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British PM David Cameron Cancels Vacation In Thailand

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British PM Cancels Vacation in Thailand

The British prime minister has canceled his planned Christmas vacation in Thailand after Britons criticized the PM's costly trip during an economic slump.

The Sunday Telegraph has reported that the British Prime Minister David Cameron has canceled a planned family vacation to Thailand for Christmas, following widespread criticisms about the extravagant trip at a time when the country is still facing economic hardship.

Cameron was to have footed the bill himself since it was to be a personal trip, but details of the trip presented by the British media, such as how the family will be staying at a five star hotel in Thailand and two luxurious resorts in Phuket, with accommodations going for at least 48,000 baht a night, caused an uproar at a time when many British people are struggling day to day to make ends meet.

British officials refused to comment on the issue, saying only that the prime minister and his family had actually booked tickets for the vacation, but have now decided to remain in England for the holidays.


-- Tan Network 2010-11-23


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Seriously, he was paying out of his own pocket, what is the issue?

People are jelous some people have more? Boo-freaking-hoo.



Seriously, he was paying out of his own pocket, what is the issue?

People are jelous some people have more? Boo-freaking-hoo.

YUP, fookin *ussy

but then, he is an English prime puppet - opps i mean minister.


First reported 24 hours earlier in Bedlam.

This man is governed by his spin doctors, media image makers, what-have-you.

He has no backbone, dominated by Nick Clegg and the Europhiles.

(Sorry about the rant, but Wee Billy Hague would have been my choice, if Big Maggie T did not stand again)


If he pays for himself where is the problem ? So now, to please the people ,the politicians must go on holidays camping in Scotland ? Or anything "proper" ?

totally non sense.


while cameron and his government are repeatedly parroting to the skint electorate that 'we're all in this together' it might be considered somewhat poor judgement, bad politics and ever so slightly hypocritical to take a luxury christmas holiday in a £1000 a night resort, whether it was coming out of his own pocket or not. notwithstanding that his security requirements wouldn't be coming out of the cameron millions.


This is the guy who recently employed 2 vanity photographers to follow him around and take appealing pictures of him when the opportunity arose.

That scheme, too, got publicised, and the photographers were removed from the public purse.

Cameron has no personality or moral backbone whatever; he is political spin in a shiny suit.


If he pays for himself where is the problem ? So now, to please the people ,the politicians must go on holidays camping in Scotland ? Or anything "proper" ?

totally non sense.

I agree. The man has a responsible job and should be allowed to relax with his family away from all the pressures.

The resort chosen, and the prices quoted, may be criticised, I suppose, but the man should have had the backbone to take his family where he had promised them. Not give in to Murdoch's moaners.


I read elsewhere that it's not the cost of the holiday that the issue, as the Cameron's were paying for that themselves. The problem is the £50,000 cost of security.

Whether you like Cameron and his party, or not, he's still the British Prime Minister, and as such the PM has a right to protection. I think it's pathetic that the press are saying taxpayers would be up in arms at expenditure like this.

Can't see other Presidents, Prime Ministers etc etc foregoing their holidays for reasons such as this.


If he pays for himself where is the problem ? So now, to please the people ,the politicians must go on holidays camping in Scotland ? Or anything "proper" ?

totally non sense.

I agree. The man has a responsible job and should be allowed to relax with his family away from all the pressures.

The resort chosen, and the prices quoted, may be criticised, I suppose, but the man should have had the backbone to take his family where he had promised them. Not give in to Murdoch's moaners.

Off course, I bet the journalists who hound him also have expensive holidays at Christmas. The press in the UK is degrading, distasteful and disgusting. They have less morality than even Khun Thaksin.


I read elsewhere that it's not the cost of the holiday that the issue, as the Cameron's were paying for that themselves. The problem is the £50,000 cost of security.

Whether you like Cameron and his party, or not, he's still the British Prime Minister, and as such the PM has a right to protection. I think it's pathetic that the press are saying taxpayers would be up in arms at expenditure like this.

Can't see other Presidents, Prime Ministers etc etc foregoing their holidays for reasons such as this.

The press and taxpayers would be up in arms if the PM went into 7/11 and spent tax payers money on a can of coke.

edit: or even his own money on a can of coke and for using tax payer paid protection in the process.


while cameron and his government are repeatedly parroting to the skint electorate that 'we're all in this together' it might be considered somewhat poor judgement, bad politics and ever so slightly hypocritical to take a luxury christmas holiday in a £1000 a night resort, whether it was coming out of his own pocket or not. notwithstanding that his security requirements wouldn't be coming out of the cameron millions.

It was very poor judgement on his part. Unlike Thai politicians, British politicians are held to account by the media and public opinion. If he really meant 'we're all in this together', he would lead by setting a good example. He failed to do that. Good on the media for exposing his hypocrisy. I have no objection to him and his family having a luxury holidy AFTER he has done the job he took on.


If he pays for himself where is the problem ? So now, to please the people ,the politicians must go on holidays camping in Scotland ? Or anything "proper" ?

totally non sense.

I agree. The man has a responsible job and should be allowed to relax with his family away from all the pressures.

The resort chosen, and the prices quoted, may be criticised, I suppose, but the man should have had the backbone to take his family where he had promised them. Not give in to Murdoch's moaners.

Off course, I bet the journalists who hound him also have expensive holidays at Christmas. The press in the UK is degrading, distasteful and disgusting. They have less morality than even Khun Thaksin.

it's sort of a journalist's job to point out where and when politicians are being enormously hypocritical. plus also journalists are not paid by the taxpayer which is quite an important point.



Seriously, he was paying out of his own pocket, what is the issue?

People are jelous some people have more? Boo-freaking-hoo.

I think of this public outcry when a politician goes on vacation in a little bit above average style also odd.

There was also criticism that focused on the political situation in Thailand and that such a trip by the PM would send a wrong signal too.

The cancellation and now a stay at home holiday because of solidarity with the country that 'is facing widespread job losses and spending cuts.' (telegraph) is that a PR stunt or was there really heavy pressure by the 'British media'.

Like i could imagine newspaper reports about the hotel room, including photos from the bathroom and remarks how exclusive the marble tiles there are and how much snob and hi-so it is. Or whatever these papers write when the introduce the life of the rich people to their more simple and unsophisticated readership and give them something to bitch about. If yes, what newspaper? Do the Brits really care about how much their PM spend on Christmas holiday?


I agree. The man has a responsible job and should be allowed to relax with his family away from all the pressures.

The resort chosen, and the prices quoted, may be criticised, I suppose, but the man should have had the backbone to take his family where he had promised them. Not give in to Murdoch's moaners.

by 'murdoch's moaners' do you mean 'the people who voted for cameron'? because last i looked murdoch was a conservative and it was his uk newspapers which helped to 'win' cameron the election.


Moaning feckers, leave the guy alone to spend Christmas with his family. something that we would all like to do.

I couldnt care less how much he is spending, nor how much the security will cost. he is a prime minister and needs the security anyway. plus this trip would of helped Thailand in many ways too, but now it wont!!!! :angry:


The surprising thing to me is that this was highlighted in the Sunday Telegraph, which is the newspaper most supportive of the Right in the UK (rags like the Daily Mail not regarded as newspapers)


The surprising thing to me is that this was highlighted in the Sunday Telegraph, which is the newspaper most supportive of the Right in the UK (rags like the Daily Mail not regarded as newspapers)

Yep a report about the cancellation and what lead to that decision is called by the OP a widespread criticisms in the British mediaso probably not just one paper.

I would be interested in the reports before the cancellation; anyone of the regular readers of the British press can give one or two links?


When someone is telling a nation that they have to tighten their belts and making thousands redundant, cutting needed welfare, etc.don't you think leadership by example is called for.

The press have every right to point out this Marie Antoinette, 'let them eat cake' attitude from their heartless, rubbing the peoples noses in it, pm.


The surprising thing to me is that this was highlighted in the Sunday Telegraph, which is the newspaper most supportive of the Right in the UK (rags like the Daily Mail not regarded as newspapers)

Yep a report about the cancellation and what lead to that decision is called by the OP a widespread criticisms in the British mediaso probably not just one paper.

I would be interested in the reports before the cancellation; anyone of the regular readers of the British press can give one or two links?

that isn't really the point though is it? the point is that the british PM seemed to think it was OK to take a luxury holiday costing the taxpayer hundreds of thousands while telling joe average to tighten their belt, get set for record levels of cuts and 'we're all in this together'. whether it was pointed out by one newspaper or a dozen is irrelevant.


I believe the holiday was booked a long time ago from his own pocket, the problem is that he would had to have a security ensemble who would have been charging treble time for it is christmas timewhich the taxpayer would have had to foot the bill for along with whatever late booking of flights would be, you can see how the UK media would get into the trough for days, so in the long term good of the austerity mission he will now have to sit in front of a fire ans watch the meter fly round, while we will not. The media dont want good news and they certainly do not want any politician to a happy time.

I hope one day he does come, maybe we can then ask him why is my pesion frozen Dave?

I personally would have preferred to see Ken Clarke in the job and get some decent beer exported out to us, but for now let the man alone, its not an easy job.



Seriously, he was paying out of his own pocket, what is the issue?

People are jelous some people have more? Boo-freaking-hoo.

YUP, fookin *ussy

but then, he is an English prime puppet - opps i mean minister.

Yep - Pussy - and Prime Monster to boot! wink.gif


Yep, there are also a few reports that suggest it is not only about using taxpayers money. :realangry:

See this link

Someone should inform the Mirror that the Red Shirts are not a political party:

Opposition party The United Front for ­Democracy Against ­Dictatorship

Mirror (UK) (link above)



I believe it's his way of protesting dual pricing and jet-ski scams



Thai Jet ski man and Royal Marine Police Sergeant face off in Phuket


Foreigners 5 Baht, Thai 2 Baht


Yep, there are also a few reports that suggest it is not only about using taxpayers money. :realangry:

See this link

There would be a lot of red shirt supporters that would like to believe that.

A few red shirt supporters would like to believe "the protests in March when up to half a million people descended on ­Bangkok," too.


I can understand most feelings here and have some sympathy with a man needing a break with his family over Christmas - however the fact is that he chose to run for this office and the argument is not about the reality of what he does. I doubt the security in Thailand would cost us much more than the security he will have spending Christmas in the UK and as has been pointed out he was funding the cost of the holiday himselve - NO the issue is one of perception and ordinary people expect to see their politicians making some significant sacrafices (even if it doesnt practically affect the economy) Its rather like the bankers who caused the crisis, most of us would have liked to seen them stripped of half their pensions - it would not have made them poor or made any difference to the economy but the gesture would have had a signicficant effect.

As for the press they are only ever the enemy - if they support you it is to sell newspapers and if the next day they trash you it is because they want to sell more! Nowadays they seem to have license to print whatever they like about anyone even if it has nothing whatsoever to do with the news story they are covering. This is why I stopped purchasing any newspapers many years ago.


If he pays for himself where is the problem ? So now, to please the people ,the politicians must go on holidays camping in Scotland ? Or anything "proper" ?

totally non sense.

I agree. The man has a responsible job and should be allowed to relax with his family away from all the pressures.

The resort chosen, and the prices quoted, may be criticised, I suppose, but the man should have had the backbone to take his family where he had promised them. Not give in to Murdoch's moaners.

Off course, I bet the journalists who hound him also have expensive holidays at Christmas. The press in the UK is degrading, distasteful and disgusting. They have less morality than even Khun Thaksin.

sorry, i just have to jump in and disagree with the last bit

British journos have a well deserved poor reputation but to say they have less morality than Thaksin is simply not possible

Thaksin crawls under the barrel he was previously only scraping........

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