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To All The Whiners And Complainers About Thais


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7years in business. one can assume it took 2 year to get going. 5 years and a $100,000 in the bank.how much was spent in supporting her mom and daughter? something doesnt add up here. unless business lady is calculating profit as gross sales.

how many machines does this business have ? what landlord would give this ladee property to do business on with 90$ upfront payment.

darn, a whole lot dont make sense here.only thing that make sense is your friend financed the whole darn thing.

Makes sense, people make stuff up

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Sounds like the guy won the proverbial lottery.

Some people have all the luck.

I have a neighbor from Vancouver and this guy is kinda dense.... nice enough and good looking but trouble tying his shoes if you get my drift... Has this rich beautiful Hi SO Thai girlfriend who lets him live rent free in this luxury condo. She lives mostly with her family nearby and maybe 30 to 40% of the time at the condo. She even gives him spending money and the use of a car. He fools around on her frequently with hot young tramps and she let's him get away with it ... save some dramatics now and then.

Some situations just defy logic but there you have it...

I am hoping my luck turns around soon.

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3.000.000 in the bank, starting with 3.000?

Good story, but i know this chinese guy who started with nothing.

Not even good looking, bit of a square face....

Flies around the world now, in his own lear jet.

Aaaaahhh the american dream......

you might have heard of this guy - has been in the news recently......

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3.000.000 in the bank, starting with 3.000?

Good story, but i know this chinese guy who started with nothing.

Not even good looking, bit of a square face....

Flies around the world now, in his own lear jet.

Aaaaahhh the american dream......

But he didn't get there through washing your smalls eh. :D

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lovely of course. but how many frogs are most willing to kiss before finding a royal loyal winner? loz suspects the odds make the practice lack viability for most. everyone knows there is money in sales but most are put off by the work. similar principle. if you've built a big amway business you probably have what it takes to find a compatible thai wife: thick skin. patience and unshakable faith!

Or instead of thick skin, patience and unshakeable faith people could move up the social ladder a bit when looking for a date and they might find things a lot easier.

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My friend gave her 3000 baht to get started again and asked for nothing in return.

From ground zero she started a small laundry business. Five years later she has 3 million baht in the bank, some gold jewelry in investments, has an expanding business and hires 3 loyal staff on a year-round basis.

3 million baht? What kind of "laundry" are they doing?

Not sure..but the next business scheme the misses comes up with next ..she will be trying her hand at laundrying whether she likes it or not rolleyes.gif

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Good story Ian. Yes I can believe it. I've seen quite a few thai women do something similar. About their ability or not to pay back loans: My wife has a cousin who I met at the same time as my wife - now 8 years ago in another country. The cousin is tall, very beautiful, has travelled, speaks English well, and has a 21yr old daughter just finishing Uni. For most of the time I've known her she has worked in beauty salons, or tattoed eyebrows for women. She has had several farlang relationships that have lasted a few years, but haven't survived the distance. She is now 41 and still beautiful. About a year ago I lent her 20,000 baht to help with the daughter's Uni fees and living expenses. She agreed to pay it back when she could. A year later she has paid every baht back, and I know its been tough for her. She has what seems like a solid relationship now, and is very happy. She is one of my wife's best friends, and I treat her like a sister. She would have to be one of the most honest people I know. ..Yes well sometimes I have had a few thoughts, but would never act on them.

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I have often read the stories on here about Thai women and wondered how it could be so bad, my only guess is that farangs mainly just get to meet bar girls.

I was introduced to my gf, and I realize now that I would not have the opportunity to meet someone like her without contacts to Thai society. My gf has never asked me for one baht, has a stable job, just bought a house and has been faithful. I think it is probably hard for most farangs to meet normal Thai girls that work in an office or some other job all day.

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I was introduced to my gf, and I realize now that I would not have the opportunity to meet someone like her without contacts to Thai society. My gf has never asked me for one baht, has a stable job, just bought a house and has been faithful. I think it is probably hard for most farangs to meet normal Thai girls that work in an office or some other job all day.

So right. Without a proper introduction I would never have found my wife. She has many friends from college who have done well for themselves. One works for the American Embassy and another has her own factory. However, it was one of her former coworkers that got us together.

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GOOD AND BAD EVEYWHERE BUT In my empirience mst thai girl s will take u to the cleaners if given half the chance

they better! its really hard to get those stains out...

3.000.000 in the bank, starting with 3.000?

Good story, but i know this chinese guy who started with nothing.

Not even good looking, bit of a square face....

Flies around the world now, in his own lear jet.

Aaaaahhh the american dream......

international laundry. good thinking.

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......... and has been faithful.

Yes, yours is different!

Is she also hi-so Chinese with a university education?

No, she is not hi-so or Chinese Thai, I kid her that she is "mid-so" (not sure if there is even such a thing) but she smiles and says she is lo-so "can eat 20 baht noodles in the soi"

While she is not Chinese-Thai or hi-so she did get a good college education and was a single child raised in BKK by decent parents (mom more so than dad) and I think she is solidly part of the emerging Thai middle class.

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the kind of Thai ladies I would be happy dating, mostly wouldn't be happy dating me. They'd have an easier time with a thai or even a white farang when in public. Its a bit like the USA in the 1950s -90s.

Maybe I should be thankful, as I'd probably forgotten how black I am until I came to Thailand.

But I can count on this noble race to remind me daily.

Fortunately, as I have no desire to compensate thais for "tolerating" my blackness in the same way many farang have learned to compensate for their whiteness, its a none issue for the most part.

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......... and has been faithful.

Yes, yours is different!

Is she also hi-so Chinese with a university education?

No, she is not hi-so or Chinese Thai, I kid her that she is "mid-so" (not sure if there is even such a thing) but she smiles and says she is lo-so "can eat 20 baht noodles in the soi"

While she is not Chinese-Thai or hi-so she did get a good college education and was a single child raised in BKK by decent parents (mom more so than dad) and I think she is solidly part of the emerging Thai middle class.

Not all of us run with knife/gun toting Thai people. My partner certainly isn't Thai Chinese, owns his own condo and car (outright -- no loans/mortgages), works in a solid profession etc ....

To suggest that there is any point of comparison between most of my close Thai friends and those that I meet through other farang is just silly. I am not very much of a "classist" when it comes to friends but for a partner I was certainly aiming for one that came from a similar family background to mine in the way of class. (middle-class/upper-middle-class, educated, broad range of interests etc., and yes I got lucky.

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I think you gents are missing the point being made.Yes there is good and bad in all nations .But the Thais have got it down to a fine art of extracting cash and other goods from farangs and each other, and can preform this simple task with a smile on there face, they don't call it the land of smiles for nothing, take you to the cleaners so to say.(a fool and his money are soon parted ) I don't stay in Thailand but have a Thai wife (yes you guessed it she was a bar fly) we run a business in south Africa a Thai spa and i only employ Thais and have done so for the past seven years and in this time have come to know the Thai way of thinking quite well i could probably write a book on the subject of scams iv'e come across in the past seven years even the wife will try and pull one over my eyes now and again,but this comes from pressure from family e.c.t. who are always on the bum.This brings to mind the old saying LIE WITH FLEA'S AND YOU WILL BE BITTEN.

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I don't stay in Thailand but have a Thai wife ... Well I am glad things are going well for you there in S.A. but it does deprive you of the rejoinder "That's OK, dear ... I'll find another one" ... Personally I prefer the Thai equivalent of the Joan Collins (OBE)-type as I have enough goodness stored-up for 2 or 3 vixens.

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I don't stay in Thailand but have a Thai wife ... Well I am glad things are going well for you there in S.A. but it does deprive you of the rejoinder "That's OK, dear ... I'll find another one" ... Personally I prefer the Thai equivalent of the Joan Collins (OBE)-type as I have enough goodness stored-up for 2 or 3 vixens.

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I don't stay in Thailand but have a Thai wife ... Well I am glad things are going well for you there in S.A. but it does deprive you of the rejoinder "That's OK, dear ... I'll find another one" ... Personally I prefer the Thai equivalent of the Joan Collins (OBE)-type as I have enough goodness stored-up for 2 or 3 vixens.

Thats were your wrong i have the best of both worlds. And don't like having scrambled eggs ever day for breakfast.

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