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Austrian Man Accused Of Conducting Lewd Acts With Minors In Pattaya

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Just read in an Austrian newspaper that Thai police has dropped the case against Mr.H and stopped investigations due to lack of evidence. The Austrian embassy was informed about this yesterday. The report consisted just of 3-4 sentences , no details were mentioined..............

Which newspaper? Any link available?

Only in German language:


Caught in flagranti

Investigations against Villachian in child abuse case discontinued in Thailand

Jan 21, 2011, 17:44

[The] man has been caught in the room with two boys - nevertheless [investigations are being] discontinued "for lack of evidence"

Klagenfurt - Thai authorities discontinued investigations against a 39 year old Villachian - who has been arrested on Christmas day under suspicion of child abuse - for want of evidence. This was to be learned from the [Austrian] Foreign Ministry upon APA-inquiry [APA: Austria Presse Agentur]. The police in charge in the seaside resort of Pattaya informed the Austrian embassy in Bangkok of these measures.

The Carinthian has been caught in flagranti by police on Dec. 25th in a hotel room with two under-aged boys. According to Thai media reports the boys were almost naked, the man clad only in underpants. Child pornographic material allegedly has been seized from the 39 year old. The man denied all allegations.

Austrians abusing children (boys or girls that "have not yet completed their 18th year of life") are punishable by Austrian law, regardless whether the crime was committed domestically or abroad. Hope the public prosecutor's office is following the case.


Thai men are routinely abusing minors in the Thai - only bars every night. Where is the enforcement on that? I love the way the Thai police parade the pervs and criminals around on tv. Actually makes the people believe they are doing something besides "drinking tea" and letting the Thai elite get away with child molestation on a nightly basis!

And what about the Thai procurers? Never hear about them getting arrested.

Without them, most of these crimes would not occur.



] .......maybe the officials who write "reports" about Austria and have their UN offices in Vienna should learn some German in order to be able to read local newspapers. As I stated bef. there have been several trials against child offenders when they came back...or had been deported. I doubt that the USA do the same, paying flights for witnesses and their parents or employes of NGOs. BTW I have been a lawyer for 25 years and I am happy that our jurisdiction is different to the jurisdiction in the USA. At least we don t have a place like Guantanamo and waterboarding is not known in my country....and in other civilized EU countries,too.

Mrs. Astrid Winkler is an Austrian national. Ecpat Austria's offices are located here Address : Alserstraße 21/5 A-1080 Wien/Vienna Austria.

You state that you have been a lawyer for 25 years. There is a difference between a real estate conveyance clerk, a commercial transaction processor, a criminal law lawyer and a notary. I take it then that you have 25 years experience in International law and Criminal law. Congratulations. Now please cite the cases where charges were brought and a conviction obtained. There have been some cases where the most egregious of cases were brought against human trafficers but these charges were forced upon Austria because of EU pressure.These cases did not involve child sex tourists. Again, I ask you name one case in the past year where an Austrian was charged in Austria. How about the past two years?

The issue here is not the USA. The prosecution of Austrian child molestors has nothing to do with Guatanamo or waterboarding. They are not even related, but are a seperate attempt by you to change the subject. You are drowning now. TVF has provided several examples in the past year where U.S. nationals have been charged and convicted. Why are you obsessing on the USA? Australia and Canada have the same approach, although Australia has been more effective, simply because the Australians have a specific unit and Canada and the USA roll the sex crimes into other functions. Austria is hardly the leader in bringing justice in these cases.

As an aside, people that graduate at the bottom of their law class can pass the bar exam and practice law. Possessing a law diploma doesn't necessarily make a person a competent lawyer.

I think it makes no sense to go on discussing with you, I am not interested and I have a life beyond internet forums. So keep on watching Fox TV and have fun in the old people s home. BTW In Austria it takes more than passing some "law classes" to be able to practice as a lawyer, I had to study 5 years then at the university, get my Dr. degree, work at the court and practice in a law firm for another 5 years. After another exame I was allowed to have my own office and I am qualified to represent clients in the whole EU .

Just what does Fox news have to do with anything?

If that is your idea of a valid comment, it only goes to confirm my opinion of university education ie not much! ( my opinion of lawyers would get me banned if I were to write it on TV ).


Most descent Thais would not be seen dead in Pattaya , All Abuse of people women or men at any age for sex is wrong , I take it many people (falang) can speak Thai. When you know some of these so called low life hores and prostitutes you will find some genuine people . many do not want to be there and are there because of circumstance. So who is worse those who use them or them for being there.

That being said, you can get hookers of all ages and genders absolutely everywhere in Thailand. Pattaya, Cowboy, Nana, Patpong are just the tip of the tip of the iceberg as far as prostitution goes here. I live in a pretty much all Thai part of Bangkok, on the outskirts, in an area where middle class gated communities are in the majority. I could walk 30 minutes in pretty much any direction from my housing estate and easily find hundreds of prostitutes if I wanted to (the thought skeeves me out to no end however). Just they way things roll here in LOS.



Most descent Thais would not be seen dead in Pattaya , All Abuse of people women or men at any age for sex is wrong , I take it many people (falang) can speak Thai. When you know some of these so called low life hores and prostitutes you will find some genuine people . many do not want to be there and are there because of circumstance. So who is worse those who use them or them for being there.

That being said, you can get hookers of all ages and genders absolutely everywhere in Thailand. Pattaya, Cowboy, Nana, Patpong are just the tip of the tip of the iceberg as far as prostitution goes here. I live in a pretty much all Thai part of Bangkok, on the outskirts, in an area where middle class gated communities are in the majority. I could walk 30 minutes in pretty much any direction from my housing estate and easily find hundreds of prostitutes if I wanted to (the thought skeeves me out to no end however). Just they way things roll here in LOS.

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