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Thai Black Magic, Spells Etc


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Just wondering if this is true or not. My girlfriend told me this not long ago and has been on my mind a while :)

Backstory: I was in a pretty bad relationship with a Thai woman, from Issan for 5 years. We moved to the UK and set up home here. We then moved back to Thailand. She met a guy from Sweden while I was working out in Libya, this led to her leaving not just me but her daughter, who I then took with me back to the UK to look after on my own. Best thing that could have happened to me. Life for me now is great, away from the hell I spent with her. I felt trapped and knew I was with her to keep my family together. Certain things would happen during our relationship that I would just ignore.

I know other guys here too that have women who seem to do thngs and have this control over their husbands, turning their brains as it were to mush for most of the time. These aren't stupid men, most hold high profile jobs, but the women have powers.

Now, my gf said that many Issan women do things to their husbands, puttiing things in food, drink etc, and can have some control over them.

I know one of her family members that wanted to find a rich man, and wore around her neck under her shirt, a little black dick shaped figure supposed to bring good luck and was blessed by someone.

Just wondering guys if you know about this going on?

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Nice try mate, but really, this is one of the worst Troll posts that has been here for a while, and there are many.

But I'm sure you'll get enough people slagging off Thai people, Thai women especially, to make it worth your while.

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What do you mean a troll post?

Sorry I don't understand.

Ok, read though the multitude of threads in this section of ThaiVisa.

You'll get the idea soon enough.

I will soon enough. I'm new here, been in the visa section helping out a friend, but this really is a real post, and I'm hoping for real answers. I understand though if people post fake topics.

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I will soon enough. I'm new here, been in the visa section helping out a friend, but this really is a real post, and I'm hoping for real answers. I understand though if people post fake topics.

So, you want to know here about what your GF tells you, I'm quite sure total strangers will tell you about your GF and know about her better than you do.

You mention bad relationships and Isaan women !

And you then come to this venom spitting forum for what , advice ?, C'mon mate, you gotta be jokin'

You're a very poor Troll or 14 years old.

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Magic is very strong, especially in the North, Chiang Mai is well known for its powerful magicians and magic tattoos.

Adding items to a mans food is fairly common, menstrual blood from a woman is believed to force a man to love the woman (a smear added to a drink or food while you are not looking)

Tattoos made by magicians to attract money from men.

Worship of Buddha and asking for wishes of power over people or bad luck and illness.

It pretty much all happens and is very common.

Does it work, the Thais believe it does.

Not quite sure why you have attracted so many weirdos to your post ......... time of night maybe!

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Not quite sure why you have attracted so many weirdos to your post ......... time of night maybe!

It's only you so far, and lets face it, you're well out there, somewhere in the twilight zone spewing forth advice on anonymous peoples lives whilst your own life is a total disaster area.

Wow, I wish I could be you ! huh.gif

Please tell me how to live my life, if you don't, I'll have to start a new thread asking advice from guys that spend every waking minute in front of a PC, I'm sure they can really tell me what life is all about.

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Thank you Sarahbloke for that mate, I'm happy to get an honest answer from someone.

Everyone else calling me a troll or a 14 year old, come on are you serious, what's wrong with you all.

I got some great advice in the visa section, sad to see I didn't on here too much apart from Sarahbloke.

I think I will google it, or wait for some more honest answers, thanks again!

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The number of "magic women and a few men" that dot the CM area is unbelievable. Many of the local villages will have two or more. Good luck tattoos, amulets, and devices are a part of life here. Then add the monks who contribute to the scenario and you have a real little cottage industry that generates big money. Certain foods and additives, as mentioned, are thought to modify behavior as well as special blend snake oil type tonics. Yes a large part of the population display or participate in this and firmly believe it brings good luck, protects, etc.

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I'm not sure what the question is. Do some Thais believe in magic and act on that belief? Yes, of course. Is this something to worry about? Of course it's f*cking not.

Well it is something to worry about if they can control you by the use of magic. If it is as common as people say and gets results then people do need to worry if they are tottaly unaware that this stuff is going on behind their back.

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Not quite sure why you have attracted so many weirdos to your post ......... time of night maybe!

It's only you so far, and lets face it, you're well out there, somewhere in the twilight zone spewing forth advice on anonymous peoples lives whilst your own life is a total disaster area.

Hey, how about bogging off elsewhere and stop wasting bandwidth... it's as good a thread as any.

Edited by metisdead
Insult removed.
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Well it is something to worry about if they can control you by the use of magic.

Yes but as 'they' can't control you by magic is just so much ludicrous bullshit. <deleted>, this is the 21st century. Is it really necessary to have a discussion about whether or not magic works?

Do you believe in God? (of any flavour)

Is it all bullshit?

I never understand why some people so quickly write off other peoples belief systems.

Magic, as practiced in Thailand, does seem to work.

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Do you believe in God? (of any flavour)

Of course not. And, to be honest, I find the question an insult.

Is it all bullshit?

Of course it is.

I never understand why some people so quickly write off other peoples belief systems.

If someone believes in things that are manifestly ludicrous, it's really not that hard.

Magic, as practiced in Thailand, does seem to work.

Oh, <deleted>.

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Well it is something to worry about if they can control you by the use of magic.

Yes but as 'they' can't control you by magic is just so much ludicrous bullshit. <deleted>, this is the 21st century. Is it really necessary to have a discussion about whether or not magic works?

21st Century, yeah. Age of Aquarius. 2012 and all that possibly ludicrous Bullsh%t. :)

I've often wondered about this Magic myself. I do know a lot of guys here who are controlled by a very manipulative, Bullshit Lady for want of a better word.

Its totally beyond me. Who really knows . The mind Boggles :(

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Oh, <deleted>.

I often find those who don't believe in God, etc. often have an irrational belief system based loosely on science.

Do you believe in Aliens, telepathy, evolution, man-made climate change, time travel, space travel?

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I often find those who don't believe in God, etc. often have an irrational belief system based loosely on science.

Could you expand on this? As it stands, it's just a meaningless internet-fart.

Do you believe in Aliens, telepathy, evolution, man-made climate change, time travel, space travel?

What do you think links those? I can't see anything they might have in common. You've got a possibility (aliens), a very philosophical complex idea (time travel), an historical event (space travel), a totally unproven idea (telepathy), and two extremely well established scientific theories (evolution and climate change). You'll notice - actually, you won't so I'll tell you - that belief doesn't really come into the picture.

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Not sure why you are getting such rabid responses from GM1955 and others!

As some more moderate and knowledgeable Posters have pointed out belief in Back Magic - "Sayasart" in Thai - is widespread in Thailand, and not just among the uneducated. An uncle of mine who was the president of the Thai Lawyers Association at one time, was a firm believer, he would spend large amounts of money to visit and donate to various up-country Temples where the Abbot was believed to have these powers, many times he would tell me how one Abbot had pulled rusty nails from his - my uncles' - body which the Abbot told him were the reason for an illness, other times how another Abbot turned clay into a golden Buddha image etc. etc..

The "little black dick shaped figure supposed to bring good luck" thing your friend wore is called a "Palad Khick" and is a common good luck charm.

Whether one believes in such things is a personal matter but cannot negate the fact that a large number of Thai people DO believe.


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Do you believe in Aliens, telepathy, evolution, man-made climate change, time travel, space travel?

What do you think links those? I can't see anything they might have in common. You've got a possibility (aliens), a very philosophical complex idea (time travel), an historical event (space travel), a totally unproven idea (telepathy), and two extremely well established scientific theories (evolution and climate change). You'll notice - actually, you won't so I'll tell you - that belief doesn't really come into the picture.

Those are all popular beliefs with no actual supporting evidence of any kind. Currently supported by the modern establishment (that doesn't make them true or real)

The fact you can't see that, merely reflects on your personal belief system.

Your fantasy/reality/beliefs aren't any more valid than a person who believes in God or magic ............ merely different.

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I've often wondered about this Magic myself. I do know a lot of guys here who are controlled by a very manipulative, Bullshit Lady for want of a better word.

Two rather more rational explanation that come instantly to mind are (a) sunk investments - if you've given up your home in France, or America or wherever, you've made a massive investment (financial, social, psychological, etc) in a new life. It's very difficult for people to abandon their investments, even at extremely high losses. Other people - in this case girlfriends/wives - are able to exploit this. And (B) getting laid. Men - especially many of those who end up in Thailand - are prepared to pay a high cost to get their end away.

Apart from the Paul Daniels variety, there's no such thing as magic. People may believe in it in huge numbers but people believe in all sorts of <deleted> and that's absolutely no reason to think it's true.

And I've been on the receiving end of some stupid old bag doing black magic on me - and my wife - and we survived to tell the tale.

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Those are all popular beliefs with no actual supporting evidence of any kind. Currently supported by the modern establishment (that doesn't make them true or real)

The fact you can't see that, merely reflects on your personal belief system.

You're talking out of your arse but you're a believer so there's nothing too surprising about that. There's a world full of evidence for both evolution and climate change and I've not noticed too much establishment support for telepathy or time travel.

Your fantasy/reality/beliefs aren't any more valid than a person who believes in God or magic ............ merely different.

So there's no objective reason to believe in God, which means that there's no reason to believe in God. Good. I knew I was right but it's nice to have one of the congregation confirm it.

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Goodness me... whatever did GM and Sweeney have for breakfast... or rather what was slipped into their drink by some evil Isaan maiden to make them so obnoxious?

To the OP, as pointed out in the more reasoned and friendly responses here, magic (black and otherwise) is alive and well and part and parcel of certain aspects of business and relationships in LOS and masquerades sometimes as part of the Bhuddist faith. Witness heads of government praying to deities when assuming office or new home owners having monks sprinkle holy water around the the new house. Then the silly red shirts splashing nam daeng all over the gates and pillars of government house. Or those arcane gold squiggles and gold leaf on roof liners in most taxis and cars.

Where's your current GF from? She points out that 'many Isaan women' do this, that and the other but admits to having a family member carry some talisman to help with acquiring a meal ticket.

Personal experience? My ex- was from Laos and thankfully is long time gone from my life. Several years after we separated but prior to the divorce, the maid was stripping some of the old pillows from the bed that the ex- and I shared. She was shocked and embarrassed to find that my evil ex- had little black magic tokens inserted in the pillows that apart from the squiggles and bits of what I assume to be either her or my hair, basically intoned that as long as my head rested on these pillows, I would not look at another woman. Fail!!

If you want to believe this malarkey is entirely up to you but I didn't let it rent too much space in my head apart from bringing new meaning to 'som nam naa bitch'.

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I'm surprised at all the venom. Magic in some form or other is involved in most of the world's major religions. Is it harmful? Yes,it can be, even fatal. Watch an aboriginal 'clever fella' in action, its scary stuff. It all depends on your belief. Thailand's population is mostly rural, hard working, and superstitious. It works for them. In the West, astrology websites are big earners, Feng Shui is big business, crucifixes, St. Christopher medals, Thai armulets are everywhere. I talk to trees and animals - am I crazy?

Many farlang coming here and believe that magic has happened when they meet a bar girl and 'fall in love' in the first 2 weeks ! magic? - and what about the poor old octopus and the last football world cup - he got every game right !! now his cousins and friends are in on the act. I see fairies in Thailand - admittedly, in some places more than others - for sure. How boring for kids, if there was no magic in the world.

Oh, I forgot about that boring, low earning, meaningless phenomenon - Harry Potter !

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I am willing to submit to a Thaivisa first.

In the interests of objectivity I invite any curse or wishing of good fortune on myself and shall post here any unexpected good or bad luck that should befall me.

Assuming of course I'm still alive to tell the tale :D

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