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Why Are Second Hand Houses So Overpriced?


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>>(I really do wonder why a western man with a Thai wife wants a western kitchen ..... mine won't let me do her job) M<<

Because i like to cook now and then .Provide a Thai woman with a Western kitchen and she will love it .The house i showed above has a seperate basic kitchen ,but i intend to make a full Western one ,in its place .It has a store room beside the kitchen so i can extend it easily .

I don't cook - use to during the bachelor days, but no more. Re: the western kitchen and my Thai wife - once she experienced it she never wanted to go back to what she had grown up with. She LOVES it.

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I don't cook - use to during the bachelor days, but no more. Re: the western kitchen and my Thai wife - once she experienced it she never wanted to go back to what she had grown up with. She LOVES it.

Well off topic now .... but now you mention it.

Had to drag my wife away from the open backed tin shed on the farm with 3 people sleeping on a dirty stained mattress, no running water and squat toilet.

Now she's been living in a western house with nice beds, air-con and hot and cold showers for 10 months, she doesn't want to go back for more than a couple of days.

Amazing how quickly western living standards can corrupt a simple village girl!

Edited by sarahsbloke
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We bought a large house and land in the city 6 months ago

If I may ask .... did you do a lease or Ursafuct or partners name or wifes name?

An usufruct gives a guarantee that you can live there for life and as a usufructary you can lease it to your children etc (in theory).

If the person is married, a usufruct isn't very helpful if the relationship goes very sour. I know of one such instance where the person with usufruct felt quite smug after spending big money, but the smugness soon wore off when a whole tribe moved in. Of course if they divorced he could have asked her to leave as he was the leaseholder....but while still married she had him by the balls.

The old saying holds true; don't invest more than you can afford to walk away from.

Well said. I never never buy any thing I can not walk away from. Makes no difference what country I am in. ( not entirely true I buy food and walk away from it but first I process it)

But in all fairness I am only 69 not ready to say well this is it boys till the grim reaper comes. In said case I might reconsider. Got a long way to go.:D

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