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New Minister plans to donate 500 TVs to cafes in the 3 troubled southern provinces of Thailand. This 'speak first think later' approach is aimed at diverting terrorists attention from planting bombs to watching the English Premier League instead.

The Prime Minister said "Don't worry, everything is OK, I've got it under control..." when large cracks were found in the new airstrip currently being constructed. He also told the public to ignore the American experts and their advice to rebuild the entire airstrip for fear of worldwide rejection.

A student in my grade 9 class warned that "If she had an orgasm, she would say 'Oh my God, it's dangerous' and find a new boyfriend".

A grade 12 student stated that sex before marriage is immoral and would make a woman valueless. Another demonstrated certain positions in front of the class (WITHOUT prompting).

Thailand's English skills are found to be lower than Myanmar and Laos.

The Govt's attempt to introduce 'student-centred' learning has failed miserably. They forgot to explain to the teachers what this actually means.

A veteran Thai English teacher lost face when she failed to understand my joke. A 15 year old student did (laugh that is).

Reports of Monks driving Mercedes Benzes in Bangkok have just come in.....

All of the above is almost fact interspersed with only a little wit.

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