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I have spent the last year in Indonesia (Jakarta) and now been posted to Bangkok. I have been here a few weeks and decided i really missed my g.f from Jakarta and so she has come over. She enjoying it here, but life is made up of going shopping each day and hanging out at appartment while I am working.

What experiences have other expats got ? I assume its unusual to bring a partner from another country rather than your own. I would like to find a her a social group she can hang out with during the day.

Any suggestions for local Indonesian people in Bangkok ?



hi woodyuk........well, she can always try to look for work.

Does she speak and write Bahasa and English well? Is she educated? At least a degree. I may be able to help her if she is interested to work.

If she does not want to work, I would suggest she socialise with other expats or Thais to have a social life!

Its pretty hard the first year, believe me..........I am also an expat who moved here for my boyfriend (now husband)



Thanks for the reply ... are you Indonesian ?

She is educated to a basic level not degree, English is pretty good. However do not think at the moment she wants to work. I know she would be quite happy sitting around the house in the short term :-), but from past experience know this never works out longer term. One option is do a language course for Thai. She is learning Mandarin at the moment, and seems to have a natural gift for languages.

Any idea where she could buy books / course / tapes for Indonesian <> Thai ?. Could try English <> Thai - but can see that taking some time to have to convert from not native language. Would at least give her something to focus her time on.




Many unknowns here. What kind of visa is she on? Will she have to shuttle in and out of LOS every 30 days? If she is university educated and is good at language, she can probably make friends OK in Bangkok. Shopping and "house-sitting" are not good for long-term obviously. I have that situation with my lady here now and she is Thai. No much motivation to do anything else.

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