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Dear LaraC your post is great and Interesting indeed though a little bit bitter and downer as the negative posts it suppose

to condemn . You are welcome to post some nice and cheerful stories or views I will be happy to read those but I have to say that some amount of negativity is like adding some spice to the stew .


The overly-negative claptrap on Thailand and Thais can get a bit much - mostly in news/general - but at the end of the day, op, this is a web forum where everyone is welcome, and not a paid-for service with like-minded folk. There's some sound, in-depth information on here if you look and then there's also complete rubbish (in all sub-forums), but compared to the majority of fora, TV is most prim 'n proper. Suggest you put the blinkers on somewhat and develop a thicker skin. ;)

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I do agree with the OP. Sometimes there are a few negative sounding members that resemble the person going into the bar looking for a fight.

Perhaps it has something to do how long they have been in Thailand. The honeymoon stage they love everyone. They take everything Thailand throws at them with a smile because it seems so much better than it was where they come from.

After that they start to notice things they don't like. Nothing pleases them. They might feel their superior western upbringing makes them experts on life in Chiang Mai. They think they have the solution to fix everything but get frustrated because no one listens and find ThaiVisa the perfect forum to express their dissatisfaction.

If they are able to stay in Chiang Mai long enough, the magic of the city, the charm of the people, and the beauty of life in Chiang Mai slowly changes their outlook and thats when they truly begin to enjoy life in Chiang Mai.

We just have to be patient with them because if we think about it, many of us went through these same stages ourself. We turned out ok...so will they.

Merry Christmas everyone! :jap:

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

Is it possible this thread itself is becoming a self-perpetuating vortex of negativity ?

We see lots of friendly exchanges of information, resources, opinions, and ideas here, and some good arguments which are not degraded by overtly personal attacks.

And some really good humor from time to time. We think Khun Canuckamuck's comment: "As long as everyone is mistreated equally why complain?" is a wondrously provocative meta-comment ! :)

We like TV CM, enjoy it. Of course, we block out all the posters we don't want to read including ourselves.

best, ~o:37;

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Yes, I have felt the same since joining the forum. One of the first comments to come my way was something like this: "I can't believe you were able to find your way out of the airport."

I suppose some of the comments and questions might seem a bit silly to God's chosen ones, but perhaps they could just not respond rather than jumping into the negative end of the pool.

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Yes, I have felt the same since joining the forum. One of the first comments to come my way was something like this: "I can't believe you were able to find your way out of the airport."

I suppose some of the comments and questions might seem a bit silly to God's chosen ones, but perhaps they could just not respond rather than jumping into the negative end of the pool.


And newbies seem to get targeted. The op has a very strong point which some posters should start to heed.

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I'm a few days from the end of 5 months in Thailand - 3 months in Bangkok, and 2 months in Chiang Mai - and I've noticed quite a bit of what I think the OP was referring to, in both forums. Several threads in particular have gone something like this hypothetical example:

First time poster asks: Is there a place I can buy hiking sandals in Chiang Mai?

First reply from a regular: Hiking sandals? You should only ever hike in boots! Only an idiot hikes in Sandals!

Second reply, from another regular: No, there are no stores here that sell hiking sandals. Maybe in Bangkok.

Third reply from yet another regular: Yes, actually, there's a place in Airport Plaza that sells them on the third floor...


So it's the people attacking the original question, or answering definitively and incorrectly when they aren't sure, that give this forum a rough reputation. The bottom line of examples like this is that a proper answer almost always emerges, but sometimes it's only after a lot of hot air that only confuses things. The helpful answers make it all worthwhile, and the unhelpful answers are why so many people get fed up.

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I do agree with the OP. Sometimes there are a few negative sounding members that resemble the person going into the bar looking for a fight.

Perhaps it has something to do how long they have been in Thailand. The honeymoon stage they love everyone. They take everything Thailand throws at them with a smile because it seems so much better than it was where they come from.

After that they start to notice things they don't like. Nothing pleases them. They might feel their superior western upbringing makes them experts on life in Chiang Mai. They think they have the solution to fix everything but get frustrated because no one listens and find ThaiVisa the perfect forum to express their dissatisfaction.

If they are able to stay in Chiang Mai long enough, the magic of the city, the charm of the people, and the beauty of life in Chiang Mai slowly changes their outlook and thats when they truly begin to enjoy life in Chiang Mai.

We just have to be patient with them because if we think about it, many of us went through these same stages ourself. We turned out ok...so will they.

Merry Christmas everyone! :jap:

Good post, Richard.

And a Merry Christmas to you too.

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I'm a few days from the end of 5 months in Thailand - 3 months in Bangkok, and 2 months in Chiang Mai - and I've noticed quite a bit of what I think the OP was referring to, in both forums. Several threads in particular have gone something like this hypothetical example:

First time poster asks: Is there a place I can buy hiking sandals in Chiang Mai?

First reply from a regular: Hiking sandals? You should only ever hike in boots! Only an idiot hikes in Sandals!

Second reply, from another regular: No, there are no stores here that sell hiking sandals. Maybe in Bangkok.

Third reply from yet another regular: Yes, actually, there's a place in Airport Plaza that sells them on the third floor...


So it's the people attacking the original question, or answering definitively and incorrectly when they aren't sure, that give this forum a rough reputation. The bottom line of examples like this is that a proper answer almost always emerges, but sometimes it's only after a lot of hot air that only confuses things. The helpful answers make it all worthwhile, and the unhelpful answers are why so many people get fed up.

Well put. Indeed, what is pointed out here is not at all unusual. It can be very hard to work through the dross. (Never mind "trolls.") That would be particularly difficult for someone not used to the lay of the land.

More generally, here's a recent newspaper article on rudeness in America. I think it applies more broadly geographically: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/20/your-money/20shortcuts.html?pagewanted=2&ref=your-money&src=me .

Otherwise, I believe in GOMS (Grouchy Old Man Syndrome) and its more passive cousin, WDIPMTS (Where Did I Put My Teeth Syndrome) which seems to affect those "helpful" posters who "sort of" remember when posting advice, locations, et cetera!

Notwithstanding the fact that useful information is often posted here, it sometimes can be difficult to cull it from the crap. And, then, sometimes I wonder if some posters aren't just lonely and need to say something because they want to be conversational. Nothing wrong with wanting to be helpful, or, more basically, just "included." It is rather like having "Uncle Harry" around. Don't most people have an "Uncle Harry?"

There's a real communications revolution going on, and the behavioral consequences of it are certainly only beginning to be studied. We are part of it.

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First time poster asks: Is there a place I can buy hiking sandals in Chiang Mai?

where to find hiking sandals is a legitimate question to ask.  Folks asking "where to buy towels or deoderant" deserve all the stick (roll-on)  they get  :lol:

btw where on 3rd floor Airport Plaza do they sell hiking sandals?  on second thoughts, will stick to my boots, too many creepy crawlies on them there hills.....

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More generally, here's a recent newspaper article on rudeness in America. I think it applies more broadly geographically: http://www.nytimes.c...ur-money&src=me .

Otherwise, I believe in GOMS (Grouchy Old Man Syndrome) and its more passive cousin, WDIPMTS (Where Did I Put My Teeth Syndrome) which seems to affect those "helpful" posters who "sort of" remember when posting advice, locations, et cetera!

The article is related to US-citizens' behaviour only, not to the rudeness in America although they put things wrong all the time. I know you know the difference, but you prefer to forget. It would be more polite not to include the rest of Americans in US-citizens' issues.

I liked GOMS and WDIPTMTS. I thought that after GOMS peaks, you'd loose your teeth in bar fights and eventually get to the milder stage of WDIPTMTS.

Edited by TaiKai
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