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Bugs From Roof In Apartment


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Hello all, I need some advice.

I moved into this apartment on the 8th, and upon inspection it was all neat and tidy.

In the time since, there has been well, basically what I would almost describe as an infestation of bugs.

They are small, brown and have a dark third sector. I'm really not sure what they are.

I have always kept my room tidy and empty my rubbish regularly, but these bugs are a complete nuisence.

Often I'll pick up clothes and unfold them to have bugs crawling throughout. They are everywhere.

On the floors of the bathroom, on the fridge it doesn't matter. When I stay in my room I have the constant feeling of bugs crawling on me and I get very itchy, but when I stay at my friends place there are no such feelings.

I could easily ring the man of the apartment and plan on doing so in the morning, but I feel even that if I do he will just change room and the problem will still exist. Maybe not immediately, but in time.

I'm not really sure what to do. I could cut my loses, but is there anyway to end the contract early and take half or something like that?

It's gotten to the point where I can't sleep properly. I am new to thailand and I'm not really sure what to do in this situation.

I have added photos for inspection and advice.

All advice would be gladly welcomed :)




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They look a little like termites or Ants to be honest - follow the trail and spray the entry point with - ChainDrite Crack & Crevice Spray - I think its an Orange and White/Silver tin with three pictures of bugs on the front and a slim metal tube that goes into teh cracks - works a treat!

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I would second the chain-drite crack crevice spray, but beware you need to evacuate your apartment for an hour after spraying as it's a powerful smell. Can be found in most stores like Lotus, Big C, Carrefor, Big One, etc.

yepp, get 2 cans at 80 baht each

spray every crack, under furniture, lower part of doorframes, over ceiling(remove a downlight or make a small hole), inside all cabinets, in all floordrains, most of these bugs dont like daylight so spray is needed where they hide

leave room with closed doors and windows for a few hours, and they should be gone

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If they're any kind of ant, I have a different suggestion. There's a poison called ARS that's available in Carrefoure. I don't have the full name as it's in Thai, but it's got a pic of an ant with a line through it. It only costs about 50B and is a yellow granular material that comes in a small plastic box. You put this near an ant trail and let the ants eat it up. They take the "food" back to their nest to feed the family and before you know it, they're all dead. It takes about 24 hours from the time they find it to the death of the colony. The advantage to this is that there is no spray for you to inhale and you don't have to search for their nest.

I have used this many times and it's never failed me. Look for it upstairs in CF in Jungceylon with all the other bug sprays. Good luck.

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