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Why US Pornmakers Remain Unfazed By Thailand’s ‘Tough Stance’ On The Exploitation Of Women


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Thailand’s pornography trade..going..going..bong

Why US pornmakers remain unfazed by Thailand’s ‘tough stance’ on the exploitation of women

This is American Tony Poer. He sees himself as smart and handsome, nay even a look alike of footballer David Beckham, so much so that he even had some personalised David Beckham cards printed.

And while he may not be a multi-millionaire on the internet he boasts a comfortable income of US$250,000 a year.

Poer, 41, is a major league sex tourist. He gets his sexual kicks and then makes mega-bucks by filming his girls and putting them on the internet……..And they pay the price.

He tells the girls that videos will not be seen in Thailand. That’s a lie of course. Bypassing government censorship is easy enough with a proxy server so his pornography is available to all. Country girls going to work in Pattaya’s nightlife can even see themselves on the covers of pirated DVDs.

When some girls discovered this they went to police for help. Today just what help they actually received is difficult to pinpoint.


Tony Poer at his arrest in Pattaya. All these things 'went away'

Regardless of what people think of pornography Tony Poer should be in jail. When police raided his apartment in April this year, they found not only his videos and camera equipment, but, according to the local press, also drugs ( marijuana, raw opium) and a loaded gun – a Smith & Wesson .38 and an long out of date Thai visa. The last offence alone would normally result in detention then deportation.

The arrest at his room at 312 Spanish Condo, Sukhumvit Road, Pattaya, was carried out by the Women and Children’s Protective Special Force Region 2, according to the Pattaya Daily News and Pattaya Times.

Full story: http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2010/11/22/thailands-pornography-tradegoinggoingbong/

-- Source: Andrew-Drummmond.com 2010-11-24


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Those girls poor? he's relatively rich? go figure - it's disgraceful

Surely if the Government aided the 'poor' girls from the 'countryside' they would not have to resort to prostitution, which is what they are lets face it, prostitutes (women who sell sex for money) and why aren't those girls in jail ? I thought prostitution was illegal here ?

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Just a case of everyone exploiting everyone else. The girls end up at the bottom of the pile, but I doubt they could be described as an 'innocent' party.

If they had not consented then they are 'innocent' - if they consented to being filmed and those films being distributed and money made from those films sale (and assuming they got a hefty fee) then, yes, they are not 'innocent'. It 'appears' they had not consented and even those at the 'bottom' deserve respect in my opinion.

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Just a case of everyone exploiting everyone else. The girls end up at the bottom of the pile, but I doubt they could be described as an 'innocent' party.

If they had not consented then they are 'innocent' - if they consented to being filmed and those films being distributed and money made from those films sale (and assuming they got a hefty fee) then, yes, they are not 'innocent'. It 'appears' they had not consented and even those at the 'bottom' deserve respect in my opinion.

They still had sex for money, it's illegal so they're criminals too !

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Those girls poor? he's relatively rich? go figure - it's disgraceful

Surely if the Government aided the 'poor' girls from the 'countryside' they would not have to resort to prostitution, which is what they are lets face it, prostitutes (women who sell sex for money) and why aren't those girls in jail ? I thought prostitution was illegal here ?

Yes prostitution is ilegal but what we have here is a thai criminal (girl) and farang criminal.

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Those girls poor? he's relatively rich? go figure - it's disgraceful

Surely if the Government aided the 'poor' girls from the 'countryside' they would not have to resort to prostitution, which is what they are lets face it, prostitutes (women who sell sex for money) and why aren't those girls in jail ? I thought prostitution was illegal here ?

Yes prostitution is ilegal but what we have here is a thai criminal (girl) and farang criminal.

Got it, thanks. The old one sided legal (contradiction in terms) system again

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Just a case of everyone exploiting everyone else. The girls end up at the bottom of the pile, but I doubt they could be described as an 'innocent' party.

If they had not consented then they are 'innocent' - if they consented to being filmed and those films being distributed and money made from those films sale (and assuming they got a hefty fee) then, yes, they are not 'innocent'. It 'appears' they had not consented and even those at the 'bottom' deserve respect in my opinion.

A "hefty fee"??? I doubt it was so hefty, especially based on the hollow promise of local anonimity.

The biggest worry, though, is how this guy got off multiple chargeable offences.

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Anthony Poer

Internet investigations, International Police Volunteers, Tony Poer

0_dot.gifMy interests are law enforcement. Police volunteer programs encourage members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by arresting criminals who break the law.

I have assisted our hard working officers in various ways through the years. I can safely say, without a gun or making an actual arrest I have assisted police in helping to calm on lookers while police made arrests for drugs, weapons, human trafficking, pornography, and many other crimes.0_dot.gifIs this the same guy?????????0_dot.gif

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Those girls poor? he's relatively rich? go figure - it's disgraceful

Surely if the Government aided the 'poor' girls from the 'countryside' they would not have to resort to prostitution, which is what they are lets face it, prostitutes (women who sell sex for money) and why aren't those girls in jail ? I thought prostitution was illegal here ?

You seem set on making your poster name true, or maybe I have a different sense of humour :huh:

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Anyone with a small amount of sense knows the girls were paid for sex, however its not what you assume to be true its what you can prove. All that can be proven is he filmed the girls having sex then distributed without their permission.

So the film proves they just had sex with him, (they are on the film which is undeniable evidence) because they loved him, right, and they have a long history together or just an hour before ?

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When some girls discovered this they went to police for help

Yeah - right.

"Excuse me officer, I was just browsing illegal porn sites on the web and discovered to my horror I feature in one of the websites. I admit I had paid sex with this man and I admit he paid me extra to have us filmed but only on the understanding that the footage wouldn't be available in Thailand. I appreciate that I have committed at least 3 arrestable offences under Thai law but please could you arrest him anyway so my honour can be satisfied".

Must happen all the time.

Edited by slim
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Anyone with a small amount of sense knows the girls were paid for sex, however its not what you assume to be true its what you can prove. All that can be proven is he filmed the girls having sex then distributed without their permission.

The accompanying article shows at least one example DVD and that is under the Hustler brand name. Hustler is about as sleazy as they come but they've won in court more often than they've lost. They are not legal babes in the woods. How much you wanna bet each of those girls signed a consent form? I'm guessing he said 'come on baby, sign it, I promise you it'll never been seen in Thailand' while the contract specified nothing like that.

I'm sorry for the girls, but not very.

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Those girls poor? he's relatively rich? go figure - it's disgraceful

True, but what is more disgraceful just grease some palms and the party goes on. They would not be here if it would not be so easy.

Nor would a large proportion of the single western men, numerous Farang-Thai couples, and a huge portion of Pattaya.

The only difference I see here is how much this person made as opposed to the females in his videos. The women are not exactly innocent anymore than this person. So "it went away", but let's ask how arrested streetwalkers and katoeys can make their charges "go away" with 2000-2500 baht too...when did a criminal that makes less mean they are less innocent?

Prostitution is rampant in LOS and Pattaya, as is those who use the services, and the porn makers. I'm not making any judgement as to who is worse or "better", just pointing out the facts.

The "girls" have been known to do their own share of deceiving and their antics are all over the news too.

If you want to figure out who is more guilty, I'd say try to figure some way to count who has broken the rules more?

Obviously, that matters very little in LOS with this voluntary scene....people love to call the cops and govt officials corrupt, but then so are the "girls", the customers, and everyone in between living off the whole system.....very few people in fun town are unaware of what's going on or that they are part of the economy down here....rhetorically, and not to say anything any particular poster, but ask exactly have "you" (everyone with an opinion) been a part of this or are even now a part of this very system?

Edited by bf2002
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Anyone with a small amount of sense knows the girls were paid for sex, however its not what you assume to be true its what you can prove. All that can be proven is he filmed the girls having sex then distributed without their permission.

So the film proves they just had sex with him, (they are on the film which is undeniable evidence) because they loved him, right, and they have a long history together or just an hour before ?

Masmov how do you know anything was distributed without any permission? Maybe a fair amount of money changed hands and after distribution greed or maybe just a jealous girlfriend set in. Don't cast assumptions as your taking the word of a prostitute or few over that of a porn movie producer neither of whom would I take their word as gospel. Nothing wrong with consensual porn so long as all parties profit from it and who's to know they didn't? Only problem is it's illegal here so forget the poor "exploited" bar girls he's in trouble!

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Tony Poer selected and recruited the girls, then filmed them and put the images up on websites. The fact that the girls, 'Allowed' themselves to be filmed, is a somewhat debatable excuse given that someone as manipulative as Poer, is doing the persuading.

Of course something needs to be done so that girls and their parents from the poorer regions of Thailand no longer feel that this trade, is likely to increase their standard of living, faster than most other methods of 'Employment'. Maybe if the multitude of 'Middle-men' who buy their rice, paid a greater proportion of their profits to the farmers, things might be different.

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What's with everyone saying the girls didn't consent?

He said they would not be available in Thailand. He put them on a US site, that (supposedly) can only be accessed from a proxy server.

Who in their right mind uses a proxy server to access porn overseas when it is so freely available, anyone can get it free with a few clicks? It is reasonable to assume nobody would waste their time using a slow a$$ proxy when they can get it FREE without one elsewhere.

And the pirate DVDs they are using in the story- who pirated them??? Can't they see the hypocrisy of this article???

Poor country girls being taken advantage of by rich playboy! Oh my! The shame of it!

The truth is that a sex tourist (not saying it's wrong, just saying what it is) has an agreement with local women to have sex for money (illegal on BOTH sides) to film it for pornography (illegal on BOTH sides yet again) and distribute it overseas only (which he is doing and is NOT illegal).

Both parties are guilty, and Thailand's piracy problem is the root cause of these girls finding their videos on Sukhumvit Road.

Who gets painted as the bad guy for Thailand's piracy? The original creator of the content!!!!

This whole article is a joke.

EDIT: spelling and added a sentence or two for clarity

Edited by leemac
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How does one "exploite" a Thai woman? Not pay her?....more jokes from the land of idiots. so long as he uses no under age women and they get paid and consent what the? This guy should be a politition here I can't see any real difference except he is white and has got a usable sized penis which can't be said about his brown buddies in thailand

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The police, on checking some video movies, found that the filmmakers were using katoeys dressed up as woman. These had starred in some very raunchy, sadistic and wild movies, which had then been uploaded to the internet.

Well the DVD cover clearly on display in this article is Titled ' School of Cock ' , was this not a give away to the police ?, or did they just have to watch it in detail lol

Edited by Boater
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Just a case of everyone exploiting everyone else. The girls end up at the bottom of the pile, but I doubt they could be described as an 'innocent' party.

If they had not consented then they are 'innocent' - if they consented to being filmed and those films being distributed and money made from those films sale (and assuming they got a hefty fee) then, yes, they are not 'innocent'. It 'appears' they had not consented and even those at the 'bottom' deserve respect in my opinion.

They still had sex for money, it's illegal so they're criminals too !

OK so what if you live in Isaan or another poor part of the country, you are a young girl with no prospects and your family is poor. They want you to help them. All you have are your charms and a chance of a rich husband. For this you want to put them in jail? It's the exploiters and those who protect them need locking up.

Try looking up the definition of compassion

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Try looking on u tube for Pattaya. It's full of home made porn and u tube only allows the sanitised bits. There;s even pay per view set ups of home made porn from Pattaya and for the criminally minded it is an easy way to compile masses of 'home' porn that can be downlaoded and charged for.

it is a sound business venture.

The problem comes when breaching any Thai law. However, no law is broken by way of consenting adults, own home, private filming.

Hence, should the individual havge made the footage and downlaoded it outside of Thailand, then barring extradition, he'd be beyond prosecution. and let's get real, be it the Us or Europe, no law enforcement agency would pursue clearly of age women participating in acceptable mainstrem porn movies.

Now let's deal with that: mainstream. Hardly anything that should upset Thai morals values when the sale of pornography is more in evidence in Pattaya than the sale of condos or beer. Furthermore, isn't there enough documented evidence here on Tha Visa regarding the open sale of child pornography by street vendors both in BKK and Pattaya. Sales that the Police do little or nothing about.

Indeed the whole Lampini force has been castigated for it's blind eye - take the back hander attitude. Pattaya is little different.

The man's arrest is tokenism and nothing more. He and his like will long continue to produce hoem porn. Who hasn't taken a picture of pretty girl? Where does one draw the line? It is the publication that has offended. That merely serves to highlight the inconsistency and hypocrisy that is all things Thai.

Rationally, if they object to pornography they should close Pattaya full stop.

Don't hold your breath just your nose.

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When some girls discovered this they went to police for help

Yeah - right.

"Excuse me officer, I was just browsing illegal porn sites on the web and discovered to my horror I feature in one of the websites. I admit I had paid sex with this man and I admit he paid me extra to have us filmed but only on the understanding that the footage wouldn't be available in Thailand. I appreciate that I have committed at least 3 arrestable offences under Thai law but please could you arrest him anyway so my honour can be satisfied".

Must happen all the time.

Let's not forget the part where she says. I was going threw illegally copied DVD's and discovered my picture on the cover of one. I bought the pirated copy as proof. Farang bad man.

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