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The OP is obviously a troll. Who could have a career if they can't even spell the word?

An engineer (or artist) with dyslexia may certainly have a carrier...

From his old threads, he doesn't make enough money to be anything close to that. He lives in a thai ghetto (2-3k rent per month)

He even talked about jumping off a balcony if he ever had money problems.. yet he has a family.. a big douche purse.

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I think some of you have missed something.

The OP is concerned about his employer, why? Sleeping about with girls is a personal matter, why would the employer care? (Unless he's a priest). Anybody tells your boss you've been sleeping around they'll likely just shrug their shoulders.

He's done something illegal.... Drugs? Extortion? Bribery?................

First on his list was his family, not his boss who, as you say, probably wouldn't give a flying one. But his wife/kids/parents?

Hell, go for it, post it on Youtube.

Edited by metisdead
Insult removed.
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If this is a serious post, then there is only one viable solution if you really do value your family, but it will require some soul searching on your part.. Follow the lead of David Letterman. Deal with it openly and honestly.

1. First delay as long as you can with the blackmailer. This will buy you some time.

2. Be open with your employer. Tell them you behaved in a manner that you regret. If it has an impact upon your job, then being open may keep you from getting fired. Most MNEs in Thailand have dealt with this before. If you are open, then you do not present a security risk.

3. You will have to tell your spouse/partner. Assuming of course that you wish to remain with her. Tell her that you went out and you drank too much or whatever, but that you still accept responsibility and that you regret what you did. Pay for her ticket to come to Thailand if need be. If she finds out that you were lying to her, you'll have bigger proble,mms than you can imagine

And now comes the real problem for you. <deleted> were you thinking? No one cheats on his wife unless he's unhappy in the relationship. Deal with that issue or else you will have the problem again and again. If you can't respect your wife then get a divorce and let her get on with her life without her worrying about you bringing back some disease from a hooker.

As for the blackmailers, if you work for an MNE, HR will help. You are not the first one to have this problem.

Alot of us have had to deal with blackmailers. If you are able to stand up to them, they usually go away.

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im being sent to bkk for work, but my family stays back home....

some how someone gold hold of me doing some naughty stuff... 3 video files, taken by mobile, but clearly identifies as me....

and the person doing the blackmail knows my familys, employers email addresses. i do not know what todo if my family sees this matter...

Also this will cause huge damage to my carrier.

Please advice me.

Thank you for your support.

Som nom na. Should've thought of that BEFORE you were Caught On Camera LOL.

Goodness me, I'm glad my life is perfect and I never need to ask for help or advice on the internet. *1

Luckily, I see some other people are kindly giving helpful advice which doesn't require time travel.

Perhaps we should let the gentleman's wife be the judge, jury and executioner, rather than trying to do her job for her.


*1 Do you reckon I can hush up that nonsense with the toupee?

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its not a right to be innocent until proved guilty. That is just a law in certain countries and we all know how to law is just dumb as they let pedophiles out after 3years and some car thieves spend 15 years in jail.

I don't know why I am bothering .... but could you tell us a country where you are not presumed innocent until proven guilty?

From the UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) adopted in 1948 by the UN General Assembly (and it is not the total list of rights considered to be basic human rights as there were additions afterwards.

Article 11
  • Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
  • No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

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OP, are you the one who voted for England in the world cup bid? Did you wear a toupee whilst voting tory? (the last one is disgusting btw) :P

It all depends what you've done and you probably aren't going to tell an internet forum. Whatever it is, if you give in to the blackmailers they'll either be back for more money, take your money and show the video anyway or both. Whatever it is you've done, it's time to 'fess up', either call their bluff and tell them you've told your family/employer already or do like smokie suggested and freak out on them. You could thank them for the opportunity to get this all out in the open as you're tired of 'living a lie' 'publish and be damned' also arrested for blackmail. I'm lucky I suppose, no-one really cares what I get up to, my boss would just laugh (unless I wore a toupee or voted tory, that's just sick.,have I mentioned that already?) and I don't have any family who don't already think I'm a 'wrong un'! Aaaaaanyway, the thing is, if you do stuff you don't want to get caught doing, chances are you'll get caught doing it and have to deal with it one way or the other, oh and if you're not accustomed to 'freaking out' on people or coming across like a nutter, I wouldn't bother with that option, you could also be videoed getting a big fat dry slap which would add to your humiliation :)

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its not a right to be innocent until proved guilty. That is just a law in certain countries and we all know how to law is just dumb as they let pedophiles out after 3years and some car thieves spend 15 years in jail.

I don't know why I am bothering .... but could you tell us a country where you are not presumed innocent until proven guilty?

Any nation that has papers that publicizes your picture upon arrest or just interrogation, instead of conviction, will have issues with this.

Secondly, any case of You Vs The State regarding Tax-avoidance/fraud etc generally have a position that You have to prove that you are not guilty. I know this is the case in my home country...

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its not a right to be innocent until proved guilty. That is just a law in certain countries and we all know how to law is just dumb as they let pedophiles out after 3years and some car thieves spend 15 years in jail.

I don't know why I am bothering .... but could you tell us a country where you are not presumed innocent until proven guilty?

Any nation that has papers that publicizes your picture upon arrest or just interrogation, instead of conviction, will have issues with this.

Secondly, any case of You Vs The State regarding Tax-avoidance/fraud etc generally have a position that You have to prove that you are not guilty. I know this is the case in my home country...

This has nothing to do with the government.

This is a simple individual who cheated on his wife and family and is now trying to weasel out of it.

He doesn't have any rights, in fact he admitted to his crime in the first pot.

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its not a right to be innocent until proved guilty. That is just a law in certain countries and we all know how to law is just dumb as they let pedophiles out after 3years and some car thieves spend 15 years in jail.

I don't know why I am bothering .... but could you tell us a country where you are not presumed innocent until proven guilty?

Any nation that has papers that publicizes your picture upon arrest or just interrogation, instead of conviction, will have issues with this.

Secondly, any case of You Vs The State regarding Tax-avoidance/fraud etc generally have a position that You have to prove that you are not guilty. I know this is the case in my home country...

Tawp --- you are confusing free speech rights with presumed innocence. A free press unfortunately may print things, but if they leave out simple words like "alleged" then they are open to defamation suits (libel).

Your home country may have some strange laws but yax avoidance is legal, tax evasion is not. The state (in a tax case) must show that you have spent money you could not possibly have paid taxes on to get a conviction. (In my country that is what they nailed Al Capone with, but they had to prove that he was paid .. they did it.)

I am waiting an answer from Doug -- who is making some big assumptions about the nature of the trouble that the OP is in!) ... What country/ies are you not presumed innocent until proven guilty in ? (He made a sweeping statement that I am assuming he cannot back up since that basic premise is in use in almost every country in the world)

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Thanks guys for a hilarious spy thriller thread! :lol:

As the OP is a bit shy on detail I'll assume he's been shagging a Thai bird whilst his family is still overseas...now the bird or competition workwise is having him over. Time for project X. The I don't give a fuc_k attitude.....show your true colours and let 'em know just how mad you are. Thais especially have respect for a true nutter.....

Best of luck.



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its not a right to be innocent until proved guilty. That is just a law in certain countries and we all know how to law is just dumb as they let pedophiles out after 3years and some car thieves spend 15 years in jail.

I don't know why I am bothering .... but could you tell us a country where you are not presumed innocent until proven guilty?

Any nation that has papers that publicizes your picture upon arrest or just interrogation, instead of conviction, will have issues with this.

Secondly, any case of You Vs The State regarding Tax-avoidance/fraud etc generally have a position that You have to prove that you are not guilty. I know this is the case in my home country...

This has nothing to do with the government.

This is a simple individual who cheated on his wife and family and is now trying to weasel out of it.

He doesn't have any rights, in fact he admitted to his crime in the first pot.

Have we actually determined what it is that the OP is being blackmailed about?

Accepting help from the Salvation Army?

Cheating in his driving test?

Giving money to a single mother?

Perhaps he is a Secret Service man, like the rest of us... or perhaps he's not, despite his claims...

Dressing in ladies' clothes?

Not to mention the t*... word.

Anyway, the point is that rights are rights, and you are entitled to them regardless. Otherwise, we would call them privileges.


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dont understand why anyone wants to help him.. Hes cheating on his family, they have a right to know hes scum.

...and it's good night from Doug.

The OP must have a fair idea who took the video... then as GH states, go the BIB as blackmail and extortion is up there with motorbikes w/out skid lids.

If he knows the name of the blackmailer, and he has the bank account detials as he says then he should send those details to all of the Nigerian Scams artists he can find and have the blackmailers bank accounts and credit wiped out.

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File a police report naming the person who is trying to blackmail you.

Blackmail is a very serious crime and even here in Thailand carries significant penalties.


And...... while we are at it, spill the beans, what is it that you were caught doing?

I'm not being flippant - the chances are that whatever it is that you have been doing is more serious in your own mind than it is in reality - We don't know you, but you'd be surprised what help getting it off your chest can be.

As a point of observation I've always argued that married men fooling around in Thailand put themselves at particular risk by hiding what they are up to - where as single guys tend to be open about what they get up to and then have their feet planted back on the ground by their single mates taking the piss out of them.

The way to disarm a blackmailer is to spill the beans yourself.

im surprised!

shouldnt guy come clean to wife and family. give wife a chance to leave this scum! this is like tiger woods except this guy aint no tiger woods..............lol. I FOR ONE AM HAPPY THIS GUY GOT CAUGHT.MARRIED FELLAS SHOULD BE BANNED FROM LOS-THEY ONLY CREATE PROBLEMS FOR ALL,

It's really hard to remain calm and objective when people are so wicked. Anyway, I am delighted that you are happy, but its just embarassing for us all when you come on a public forum like this revelling in your prejudice and bigotry. I find SHOUTING gives your opinion the credibility it deserves.

Anyway, I'm glad (purely out of spite on my part) that I'm causing you a problem although I wish I knew what that problem was, that I might exacerbate it.


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