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What Typesof Peopleare Coming Tophuket Now?


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If you are not out late at night, how can you comment on the types of TOURIST that are coming to Phuket???? Do you think tourist go to bed at 9pm everynight of their holiday? I gather the observations that you comment on are only made in the day, so, how can they be a fair assessment?

Did I say I was never out late at night?? I said more often than not, Im not that far south after dark, although an afternoon/evening at Nai Harn beach will often become dinner as well, so I do see the place after dark.

Anyway, girlie bars are pretty easy to see during the day. They don'y build them each night just as the sun's going down.

Read the post before mine. A female who feels safe out at night on her own. Sound like sex tourist destination to you?

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ok, so i haven't yet lived in Rawai during 'high season' but the bars are far from packed, there's a few popular ones and a lot of empty ones most nights.. i also reon saying it's sleazy in the day is a serious leap too.

i walk down the street (single, young, female) in the day and i dont feel like it's sleazy at all and many of the (thai) locals whom i've never even spoken with but are used to seeing me around will smile or nod to me as i go by..

at night, if i'm so inclined.. i can go out on my own and wander into the few bars i know / like and always run into a friend or two (thai or farang) for a drink and a chat, before quite comfortably wandering home on my own without feeling unsafe or uncomfortable.

in my experience, there are a lot of bar girls in the area, but there's usually more bar girls than guys and most of the blokes i've met during my crawls along the strip have had their own thai partners / wives at home anyway and are more out for the beer and farang company.

haven't spent enough time in patong to wade into -that- arguement, and hope i never have to =p

You haven't been in Rawai long enough....

Everybody who lives here knows about the 'areas to avoid' late at night if you're on a motorbike and you don't want to be mugged.

As you're on holiday you'll also 'not notice' the way pretty much all the old farang men have a local woman in tow....

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Patong is not a sex tourist destination ???

I would hate to see what a real sex toursit destination looks like ?? I would say Patong is getting close to maybe 3rd in the world ??


Angelese City


Something along those lines anyway.

I readily admit tho.. That Rawai is not really a sex tourist destination.. Its more incidental.. That sex is cheaply offered there simply makes it more appealing to older guys to go and spend some months as a tourist.. Its not (yet) a neon strip with gogo bars.

I agree 100% with 'Stevenl'. Patong is not a sex tourist destination. Therefor it is even more absurd to insinuate Phuket as a whole is one.

Patong is a holiday destination enjoyed by all walks off life. Singles, couples, families. It also happens to have a Red light District which is quite famous.

By your logic, Amsterdam is a sex tourist destination, as is Hamburg, Prague and every other city in the world that has red light districts, which is 90% of them.

As for Patong being number 3 in the world for sex tourists?? Bigger than India, Brazil, Cuba, Vegas...?? The list goes on. Patong has a famous Red Light District, nothing more.

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ok, so i haven't yet lived in Rawai during 'high season' but the bars are far from packed, there's a few popular ones and a lot of empty ones most nights.. i also reon saying it's sleazy in the day is a serious leap too.

i walk down the street (single, young, female) in the day and i dont feel like it's sleazy at all and many of the (thai) locals whom i've never even spoken with but are used to seeing me around will smile or nod to me as i go by..

at night, if i'm so inclined.. i can go out on my own and wander into the few bars i know / like and always run into a friend or two (thai or farang) for a drink and a chat, before quite comfortably wandering home on my own without feeling unsafe or uncomfortable.

in my experience, there are a lot of bar girls in the area, but there's usually more bar girls than guys and most of the blokes i've met during my crawls along the strip have had their own thai partners / wives at home anyway and are more out for the beer and farang company.

haven't spent enough time in patong to wade into -that- arguement, and hope i never have to =p

You haven't been in Rawai long enough....

Everybody who lives here knows about the 'areas to avoid' late at night if you're on a motorbike and you don't want to be mugged.

As you're on holiday you'll also 'not notice' the way pretty much all the old farang men have a local woman in tow....

I have been living in rawai for 7 years now, and know of no areas to avoid after dark, nor do I avoid certain areas after dark. And I don't feel unsafe anywhere.

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If you are not out late at night, how can you comment on the types of TOURIST that are coming to Phuket???? Do you think tourist go to bed at 9pm everynight of their holiday? I gather the observations that you comment on are only made in the day, so, how can they be a fair assessment?

Did I say I was never out late at night?? I said more often than not, Im not that far south after dark, although an afternoon/evening at Nai Harn beach will often become dinner as well, so I do see the place after dark.

Anyway, girlie bars are pretty easy to see during the day. They don'y build them each night just as the sun's going down.

Read the post before mine. A female who feels safe out at night on her own. Sound like sex tourist destination to you?

No, if you're not looking they're not - hence my earlier post about when I was going out of an evening to look after a friend's cats.

Songkran also made me wonder. I'd spent a couple of hours with friends at Nikitas (Rawai), but the music was too loud and giving me a headache. Nonetheless, I was v happy so decided to walk home.

It was great fun, people from the bars and cars threw water at me and I squirted them with my water gun - until one bar threw water at me, I looked back to fire at them and saw one local with her top around her neck with another holding her breasts..... They thought this was funny - I found it sleazy.

No doubt the men in the bar thought it was wonderful.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Remember back when muslim Kamala wouldnt have bars with girls working.. And now look..

In 10 more years the bars will be from Promtheap to the north.. It brings in the punters. As went (I presume) Pattaya..

One day you are arguing that the Tuk Tuk, and Jetski mafias will stop tourists coming to Phuket.

The next you, have so many people coming that there will be girlie bars, stretching the whole length of the island!!

I think you'll find that both can't be the case.

Consistency, has never been your strongest point!! :(

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ok, so i haven't yet lived in Rawai during 'high season' but the bars are far from packed, there's a few popular ones and a lot of empty ones most nights.. i also reon saying it's sleazy in the day is a serious leap too.

i walk down the street (single, young, female) in the day and i dont feel like it's sleazy at all and many of the (thai) locals whom i've never even spoken with but are used to seeing me around will smile or nod to me as i go by..

at night, if i'm so inclined.. i can go out on my own and wander into the few bars i know / like and always run into a friend or two (thai or farang) for a drink and a chat, before quite comfortably wandering home on my own without feeling unsafe or uncomfortable.

in my experience, there are a lot of bar girls in the area, but there's usually more bar girls than guys and most of the blokes i've met during my crawls along the strip have had their own thai partners / wives at home anyway and are more out for the beer and farang company.

haven't spent enough time in patong to wade into -that- arguement, and hope i never have to =p

You haven't been in Rawai long enough....

Everybody who lives here knows about the 'areas to avoid' late at night if you're on a motorbike and you don't want to be mugged.

As you're on holiday you'll also 'not notice' the way pretty much all the old farang men have a local woman in tow....

I have been living in rawai for 7 years now, and know of no areas to avoid after dark, nor do I avoid certain areas after dark. And I don't feel unsafe anywhere.

Then perhaps you should check the internet sites.

There have been a number of people pushed off motorbikes and robbed in the Sai Yuan/Rawai area.

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It was great fun, people from the bars and cars threw water at me and I squirted them with my water gun - until one bar threw water at me, I looked back to fire at them and saw one local with her top around her neck with another holding her breasts..... They thought this was funny - I found it sleazy.

No doubt the men in the bar thought it was wonderful.

To be perfectly honest, I am flabagasted that you have managed to live in Phuket as long as you have, if you think that's a story worth telling!!

A girl holding another girls breasts, in a bar late at night, on what's probably the second biggest party in the Thai calender??

I strongly urge you don't witness, the clubs kicking out at 3am, on a normal Saturday night in the UK then. You will probably have a heart attack!! :o

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Then perhaps you should check the internet sites.

There have been a number of people pushed off motorbikes and robbed in the Sai Yuan/Rawai area.

I always thought the vast majority of the time, that was more the other way. The Kata to Nai Harn way, where the road is very, very, quiet.

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It was great fun, people from the bars and cars threw water at me and I squirted them with my water gun - until one bar threw water at me, I looked back to fire at them and saw one local with her top around her neck with another holding her breasts..... They thought this was funny - I found it sleazy.

No doubt the men in the bar thought it was wonderful.

To be perfectly honest, I am flabagasted that you have managed to live in Phuket as long as you have, if you think that's a story worth telling!!

A girl holding another girls breasts, in a bar late at night, on what's probably the second biggest party in the Thai calender??

I strongly urge you don't witness, the clubs kicking out at 3am, on a normal Saturday night in the UK then. You will probably have a heart attack!! :o

Errrr no, it was not late at night - it was about 2 in the afternoon with many people around. You could be right though, a woman with no bra having her breasts held by another woman in the afternoon is completely normal, its just me being sensitive.

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Then perhaps you should check the internet sites.

There have been a number of people pushed off motorbikes and robbed in the Sai Yuan/Rawai area.

I always thought the vast majority of the time, that was more the other way. The Kata to Nai Harn way, where the road is very, very, quiet.

Yes, that's the other dangerous area late at night on a motorbike, with people being pushed off bikes.

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Errrr no, it was not late at night - it was about 2 in the afternoon with many people around. You could be right though, a woman with no bra having her breasts held by another woman in the afternoon is completely normal, its just me being sensitive.

Sorry, you mentioned Songkran, loud music and a headache. I naturally assumed it was late night. It would seem perhaps you are a bit too sensative. Perhaps you should have stayed at home and waited for the festivities to pass.

I will agree with you, that what you saw isn't ideal behaviour, but it's not the end of the world. I'm fairly sure lots of woman can see such a thing without batting an eyelid. If you had kids with you, you would have a slightly better argument.

Like I said, best you stay here, because back in the UK (if that's where you are from) they get up to a lot, lot worse.

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Errrr no, it was not late at night - it was about 2 in the afternoon with many people around. You could be right though, a woman with no bra having her breasts held by another woman in the afternoon is completely normal, its just me being sensitive.

Sorry, you mentioned Songkran, loud music and a headache. I naturally assumed it was late night. It would seem perhaps you are a bit too sensative. Perhaps you should have stayed at home and waited for the festivities to pass.

I will agree with you, that what you saw isn't ideal behaviour, but it's not the end of the world. I'm fairly sure lots of woman can see such a thing without batting an eyelid. If you had kids with you, you would have a slightly better argument.

Like I said, best you stay here, because back in the UK (if that's where you are from) they get up to a lot, lot worse.

You're really struggling now ...:lol:

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i dont know where you're going F1fanatic but i want in!! i haven't experienced anything like that since stayingin rawai since july.. sorry that's not long enough, i'm sure now high season has started i will experience what rawai is really all about.

i know where i've been told not to ride my bike at night by my thai friends, however as i dont mix riding and drinking (tried once, didn't work out so well, lesson learned) i dont tend to ride my bike at night unless i'm specifically going to see people and often if they're thai friends, i'll sleep there.

never been harrassed by bar girls, farang men or anyone especially in rawai.. however pai is a completely different matter!

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Remember back when muslim Kamala wouldnt have bars with girls working.. And now look..

In 10 more years the bars will be from Promtheap to the north.. It brings in the punters. As went (I presume) Pattaya..

One day you are arguing that the Tuk Tuk, and Jetski mafias will stop tourists coming to Phuket.

The next you, have so many people coming that there will be girlie bars, stretching the whole length of the island!!

I think you'll find that both can't be the case.

Consistency, has never been your strongest point!! :(

Not at all.. I think those aspects are negatives, detrimental to the majority, but I was never one to say that tourists are going to abandon Phuket, quite the opposite. Cheap air travel, more and more of the package tourists and 'costas' holiday set. Phukets name is out there, and no matter the mistakes they seem to make with the brand, when people open a catalogue of holiday spots, a huge % will head for Phuket. To play jetskis on the Andaman.

My view is in 10 to 20 years Phuket will be concrete almost end to end.. Much like the costas !! That its reached critical mass and the development will never be reigned in and handled in a responsible manner where short term pain is required for long term gain and environmental protections put in place. I dont think they will stop until every rd is a wall of boxy shop houses and the west coast is a single line of development, of billboards, of white boxes. Within that will be enclaves of the 'high end' villa sets.. The andaras, the jomchangs, etc. Theres just not the long term planning, theres not the control of corruption that can apply any building codes or rules, so preservation isnt going to happen. Welcome to Pattaya Island.

Thats also not to say it wont be profitable to those that are willing to buy up and or live in it.

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