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Northern Adventure - Part 1


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This clip is the first from my recent mini-vacation to Chiang Mai. The movie is shot on Route 11 (close to Lamphun I think) going towards CM from Bkk..

The North must be heaven on earth for riding btw.. or is it just the lack of decent roads around Bkk that makes me think like that?!:jap:


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Just imagine, if one of those other drivers on the road travelling in the same direction as you suddenly diverges right and clips you as your going past at warp factor whatever, then imagine that you are badly injured or killed - too bad ? FINE / OKAY, How bout this, following the initial impact you motorcycle which is still travelling at great velocity flicks up and go through the windscreen of a car travelling in the opposite direction. It kills the driver of that car outright and the vehicle leave the road, rolls and explodes killing the other occupants of that vehicle. Imagine some of the dead in the vehicle are women and children.

You are riding like an idiot, if you want to kill yourself, do it at a racetrack or closed road somewhere & thats up to you, killing others is just another kettle of fish. You may think certain people think big of you for riding in such a fashion, however, truth be known virtually anyone could ride like that, little skill is required in turning the throttle up on a 1000cc motorcycle on a straight road like that.

185km/h is over 51 metres a second, amoungst other general road traffic, especially here in Thailand = STUPID. Capiche?


Before you respond, think about it & how it would make you feel if some other idiot killed someone you loved or cared about.

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You should take the 108 from MHS and enjoy its many S-curves which are suiting your bike. For the 1095, I would prefer a lighter bike. watch out for gravel and sand etc. in bends and have fun! Chris

Thanks for the advice.. I think I have done the 108 but I always have a hard time remebering the names of the roads. My uncontested favourite so far is the 120 though! That number is stuck in my brain:)

Ahhh.... nice vid ;)

Thanks Judas. Im just about to edit a video from the 120

Just imagine, if one of those other drivers on the road travelling in the same direction as you suddenly diverges right and clips you as your going past at warp factor whatever, then imagine that you are badly injured or killed - too bad ? FINE / OKAY, How bout this, following the initial impact you motorcycle which is still travelling at great velocity flicks up and go through the windscreen of a car travelling in the opposite direction. It kills the driver of that car outright and the vehicle leave the road, rolls and explodes killing the other occupants of that vehicle. Imagine some of the dead in the vehicle are women and children.

You are riding like an idiot, if you want to kill yourself, do it at a racetrack or closed road somewhere & thats up to you, killing others is just another kettle of fish. You may think certain people think big of you for riding in such a fashion, however, truth be known virtually anyone could ride like that, little skill is required in turning the throttle up on a 1000cc motorcycle on a straight road like that.

185km/h is over 51 metres a second, amoungst other general road traffic, especially here in Thailand = STUPID. Capiche?


Before you respond, think about it & how it would make you feel if some other idiot killed someone you loved or cared about.

Points noted! I figure you are in the corner of the ring waiting for me to enter.. :ph34r:

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Points noted! I figure you are in the corner of the ring waiting for me to enter.. :ph34r:

No dunder, I am certainly not waiting in the ring. I acknowledge that I have used harsh words, I'm hoping that stick inside ur noggen for a few days/weeks/years and before you squeeze open the triggor next time, you think about what I said.

Theres no shortage of expats that have been nailed here in LOS, you know the deal, it can happen anywhere, but here in LOS even moreso. Sadly my pick is ur running hot odds on to be the next TV member to be burnt at a local wat somewhere (& thats just based on 2 of the videos u've posted here). I don't want to see that & I havent even met you, but if it did happen & I didnt take this opportunity, strangely I would regret that.

One thing is, I speak with more experience on these sort of matters than what you & some others here might realise.

ps: nice bike.

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Fast driving is fun .... in a real contry or BIRCA

Once & while I hear people telling "I drive in x hours from Bangkok to Chiang Mai" and then I think "Did you fly?".

Don't they realize that roads in Thailand are for chickens, trucks, small motorbikes, childeren, dogs, and many cars with drivers who do not have any concept of safe driving, drunk drivers, drivers on their telephone and

And do they not know that what yesterday was a good road could be today a road with a few put-holes to kill you instantly. And to be honnest I am not even going to stop if I would see anyone driving like a mad-dog and having a accident.

Today on the bike to Chonburi over Sukhumvit road and with each car or motorbike I am passing I am prepared that he/she will move to anywhere on the road (left, right or just stopping). Every car or motorbike that is entering a traffic-light with red light, I will assume that he/she is not going to stop. Riding on a road I do not know I assume that after any corner the road could be gone, or that there could be a truck parked right in the middle of the road.

Chang Noi

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Great Video and outstanding picture-quality this camera delivers... yep, your 1000cc Bike is faster than my 25 year old Virago 750 :rolleyes::whistling::P - but my virago can also shoot(backfire) :lol::blink: even though it does that more often than i like to hear.

happy trails ,


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Neverdie has his own opinion which I think is akin to what my Nanna would say, but each to his own. The only thing I would warn against is overtaking at speed using the verge.....unless your passing stationary or slow moving traffic at a low speed. I do it when the freeway is backed up, but at 25 - 30 kph.

Ain't the new beasty sex on wheels!!!


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^ You might find that a few people that have spent their lives moping up the mess left behind by fools riding/driving in such a manner OR have lost a love one due to the idiocy of another might share my opinion. I can't help it if your too stooopid to realise that.

Of course, Ive said my bit now & no doubt it will fall on deaf ears so when the accident eventually occurrs I will mutter the post, 'told u so'.

Finally, if anyone riding like this on a public street kills someone & manages to live through it, they ought to hope and pray that they havent robbed me OR someone like me of a family member, loved one or friend. :ph34r:

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Neverdie has his own opinion which I think is akin to what my Nanna would say, but each to his own. The only thing I would warn against is overtaking at speed using the verge.....unless your passing stationary or slow moving traffic at a low speed. I do it when the freeway is backed up, but at 25 - 30 kph.

Ain't the new beasty sex on wheels!!!



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Points noted! I figure you are in the corner of the ring waiting for me to enter.. :ph34r:

No dunder, I am certainly not waiting in the ring. I acknowledge that I have used harsh words, I'm hoping that stick inside ur noggen for a few days/weeks/years and before you squeeze open the triggor next time, you think about what I said.

Theres no shortage of expats that have been nailed here in LOS, you know the deal, it can happen anywhere, but here in LOS even moreso. Sadly my pick is ur running hot odds on to be the next TV member to be burnt at a local wat somewhere (& thats just based on 2 of the videos u've posted here). I don't want to see that & I havent even met you, but if it did happen & I didnt take this opportunity, strangely I would regret that.

One thing is, I speak with more experience on these sort of matters than what you & some others here might realise.

ps: nice bike.

Thanks for caring and I honestly hope you are wrong in your prophecy about my future. I have no reason to doubt your experience and I respect most opinions. My mind is always open to constructive! criticism as long as the critic him-/herself has a lot of knowledge and experience in the matter.

If the critics foundation is weak I will put his or her arguments in the litter box. The litter box will also be the final desitination of all destructive critique.. I don't really know where to put your replies yet since I don't know you. What makes me even more confused is the way you express yourself.. from stingy to sweet to harsh to caring..

Fast driving is fun .... in a real contry or BIRCA

Once & while I hear people telling "I drive in x hours from Bangkok to Chiang Mai" and then I think "Did you fly?".

Don't they realize that roads in Thailand are for chickens, trucks, small motorbikes, childeren, dogs, and many cars with drivers who do not have any concept of safe driving, drunk drivers, drivers on their telephone and

And do they not know that what yesterday was a good road could be today a road with a few put-holes to kill you instantly. And to be honnest I am not even going to stop if I would see anyone driving like a mad-dog and having a accident.

Today on the bike to Chonburi over Sukhumvit road and with each car or motorbike I am passing I am prepared that he/she will move to anywhere on the road (left, right or just stopping). Every car or motorbike that is entering a traffic-light with red light, I will assume that he/she is not going to stop. Riding on a road I do not know I assume that after any corner the road could be gone, or that there could be a truck parked right in the middle of the road.

Chang Noi

Fast driving is always fun.. It sure belongs on the tracks and in my opinion also on the streets of a "real country".. But only as long as the surface of the roads, number of vehicles and visibility allows it. In my opinion Thailand is as real as Sweden and I also think the talk about the condition of the roads in LOS is a bit exaggerated. Potholes, stray dogs and lousy drivers - there are quite a few of them here, but they are plenty all over the world.

In other words, the threats are all over and they differ from county to country. You just have to be aware of them before you can calculate what kind of speed is safe on a certain road.. What you might think is fast though, might not be the fast in my world. The perception of this phenomenon differs from person to person.. it is as Einstein would have put it - relative.



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Great Video and outstanding picture-quality this camera delivers... yep, your 1000cc Bike is faster than my 25 year old Virago 750 :rolleyes::whistling::P - but my virago can also shoot(backfire) :lol::blink: even though it does that more often than i like to hear.

happy trails ,


Thanks Mbox.. backfiring is like the sound of mom telling me how much she cares! Goosebumps

Neverdie has his own opinion which I think is akin to what my Nanna would say, but each to his own. The only thing I would warn against is overtaking at speed using the verge.....unless your passing stationary or slow moving traffic at a low speed. I do it when the freeway is backed up, but at 25 - 30 kph.

Ain't the new beasty sex on wheels!!!

It is absolutely the most pretty machine out there.. Sex on wheels is the way to put it!

Awesome video, thanks for sharing :)

Don't see anything wrong with this, good visibility and a real highway, and riding at sight which is always Ok. Neverdie i think you're barking up the wrong tree here.

Thanks bro.. Hallelujah :D

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Nice agruments but they are not much realistic. By car I have driven about 200k KM in Thailand, by bike only 20k km. For my work I have been a bus-passenger in Thailand over about 100k km. I have been on the road in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia (and about 20 other western countries where I did drive more as 300k km in car & motorbike).

I remember well one day we were heading from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai over the main highway. The night before it had been raining a lot. It was about 8 in the morning, no traffic on the road. Suddenly we slowing down ... no stopping. More as the half of our 3 lanes were washed away during the rain last night. And no signs what so ever. We were going at a speed of 90km/h. But with a speed of 180km/h it might have been a very different experience. Suddenly I realized why the drivers do not want to drive after dark.

Nearby my house are some nice roads to small mountains, but I also know that at least at 2 places the half of the road is gone ... already for 3 or 4 months! Holes so big people will not even see you when you fall in it.

Fast driving is fun indeed .... but do not risk the lives of others! And if you crash .... upto you but I aint going to stop for you. When driving my car I totally ignor fast driving motorbikes. Might that be Somchai on his Honda Wave sailing over Sukhumvit with his phone in his hand or anyone on a race-monster driving at high speed over route 2.

Chang Noi

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I don't really know where to put your replies yet since I don't know you. What makes me even more confused is the way you express yourself.. from stingy to sweet to harsh to caring..

:lol: Thanks for the laugh. You think Im confusing now, things really get complicated when you meet me in person.

I'm not sure how many 180hp monster sportsbikes Einstein had the opportunity to ride, but Im sure if someone quoted he the specs of such a machine, I am sure he would have made some more relevant quote for this topic :lol: .

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I don't really know where to put your replies yet since I don't know you. What makes me even more confused is the way you express yourself.. from stingy to sweet to harsh to caring..

:lol: Thanks for the laugh. You think Im confusing now, things really get complicated when you meet me in person.

I'm not sure how many 180hp monster sportsbikes Einstein had the opportunity to ride, but Im sure if someone quoted he the specs of such a machine, I am sure he would have made some more relevant quote for this topic :lol: .

I dedicate the much slower and more relaxed "Northern Adventure - Part 2" to you Neverdie. Hope you like that one better :jap:

ps.. I like and prefer to meet complicated personalities!

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I dedicate the much slower and more relaxed "Northern Adventure - Part 2" to you Neverdie. Hope you like that one better :jap:

ps.. I like and prefer to meet complicated personalities!

I suspect Neverdie never rides. Yet is never the less compelled to impart his vast wisdom.wink.gif

I enjoyed the vid BTW.

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Neverdie and like-minded others,

It is really a question of ethics. Many, if not most, of our numbers like to speed on Thai roads. The laws that are enforced in the West are not enforced here. In short, we can get away with behavior that would put us in jail in our home countries.

Reasoning will not work. For one thing, most or all of these speeders have not had a bad outcome, so they can deny that the risk is real, based on personal experience. Statistics that led to the creation and enforcement in our own countries somehow do not apply. Some time back, after seeing a video that seemed to me to show reckless driving, I posited the risk to children. No minds were changed. I was ostracized. Called a minister on a high horse.

The thing about denial is that the soul assuming that there is no problem really has convinced himself that there is no harm to the innocent likely.

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Driving like that in Thailand ? mad !

There are other ways to get a great thrill .

( but big bike often equals small cock )

Why would you be concerned about another fellows cock?

Unless off course...........oh never mind!rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

I wondered that too...

Now if someone has a small bike for years and decides to get a bigger bike...will his cock shrink ?  :o

Or other ways round someone has a big huge Bike...should he decide to go on a small honda Wave in future will his cock suddenly enlarge?   :lol:

Hmmm, Human physiology education seems to be lacking    :whistling:  

For those who keep writing about speeding here...when is it not speeding anymore?

Is it when you drive slower than the dog walk across the street...or is it when you follow the law and do 100kph...but then again it really don't make much difference to me if i hit a dog and fall off my  bike towards an oncoming traffic by 100kph or 130kph ...the result will be the same misery.

The most deadly Motorbike accidents i see in my area  is because of drunk driving , no helmets, no attention to traffic paid, poor reaction and poor bike handling and no protective gear. Some of the Riders who had their accidents around my Place do drive even below the speed limits when having accidents....so is speeding endangers yourself and others ? Yes it does. Does driving slow endanger you and others? Yes it does too (having to add some slow moving moped ran over our cat 3 days ago which died as result)

Because riding Bikes is dangerous here( and elswhere)...the best thing to do is ride up to your ability . Something very important - look and react all the time & do that fast enough .

Make sure you are in outstanding control of your bike....this can make a difference. But some things you simply can't change and in this case a proper protective gear will hopefully help to reduce the damage .

happy & safe trails,


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