theres an increasing number of 'lads tours' going from Patong to do a Rawai night out bar crawl as its cheaper and more 'on site' for short time action than Patongs bar scene. I kid you not.

Saying Rawai and Nai harn havent changed over the last 5 or 10 years.. And theres no increase in sex tourism there.. Comedy gold !!

We're cross posting here. I just said that I don't have any reason to be that far south, late at night very often.

If that's the case, then I guess it comes down to my ability, to adapt with things as they change, and not let things that don't concern me bother me too much. That's why I'm still exceptionally happy on Phuket and you're in CM I guess. B)

If you are not out late at night, how can you comment on the types of TOURIST that are coming to Phuket???? Do you think tourist go to bed at 9pm everynight of their holiday? I gather the observations that you comment on are only made in the day, so, how can they be a fair assessment?

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Anyway, now we have established that Rawai / Nai harn are sex tourist destinations, crowded with bars with brass in them.

You really are giving the wrong impression here. Even Patong is not a sex tourist destination, crowded with bars with brass in them.

What started this thread is the conversation the OP had with young men on the plane. If they are not sex tourist, who is????????

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Anyway, now we have established that Rawai / Nai harn are sex tourist destinations, crowded with bars with brass in them.

You really are giving the wrong impression here. Even Patong is not a sex tourist destination, crowded with bars with brass in them.

Patong is not a sex tourist destination ???

I would hate to see what a real sex toursit destination looks like ?? I would say Patong is getting close to maybe 3rd in the world ??


Angelese City


Something along those lines anyway.

I readily admit tho.. That Rawai is not really a sex tourist destination.. Its more incidental.. That sex is cheaply offered there simply makes it more appealing to older guys to go and spend some months as a tourist.. Its not (yet) a neon strip with gogo bars.

I would say Bangkok would be high on the list as well, however, having beaches, Pattaya and Phuket are very very popular for this industry.

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ok, so i haven't yet lived in Rawai during 'high season' but the bars are far from packed, there's a few popular ones and a lot of empty ones most nights.. i also reon saying it's sleazy in the day is a serious leap too.

i walk down the street (single, young, female) in the day and i dont feel like it's sleazy at all and many of the (thai) locals whom i've never even spoken with but are used to seeing me around will smile or nod to me as i go by..

at night, if i'm so inclined.. i can go out on my own and wander into the few bars i know / like and always run into a friend or two (thai or farang) for a drink and a chat, before quite comfortably wandering home on my own without feeling unsafe or uncomfortable.

in my experience, there are a lot of bar girls in the area, but there's usually more bar girls than guys and most of the blokes i've met during my crawls along the strip have had their own thai partners / wives at home anyway and are more out for the beer and farang company.

haven't spent enough time in patong to wade into -that- arguement, and hope i never have to =p

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