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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrested in London


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I hear you, I've already downloaded the 'insurance file' from wiki. I can't wait for the encryption key to be released as it's high time the governmental pyramid is rattled to the core :)

So you support putting American troops in danger. Thanks for that.

Its about exposing war crimes and atrocities. Why you think it shouldn't be made public?

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Its about exposing war crimes and atrocities. Why you think it shouldn't be made public?

Where are the war crimes then?

Go over to the wikileaks site or even easier Google is your friend:;

More than just wikileaks have been covering this

Quite a few of them in Iraq and Afghanistan. I doubt anyobne would argue such things shouldnt be exposed.

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Its about exposing war crimes and atrocities. Why you think it shouldn't be made public?

Where are the war crimes then?

Go over to the wikileaks site or even easier Google is your friend:;

More than just wikileaks have been covering this

Quite a few of them in Iraq and Afghanistan. I doubt anyobne would argue such things shouldnt be exposed.

So off hand you can't come up with some examples so it is up to me to do the research?

I'm not saying terrible aren't happening in Afghanistan and Iraq. But I think whatever gets exposed over there, it would simply prove that war is hell.

Particularly when the rules only apply to one side.

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Its about exposing war crimes and atrocities. Why you think it shouldn't be made public?

Where are the war crimes then?

Go over to the wikileaks site or even easier Google is your friend:;

More than just wikileaks have been covering this

Quite a few of them in Iraq and Afghanistan. I doubt anyobne would argue such things shouldnt be exposed.

So off hand you can't come up with some examples so it is up to me to do the research?

I'm not saying terrible aren't happening in Afghanistan and Iraq. But I think whatever gets exposed over there, it would simply prove that war is hell.

Particularly when the rules only apply to one side.

yes, war is hell, wikileaks helps to tell the story.





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I find it telling that the documents showing off war-crimes and slaughter of innocents (including Reuters reporters) has been out for several months - and yet some people seem completely oblivious of their existence.

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I find it telling that the documents showing off war-crimes and slaughter of innocents (including Reuters reporters) has been out for several months - and yet some people seem completely oblivious of their existence.

It all depends on what part of the world you live, which determines how hard a government works not to tell.......

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I find it telling that the documents showing off war-crimes and slaughter of innocents (including Reuters reporters) has been out for several months - and yet some people seem completely oblivious of their existence.

It all depends on what part of the world you live, which determines how hard a government works not to tell.......

I think it is a matter of collateral damage. The supporters of WikiLeaks are willing to tolerate some collateral damage of American and British troops by the release of wartime documents and other posters are not. I have read that the bomb of documents to be released include names, of course no one knows for sure.

Some people see a greater good and military lives be damned.

Americans as a rule are more tolerant of civilian collateral damage than Europeans and more willing to use violence to solve a problem.

Sometimes this is a good idea, Chamberlain could have used some more American advisors and perhaps prevented a major loss of life.

Churchill was more American in his thinking IMO.

Other times it is not such a good idea.

Americans think that democracy will grow anywhere if you plant the seed. Europeans know better. I am an American and I don't think that.

There are many Americans who know exactly what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Gallup poll finds 54% of Americans saying it was "a mistake" for the United States to send troops to Iraq, while 44% disagree. In most polls over the past five years, Gallup has found a majority calling the decision to send troops a mistake, with a high of 63% opposition in April 2008. In contrast, Gallup has yet to find a majority calling the war in Afghanistan a mistake.

After the Internet publication of tens of thousands of leaked classified documents on the war in Afghanistan, 43% of Americans now say the United States made a mistake in sending troops there, up slightly from just before the release (38%). While Americans are still more likely to support than oppose the war, the percentage who say it was a mistake to get involved is at a new high.

Fifty-three percent of Americans claim to be following news about the leaked documents "very" (16%) or "somewhat closely" (37%), a below-average level of national attention for news events Gallup has tested over the past two decades.

Americans generally agree the leaked documents should not have been published on the Internet, with 66% saying it was wrong for the website WikiLeaks to have done so; 25% believe the website was right. This general assessment holds among those paying high as well as low levels of attention to the story.


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Charge 1 arises from complainant A, who said she was the victim of "unlawful coercion" on the night of 14 August in Stockholm. The court heard Assange is accused of using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.

Charge 2 alleges Mr. Assange "sexually molested" Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used.

Charge 3 alleges Mr. Assange "deliberately molested" Miss A on 18 August "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity". T

Charge 4 alleges Mr. Assange of having sex with Miss W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home. The sexual encounter was non-consensual.

You better study a little about the 2 girls who accused Assange:

* http://my.firedoglake.com/kirkmurphy/2010/12/04/assanges-chief-accuser-has-her-own-history-with-us-funded-anti-castro-groups-one-of-which-has-cia-ties/


* http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/assange-rape-accuser-cia-ties/

After that, think a little and study also WHEN and WHY and by WHOM* Assange was invited to come to Sweden in the first place to hold a speech for around a mere 100 people in Stockholm in the middle of the summer when most Swedes are out of their Capital city...

* Guess who ? :whistling: and also guess WHO invited him (mind you she met him for the VERY first time) to sleep at her home, instead of going to a hotel...where he staid a whole long weekend.....:rolleyes:


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Something I find rather intriguing and feel the question must be asked is...Where are all the feminists?

In any other thread I have read on this forum, any attack on the victims is assailed from the highest perches by the feminists. Yet in the case of Assange the rape victims are being portrayed as scheming females out to make life miserable for him.

Assange seems to have a tendency to use women for his personal gain, i. e. staying in a woman's apartment rather than a hotel, having train fares paid for him by claiming he doesn't wish to use credit cards, seemingly taking advantage of Ms. Birgitta Jonsdotter in Iceland all come to mind.

On the surface, Assange seems to me to be using his status as a celebrity to his benefit with women and then make every effort to claim his innocence when he is caught.

I am certain all his supporters will attack my thinking but, am I the only one that sees a trend here?

PS: I am not a Saint either.

:P I believe you on your word and neither am I a Saint but your explanation of your views are rather....naive.

Maybe study the backgrounds of the girls a little better; backgrounds from BEFORE the Assange accusations ?


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Why is character assassination of the two complainants acceptable in this case, but in other cases unacceptable?

It is up to the courts to decide. The court will review all of the information.

I find it shocking that the women involved here are being trashed. It's like being in Iran. Mind you, the bias and mindset of some fits in quite nicely in such states.

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You better study a little about the 2 girls who accused Assange:

Another case of blaming the victim? :bah:

Correction Your Honour UG:

Alleged victim(s) as the accused hasn't been found guilty so far; and....remember, this is the THIRD Lady Prosecutor in the case since August; The other two Prosecutors found him innocent since there was no evidence. Seems like a Swedish Troll Witch Hunt to me :whistling:

I also suggest to you, you study a little more about the 2 "fine" Swedish Ladies and stop writing biting comments and come up with more sophisticated and well balanced arguments, once you studied the 2 Ladies, rather than your one-line sentences which do not contain the truth but assumption(s).


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Why is character assassination of the two complainants acceptable in this case, but in other cases unacceptable?

It is up to the courts to decide. The court will review all of the information.

I find it shocking that the women involved here are being trashed. It's like being in Iran. Mind you, the bias and mindset of some fits in quite nicely in such states.

Oh, really?

But calling for a REAL "illegal" assassination of Julian Assange* or a REAL call for EXECUTION** on National Television* in the US is acceptable ? :bah:

* http://www.huffingto...s_n_793467.html

** http://www.huffingto...d_n_789654.html

I am not committing character assassination about the 2 girls, the press has done that for us since the 2 girls have a rather dubious background...to say the least.

Isn't it time for you chaps stop believing the crap your Government and Media are serving you on your Breakfast- Lunch and Dinner table day-in-day out ?

Look what's happening in your bitterly divided Government between the Democrats and Republicans and between the Democrats & Democrats and Republicans & Republicans....

Your country is more divided than ever.

A certain resemblance is already visible when the American people stood up against their Government, condemning the VIETNAM WAR after Daniel Ellsberg exposed the Government, 40 years ago, with their cheating and lying in the PENTAGON PAPERS.

I'm flabbergasted why some of you still believe the people in and behind the present and past Administrations.

And, as an esteemed American Professor said, a few days ago:

"Most striking is the unstated but pervasive belief that the United States is wiser, more skillful and dedicated than anybody else. Therefore, it is natural that America rules the roost. Our serial failures of judgment and action, at home as well as abroad, have left not a trace of modesty on our conduct. "

by: Michael Brenner is a professor of International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh.




Edited by LaoPo
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You better study a little about the 2 girls who accused Assange:

Another case of blaming the victim? :bah:

The other two Prosecutors found him innocent since there was no evidence.

How could they find him "innocent" when there was no trial? This constant spin convinces no one but the choir on the far left side of the room.


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Something I find rather intriguing and feel the question must be asked is...Where are all the feminists?

In any other thread I have read on this forum, any attack on the victims is assailed from the highest perches by the feminists. Yet in the case of Assange the rape victims are being portrayed as scheming females out to make life miserable for him.

Assange seems to have a tendency to use women for his personal gain, i. e. staying in a woman's apartment rather than a hotel, having train fares paid for him by claiming he doesn't wish to use credit cards, seemingly taking advantage of Ms. Birgitta Jonsdotter in Iceland all come to mind.

On the surface, Assange seems to me to be using his status as a celebrity to his benefit with women and then make every effort to claim his innocence when he is caught.

I am certain all his supporters will attack my thinking but, am I the only one that sees a trend here?

PS: I am not a Saint either.

:P I believe you on your word and neither am I a Saint but your explanation of your views are rather....naive.

Maybe study the backgrounds of the girls a little better; backgrounds from BEFORE the Assange accusations ?


I am familiar with the backgrounds of both of the alleged victims. I am also familiar with the background of the alleged serial sex offender.

Who is sitting in an English jail as we speak and why is he refusing to agree to extradition to Sweden if he really wants to clear the air of these so called trumped up charges?

The man has a problem and the only way for him to clear himself is to go to Sweden and face the music. If he is innocent UNDER SWEDISH LAW then he will go free. If not, all of his apologists will not keep him out of jail.

The only one that is naive in this situation is Assange for thinking he could continue to prey on women because of his self styled celebrity status.

Edited by chuckd
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Ok - 'they found that there was no grounds to pursue the investigation.'

And today Anna Ardin finally took her twitter-account into 'protected' mode, meaning non-friends cannot see her tweets. One way to avoid people that are investigation you to not find that there is history-revision going on.

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You better study a little about the 2 girls who accused Assange:

Another case of blaming the victim? :bah:

The other two Prosecutors found him innocent since there was no evidence.

How could they find him "innocent" when there was no trial? This constant spin convinces no one but the choir on the far left side of the room.

How can a prosecutor bring any case to trial if there's no evidence?

Speaking about spinning...:whistling:..


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Something I find rather intriguing and feel the question must be asked is...Where are all the feminists?

In any other thread I have read on this forum, any attack on the victims is assailed from the highest perches by the feminists. Yet in the case of Assange the rape victims are being portrayed as scheming females out to make life miserable for him.

Assange seems to have a tendency to use women for his personal gain, i. e. staying in a woman's apartment rather than a hotel, having train fares paid for him by claiming he doesn't wish to use credit cards, seemingly taking advantage of Ms. Birgitta Jonsdotter in Iceland all come to mind.

On the surface, Assange seems to me to be using his status as a celebrity to his benefit with women and then make every effort to claim his innocence when he is caught.

I am certain all his supporters will attack my thinking but, am I the only one that sees a trend here?

PS: I am not a Saint either.

:P I believe you on your word and neither am I a Saint but your explanation of your views are rather....naive.

Maybe study the backgrounds of the girls a little better; backgrounds from BEFORE the Assange accusations ?


I am familiar with the backgrounds of both of the alleged victims. I am also familiar with the background of the alleged serial sex offender.

Who is sitting in an English jail as we speak and why is he refusing to agree to extradition to Sweden if he really wants to clear the air of these so called trumped up charges?

The man has a problem and the only way for him to clear himself is to go to Sweden and face the music. If he is innocent UNDER SWEDISH LAW then he will go free. If not, all of his apologists will not keep him out of jail.

The only one that is naive in this situation is Assange for thinking he could continue to prey on women because of his self styled celebrity status.

Bold: Because the situation for Assange (anger from the US) changed dramatically; he WAS in Sweden (from middle of August until Autumn during the time the 2 first prosecutors handled his case.

His lawyer contacted the first and second prosecutor (both Ladies also) and asked if they wanted to question him; the answers were NO.

He than asked if it was allowed for Assange to travel abroad, the answer was -again- NO.

Only at a much later stage the 3rd Lady prosecutor asked for him. The defense offered to have a video meeting at any Embassy together with police, defense laywers and prosecutors. It was denied.

It's obvious that Assange doesn't want to be extradited to Sweden since he fears a set-up and it certainly looks that way. He's safer in London/UK than in Sweden.

The rest is history.


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Something I find rather intriguing and feel the question must be asked is...Where are all the feminists?

In any other thread I have read on this forum, any attack on the victims is assailed from the highest perches by the feminists. Yet in the case of Assange the rape victims are being portrayed as scheming females out to make life miserable for him.

Assange seems to have a tendency to use women for his personal gain, i. e. staying in a woman's apartment rather than a hotel, having train fares paid for him by claiming he doesn't wish to use credit cards, seemingly taking advantage of Ms. Birgitta Jonsdotter in Iceland all come to mind.

On the surface, Assange seems to me to be using his status as a celebrity to his benefit with women and then make every effort to claim his innocence when he is caught.

I am certain all his supporters will attack my thinking but, am I the only one that sees a trend here?

PS: I am not a Saint either.

:P I believe you on your word and neither am I a Saint but your explanation of your views are rather....naive.

Maybe study the backgrounds of the girls a little better; backgrounds from BEFORE the Assange accusations ?


I am familiar with the backgrounds of both of the alleged victims. I am also familiar with the background of the alleged serial sex offender.

Who is sitting in an English jail as we speak and why is he refusing to agree to extradition to Sweden if he really wants to clear the air of these so called trumped up charges?

The man has a problem and the only way for him to clear himself is to go to Sweden and face the music. If he is innocent UNDER SWEDISH LAW then he will go free. If not, all of his apologists will not keep him out of jail.

The only one that is naive in this situation is Assange for thinking he could continue to prey on women because of his self styled celebrity status.

Bold: Because the situation for Assange (anger from the US) changed dramatically; he WAS in Sweden (from middle of August until Autumn during the time the 2 first prosecutors handled his case.

His lawyer contacted the first and second prosecutor (both Ladies also) and asked if they wanted to question him; the answers were NO.

He than asked if it was allowed for Assange to travel abroad, the answer was -again- NO.

Only at a much later stage the 3rd Lady prosecutor asked for him. The defense offered to have a video meeting at any Embassy together with police, defense laywers and prosecutors. It was denied.

It's obvious that Assange doesn't want to be extradited to Sweden since he fears a set-up and it certainly looks that way. He's safer in London/UK than in Sweden.

The rest is history.


What is Sweden going to do to him?

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What is Sweden going to do to him?

Not very much if I understand well.

What I hear from Swedish friends of mine is that the Swedish "People", read: Prosecutor's Office in Stockholm, now wish they had NEVER try to bring a THIRD prosecutor into this case since the general public is laughing about WHAT and HOW it is handled by Sweden. they feel ashamed.

Sweden, for heaven's sake, was the first LIBERAL country in Europe where Porno magazines and movies were freely available where the rest of Europe would still throw you in jail if you were caught with a magazine. I'm talking decades ago.

And, now they're prosecuting a guy because of "alleged" sexual encounters whereby the Ladies (2 girl friends) invited HIM into their own -individual- houses?

The world upside down.

The risky things are the shady circumstances of the alleged allegations by the 2 "Ladies" and their backgrounds and the fear that Sweden was forced upon a deal with the US to extradite him and if I were in his shoes I would fight the extradition BECAUSE of the shady allegations also.


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Where are all the feminists?

all working for the vampires of the CIA or maybe just getting bit parts in CIS....

Jemina Khan made a good point yesterday (amongst many others)ref to the the exposure of the "Dark Forces"probably trying for a one way Air America rendition flight to their Carribean holiday resort...where DId I hear that expression before...?

Anyway maybe Sweeden can get together with Norway and offer him the Nobel Peace Prize and lets see who decides to throw in their backing to the good old boys of China and all the other dodgy little redneck outfits...err nations. :annoyed:....let the snakes surface.

Wont really matter since even if he is "banged up" there are thousands of others ready to take his place.....s"right..init.. :D

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How can a prosecutor bring any case to trial if there's no evidence?

Assange has been arrested, so obviously there IS enough evidence to bring him to trial. Stop the spin.


No, that's not true. I have worked for the prosecution in this country for a number of years. Many people are arrested and charged. Police have a tendancy to throw the book at a person and hope some if it sticks. I can assure you that there are many cases where the charges are thrown out for lack of evidence by either the prosecutor in the early stages, or the Judge at the trial stage.

Dr Haneef is a famous case here in Australia, arrested, charged with terrorist activity. Magistrate throws out the case and gives the prosecutor and police a good bollocking. Haneef free to go but on the steps of the courthouse his visa is suspended and he is deported. Then that too was found to be wrong.

So it isn't just an easy thing to say that a person must have done something wrong to be arrested. With that point of view there would be no need for a jury, he was arrested so he must be guilty eh?

To make it simple, being arrested does not mean there is enough evidence to bring him to trial. It simply doesn't.

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