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If You Find Bangkok To Be Polluted...


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I don't care if there are places worse than BKK. The pollution in BKK is disgusting and a diservice to Thai citizens. The government should crack down on emissions and factory waste. The pollution shortens life pans, quality of life and IQ.

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There is a definitely lacking respect for the environment here. Just eliminating the over use of plastic bags would be a start. If I order a meal at McDonalds, I get:

1 bag for the drink

1 bag for the fries or hash brown

1 bag to put it all in

Why do I need 3 bags? At 7-11, I always ask them not to put my things in a bag unless I really need it. I see plastic bags everywhere, in the streets, the rivers. There are empty plots of land around Bangkok that have accumulated thousands of little plastic bags that have floated in. It is horrible.

At least it isn't this bad around here:


Edited by floridaguy
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There is a definitely lacking respect for the environment here. Just eliminating the over use of plastic bags would be a start. If I order a meal at McDonalds, I get:

1 bag for the drink

1 bag for the fries or hash brown

1 bag to put it all in

Why do I need 3 bags? At 7-11, I always ask them not to put my things in a bag unless I really need it. I see plastic bags everywhere, in the streets, the rivers. There are empty plots of land around Bangkok that have accumulated thousands of little plastic bags that have floated in. It is horrible.

At least it isn't this bad around here:


I guess they just don't think that way in BKK. It's like asking the tuk-tuk guys not to use their horns because it contributes to the noise pollution.

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If you ever go and spend more than a day in New Delhi, you will return to Bangkok thinking this is the cleanest, most pristine, unspoiled, natural paradise of crystal clear air and untouched Elysian fields this side of Antarctica.

Absolutely the dismal miasmal filth-hole known to man, with some of the the world's richest people living in luxury on the backs of the world's poorest:


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I don't care if there are places worse than BKK. The pollution in BKK is disgusting and a diservice to Thai citizens. The government should crack down on emissions and factory waste. The pollution shortens life pans, quality of life and IQ.

It certainly seems to be shortening life pans and IQs.

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A lot of the F.S.U countries look like the pictures in the OP's link, and the post about Deli is spot on. I think a lot of people living here are very critical about

pollution and garbage in thailand but have not had much exposure to many other parts of the world which makes this place look like Shangri la.

But that is not said to justify the garbage problem here and who wouldn't want to live a clean and unpolluted lifestyle, what I can't understand is why

no one has taken advantage of a very large business opportunity in the privatized waste management and recycling industry. Big money maker in other countries, why not here?

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