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Bolivia recognizes Palestine as an independent state


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Without peace talks, even U.S. may soon recognize Palestinian state

Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer declared Sunday that Israel's very existence depended on the renewal of Middle East negotiations, warning ministers at the weekly cabinet meeting that the Palestinians could garner world-wide support for statehood before a peace deal was reached.

"We must do everything possible to get to dialogue with the Palestinians, even if it costs us a settlement freeze for a few months," Ben-Eliezer said at the start of the cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. "I wouldn't be surprised if within one year the whole world supports a Palestinian state, including the United States. Then we'll ask where we were and what we were doing."


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Why do you continually try to compare Israel with Nazi Germany? This is absurd beyond belief and there is no comparison.

The pacifist, holocaust Jews - along with homosexuals and gypsies - were persecuted simply for their religion and they did not take up arms, yet were systematically tortured, starved and murdered.

The Palestinian Arabs happily sold land to Jews and then tried to drive them off it and eventually declared war on them. They are self-declared enemies who refuse to make peace and have resorted to terrorism against civilians many times over many decades.

Those hateful propaganda pictures are the worst kind of lies. There were no shopping malls in the Warsaw ghetto! :bah:


Edited by Ulysses G.
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