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What Can I Do In Thailand?

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I am a 30-year veteran detective with a major police department in US.

I am retiring soon with a great pension and planning to settle in Thailand, possibly in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.

With my background in law enforcement, what kind of jobs will I be able to find in Thailand? BTW I speak, read, write Korean fluently.

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One recommendation is to search this forum for related posts...there are many. And also to search in general for articles related to employment in Thailand. This is the best way for you to get educated regarding this.

But as mentioned above, the prospects are not good...and in general...the pay is lousy. One job you could easily get would be as a volunteer tourist policeman. Many major cities have these positions...but they are not paid positions.

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It is not true that you cannot get job here. I have almost same background as you and was offered jobs at two separate law firms in Bangkok. However I did not take position as it meant I would lose retirement pension, so be advised if you are on retirement pension, as is probably the case, you cannot legally work here. However you could get work permit if you do not want retirement pension. One thing you need to do though is learn Thai language. If you wish names of law firms I mentioned send me PM and I will give you the information. As for tourist police volunteer, you do not need work permit but it is of course unpaid position and is not really police work, at least not in Chiang Mai. In Pattaya perhaps it is different somewhat, but I would not get involved with this personally, but that is my own opinion and nothing against anyone who does.

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Some years ago a chap that I had worked with in Hong Kong claimed that he was working in a security-related position for a very high ranking person in Thailand, after he retired from his position in HKG. Mind you, he had an SAS background.

Why not contact one of the corporate security firms? I mean, the big, regional ones, not little local Thai firms.

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Some years ago a chap that I had worked with in Hong Kong claimed that he was working in a security-related position for a very high ranking person in Thailand, after he retired from his position in HKG. Mind you, he had an SAS background.

Why not contact one of the corporate security firms? I mean, the big, regional ones, not little local Thai firms.

SAS background, yes I have also bumped into several in my time.:rolleyes:

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You are a 50 or 60 year old policeman looking for work in Thailand? Not a hope.

On second thoughts, maybe you could do some detective work for Stickman. :whistling:

The OP clearly states he is 30 not 50 or 60.

Must be nice to retire before your career begins. lol

The OP has 30 years experience as a detective, his age is not mentioned.

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You are a 50 or 60 year old policeman looking for work in Thailand? Not a hope.

On second thoughts, maybe you could do some detective work for Stickman. :whistling:

The OP clearly states he is 30 not 50 or 60.

Must be nice to retire before your career begins. lol

Ummm no he doesn't state he is 30 years old. The mind boggles.

To the OP .... What can you do in Thailand for work? Very little in all likelihood.

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Some years ago a chap that I had worked with in Hong Kong claimed that he was working in a security-related position for a very high ranking person in Thailand, after he retired from his position in HKG. Mind you, he had an SAS background.

Why not contact one of the corporate security firms? I mean, the big, regional ones, not little local Thai firms.

SAS background, yes I have also bumped into several in my time.:rolleyes:

what a coincidence! i too have an SAS background. in 1973 i flew Skandinavian Airlines System from Bangkok to Copenhagen.


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You are a 50 or 60 year old policeman looking for work in Thailand? Not a hope.

On second thoughts, maybe you could do some detective work for Stickman. :whistling:

The OP clearly states he is 30 not 50 or 60.

Must be nice to retire before your career begins. lol

The OP has 30 years experience as a detective, his age is not mentioned.

Does age make that much difference in Thailand?

If you are curious, I just turned 58.

As I mentioned, I have a great pension. $5600 a month till the day I die and $700,000 in Drop and 457b (401k like).

I do not have to work. I am just looking for something to do to make myself useful.

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Some years ago a chap that I had worked with in Hong Kong claimed that he was working in a security-related position for a very high ranking person in Thailand, after he retired from his position in HKG. Mind you, he had an SAS background.

Why not contact one of the corporate security firms? I mean, the big, regional ones, not little local Thai firms.

SAS background, yes I have also bumped into several in my time.:rolleyes:

what a coincidence! i too have an SAS background. in 1973 i flew Skandinavian Airlines System from Bangkok to Copenhagen.



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You are a 50 or 60 year old policeman looking for work in Thailand? Not a hope.

On second thoughts, maybe you could do some detective work for Stickman. :whistling:

The OP clearly states he is 30 not 50 or 60.

Must be nice to retire before your career begins. lol

The OP has 30 years experience as a detective, his age is not mentioned.

Does age make that much difference in Thailand?

If you are curious, I just turned 58.

As I mentioned, I have a great pension. $5600 a month till the day I die and $700,000 in Drop and 457b (401k like).

I do not have to work. I am just looking for something to do to make myself useful.

I there are any ladies from Isaan reading this thread - they will be rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of pinning this farraing down.......if they know how to PM the OP he may already be snowed under by offers of MARRIAGE......HO HO HO Merry xmas.....!!!:P

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Does age make that much difference in Thailand?

If you are curious, I just turned 58.

As I mentioned, I have a great pension. $5600 a month till the day I die and $700,000 in Drop and 457b (401k like).

I do not have to work. I am just looking for something to do to make myself useful.

Be sure not to buy a property that is higher than the second floor, and if you do install a good safety net. :ph34r:

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You are a 50 or 60 year old policeman looking for work in Thailand? Not a hope.

On second thoughts, maybe you could do some detective work for Stickman. :whistling:

The OP clearly states he is 30 not 50 or 60.

Must be nice to retire before your career begins. lol

The OP has 30 years experience as a detective, his age is not mentioned.

Does age make that much difference in Thailand?

If you are curious, I just turned 58.

As I mentioned, I have a great pension. $5600 a month till the day I die and $700,000 in Drop and 457b (401k like).

I do not have to work. I am just looking for something to do to make myself useful.

Yes age makes a difference here in Thailand. It is both legal to ask and legal to deny employment based on age. Most job offers specify an age range. In the US, I could never ask the questions that I can ask here during an interview. You will find that your age will limit your prospects, as some will feel that you are too old for any type of work involving physical prowess. I do not know if working would cause you to lose your retirement, but with your background, you could do some investigations and volunteer work, but your lack of ability with the Thai language (I am assuming you can't read or write or speak Thai) will certainly hamper your ability to find paid work. You could try security consulting, with Thai or international companies.

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23423981 to answer your question, What Can I do In Thailand it should be pretty evident by the previous posts that this is the place to retire, not launch a second career or continue working, if you want to do that then stay in the US and get a job with a Guard Company, or an Executive Protection outfit, since getting a "carry " permit will be relatively easy

Your Retirement Visa will prohibit you from working and they are serious about it here. Any company that might hire you is going to have to spend the money and time to get you a work permit and what do you really bring to the table ?

Sorry to say, but not much by Thai standards

Trust us, really retire, and you will soon have plenty of things to do to keep you busy

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There are several large, private security companies here that employ foreign consultants. I'd look into something like that.

You could also check with the security people at the US embassy. They work closely with Thai law enforcement and might be able to recommend something.

Edited by Deke
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Just retire and take up some hobbies. Taking me out to pubs and you getting introduced to some nice models could be one hobby? ;)

I will be looking for you when I get there. You can introduce me to you know what.

I already have two hobbies; photography and golf

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If you just want something to fill in time keeping busy so you don't become a candidate for AA and an early grave then why not enquire about offering your time to the VSO type organisations here. Unlikely there would be much full time in BKK but maybe part time, or more oportunities in Chiang Mai/border areas etc. Thai language would be an advantage but may not be required. No money, but satisfaction.


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