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Was Norwegian Killed By A Cobra In Pattaya Plotting Revenge?

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Is this the same Story that was on Thai National TV last week?

But in that case I believe it was reported a Thai woman was killed by a cobra in Pattaya.

Second case in a week? or same Story?

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My gf, also pointed out a very similar story to me about 5 days ago about a 'British' man, who was bitten by his pet cobla in his bedroom in pattaya.

I suppose in a few days time, the poor guy will end up being a Chinese guy in Phuket.


My gf, also pointed out a very similar story to me about 5 days ago about a 'British' man, who was bitten by his pet cobla in his bedroom in pattaya.

I suppose in a few days time, the poor guy will end up being a Chinese guy in Phuket.

Yeah, who bit the head off his pet cobra.


A lot of alarmist stuff about snakes here. Given one is healthy, doesn't panic (increased heart rate) and gets treatment quickly, you'll survive. Contrary to opinions to the contrary, conventional wisdom is do not use a tourniquet. Sucking the venom out of a wound has little effect and if the person performing this has lesions in their mouth merely creates a second victim. 

King cobras prey on other snakes and rarely attack humans. They like to live near water and are excellent swimmers. There is a village just north of Udon Thani where practically everybody keeps a king cobra and there are regular snake shows. The snakes are fully equipped by the way.

I was taught that when walking in the bush to step heavily. Although a snake's eyesight is not good and they are deaf, they pick up earth tremors and will get out of your way usually. I've seen a demonstration where one angry snake, a ringhals, was pacified by spraying it with water thus making it lose body temperature. Offer it an ice cream? 


<P>He went out and purchased the cobra because it was in a glass case and sources say he has planned revenge. Premeditation murder if he succeeded but was mostly likely too drunk to handle the snake properly and was bitten and too drunk to even know or feel it. Mostly like sat there watching T.V. until it was too late to do anything! Personally, I'm glad he's gone! he deserve what he got! </P>


Many of us Farang have problems visiting or living in Thailand and have been screwed and wrong. How many have gone out and purchased snakes to get back or try to murder them. If it was you ;who he wanted to get back at would you be defending him?

He has a history we who speak badly of him didn't create it! He made his bed and now he must sleep in it as crudely as it may seem. This snake wasn't a toy and he had intend by the eyes of the law no matter where he came from. If a Thai had done this I'm sure your response would have been 100% different.

Garbage was him, the story is simple, Man buys poison snake ( illegal ) + to plan a murder + instead he gets bit and died = he is evil moron that deserve what he got and we are to speak good about him and what he was planning?

I certainly have nothing personal against the guy that died. If he was alcoholic (seems that may be the case from narrative), he could be well full of resentment towards anybody and anything, even if they are not at fault. It is but one mechanism to protect against the realization that "alcohol" is the real enemy.

The active alcoholic has no control after that first drink and quite often fails to perceive dangerous situations; ie handling deadly snakes, driving, etc.

They say addicts need to feel the consequences of their choices as it is the pain that motivates them to get sober. Too bad "hitting bottom" was death, however in the context of his death preventing the injury or death of innocent others, it may be a blessing in disguise. Another possibility is he used the snake to kill himself.

I have some dear friends that are in recovery, and some that are not. A prayer goes out to those that are not.


A Krait bite may be the lesser of the 2 evils since it is mainly neurotoxic and if you get put on a ventilator you can simply wait for the venom to get metabolized. This as opposed to other venoms that can cause massive tissue damage and internal bleeding.

The downside is not being put on ventilation...


An alledged alcoholic with a history of violent assault is found dead.

It seems that the lack of a prosecution was due to corrupt Police accepting a bribe. May be a prosectuion would have helped turn his life around. Put the brakes on him. Put him 'in the system' and help to curb his wanton behaviour. But the Thai way doesn't work that way. Money is god. Money is taken and the welfare of an ill man is ignored.

Then fast forward to the alcoholic buying a venomous snake and taking it home. Needn't have happened then. But it did.

Any error whether sober or drunk with any one of Thailand's most venomous snakes would lead to death. Then there are the not so venomous snakes which could still kill you depending on the circumstances.

So what were the circumstances? It seems he was alone when bitten, unable to call for help and most likely unable to help himself.

The discussions on cobra bites are well meant. However, any cobra will kill you. One, quite easily, the other depending on how much venom it venomates - injects into you. Again consider the circumstances; a calm, rational individual with knowledge would react to remove the snake quickly. That would be without causing more venom to be pumped in [wrongly grasping the head] or by dragging the fangs [ the upper ones inject the venom] through the skin.

An alcoholic has knowledge of BARS but not coBRAS. Possibly panicked by the bite and received a considerable amount of venom causing death reatively quickly.

A Thai boy in Phuket was bitten by his pet Krait and hospitalised for 12 days. Speedy response, hospital treatment and a small bodied person. Our European Alkie, larger bodied but unhealthy condition, no treatment, dead and found after 3 days.

One comment on the reporting; scandalous, unsubstantiated supposition. How any one can conclude this was anything other than a poor decision in pet choice, I don't know. If he'd bought a dangrous breed of dog and it had ripped his throat out, would the rumour mill circulate he was planning a mass murder revenge on the cleaning staff?

According to that logic we're all rapists as we carry the equipment. Is that true? If that is the case then every male death should be reported as 'Rapist found dead in room.'

And in these times of PC and equality let's not forget the ladies. As every woman has an organ of reproduction, which she is capable of reanting out, ergo: is Pattaya not full of whores? That's Newspaper logic for you.

What I find tragic about this story is the wasted life; a permanent unhappy alcoholic haze that ended in mis-adventure. Lonely, isolated, anti-social and perhaps oddly behaved. Perhaps then pyschologically unbalanced. If he did behave oddly, they say he was socially rejected, an outcast, the sort of person you'd be wise to avoid, then it added to his isolation.

But that condition seems to be quite common amongst many Pattaya ex-pats. Certainly alone. The male ex-pat dominates the profile of residents. They come here alone. You don't get groups of retirees in the same street all waking up one day and agreeing to move to Thailand. Do you?

Friendless also. Mixing with strangers in bars hardly has the social cohesion that bowling club memership brings, or work affiliations once held back home. Also, if an alcoholic as stated, then how in control of his faculties was he? The incident of violence at his home certainly raises the question of a loss of self control. Often associated with drunkeness. He wouldn't have bribed his way out of it back in Norway. No way.

How many tee total persons do you know in Pattaya? How many people can not control the amount they drink? Subtract the the total from 10 and the answer you have would be ........ 10.

How many middle aged or late middle aged men still need to get drunk? If the answer isn't all of them go back and do the question again until you get it right.

Should drunkeness be some thing left behind with maturity and responsibility? The answer is 'yes'. If you got that one wrong try again in five years time.

These are questions you can measure yourself against. Whether or not you live a life that is in control or breaking out of control, and with what level of regularity. Because this explains why he ended up as a bar stool Alki in Pattaya. An insatiable sot who pours the Changs down his neck throughout the day; day after day. By Thursday he gets something to eat and washes it down with another Chang.

All the time ignoring the swelling liver he calls a beer gut, the yellow eyes he calls tiredness,the peeing in the night he explains as forgetting to go, the atrophying muscles he puts down to aging, the bleading gums due to a hard toothbrush, the yellowish whitened tongue he believes is the Thai food additives, the dry skin he thinks is the sun and the browny red blotches on the skin he blames on the mossies.

So there is the life. Paradise becomes a place of boredom, full of disappointment and lack of things to do. There are no libraries, museums, exhibitions, concerts, operas, theatre, talks. Please don't defend Pattaya as having a cultural menu. It has a greasy road side cafe menu; a prison diet of cultural activity. It does not feed the European appetite. Neither accept or defend that a hundred bars is what you want. People are capable of sensitivity, creativity and perception. Don't argue that the meaning if life is found in the bottom of a bottle. It never was and it never will be.

You can spend only so long walking the beach, which is a squalid experience. No walks, no talks, no culture, banal local TV, and then there's UBC / HBO. Newspapers that have no news. Radio ga-ga. Surrounded by a language you can't speak. In a relationship where you can't communicate above a simplistic predictable level of 'what would you like to eat / where shall we go today?' No shared culture or understanding of personality. A myriad of foreign languages, foreign restaurants, foreign businesses that merely compound the sense of isolation. A Police force to be avoided. Your own command of your own language being reduced to some pigeon English - verb free patois that leaves you frustrated and unable to say exactly what you mean. Any time you step away from this life you falter unable to ask for anything as it's not in her or your vocabulary. And that's if you have apartner, as it's worse if you don't. Unable to trust anyone as they have a hidden threratening, dangerous agenda of their own.

An agenda that leaves you penniless, cheated, beaten and broken. How many of you have that sad story to tell. And again, the most bitter, hardened, cynical bar stool bum has the chequered past of 'falling' for the bar girl who ripped him off. Don't fear the relationship as they do. The bitterness eats into them and spews out with every word; unable to move on and trust again.

I can well understand the deep emptiness that was experienced daily. The pointlessness of an existence. A life that was clearly on the downhill ride long before age, old age, had raised its head. A life that was slaved in drink and salved in drink.

A sad, pathetic and tragic end.

A misadventure in Pattaya.


You can only imagine where he managed to get a deadly and un-defanged cobra; so he planed to use it as a weapon against other residents and which backfired, my guess is he was going to set it loose in a common area to kill or terrorize the first person unlucky enough to encounter it and then deny responsibility.. and the fact that he was able to bribe his way out of an assault charge emboldened this idiot to do something even more retarded..

as this illustrates a cobra snake venom is so deadly that it's victim doesn't even have enough time to seek medical help before he collapses and expires.. hope i never run into one of those things, or that very dangerous green snake I heard about that is native to Thailand.

Other resident's? I thought it was an Electrician who he squabled with, anyway; who's to say that the Thai guy started it and the police agreed with him and dropped the charges. Being a loner who abuses booze may have warped him so much to seek revenge in such a strange manner.


You can spend only so long walking the beach, which is a squalid experience. No walks, no talks, no culture, banal local TV, and then there's UBC / HBO. Newspapers that have no news. Radio ga-ga. Surrounded by a language you can't speak. In a relationship where you can't communicate above a simplistic predictable level of 'what would you like to eat / where shall we go today?' No shared culture or understanding of personality. A myriad of foreign languages, foreign restaurants, foreign businesses that merely compound the sense of isolation. A Police force to be avoided. Your own command of your own language being reduced to some pigeon English - verb free patois that leaves you frustrated and unable to say exactly what you mean. Any time you step away from this life you falter unable to ask for anything as it's not in her or your vocabulary. And that's if you have apartner, as it's worse if you don't. Unable to trust anyone as they have a hidden threratening, dangerous agenda of their own.

I live in Australia, beaches are nice but I don't like the beach. Been to a museum, seen it once, no need to go again, overrated. Culture is what you make it. Local tv? watch cable for the movies. Don't read the newspapers in Thailand, rarely read them at home. Radio is only on in the car and I only like background music in bars. One of the great things of Thailand is not understanding or being understood. My thai gf and I get on fantastic, maybe the lack of communication is good, it's better than the relationships I've had with english speaking women with western ideals. No shared culture is good, it allows me to learn a new culture and be both evolve. A myriad of foreign languages, fantastic to meet diverse people. Don't care about foreign business or who owns what. Police to be avoided, same in Australia. No reason for your own language to be reduced as many english speakers in pattaya.

The Pattaya that you describe is the one I love.


An alledged alcoholic with a history of violent assault is found dead.

It seems that the lack of a prosecution was due to corrupt Police accepting a bribe. May be a prosectuion would have helped turn his life around. Put the brakes on him. Put him 'in the system' and help to curb his wanton behaviour. But the Thai way doesn't work that way. Money is god. Money is taken and the welfare of an ill man is ignored.

Then fast forward to the alcoholic buying a venomous snake and taking it home. Needn't have happened then. But it did.

Any error whether sober or drunk with any one of Thailand's most venomous snakes would lead to death. Then there are the not so venomous snakes which could still kill you depending on the circumstances.

So what were the circumstances? It seems he was alone when bitten, unable to call for help and most likely unable to help himself.

The discussions on cobra bites are well meant. However, any cobra will kill you. One, quite easily, the other depending on how much venom it venomates - injects into you. Again consider the circumstances; a calm, rational individual with knowledge would react to remove the snake quickly. That would be without causing more venom to be pumped in [wrongly grasping the head] or by dragging the fangs [ the upper ones inject the venom] through the skin.

An alcoholic has knowledge of BARS but not coBRAS. Possibly panicked by the bite and received a considerable amount of venom causing death reatively quickly.

A Thai boy in Phuket was bitten by his pet Krait and hospitalised for 12 days. Speedy response, hospital treatment and a small bodied person. Our European Alkie, larger bodied but unhealthy condition, no treatment, dead and found after 3 days.

One comment on the reporting; scandalous, unsubstantiated supposition. How any one can conclude this was anything other than a poor decision in pet choice, I don't know. If he'd bought a dangrous breed of dog and it had ripped his throat out, would the rumour mill circulate he was planning a mass murder revenge on the cleaning staff?

According to that logic we're all rapists as we carry the equipment. Is that true? If that is the case then every male death should be reported as 'Rapist found dead in room.'

And in these times of PC and equality let's not forget the ladies. As every woman has an organ of reproduction, which she is capable of reanting out, ergo: is Pattaya not full of whores? That's Newspaper logic for you.

What I find tragic about this story is the wasted life; a permanent unhappy alcoholic haze that ended in mis-adventure. Lonely, isolated, anti-social and perhaps oddly behaved. Perhaps then pyschologically unbalanced. If he did behave oddly, they say he was socially rejected, an outcast, the sort of person you'd be wise to avoid, then it added to his isolation.

But that condition seems to be quite common amongst many Pattaya ex-pats. Certainly alone. The male ex-pat dominates the profile of residents. They come here alone. You don't get groups of retirees in the same street all waking up one day and agreeing to move to Thailand. Do you?

Friendless also. Mixing with strangers in bars hardly has the social cohesion that bowling club memership brings, or work affiliations once held back home. Also, if an alcoholic as stated, then how in control of his faculties was he? The incident of violence at his home certainly raises the question of a loss of self control. Often associated with drunkeness. He wouldn't have bribed his way out of it back in Norway. No way.

How many tee total persons do you know in Pattaya? How many people can not control the amount they drink? Subtract the the total from 10 and the answer you have would be ........ 10.

Could not have said it better myself

The original report is purely based upon suposition and rumouring.

It is proven by 3 vastly differing news reports that nobody knows the full and accurate details of events, apart from one man, who now won't be able to reveal.

Who knows why he kicked this electrician's ass? Nobody does it for no reason beyong schoolyard bullying, which this guy was totally grown out of. There is a lot more that is not being said. If you were to read between the lines (where the truth is usually embedded). This guy for whatever reason, wanted a pet cobra, maybe he was sold it by an unscrupulous illegal trader and told it had been neutralised, only to find out that it in fact was the opposite.

One thing that is not certain.. What was his intention? I find it almost impossible to concieve that the snake was bought as a murder weapon. Even the irational thinkings of an alcoholic would know that it was a dumb idea, and uncontrolably random. Lets face it, it is not a very effective method of accurately targetting a victim.

Just because he was unpopular, or even callously shunned by his neighbours, does not mean to say, that he had a personal and murderous vendetta against them all. Chances are, he was happy that they had nothing to do with him. I amn not a neighbour person myself. I like to be private. Does this mean i wan't to kill them all?

Lets face it... all this rumour-mongering is way too far fetched and crazy to be believed by a community of apparently intelligent people. Even, if this guy was a total B******d. Does he deserve to be condemned by a jury of his peers, armed only with hearsay? Even a murderer deserves a fair trial, which is something that this poor bloke has not been given, even though the ultimate penalty has already been served..... Does he really deserve such scorn towards his unfortunate death to be heaped onto this tragedy?... There are a lot of people seem very happy about it. Either it is a pure lack of inteligence driven, or the scorn would be better levelled the other way.

I am not a relgious sort, but there is some wisdom in the bible, one being, 'He who is without sin, let them cast the first stone'... The fact that people are capable of this, says one thing to me. They have a human nature which is just as flawed as the subject person.


Probably a King Cobra. Normal cobra usually cannot kill an adult healthy person...

But keeping a King Cobra as a pet in your appartment is somewhat over the limit! Then I prefer to sleep with 5,000 scorpions!

They will if he is dead drunk and passed out.


An alledged alcoholic with a history of violent assault is found dead.

It seems that the lack of a prosecution was due to corrupt Police accepting a bribe. May be a prosectuion would have helped turn his life around. Put the brakes on him. Put him 'in the system' and help to curb his wanton behaviour. But the Thai way doesn't work that way. Money is god. Money is taken and the welfare of an ill man is ignored.

Then fast forward to the alcoholic buying a venomous snake and taking it home. Needn't have happened then. But it did.

Any error whether sober or drunk with any one of Thailand's most venomous snakes would lead to death. Then there are the not so venomous snakes which could still kill you depending on the circumstances.

So what were the circumstances? It seems he was alone when bitten, unable to call for help and most likely unable to help himself.

The discussions on cobra bites are well meant. However, any cobra will kill you. One, quite easily, the other depending on how much venom it venomates - injects into you. Again consider the circumstances; a calm, rational individual with knowledge would react to remove the snake quickly. That would be without causing more venom to be pumped in [wrongly grasping the head] or by dragging the fangs [ the upper ones inject the venom] through the skin.

An alcoholic has knowledge of BARS but not coBRAS. Possibly panicked by the bite and received a considerable amount of venom causing death reatively quickly.

A Thai boy in Phuket was bitten by his pet Krait and hospitalised for 12 days. Speedy response, hospital treatment and a small bodied person. Our European Alkie, larger bodied but unhealthy condition, no treatment, dead and found after 3 days.

One comment on the reporting; scandalous, unsubstantiated supposition. How any one can conclude this was anything other than a poor decision in pet choice, I don't know. If he'd bought a dangrous breed of dog and it had ripped his throat out, would the rumour mill circulate he was planning a mass murder revenge on the cleaning staff?

According to that logic we're all rapists as we carry the equipment. Is that true? If that is the case then every male death should be reported as 'Rapist found dead in room.'

And in these times of PC and equality let's not forget the ladies. As every woman has an organ of reproduction, which she is capable of reanting out, ergo: is Pattaya not full of whores? That's Newspaper logic for you.

What I find tragic about this story is the wasted life; a permanent unhappy alcoholic haze that ended in mis-adventure. Lonely, isolated, anti-social and perhaps oddly behaved. Perhaps then pyschologically unbalanced. If he did behave oddly, they say he was socially rejected, an outcast, the sort of person you'd be wise to avoid, then it added to his isolation.

But that condition seems to be quite common amongst many Pattaya ex-pats. Certainly alone. The male ex-pat dominates the profile of residents. They come here alone. You don't get groups of retirees in the same street all waking up one day and agreeing to move to Thailand. Do you?

Friendless also. Mixing with strangers in bars hardly has the social cohesion that bowling club memership brings, or work affiliations once held back home. Also, if an alcoholic as stated, then how in control of his faculties was he? The incident of violence at his home certainly raises the question of a loss of self control. Often associated with drunkeness. He wouldn't have bribed his way out of it back in Norway. No way.

How many tee total persons do you know in Pattaya? How many people can not control the amount they drink? Subtract the the total from 10 and the answer you have would be ........ 10.

How many middle aged or late middle aged men still need to get drunk? If the answer isn't all of them go back and do the question again until you get it right.

Should drunkeness be some thing left behind with maturity and responsibility? The answer is 'yes'. If you got that one wrong try again in five years time.

These are questions you can measure yourself against. Whether or not you live a life that is in control or breaking out of control, and with what level of regularity. Because this explains why he ended up as a bar stool Alki in Pattaya. An insatiable sot who pours the Changs down his neck throughout the day; day after day. By Thursday he gets something to eat and washes it down with another Chang.

All the time ignoring the swelling liver he calls a beer gut, the yellow eyes he calls tiredness,the peeing in the night he explains as forgetting to go, the atrophying muscles he puts down to aging, the bleading gums due to a hard toothbrush, the yellowish whitened tongue he believes is the Thai food additives, the dry skin he thinks is the sun and the browny red blotches on the skin he blames on the mossies.

So there is the life. Paradise becomes a place of boredom, full of disappointment and lack of things to do. There are no libraries, museums, exhibitions, concerts, operas, theatre, talks. Please don't defend Pattaya as having a cultural menu. It has a greasy road side cafe menu; a prison diet of cultural activity. It does not feed the European appetite. Neither accept or defend that a hundred bars is what you want. People are capable of sensitivity, creativity and perception. Don't argue that the meaning if life is found in the bottom of a bottle. It never was and it never will be.

You can spend only so long walking the beach, which is a squalid experience. No walks, no talks, no culture, banal local TV, and then there's UBC / HBO. Newspapers that have no news. Radio ga-ga. Surrounded by a language you can't speak. In a relationship where you can't communicate above a simplistic predictable level of 'what would you like to eat / where shall we go today?' No shared culture or understanding of personality. A myriad of foreign languages, foreign restaurants, foreign businesses that merely compound the sense of isolation. A Police force to be avoided. Your own command of your own language being reduced to some pigeon English - verb free patois that leaves you frustrated and unable to say exactly what you mean. Any time you step away from this life you falter unable to ask for anything as it's not in her or your vocabulary. And that's if you have apartner, as it's worse if you don't. Unable to trust anyone as they have a hidden threratening, dangerous agenda of their own.

An agenda that leaves you penniless, cheated, beaten and broken. How many of you have that sad story to tell. And again, the most bitter, hardened, cynical bar stool bum has the chequered past of 'falling' for the bar girl who ripped him off. Don't fear the relationship as they do. The bitterness eats into them and spews out with every word; unable to move on and trust again.

I can well understand the deep emptiness that was experienced daily. The pointlessness of an existence. A life that was clearly on the downhill ride long before age, old age, had raised its head. A life that was slaved in drink and salved in drink.

A sad, pathetic and tragic end.

A misadventure in Pattaya.

As usual you are quite the verbose one aren't you.

Have you ever thought of getting a friend to talk to. Also you might want to take another look at alcoholism. For some reason you seem to think it is some thing you choose to be and can just stop any time you wish.

It was a shame what happened to the man. But that is my opinion not a fact. The man might have planned it. To him it might have been a blessing.:jap:


An alledged alcoholic with a history of violent assault is found dead.

It seems that the lack of a prosecution was due to corrupt Police accepting a bribe. May be a prosectuion would have helped turn his life around. Put the brakes on him. Put him 'in the system' and help to curb his wanton behaviour. But the Thai way doesn't work that way. Money is god. Money is taken and the welfare of an ill man is ignored.

Then fast forward to the alcoholic buying a venomous snake and taking it home. Needn't have happened then. But it did.

Any error whether sober or drunk with any one of Thailand's most venomous snakes would lead to death. Then there are the not so venomous snakes which could still kill you depending on the circumstances.

So what were the circumstances? It seems he was alone when bitten, unable to call for help and most likely unable to help himself.

The discussions on cobra bites are well meant. However, any cobra will kill you. One, quite easily, the other depending on how much venom it venomates - injects into you. Again consider the circumstances; a calm, rational individual with knowledge would react to remove the snake quickly. That would be without causing more venom to be pumped in [wrongly grasping the head] or by dragging the fangs [ the upper ones inject the venom] through the skin.

An alcoholic has knowledge of BARS but not coBRAS. Possibly panicked by the bite and received a considerable amount of venom causing death reatively quickly.

A Thai boy in Phuket was bitten by his pet Krait and hospitalised for 12 days. Speedy response, hospital treatment and a small bodied person. Our European Alkie, larger bodied but unhealthy condition, no treatment, dead and found after 3 days.

One comment on the reporting; scandalous, unsubstantiated supposition. How any one can conclude this was anything other than a poor decision in pet choice, I don't know. If he'd bought a dangrous breed of dog and it had ripped his throat out, would the rumour mill circulate he was planning a mass murder revenge on the cleaning staff?

According to that logic we're all rapists as we carry the equipment. Is that true? If that is the case then every male death should be reported as 'Rapist found dead in room.'

And in these times of PC and equality let's not forget the ladies. As every woman has an organ of reproduction, which she is capable of reanting out, ergo: is Pattaya not full of whores? That's Newspaper logic for you.

What I find tragic about this story is the wasted life; a permanent unhappy alcoholic haze that ended in mis-adventure. Lonely, isolated, anti-social and perhaps oddly behaved. Perhaps then pyschologically unbalanced. If he did behave oddly, they say he was socially rejected, an outcast, the sort of person you'd be wise to avoid, then it added to his isolation.

But that condition seems to be quite common amongst many Pattaya ex-pats. Certainly alone. The male ex-pat dominates the profile of residents. They come here alone. You don't get groups of retirees in the same street all waking up one day and agreeing to move to Thailand. Do you?

Friendless also. Mixing with strangers in bars hardly has the social cohesion that bowling club memership brings, or work affiliations once held back home. Also, if an alcoholic as stated, then how in control of his faculties was he? The incident of violence at his home certainly raises the question of a loss of self control. Often associated with drunkeness. He wouldn't have bribed his way out of it back in Norway. No way.

How many tee total persons do you know in Pattaya? How many people can not control the amount they drink? Subtract the the total from 10 and the answer you have would be ........ 10.

How many middle aged or late middle aged men still need to get drunk? If the answer isn't all of them go back and do the question again until you get it right.

Should drunkeness be some thing left behind with maturity and responsibility? The answer is 'yes'. If you got that one wrong try again in five years time.

These are questions you can measure yourself against. Whether or not you live a life that is in control or breaking out of control, and with what level of regularity. Because this explains why he ended up as a bar stool Alki in Pattaya. An insatiable sot who pours the Changs down his neck throughout the day; day after day. By Thursday he gets something to eat and washes it down with another Chang.

All the time ignoring the swelling liver he calls a beer gut, the yellow eyes he calls tiredness,the peeing in the night he explains as forgetting to go, the atrophying muscles he puts down to aging, the bleading gums due to a hard toothbrush, the yellowish whitened tongue he believes is the Thai food additives, the dry skin he thinks is the sun and the browny red blotches on the skin he blames on the mossies.

So there is the life. Paradise becomes a place of boredom, full of disappointment and lack of things to do. There are no libraries, museums, exhibitions, concerts, operas, theatre, talks. Please don't defend Pattaya as having a cultural menu. It has a greasy road side cafe menu; a prison diet of cultural activity. It does not feed the European appetite. Neither accept or defend that a hundred bars is what you want. People are capable of sensitivity, creativity and perception. Don't argue that the meaning if life is found in the bottom of a bottle. It never was and it never will be.

You can spend only so long walking the beach, which is a squalid experience. No walks, no talks, no culture, banal local TV, and then there's UBC / HBO. Newspapers that have no news. Radio ga-ga. Surrounded by a language you can't speak. In a relationship where you can't communicate above a simplistic predictable level of 'what would you like to eat / where shall we go today?' No shared culture or understanding of personality. A myriad of foreign languages, foreign restaurants, foreign businesses that merely compound the sense of isolation. A Police force to be avoided. Your own command of your own language being reduced to some pigeon English - verb free patois that leaves you frustrated and unable to say exactly what you mean. Any time you step away from this life you falter unable to ask for anything as it's not in her or your vocabulary. And that's if you have apartner, as it's worse if you don't. Unable to trust anyone as they have a hidden threratening, dangerous agenda of their own.

An agenda that leaves you penniless, cheated, beaten and broken. How many of you have that sad story to tell. And again, the most bitter, hardened, cynical bar stool bum has the chequered past of 'falling' for the bar girl who ripped him off. Don't fear the relationship as they do. The bitterness eats into them and spews out with every word; unable to move on and trust again.

I can well understand the deep emptiness that was experienced daily. The pointlessness of an existence. A life that was clearly on the downhill ride long before age, old age, had raised its head. A life that was slaved in drink and salved in drink.

A sad, pathetic and tragic end.

A misadventure in Pattaya.

WOW!!! A very insightful response.


To me the thread title reads as if the cobra was plotting revenge.

Those bloody Squamata. They never let bygones be bygones.


No matter which type of cobra it was he should have had time to get to hospital and receive anti-venin in Pattaya. Cobra venom is fast acting but not that fast. Very few people in thailand die from snakebite these days. It does seem likely guy was probably drunk when he got bit. If he really was planning to let snake loose to bite people, then this is very much like a terrorist who blows himself up making a bomb. However i do not know if this was the case. At the very least the guy had very poor judgment.


I have only ever seen two snakes in my village, a 12 inch baby which was beaten to death by my Thai partner and a 4 foot individual which was eaten with relish. Its skin got turned into a belt. I think snakes get short shrift around here :lol:

I was just wondering which relish goes good with Cobra??:lol::D:cheesy:



Hope you got it off your chest? Give Newsite12 a call you two have something in common I think? He also thinks the source came from Gutter News but pick one portion about his drinking to be true. For some reason both of you think from what was said from the gutter news that he was a alcoholic? Where was that indicated in the story? Where was it in the story that the police was corrupt regarding his situation?

This short story was about a guy dying from a Cobra bite, then we go from dogs, beach, computers, rapists, etc etc..... I wish I had your ability to read a short story about an event and come up with so much insight as to what really happen along with nearly knowing the guy. If only he had you for a friend to talk to maybe this would never have happened?


You can only imagine where he managed to get a deadly and un-defanged cobra; so he planed to use it as a weapon against other residents and which backfired, my guess is he was going to set it loose in a common area to kill or terrorize the first person unlucky enough to encounter it and then deny responsibility.. and the fact that he was able to bribe his way out of an assault charge emboldened this idiot to do something even more retarded..

as this illustrates a cobra snake venom is so deadly that it's victim doesn't even have enough time to seek medical help before he collapses and expires.. hope i never run into one of those things, or that very dangerous green snake I heard about that is native to Thailand.

"hope i never run into one of those things"

You mean the snake or the jerk who was bitten? I would prefer to cross paths with the cobra, because with respect we would each go our own way.



Hope you got it off your chest? Give Newsite12 a call you two have something in common I think? He also thinks the source came from Gutter News but pick one portion about his drinking to be true. For some reason both of you think from what was said from the gutter news that he was a alcoholic? Where was that indicated in the story? Where was it in the story that the police was corrupt regarding his situation?

This short story was about a guy dying from a Cobra bite, then we go from dogs, beach, computers, rapists, etc etc..... I wish I had your ability to read a short story about an event and come up with so much insight as to what really happen along with nearly knowing the guy. If only he had you for a friend to talk to maybe this would never have happened?

Read my first three words again. I chose to describe him as 'alledged' the article did not.

Almost everyone who responds has their own opinion often based upon their experiences of Pattaya. Therefore, when an assault case, especially of Falang on Thai, suddenly goes under the radar it is an intelligence led assumption that money did change hands. It is an assumption. The same as bribery is corruoption is crime. The same as Beach Road will be full of prostitutes right now.

Ignore that and you ignore the sun rising with each day.

Some people really do fail to see themselves. When I describe the pitfalls of Pattaya, the language and the relationship difficulties, the listless self depracating existence so many lead and then some one responds acclaiming such a routine and annoucing their reluctance of any thing noble; of any sense of awe and wonder to ever enter their lives, they miss the point by light years.

Shouting out 'hey that's me' illustrates that like London buses, there's another one along in a minute.

Sad but true.

The point of illustrating a life so vividly is so we might be able to identify with it and see, there but for the grace of ...[insert your own supernatural being] ............... go I.


Probably a King Cobra. Normal cobra usually cannot kill an adult healthy person...

But keeping a King Cobra as a pet in your appartment is somewhat over the limit! Then I prefer to sleep with 5,000 scorpions!

The common black cobra venom is actually more potent than king cobra venom.

The king cobra is deadly due to shear volume of venom, but the potency is less.

Both are deadly.

This is correct. The regular cobra's venom is more toxic but the king injects a greater volume of less toxic venom. If the king can get all its venom into the wound, it will come to the same thing. It was probably a black cobra as they come close to villages to find food and are easier to find, whereas the king cobra only eats other snakes and lives deep in the jungle. Often cobras of all types don't inject a full load of venom and scuttle off after one bite which gives a healthy adult a better chance of survival. This guy was pissed and may have been bitten more than once, since the cobra couldn't get away into the bush.

At first I thought it was the cobra who was taking revenge which may also be true but if the deceased planned to use it as a murder weapon, it is hard to imagine a more fitting outcome. I knew a Thai man who died of a cobra bite in very suspicious circumstances that suggested foul play but the police didn't investigate.

BTW this is an old story that was the Bkk Post a week or two ago.

Same comparison with Australian Taipan and the Tiger snake. The Taipan kills largely because of the huge volume of venom injected. Whereas the Tiger snake has very inefficient delivery because the venom runs down grooves on the fangs, and much of it is left on the surface of the skin, or cloth of clothing worn, but because it has one of the most toxic venoms of all snakes in the world, it does not take much to end life. Had the Tiger snake the same type of fangs and volume delivery as the Taipan, or indeed the King cobra, and the news got out, tourism to Australia would terminate.


I live in Issan and in our village you encounter these types---unless you can get to the city quick--no hope--there are NO anti venom in local town hospitals

Let me know where you live. I know that there are hospitals all over Thailand (that most likely includes your local town hospital) which are required to keep anti-venoms to all the common snakes over here. This is one area in which Thailand is very well organised, down to the expiry dates of the anti-venom and replenishments.

In fact, I can check if you give me the snake name (Latin name preferred but common name will do) and province and amphur.


This is disgraceful! I have no idea who or what this man was. But the gloating over a probably sorry life? It's too much! Who are you people? Why do you need to do this? A man good or bad is dead.

What does this gloating make you? I picture you: Pattaya resident of long time with motorbike or scooter, beer-belly, snake-expert, according to yourself and full knowledge of Thai culture and luckily you still have not yet lost it. Like you say he did. Cannot loose it, can you with the exchange rates we have now?

A man is down. Perhaps he always was. Use this for all it is worth, loosers, but it will never never add quality to your sorry lives.

Merry X-mas to y'all!


I live in Issan and in our village you encounter these types---unless you can get to the city quick--no hope--there are NO anti venom in local town hospitals

Let me know where you live. I know that there are hospitals all over Thailand (that most likely includes your local town hospital) which are required to keep anti-venoms to all the common snakes over here. This is one area in which Thailand is very well organised, down to the expiry dates of the anti-venom and replenishments.

In fact, I can check if you give me the snake name (Latin name preferred but common name will do) and province and amphur.

Thanks for your concern, The nearest town to my village is amper Si-That, Udon province 41230. I made an enquiry some time ago-because of my concern-refer to Cobra--Krait(banded) keelback, are abundant in this area Farming--ie rats ie.snakes--schools do not warn children--and as I say the local hospital does not to my knowledge have anti venom---


This is disgraceful! I have no idea who or what this man was. But the gloating over a probably sorry life? It's too much! Who are you people? Why do you need to do this? A man good or bad is dead.

What does this gloating make you? I picture you: Pattaya resident of long time with motorbike or scooter, beer-belly, snake-expert, according to yourself and full knowledge of Thai culture and luckily you still have not yet lost it. Like you say he did. Cannot loose it, can you with the exchange rates we have now?

A man is down. Perhaps he always was. Use this for all it is worth, loosers, but it will never never add quality to your sorry lives.

Merry X-mas to y'all!

I do agree with you about the man being down and out-and needs more respect. But people are human after all, with the said man being somewhat missguided in his judgement, and his history, most are speaking what they think-about the run up to his death. he didn,t seem to be a peoples favourite, so a few did speak a bit harsh, so you mean if he hadn,t died the comments would have been o.k. ??? most of the readers, may feel with help this death could have been avoided.and by the way not all foreigners live in Pattaya--and not all drink alcohol, and whats wrong with a little snake knowledge ??? you collecting brownie points. trying to be the sole saint in Thailand.


I have only ever seen two snakes in my village, a 12 inch baby which was beaten to death by my Thai partner and a 4 foot individual which was eaten with relish. Its skin got turned into a belt. I think snakes get short shrift around here :lol:

Maybe it was revenge by the snake! :whistling:


You can only imagine where he managed to get a deadly and un-defanged cobra; so he planed to use it as a weapon against other residents and which backfired, my guess is he was going to set it loose in a common area to kill or terrorize the first person unlucky enough to encounter it and then deny responsibility.. and the fact that he was able to bribe his way out of an assault charge emboldened this idiot to do something even more retarded..

as this illustrates a cobra snake venom is so deadly that it's victim doesn't even have enough time to seek medical help before he collapses and expires.. hope i never run into one of those things, or that very dangerous green snake I heard about that is native to Thailand.

To set you straight. There are diferent types of cobras. Some are deadly some are not. I live in the country and I have seen at least three different typs of them . I found one on my balcony one day and everyone said if iy bites you you will get sick - REAL SICK. But you won't die. If treated.

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