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Most Efficient Thai Government Agency

Thanyaburi Mac

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My wife (Thai) & I are headed up to Vientiane on Friday and searching around the house, just could not find her passport. Time's running short!! So off to Chang Wattana and the MoFA Consular Services office.

Stopped by the Thanyaburi police station to get a "lost passport" report form, then off to Chang Wattana.

Started up the escalator at 1015 hrs, and back down again at 1045 hrs, baht 1,000 lighter for the new passport. Thirty (30) minutes!! Wow, try that in the U.S. Will pick up Thursday morning.

Some departments of the Thai government are a real pleasure to deal with.


Edited by Thanyaburi Mac
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I am with you on that one. But I think it has more to do with your preparedness and your attitude. I always try to have all my documents plus some extras when I go. I have never had a problem. Got my Thai ID card in Kanchanaburi in 20 minutes, and that was 15 minutes of convincing incredulous Immigration Officers that a falang was a Thai. 120 baht. Got my Thai passport in Bangkok in 20 minutes, again having to convince a guy in English that I was Thai, even though he scanned my Thai ID card and the photo that came up on his computer screen was the same as the ID card and the guy sitting in front of him. 1030 baht (I paid the 30 baht for shipping). Got my Thai drivers license in Kanchanaburi in 15 minutes, 5 to convince, 5 to take the test, 5 to have it printed. 120 baht. Then again, 10 minutes for my permanent driver's license in Bangkok. 550 baht.

If you have everything they MAY ask for, and a good attitude, then it is in and out with smiles all around. (let the comments roll) laugh.gif

Edited by floridaguy
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