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Crackdown On Aggressive Tailors


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Karon to crack down on tailors

KARON, PHUKET: -- Community leaders in Kata-Karon have issued a warning to the 144 tailor shops in the area that they will crack down on any that continue to use aggressive touting techniques or take advantage of tourists.

Tambon Karon Chairman Winai Chidchiaw said that, at a meeting among village headmen and other community leaders, it was unanimously agreed to monitor the behavior of the shops’ staff, who have been warned to end practices that pose a threat to the area’s reputation among tourists.

Many of the shops hire foreign nationals, mostly from India and Myanmar, he said.

Shops which continue to be sources of complaint will be penalized to the full extent of the law and subject to police investigations that would see any illegal aliens deported immediately, he warned.

K. Winai called for cooperation from the Immigration Police in this regard, as deportation procedures fall under their area of responsibility.

“We’re still looking for a solution to the labor problems in the tailor shops, especially as many of them serve merely as fronts which take customer orders, with the actual tailoring done by a third party,” he said.

“We have set up neighborhood committees to investigate and find out which shops fall into this category. Once we have an idea of the scale of the problem, we will meet again to decide what should be done,” he said.

In addition to the problem of illegal aliens working in the industry, complaints have also been received from Thai workers in the shops that they were being paid less than the minimum wage, he said.

--Phuket Gazette/Kom Chad Luek 2005-08-13

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Finally ...

It's bad enough I'm forced to shake your hand every time I pass by your shop,

worse again when your standing in the middle of a Soi and intercept me the whole width of the street,

Hey, if I want a suit your sign in the window says it all, :o

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wonder why they dont employ the guys in white turbans who will take control of your brain and mesmerise you into the shop and get you to but some baggy horrible coloured suit instead of these thick skinned hard sale merchants. Boy have these guys got thick skins! Tell them <deleted> off and they take no notice.

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No more "Oh suits you Sir" (only brits will get that)

I agree they are a pain in the butt, second only to that annoying phrase "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelcome" when uttered in tandem by 10 Thai Ladies!!! About as easy to resist as buying a suit!

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It's about time they cracked down all the tailors its bad on beach road pattaya, I have had them follow me down the road just because I looked in the window, they just wont take no for an answer unless you are rude to them. :o

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...


Try walking on Silom. I'm thinking of printing 1000's of T shirts saying "NO, I DON'T want sexy movies thank you!" Erm, but then I'd have to hire a bunch of guys to sell 'em on the streets of course.... ddohhh!! :o:D

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...


Try walking on Silom. I'm thinking of printing 1000's of T shirts saying "NO, I DON'T want sexy movies thank you!" Erm, but then I'd have to hire a bunch of guys to sell 'em on the streets of course.... ddohhh!! :o:D

He he - I think that's a damned good idea! And have it written in Thai too... just to see their faces as you walk past them while wearing one would be priceless! :D

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If the "sexy movie" touter on Silom is cute, I use a play on words in Thai and say "mai ao khrup, ao khun dee-gwa" or "Don't want it, thanks, I'd rather have you" with a smile and a wink.

Well, I'd say it if I had any balls. And it's probaby not grammatically correct, anyway.

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Just like the guys on Silom road who say the same thing...

I used to say 'Mai ow' to them. Now I just say '<deleted> off' in a loud voice....

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Just like the guys on Silom road who say the same thing...

I used to say 'Mai ow' to them. Now I just say '<deleted> off' in a loud voice....

Yeah, I must admit "Mai ow" hasn't been working too well for me recently.

Do you think they ever get someone saying "Sexy movies?! You have? REALLY!!!!" and then buying a load while drooling profusely. The collective excitement in such a situation would be worth witnessing...

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...

What gets me is how surprised they look when u say say ur not interested.... :o Or is that just me?

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Best crackdown I've heard of in years!!

Yeah but nothing beats the "Crackdown on Dark Forces"

Lets face it, the boys in tight brown are the dark force. :o

Now here is something I would like to see...forget about pushy tailors or Pantip guys...I would love to see a crack down on those "spot checks" by the police that seem to cost me 400B almost no matter what I am doing! Last time I offered a bribe and that did not work...oh well...at least I tried. I went to the local station and lined up with the other farangs to pay my 400B.

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If you buy a suit with lots of pockets, you'll have more room to stow your porn. Seriously though, I'm crushed to find that these touts don't really find me to be the perfect model for their high quality merchandise. I thought I was so special :o

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Somehow I dont think this will work. Be honest I ignore now - dont shake their hand, or acknowledge their existence in any form or fashion. Where I bought my suits before least the indian tailor managed to put a beautiful thai lady outside trying to pull in the customers.

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Best crackdown I've heard of in years!!

Yeah but nothing beats the "Crackdown on Dark Forces"

Lets face it, the boys in tight brown are the dark force. :o

Now here is something I would like to see...forget about pushy tailors or Pantip guys...I would love to see a crack down on those "spot checks" by the police that seem to cost me 400B almost no matter what I am doing! Last time I offered a bribe and that did not work...oh well...at least I tried. I went to the local station and lined up with the other farangs to pay my 400B.

What do you keep getting caught for? I mean if you're not doing anything legal, why pay?

Edited by bkkmadness
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Touts on the streets of the Kingdom used to annoy me, until I went to Bali.

The touts there are unbelievable. Especially in Kuta.

The simply will not take no for an answer. Shout at them, swear at them, threaten them, makes no difference, they will follow you for what seems like an eternity.

The touts in LOS are amateurs compared to these aggravating cnuts.


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It will work the same way as they want to stop the taxi mafia. :D

But lets face it, they are thinking, and they come up with ideas that we know for years. :o

And one day they even will start to understand, that having good ideas, needs more to solve the problems. And one day they will start even solving problems.

When I'm verry old! :D

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I am curious about this crackdown. Just what crime are the tailors guilty of? If they are illegal, then they should be deported, if not, then what can they do to them? This smacks of racism all-right. (I also don't like touts in general and pushy ones in particular, but laws need to be followed).

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