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Recommendations For Baby Milk Formula


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we have a 6 month old girl and it's time to change to powdered milk .

we have tried a couple of types but at the moment the only one which she may drink is goats milk dg-1 from new zealand because it's a bit sweeter but she still doesn't really like it .

can anyone suggest one to try to save me trying all of them,

kind regards,


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Chris, congragulations on your baby, at 6 months she must be really cute, kiss kiss!! Ideally, the baby should be breast fed till a a year old, but if you do need to supplement with formula milk, there is no single magic product irrespective of what anyone may say here. Each baby is different, it is a trial and error until you find a product she likes. Conversely, some babies will have any product without qualms. Have a good time, this should be one of the happiest periods in your life!!

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We used "Snow" the line underneath says "brand Nuo". Usually buy in Tesco. Seems to mix well and disolves easily too. There are different colours which are numbered 1= Orange 2=Red 3=Blue depending on age. I might have got number 1 and 2 colours wrong, as my memory isn't what it used to be due to getting old + lack of sleep!

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We switched our twins at 3 months from breast milk to S-26 Gold with no problem at all. We were unable to supply enough milk to keep both of them fed so we really had no choice. We tried simply supplementing the breast milk with formula for a while, but it caused them to be constipated. So we had to go 100% on formula.

Perhaps they just weren't picky eaters, but they both handled it just fine. They took to it quite eagerly. One possible difference could be that they had been bottle fed since they were newborns. We always had supply problems, so we had been expressing milk and bottle feeding since day 1.

Could your issues be related to bottle feeding, rather than the actual formula? Have you tried expressing breast milk for a couple of weeks and bottle feeding her exclusively? Does she take that without complaint?

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Congratulations Happy Daddy

I would avoid the sweeter stuff and run away from the sweetened stuff alltogether, bad idea to let the child get used to it, I guarantee she won't want to stop. I found that there is no magic like more expensive is better or tastes better, just try around (among the Thai manufactured brands) until you hit one that your child decently accepts. This is Always a bit difficult, nothing special with your child

Nothing beats the breast and if there is no reason to stop breast feeding, then I would strongly recommend to continue until a year old or so

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in the first couple of months we used to use a pump and share the feeding but past couple of months has been 100% breast and i think maybe baby is very used to that now,

to start with the breast milk was very yellow and sweet but i have compared yesterday and it's more like water now so have to have a re-think on what's best to use,

few months ago we tried a few but baby didn't like them very much so i guess we gave up ? and breast was working well anyway.

we have a goats milk one which i think tastes the best and baby seems to drink it if she's hungry, have tried dumex today and that's not strong flavour and i think maybe if add extra water to start with maybe will be similar to current breast milk,

thinking about it maybe when i used to mix the sma gold i used to put too much in and made it too strong and different from breast milk so that's why it didn't take ?

our baby is fussy and she knows the difference - one problem we have is she is under weight and has almost no body fat so it's a bit concerning - she's tall for her age .

we have started to add food daily recently but it would be good if she will start drinking formula also.

were off to the uk next week so maybe that's a good time to try .

thanks for replies,


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The baby will prefer breast milk for sure, also at that age she knows what is best for her and what is just a copy :)

Don't change the recommended formulas, more water and nutitional content is probably Lower than breast milk, bad idea. Breast feed until child is a year old is good, if you can, do it. I don't think there are any miracle solutions, you just have to try around and start supplementing a bit with formulas and fixed food

Good Luck

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If baby is underweight, giving more solids/formula is inferior to the breastmilk, which is higher fat content and easier for the body to assimilate. Breastfeed more often and for longer, including at night, when breastmilk production is higher. Ideally for the first year, the MAIN SOURCE of food should be breastmilk with solid foods little extras.

The WHO says, breastfeed for a minimum of at least 2 years and no solids until at least 6 months. There is no rush at all to start a baby on formula when breastmilk is best.

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  • 9 years later...

I have been using Holle for my baby girl, She seems to enjoy it and is growing fast.

I was at first buying formula from local store at first but then i started buying from formulaRUs website. It's so much easier to choose on this website and Im getting good bundle deals. 

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