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On a recent trip abroad my lap top was accidently broken, by this I mean it was dropped and the corner was badly damaged resulting in me not being able to have it repaired ( so i am told ) I really don't mind about the actual lap top as I can buy another but I do not want to lose the data on my hard drive this is where I have the problem, some of the data stored is highly sensitive material ( NOT PORN ) so I do not want the "local Pantip guy" playing with it. I would like to know how to remove the hard drive correctly and also what cable I would need to tranfer the data to another hard drive. Would I need to first transfer to another computer or could I transfer directly to another new external HD....thanks for any advise...


Simply take out the HDD from the laptop and take it to any computer shop that sells the portable HDD cases and ask him to put your HDD in one you buy. It takes 2 minutes and then simply take it away and then access it from another computer.

You should though really consider encrypting the " sensitive " data the next time you transfer it. Many free software tools to do this are available.


Simply take out the HDD from the laptop and take it to any computer shop that sells the portable HDD cases and ask him to put your HDD in one you buy. It takes 2 minutes and then simply take it away and then access it from another computer.

You should though really consider encrypting the " sensitive " data the next time you transfer it. Many free software tools to do this are available.

Thanks for the advice....( the data is encrypted but one still never knows )


On the underside of the machine you will find a panel 2" x 3" approx,

usually secured with one screw. Remove.

IME bottom right corner with the machine in normal position,

bottom left, once you turn it over.

Inside you will see the disk, again with 1, maybe 2 screws.

Remove the screws, slide the disk to disengage it from the connector

then lift out.

Install in an external usb case and away you go.


To know for sure the model number is needed if like mine you won't find the access screws, you will only access the ram and other things from the bottom. The drive screws are under small rubber plugs in the front Basel. Remove them and the drive slides out the front. Remove the drive from the Basel and fit it into the proper type ext. drive enclose and plug it in as a large flash drive would work. You can google the laptop type and look for instructions maybe even a video on the tube.

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